A. ; t V V V f V V ? f Y Y t V ? ? t t Y v t V $ ? ? f ? ? f Y ? ? ? ? ? V V t t y STEAM WHY NOT HAVE DO YOUR WORK? 'IN i 'W Steam is the only reliable method of developing power tor engines for the heavy operations of agriculture,for grading, heavy hauling, plowing, pulling stumps and moving buildings. One of the most important requirements of traction and portable engines is a safe, strong boiler of suitable proportions, well made and thor oughly tested. As a measure of absolute safety the J. I. CASE boiler is first put under a cold water pressure of 200 lbs. to the square inch; second, when the completed engine comes from the erecting room it is kept under 130 lbs. steam presure for several hours and worked on a Prony brake. Thus you are sure of having a boiler that will not leak and an engine that is not defective. A traction engine similar to cut, is rated at 20 horse (Jj nA aa power, 10x10 inch cylinder and sells at tpl " Voir 1 A 9x10 inch cylinder traction engine rated at 15 horse power is a wonderful hill climber, it having climbed hills others couldn't go and is a popular one with threshermen. Price A 7 1-4x10 inch cylinder traction engine is rated a 9 horse power. It is a light powerful engine suitable for driving small separators, corn shellers, feed grinders and will pull a heavier load than any other make of CM OA A A A engine of equal weight over ordinary roads. Price l)l .ZUUiUU $1,450.00 5W HE 132 T P (8) (8) li n z X Y Y Headquarters For Span Minn's Athletic Goods, Base Balls, Bats, Gloves, Mitts, Masks, etc., this season at i flerold Book & Stationery Store V Y T Y Y Y Buy Spaulding's Base Ball Goods. There is none none "just as good." Beware of the "just as good" dealer who makes "appear ance" first and "quality" secondary, and of fers the customer the "just as good" article when Spauklings are asked for. CLCCK MADE K'JCH TROJELE. f Full Line of Fishing Tackle. $ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Frtsh shipment of Red Band Brand Candies just received from New York. See window display of these 20 cent candies which we are selling at 12 cents a pound. Read all the latest copyright $1.50 books for 10 and 15 cents. New arrivals, "The Round Up," "Serventin the Houee." "Lewis' Rand," "The Man in Lower 12," "The Bronze Bell,,' "The Yoke," "The Music Master," "54-40 or Fight," "Red Mouse," "The Missioner." Be sides about 200 other books of recent popular fiction for rent at 10 and 15 cents a week. Herold Book & Stationery Store One Door West of danger's. t V ? ? Y ? t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Alarm H; at a a Been Certain Didn't Set to Do Hour, Eut Know It. Its Cw'.y Jim " TZ " j ' " : r : : ... V i YOUR WISHES ARE CATERED .hist you wcuM have tlumi nt IiHrnes' restaurant. The viands art of thi bent, the cuisine is perfect, and our sauces, entrees, tih, meats, oysters, clams, des erts and I'ies are prepared hy 'oerts. Our price- well, von will say thev are small when you test the culinary nems that we present for your dolt ctatioti. (iood rooms in connect ion. One of the elevptor men In a Mr office buildlns up town found that there was rcmcthlr.g the matter with his clarm clock, f.&v the Ntw York Times. KnowiiiR tln.t cne of his col leagues was u kcvuI c:e;d of a nie chaniiian, he decided to save the price of having his clock fixe; hy get t!n Joe to fix it for h'.m. .loe tprced with areat rnOr.:Kl:is:n; took the f lock home rtid t'.i kered with It, and wheu the two went "oft the Job" at tlx o'clock o:io afternoon lEft week. Joe turned the chick over 10 Jim with the assurance that it wrs fixed. So it v;is; and Joe had set the alarm for fi:1r, l ut Jim didn't know that and Joe forpot to till him. Joe and Jim v.ne traveling towi.rd the far end of liiooh'yn on i.n elevate-'. train at fi:43 that, nlplit. nr.ii were Just piiKpinc, (Srccnwood cer.v!e:-y when the alarm went o!T. "Every'jcdy In the car Rave either a yell or a jump. Joe tif.T.cd t- Jim with a look of PurprUe. "What r.re yen maUhp f.U that r.'i!se for?" he yelled, in a voice that d;,:r.i noted eni the uprntir f the alarm. Kod in the fr.ee. pt is;,i:ii, i hiring eyed. Jim was tryliv; to nppreg th.e (lefenlnp clamor. The quard war, el howinp his way through the crowd to find out If soni(b');!y had tit oT a i!y nmnlte hetnh. A pretty plrl In the nt::t seat had bo. -.need up at.d was tryl:iK to cllmh the ro( f . and a ft Jlld fJenr.an had lifcnptly rat down in It. There were 1 11 the symptoms either ct a panic or a cirnn. As for Jim. he wrestled vainly with the claiifiinp thlnp. and turned otT everything in his excitement lint tht rl.nht stop. Meanwhile Joe, the au thor of his cri'.fuFlnn. was laokir.i; at him with r.n air of mlM Inquiry. " Del n it on n bit, Jim?" he asked kindly. With an oath, Jlni arose and hurled the thing throuph the window. It llphted In Greenwood, still point! off and a policeman, at whose feet It landed, pave a shriek and leaped six feet. Tin n he arrested It ns a dyna mite bomb, and the train moved on. Quotation Guest Rooms. A yrunp matron on Long Island, who Is havir.s her spacious country home decorated over for the reason, has con cc ived a novel idea for her guest rooms which will solve the difficulty cf seem inp favoritism in the dbtnbv.tion cl rooms. ?lie litis selected CiUctaMons from well k'jown authors, had them il l:i'::ir.td and hung cn the doors of the various i'Oius. In her p.'.et book thffe are cerresi ending quotations and hefeie a'.y of the meirditts of a home patty are fliown to their ioor.:s they :i i-tt it a!: e r. selection cf a quotation pr ;l write tlic-lr name beneath it. From tl.ls r '.( Ire of ouet:.'l( n the rrr.m Is de t-.-""i!:d at.d thB pnst finds V e wr,.-ds o", Ms (Ite r. Here Is me. fev instar.re. i-; s! e las huns ou the door ef a -r ;i 'i i!' 11 In wiitr.'i.J s-1 tid In all thins i e Fi m .-n, si -r f.co fi b" j!i::ty ir e to r.nd ti.l'e, v,-.o cove r-:i r:v Id v,-e ;.n u.'t 1- w!.h vcr:: Vorscms: "To !.::. l).:t in old ' All '!! pro rd f' H( WR!:ip. a ;w.-ter.a c'.o the 'i' tatlons. '.: .Ttr r.t'y r.oon is to I ick arid a:", . r.t.tat; In !BHE8HMm.,jfuwxt!jeryj For Hot Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal ! Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. EGENBERGER Vs.; Tii n a rs 'at !. c Hs-i.-ers nrd Jo. :v.i--:r. fcnV.ti.; to 'h-e ct!g . ef th" torm. I.i thi't which rr f.f. cs to inu oy a i:a;i. i 1 y aa i utv.-arl lu 'a'iin. er j c :;.,;t;."n. It I? vh:i'. money '.;. ir -i:i buy: dre". euipags, 1 ten. Ir.vrl -1 i f t'..o tt-.b'e; or It S"tMettPP.t In life, indeinTd.'tTi?. ip'i.i.use. a::".:.r::::e.n. ip.'pi.t th" itioro eonve-jtlonal an 1 -tif'its rf ra"k, p'.i.itirr.l stand r;-, power, all the -o s ir a dn the sop.l, wVPh Is wet of th Real Estate. Insurance. Surily Bonds. rr 'TV. er ! j 1 1 P" :! t h iti II: so'.ii. cr its c.r.ality. but from witho it Jl'-rce, lh."'y are l.ieke.l upon as ha;j pttdttp to the foul atirl, n that sense, ceate hup;iiP.ess. .ley differa from iris, as being f the "onl itself, oi'lp Ii:atl::g in It:-, quality. And :hl? at pears Iti the o: Until form of the word, v. ! Icli. instead et sai:-;estinp a hap, literally dviotes a leap or spring. . . . The motion is outward and not toward. :'.. v.e conceive, it to be hi hap pi'toss. It Is not the bliss of condi tion, but of character. Dr. Horace I'.ushr.cil. t Y t Y Head the cdler below which is one of manv I can show ou. West 1-2 section 5-140-4(5, Clay county Minn. Xo improvements; clean, level, heavy prairie land. Every aere enn be cultivated. ..nt uidiucu. i.Miiiis an arouni it se ut sun tn s.ir. m.r i.r.r.- One mile from town anil 1:1 miles For this month only fL'O per acre from Farco. fcouth Dakota lands will increase in value materially durinc the Fummer. I'.uy now and secure the advantage of the rise which is sure to come. J. E. BARWICK. DOVEY BLOCK. By-product of Coal, ripnients ef more than 400 different colors are secured from coal. Real Aim of Religion. Iteliplon bus loftier alms than the education of a pood man. It presup poses that he Is pood already, and Its principal aim is to uplift this pood man to the hlphest stapo of under Btatidlnp. l.essinp. Chinese Walled Cities. China has more than 1.C00 walled rltios. Coentry of Hunchbacks. Spain has more hunchbacks r.nv other country. than Make a Note of This. There may be no psychological sip nllleiince contained In the fact, buUw may lay down the dictum, neverthe less, that few women who are pood lirhlpo players trim their wn .-,'-, I Kireless Cookers We handle the National firless cooker, at d guarantee it to Rive entire satisfaction. Now that the hot sultry days uro coming it will pay you to investigate this. Now and second hand pasolino stoves and re f iterators. A larjje stock of diniiiK room chairs nt specially low prices, running from S5 to SIC per set. D. P. JACKSON Old Papsrs For Sale af This GtBcp I v f f Y ? Y V V ? ? f Y ? Y Y Y t V Y X 8-8 i V t 't