The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 24, 1909, Image 2

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R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager
The Busy Reader Can Absorb In a
Few Moments Good Deal of
An empty ballon, the envelope of
which had burst, descended neur Lit
beck. (Jerumny. dnrln a Htorm. It Is
thought that the aeronaut had fallen
Into the sea.
Schefket Pasha, commander of the
constitutionalist forces, has been ap
pointed Inspector general of the first,
second and third army corps, or In
otbor words, of nil the troops In the
capital and European Turkey.
Klnn Alfonso iuaiiKiirated the Hepln
nl Exposition at Valencia. Spain. It
was followed by a flower fete In the
streets of the city.
Prince MdJ Jeassu. the 13-year-old
grandson of King Menellk. was pub
llcly proclaimed heir to the Abyssinian
throne In the presence of many chiefs
and 20,000 soldiers.
A destructive lire at Kingston, on
the warf of the Hamburg-American
line destroyed the entire dock, which
was 130 feet long. Two-thirds of the
cargo of the steamer Prims .lonchlm,
valued at $72,000, was destroyed.
That all of the members of his im
mediate family had survived the Ar
menian massacres wns the cheering
word brought to K. K. Krlkorlan
(Gregory) an Omaha Armenian, In a
letter from his brother. Of all his
numerous relatives only one met
Without any flourish of trumpets
Japan has made considerable strides
In the matter of airship building, and
while the utmost secrecy Is main
tained there Is reason to believe that
an Inventor of some repute has re
cently patented Improvements that
are cumulated to startle aerolsts all
over the world.
It was learned at Autnr, Aslntlc
Turkey, that the local governor re
ceived from Constantinople on the
day following the outbreak of nnti
Chrlstlan rioting at Adana a messnge
suggesting the killing of Armenians
ns a precaution against Insurrection.
Governor Hughes vetoed the Allen
bill, which proposed a bond Issue of
2,uoO,lHiO to provide a pension of $6
per month to veterans of the civil war
who served for at least ninety days
and who were enlisted in this state.
A fire at Akron. Ohio, destroyed
$1,500,000 worth of property.
Unjust discrimination between white
and colored passengers paying the
same fare is not legally permlssabln
by a railway according to a decision
of the interstate commerce commis
sion. Mr. llryan has arrived home In Lin
cob and will remain for ten days.
' "Mrs. Helen Kelly (lould was granted
on Interlocutory decree of divorce from
Frank J. Gould by Justice Oerad, In
the supreme court.
Abbott Lawrence Iowell, who for
the last ten years has been Eaton pro
fessor of the science of government nt
Harvard, has assumed the presidency
of the university ns the successor of
President Elliot without ceremony.
Owing to the Oklahoma deposit guar
antee law, which went Into effect in
February, 1908, there hns been a de
crease in the state during the year of
sixty-seven national bonks.
Resolutions were passed by the
house authorizing the secretary of war
to loan cots and tents for the thirty
third national encampment of the O.
A. R. at Salt Lake City.
(iovenor Hughes of New York signed
a law Increasing the penalty for extor
tion ' of blackmail from five to ten
A now tariff Bhcet is being prepared
by transcontinental railroads which
will affect the country west of the Mis
sissippi. Will take effect July 1.
President Taft spoke at Petersburg,
Va., on the occasion of unveiling a
monument to Gen. Hartranft.
Henry H. Rogers, New York, presi
dent of the Standard Oil company,
died from aploplectlc stroke.
The returns from the natlonnl banks
giving details of their condition on
April. 1909, show remarkable increases
in all the principal items.
Noid Alexis, deposed president of
Hayti, will soon come to Peru, Ind.,
for a visit, as the guest of James Tur
ner, colored. Turner Is wealthy and
lias Invited the ex-presldent to spend
the summer In the United States with
Experts of tho United States navy
are bending every effort toward per
fecting wireless equipment, both tel
ephone and telegraph, for use by the
vessels of tho navy and the naval
shore stations.
A divorce was grnnted in London In
which White Cloud, an American
Indian, was cited as co-respondent.
Secretary Ilalllnger has received the
resignation of W. Scott Smith, super
intendent of the Hot Springs reserva
tion, Arkansns, to take effect June 30.
Without a dissenting vote the Wis
consin nssembly concurred In the
senate bill fixing the penalty for kid
naping at life Imprisonment. .
The town of Alger, O., was almost
entirely w iped out by fire. Tho loss Is
eUniuted at $CO,000
Schefket Pushn. commnnder of the
constitutionalist forces, has been ap
pointed inspector-generul of all the
troops In the capital and European
I urkcy.
According to the figures presented
tho world's htoek of gold has Increased
about one-half In the last decade and
doubled in the last quarter of a cen
tury. A new freight rate schedule from all
the terltory east of the Missouri river
to all the western cities not located on
the Pacific coast will go Into effect on
tho transcontinental lines July 1.
Tho United states dirigible balloon
No. 1, otherwise known as the Paldwln
air ship, arrived at Fort Omaha.
One hundred and seventy mules
were burned to death In a fire at the
Kansas City stock yards.
Thos. A. Crelgh, past department
commander of the Nebraska G. A. R.,
died In Omaha a few days ago after
five days' illness from pneumonia. Ho
was taken Rick while attending the
state enenmpment at York.
W. J, Furse, private secretary to
Gov. Slmllcnbcrger, announces In a
letter to R. Inslnger, chairman of the
board of control of the national irri
gation congress, that delegates havo
been uppolnted to represent the state
of Nebraska at tho seventeenth ses
sion In Spokane, Aug. 9 to 14.
A friend of Petroslno, tho Italian de
tective, was assassinated at New York.
The Great Northern railroad has
offered a reward of $10,000 for each
robber In the recent train holdup.
Speaker Cannon says It will take
100 degree temperature to get action
In the senate on the tariff bill.
President Taft attended the funeral
of Mrs. Mary Louise Dalzell, wife of
Representative John Dalzell of Pitts
burg, Pa., who died in Washington.
There was a large attendance In
Omaha of the funeral of Lorenzo
Crounse, former soldier, pioneer, leg
islator. Judge, congressman and gov
ernor. Amos Noyes Currier, for forty years
professor of Latin at Iowa university,
died of pneumonia, aged "8.
The chamber of deputies of tho new
Turkey voted to send the two Turks
to co-opernto with an American com
mission of inquiry into Adana atroci
ties. The International Aeroplane club
hns been organized ut Dayton, Ohio,
the object being to commemorate the
homecoming of the Wright brothers
each year.
A lad who has been termed the
brighest boy in the world will grad
uate next month from Tufts college.
His nnmo is Norbert Wiener, and he
Is the son of Prof. Leo Wiener of
Harvard university. Ho graduates In
his fourteenth year.
Chris Schavland, secretary of the
Nebraska board of equalization, was
killed at Lincoln by being struck by a
passing automobile, containing a par
ty of young folks out for a drive.
Representative Klnkald Invited Secre
tary Ilalllnger to visit North Platte Ir
rigntion district this summer, and Mr
Ilalllnger promised to do so, at a date
to be fixed later, when he is on his
way back to Washington after his
summer vacation.
There were 1,932 fewer fatalities to
passengers and employes in railway
accidents during the calendar year
1908, than In 1907. Comparing the re
turns of 1908 with those of the fiscal
year lfloC.07, the decrease In fatalities
was even more gratifying, being 2,173,
or 43.4 per cent.
These postmasters have been up-
pointed: Mallard, Palo Alto county, In.,
Arvin C. Sands, vice A. D. Johnson,
removed. Palmer. Pocahontas county,
Martin A. Hansen, vice R. H. Honey,
resigned. Spragg, Rock county. Neb.,
George R. Snge, vice G. Spragg, re
signed. Spring Ranch, Clay county,
David M. Roush, vice J. D. Morehouse,
Ex-Governor Charles Magoon of
Cuba was at the capital to say good
bye to Senator Hurkctt and other
friends In congress and left for New
York, from which port he will sail foi
Antwerp to travel through Europo fot
tho next few months. Governor Ma
goon, on the advice of his physician,
will take the waters at Nauhelm, and
after a course of treatment there will
visit Italy and the Vlvlera. returnlnj.'
to America late In September.
James J. Hill, the railroad magnate
called on President Taft. He ex
pressed the belief that If the tariff agi
tation was cut off short and the ora
torical steam In congress shut off, the
country would begin n great era of
prosperity at an early date.
That seventeen republicans have
pledged themselves to vote for the
compromise Income tax bill is the
claim put forth by Senator Cummins,
lender of the republican movement for
this legislation. "This means that the
bill Is likely to pass nt this time,"
said the senator. "Though of course
accidents may happen. '
Hecauso nobody wants to bo post
master the postolllce nt Glenrose, Mc
Pherson county, Nebraska, w ill be dis
continued. Representative Klnkald
has been so notified.
In all probability Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock will be in attendance
nt the meeting of postmasters of Ne
braska to be held at Lincoln June 8, 9
and 10.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox believes in a
hundred years all drudgery will be
done by machinery.
Henry 11. Rogers, New York, Just
deceased, was 69 years old.
Lieutenant General Stoessel and
Rear Admiral Nebogatoff were par
doned by Emperor Nicholas.
Mrs. Annls, wife of the man killed
by ('apt. Haines, will go on the stnge
In vaudeville.
St. Joseph lawyers voted to InveJ
tlgate the charges against Federal
Judges Philips and McPherson.
William Williams has been ftp
pointed commissioner of Immigration
Tho president nominated Walter E.
Clark, a Washington newspaper man,
to be governor of Alaska.
Obtained Through Proper Action of
the Kidneys.
Mrs. Joslah Straw, 52G N. Broadway,
Canton, So. Dak., says: "I Buffered
foi somo time with
rheumatic pains In
my limbs and was
weak and languid.
The Irregularity of
the kidney secre
tions also caused
much annoyance.
After using Doan's
Kidney Pill3 I did
not have these trou
bles. They seemed
to put new life and strength Into my
system and helped me In every way.
My husband had nn experience almost
the same, and it is with pleasure that
wo both recommend Doan's Kidney
Sold by all denlcrs. GO cents a box.
Fostcr-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Frightened Tup Gee! I always
heard that women were goinn Into
everything; but I never know there
were lady dog catchers;
Two Little Girls Had Eczema Very
Badly In One Case Child's Hair
Came Out and Left Bare Patches.
Cuticura Met with Great Success:
"I have two little girls who have
been troubled very badly with eczema.
One of them had it on her lower
limbs. I did everything that I could
hoar of for her, but it did not give
In until warm weather, when It seem
ingly subsided. Tho next winter when
It becamo cold the eczema started
again and also In her head where It
would take the hair out and leave
bare patches. At the same time her
arms were sore the whole length of
them. I took her to a physician, but
tho child grew worse all tho time. Her
sister's arms were also affected. I be
gan using Cuticura Remedies, and by
the time tho second lot was used their
skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles
Baker, Albion, Mo., Sept. 21, '08."
I'ottor Drug & Cuoui. Corp., Solo Props., Xlostun.
The Grind That Dulls. - f.
If a scissors grinder kept his blade
on tho whetstone unceasingly the
scissors would soon bo useless. Tho
grind that dulls women Is not daily
household duties. The housowifo who
Is knowing keeps herself sharpened
with frequent change and recreation.
Important to Mothora.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOKIA a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over :1 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Pigmentary Pleasantries.
He As I first gazed into your eyes
the blue of tho sky faded.
She When I met you tho grass
nppeared loss green. Harvard Lam
poon. Try Murine Eye Itrmrily
For Red. Weuk, Weary, Watery Eyes.
Compounded by Experienced l'hyslelans,
:'oMormn to tho I'ttre Food nm'l Dm
Law. Murine Doesn't Hmurt. Soothes Eye
1'uln. Try Murine for Your Eyta.
Look out for dark days when the
weather man predicts light rains.
1 1
p . t::, m
'R?Jr-.WiiS- uij'jji, 'will-,'' wfiu iiuii u;V"v' ir3 VksV
.ffanagrantotfMag i rr iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiwiii lit ii'i'iiii iiiwiw'ii
V. j v. : m .f " . 111 "'.y;; Kum 1 l
Who Said Them?
The golden text was "Suffer the lit
tle children to come unto me," and It
hail been recited to th class by a
cherub on the front bench. Later in
i the afternoon the teacher, In the
! course of the lessons, had occasion to
j refer to the text.
i "Now, children," she said, "who said
those words?" and she repeated them,
j A hand went up from one of the larger
j boys on the back bench, and receiving
I permission to answer, ho said, pointing
: to the cherub: "That little feller down
I Catarrh Cannot Dc Cured
! with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thejr rMinot rmrti
; Ihi- w-at nt the tUwiuw. Catarrh Is a blood ir tnmitl-
' tutlmia! cIim'umt. and In orU-r to cure It you mint take
I Ihti-rrml rritinllin. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
Uriiully. ami tti-ts dln-ctly tiimu the tiluod ami mucous
j tiirfuon. Il ilH Catarrh Cure In not a quark tnwll-
: Cine. It iva prejuTlheil by mm of tho In-st 'hvkl:ina
' In thli muntry lor years anil In a ri-vular prim notion.
It la rmiuxMc! of the l)i-t lonim Known, comhliied
Kith the Imki blood piinllen. actinic directly on the
nmcona eurfacefl. Tho perfect rointilimtiun of tho
two liiitrcdleiits la hat prodnrca eueh woiidrrhil ro
suits la curlui; catarrh. Send (or Untiiniinla:n. free.
I. J. UIIAKY CO.. 1'rups., iuledu. U
Sold by !riik'cMn. price 7Sc.
'iae ll.UH l aiuily i'uia lor const liutioa.
Work Ahead for Josh.
"I'll bo kind o' glad when Josh gits
homo from school," said Farmer Corn
torfsel. "I have nn Idea he can be
right useful." "Are you going to put
blm to work?" "Maybo. I've ex
hausted all the language I know on
that team of mules. Hut I haven't
given up hope. I want to see wheth
er Josh can startle 'em some with bis
college yell." Washington Star.
The Crip of Spring.
During the last twenty years ninny of our
citizens huve been attiteked in the spring
months by grip. Some have had tenons or
slight attacks every year or two. All know
it to be a. dangerous disease. If Lane's
Pleasant Tablets (which nre sold it 23
cents a box by drugnUts and dealers) nro
taken when the first xyniptonis nro felt,
there is hardly a chance of the malady get
ting a foothold. If you cannot pet them
mar home, send 2j cents to Orator F.
Woodward, Lc Hoy, X. Y. Sample free.
Negative Virtues.
Beware of making your moral staple
consist of tho negative virtues. It Is
good to abstain, and teach others to
abstain, from all that is sinful or
hurtful. But making a business of it
leads to emaciation of character un
less one feeds largely also on tho
more nutritloua diet of active sympa
thetic benevolence. Oliver Wendell
Starch, like everything else, Is be
ing constantly Improved, the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago aro very different and Inferior to
i those of the present day. In the lat
est discovery Defiance Starch all
Injurious chemicals are omitted, while
the addition of another Ingredient, In
vented by us, gives to the Starch a
strength and smoothness never ap
proached by other brands.
Two Ways.
"Does Mrs. Gabby disseminate cir
cumjacent information?"
"No, she doesn't; she just gossips
about the neighborhood."
Free! A Pc package of fjarfield Tea to
anyone limiting us this notice, with name
and address, nnd names and addresses of
111 friends not now tiMtig the Ideal Laxa
tive. Garlield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
All pleasure must be bought at the
price of pain. For the true, the price
is paid before you enjoy It; for the
false, after you enjoy It. John Foster.
Those who keep TTnmlins Wizard Oil in
the house do not have to buy uny other
remedy for sore throat. No other rem
edy will cure this trouble so quickly or so
surely. Remember this.
David said that all men were liars
and be might have added that some
men work at it overtime.
Lewis' Sinplo Binder cigar richest, most
satisfying smoke on the market. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Nearly all of the world's supply o!
asbestos comes from Canada,
Mr. Vf Inalow'a Soothing Syrnp.
Tor children teetblnfr, soften" the gnma, reduce to
fiarauiallua, allays pula, cures wind collu. It&c bottle.
Fly time and baseball are very prop
erly contemporaneous.
From a Sanitary Bakery
' Where the ovens are built of white tile,
on the top floor.r-
With fresh air and sunshine surrounding
the whole place
In this clean, inviting spot, are baked
The bakeries are the finest in the world
Compare them with the old - fashioned
basement kind.
And you are glad you know where
Takoma Biscuits are baked
They come in triple -sealed moisture
proof packages. At your grocer's, S and 10c.
lQ0SE-VlLE9 Biscuit Co.
When thousands of women say that they have been
cured of their ailments by a certain remedy, does this not
prove the merit of that remedy ?
Thousands of women have written the story of their
suffering, and have told how they were freed from it by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for thirty
years these reports have been published all over America.
Without great merit this medicine could never have
gained the largest sale of any remedy for woman's ills
never coiild have become known and prized in nearly every
country in the world.
Can any woman let prejudice stand between her and that
which will restore her health? If you believe those who
have tried it you know this medicine docs cure.
Read this letter from a grateful woman, then make up
your mind to give Mrs. Pinkham's medicine a chance to
cure you.
Brooklyn, X. Y. "I am a firm believer la Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I was a great sufferer from organic
female troubles for years, and almost despaired of ever being
well again. I had bearing-down pains backache, headache
and pains in my abdomen, and tried Mrs. Pinkliam's Compound
as a last resort. Tho result avus astonishing, and I have used it
and advocated It ever sine:'. It is a great boon to expectant
mothers. I havo often said that I should like to havo its merits
thrown on tiio tiky with a search-light so that women would
read and bo convinced that there Is a remedy for their sufferings.
" My husband joins me in its praise. He has used it for kidney
trouble and been entirely cured." Mrs. V. A. Bishop, 1015
Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, jf. Y.
For 30 years Lydia H. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. Xo sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
Sip? to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
SieK H
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
trrsK from Ujrttprpxi.i, In
indention nnd Too llonrty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy fur DizzineHN, Kan
Hen, DrownlnesH, Wat!
Tate In the Mouth, Coul
eil Tuupue, Fnlu In the
They regulate tliu Ho we Is. Turely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
ffimuuiuiiii m,jiii.iiijum.jawM!!H.w.iiirT,ifi'nn
sRed Cedar Stands Weather f
bettor than nny other material.
Never requires any attention
after it is once laid. Tho best
shingles coinu from Washington
and when you see this mark it
means that 10 inches of tho
length 5s the best clear WASH
! .mi';iiVvYJ,vAsvVlr
l.l!."l;':':.lASK'YOUR DEALER '.'71 (11
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 21-1909.
The RfMon I Make and Sell More Men's $3.09
M oo
J2 r.o
and is.tMi bnors i nan Any uiher nanulicluret
li becftaie I it I th wenrr the benefit of th
BH'St complete; organization of traiord i
pru a ud iki tied shoemakers inth country .
The selection of the leathers for each part of th
shoo, and every detail of the mating In every
department, Is looked aft?r by the best shoo
makers in the shoe Industry. It I could show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes aremade,
you would thru understand why they hold
their shape, fit better, and wear longer than
any ether make.
My M-Hioii ,.f linn(nnthr fiolftmnktilhem Vrtr
t ttxtblf ami Loacr Hvarina thun any vthrrm.
Shorn for Kvry Mumlirr of the Family,
Mt'U, Hoy mmn, MInsmi hihI ClilUlren.
Y' tT s iln by hlit ) dm kth Vf'rjrwhr rt.
(MIITIHrJ! fi"nH K'"l" without W. I,, ponffhu
UMU I llllll naiiift aim) iirlert ta!p4l on tmtt'iiu.
at (ulitr fcfflMi imci! Ftrlunlvrl. tslalovar Mailed (rve
V. U u(ll;.LA.S, 10! hl'AUk bf IIUCT. HHUtkiU.N, MiMS,
TUP TCrTIJ Puttlne exceli tny dentifrice
& I kh I li in cleansing, whitening and
removing tartar from tho teeth, betides destroying
II germi of decay and dlieate which ordinary
tooth preparation! cannot do,
TU r M f I ITU Pne ued at a mouth.
IPC. mUUIII whduinfecto the mouth
and throat, punfiej the breath, and kilts the germs
which collect in the mouth, causing sore throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
THE EYES ,v',en 'n"i"neiif tire4 c'
.. , J u". ""ty be instantly
relieved and strengthened by Paxtine.
CATARRH Pu,ine wi" ""'J' ,,ie 8ern
U I Mnnn that cause catarrh, heal the in.
flammation and stop the discharge. It is sura
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxhne it a harmless yet powerful
Bermicide.disinfetfant and deodorizer. I
t i i .i ..i . . i
uiea in Darning it drttroys odors and
leaves the body anliseptically clean.
"I have been using Cuscarets for In
somnia, with which I have been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can say that Ca
carcts have given me more relief than an
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to tny frienda
oa being ail that they are represented."
Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111.
Pleasant. PaUtnbto. Potent. Taste Good
))oad. Never Skken.lWoakon nrUrlna
lite. 2Se SOc. Never a-M In bulk? The i&
ulne ttlot stampml C C C. Uuaxautiied in
euro or your niuuty buck. 94
;v3.fJ i A ijct
'1 Js ;,7k Mill