The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 17, 1909, Image 8

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    J-Ilu t) Jiulliiiiw Hill
Read every line of this aclvertisment and then COME TO OMAHA and let us show you the REAL GOODS,
and see how far superior they are to our description ot them. All kinds of bargains in all
parts ot our store. You can save enough on your purchases to pay your car
fare both ways and buy your dinner.
A Great Opportunity to Buy Soaps at
Prices that Will Suit you.
23c Cuticura Soap 20c-2!c Packers Tar Soup I5o-20c Pears Soap He
25c Pears Soap I5c-10c Ivory Soap 7c-10c Jap Rose Soap 7c-a bi
lot of Sanitol Soap, Jersey Cream Soap, English Proces3 Glycerine Soap,
Turkish Bath Soap at 9c per cake, 3 big cake3 Hand Soap for 10c
Williams Shaving Soap 5c.
Don't Fail to See Our Big Display of
Talcum Powders.
25c Colgate Talcum Powder 15c 25c Williams Talcum Powder 15c
25c Mennens Talcum Powder 15c-25c Ponds Extract Talcum Powder He
Tetlows Buby Talcum Powder 5c per can.
Greatest Bargains Ever in
Rubber Goods.
$1.50 Fountain Syringes 79c-$1.50 Hot Water bottles 80:-$2.0)
Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle 93c $3 00 Ladies
Whirling Spray Syringe $1.69 - also a large assortment of HjI Water
Bottles and Fountain Syringes from 39: up.
Do You Write Letters? Most People Do.
It is much easier to write when you have good papers and envelopes.
We are offering some good values at WAY DOWN PRICES. S5c box
Paper for I5:-I0c Writing Tablets 2 for !5c-3 packages good en
velopes tor 10c. We rave paper by the quire or by the ream and
velopes to match at low prices.
We are offering a good 1 00 Fountain Ten for SI. 25.
Big Reductions on Perfumes.
75c La Trelle, Jit-key and Azurea Extracts 49c an ounce-75c I inauds
Vegetal Toilet Water 49c- 75c Flower Girl Toilet Water 49c- a large
assortment of odors like Heliotrope, Whith Rose, Violet, Pansy Blossom,
Lily of the Valley and others, regular price 50c, our price 25o an ounce.
Face Powders at Cut Prices.
5)c Pozzoni Face Powder 29c-Sanitol Face Powder 27c -Tetlows
Swan Down Mc-GOc Rice Powder 35c -La Blanche Face Powder 45c
Carmen Powder 45c-R. & CI. Anthea Powder 65c.
Marked Down Sale on Tooth Brushes and
Tooth Pastes and Powders.
All our 35c and 40c Tooth Brushes marked down to i9c-25c Sar.itol
Tooth Powder or Paste 15: -25c Sanitol Liquid Tooth Wash-12:.
Patent Medicines at Cut Prices.
$1.00 Pinkhams Compound 89s-$1.00 Pierces Prescription 89: $1 00
Bromo Seltzer 89c-$1.0() Listerine 89c-ot)c Doans Ki.1r.ey P.l!s 45:
25c Peroxide Hydrogen 15c $1 00 Peruna 89:-$l 50 Oriental Face
Cream 99c-$1.00 Pinauds' Hair Tonic 80: $1.0')N'ewbros Herpicide 80c
Bargains in Other Parts of the Store.
40c Nail Buffers 19o-25c Manicure Sets 19o-25c Sanitol Face
Cream 14o-35c Whisk Brooms 21c-25c and 35c Hand Brushes 19e
10c Styptic Pencil Sc-2 Packages Chewing Gum 5c-$1.00 Hand
Mirrors 69o-luc Rolls Crepe Paper 5e-Face Chamois 5c and 10c-Sa-safras
Bark 17c pound-Wi!liam3 Shaving Stick 29c.
We Buy Direct from Manufacturers
and Importers.
which gives us a big advantage over our competitors-we sell Too Rub
ber Combs for 49:-$l.OO Hair Brushes for 69: -75: Bath Brushes 39;.
We can save you money on Bhaving bru dies, Razor Strops and Razors.
Cut out this coupon and after making
a purchase, present it at the Soda Foun
tain and get a glass of Ice Cream Soda
207 and 209 N lGth St.,
09 Hotel Loyal Building.
Take the Dodge Street Gar and go! off at 16th street then one block north to our store.
To All
Poorly Paid
What does pay day mean to
you? PerhapH you get just
enough to carry you through the
month with out a dollar to spare.
Perhaps you don't get even this
much. If such is the case the
Intern at ional Coukesponi)
encb Schools, of Scranton.Pa.
, would like to get in touch with
you. They have raised the sal
aries of hundreds of discouraged
men and are at this very moment
helping hundreds of others to
better themselves. Salary raising
is the specialty of the I. C. S. If
you would like to have your salary
raised, drop a postal to
Chat) P. Stump
IScbraaka City, Neb.
He will show you how easily the
I. C S. can help you secure pro
motion. If you are interested,
write the postal NOW. Don't
put it olT, you'll forget it. NOW
in Iho time.
See us for sale bills.
Pure Soda Water at Gering's.
A Conklin Fountain Pen for the grad
uate. A Gillette Razor for the busy man at
A Conklin Fountain Pen for the grad
uate. Prescription work a spec!alty at Ge
ring's & Co.
Prescription work a specialty at
Gering's & Co.
Julius Johnson spent yesterday in
Lincoln with friends.
Acorn cigas 5 cents each. Smoke an
"Acorn" and be happy.
Mrs. Charles Herman spent Saturday
visiting friends in Omaha.
John Hallstrom left Saturday on a
business trip to Royal, Neb.
James Johnson is visiting friends at
Creston, la., for a few days.
Jacob Jones and family are visiting j at Mediopolis, la
friend and relatives in Lincoln.
Nothing better than a Conklin Foun
tain Pen for a birthday present.
Israel Pearlman of Omaha transact
ing business in the city Saturday.
Attorney T. J. Doyle of Lincoln was
in the city Thursday on legal business.
Fred Hess of Havelock, Neb., was
1 visiting his folks in the city yester
day. C. E. Mctzger of Cedar Creek was
transacting business in the city Satur
, day.
Frank Krowlek of Havelock, Neb.,
was looking after business in the city
John, Albert and Roy Clarence tf
Union were business visitors here
M. D. Taylor of Louisville was
transacting business here the last of
the week.
Miss Lettie Smith wa3 visiting rela
tives at Benson, Neb., the latter part
of the week.
Jacob and William Schneiderof Cedar
Creek were transacting business in the
city Saturday.
H. E. Weidman and wife were visit
ing relatives in the city the latter part
of the week.
J. F. Wolff, the Cedar Creek mer
chant was in the city Saturday trans'
acting business.
Henry Thierolf of Cedar Creek was
looking after some business matters in
the city Saturday.
Miss Helen Chapman left Saturday
for a visit with her sister, Mrs Batell,
Bis: Loss In
Wheat Area.
father of Murray
business matters in
W. H. Puis and
wire looking after
the city Saturday.
John Lish and W. S. Kitrell of South
Bend, Neb., were business visitors in
the city Saturday.
Washington, May, 17. The winter
wheat urea to be harvested th's year
is 2, 47$, 000 acres less than the area
harvested last year, accordirg to the
May government crop report made
public today at 1 o'clock p. m. Of the
area sown last fait 2. 13,00i) acres have
been abandoned owing to the poor sta t
that the crop made on account of the
dry weather during and after the seed
ing period. The condition of the re
maining area is 83.5, compared wkh
82.2 a month ago and 89 a year ago.
The infant child cf Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Gravett died Saturday mornir.p.
The parents have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement.
quite an extent and at times the kidney
secretions were scanty accompanied
with pain in passage. Reading about
Doan's Kidney Pills, I was led to get a
box at Gi ring & Co's. drug store and
began their use. They made a marked
improvement and entirely relieved me
of suffering." (Statement given June
11, 1906.)
On December 29, 1903, Mr. Cole added
to the above
the testimonial I gave two years Rgo
endarsing Doan's Kidney Pills. I ad
vise anyone afflicted with lumbago or
any other kidney disorder to give this
remedy a trial."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the r.ame-Doan's -and
take no other. 93 4
Pure Soda Water at Gerir.g?.
Lfgal Notice
State of Nebraska. I
In County Court. County.
In the matter of the estate of Ar.dicw B. Taylur.
To all perwins interested:
You are hereby notified that a Icarinor wit1 be
haH ut the P.nuntv Cnurt Rmm in fti fnurt lniiHi.
at i'laltHmouth, Nebraska, on the Sin day of June
A. D. 190".t, upon the report and petition for
Anal settlement in the above estate tilled by
the administratrix; said hearing to be at nine
"I am pleased to renew I o'clock A. M., lieforo which day and hour all oh
... jeetions to aid reort and petition nvist be nlld.
Byron Ci.ark. J. Bifshn.
Attorney. County Judge.
seal 9-6
AdvtrtiMd Letttr LUt.
Remaining uncalled for in the post
office at Plattsmouth, Neb., May 17,
Mrs. Cory Hickson, Mrs. Em Horn,
Miss Alice Johnson, Mrs. Rose Min
near (3), Miss Georgia Smith, Mr 3.
Charles Zerbe, Giovanni Bachechi, J.
L. Edwards, Tony Cangelose, C. F.
Jaqua, D. M. Stanley, Hugh Welch,
D. Wolf.
These letters will be sent to the dead
ri t ... II MM -
MnoKe "Acorn cigars, xney are letter O.fice May 31, 1909, if not
made from the best quality of tobacco, I delivered before. In calling for the
and are free smokers. j above please say "advertised" giving
Frank Hawksworth of Lincoln made , date of list. C. H. Smith, P. M.
a brief visit with his parents in this
city the latter part of the week.
The stork left a girl baby at
Call and get prices;
A Big Reduction.
Mrs. Julia C. Dwyer
Opposite Post Office,
mouth, Neb.
License Notice.
Notice of application of Geo. G. Williamaon for
liquor license
Notice in hereby piven that Geo G Williamronon
the I3'h day of May. 19'9. hied kit petition with
the Village Clerk of Muidock. Cans county, Ne
braska, an required by the Matutus of the State
of Nebraska, and the oidinancea of the Village
of Murdock prayinv fur a license to sell malt
pintoua and vinous liquors in the building Iocs'' d
on lot it. block 1. Murdock. Nebraska, for the
fiscal year ondirm May 2. 1'10. Anv object on
thereto must be filtd with the Village Clera
not late- than Mav 2T. 19 9.
Dated at Murdock, Nebraska, April. I?, 19C9.
Geo. G. Williamson.
8-6 Applicant
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by JamrH
Riibertmn clerk of the District Court whitin and
for ('ass county, Nebraska, and tome riiiectid. I
will n the Mth day of June A. U. l'tt'J at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of the
Court House in said county, sell at public suction
to the hiRhest bidder for cash the following res I
estate towil: Lot nun.ber fourteen (14.) in block
four (1.) in the villas i of Murray. Casa county.
the same hang levied upon ana taken as the
property of Lelia F. Queen and Albert Queen, de
fendants to satisfy a judgment of said court re
covered by peter Campbell. Administrator of the
estate of Thomas I.. Campbell, deceased plaintiff
against said defendants, I'lattsmnuth Neb., May
12lh. A. 1). im C. D. QUINTON.
8-1 Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Rich Roast Beef.
After all there is nothing so good as a
good ROAST cooked well. We have the
knack of cutting and tying up a roast
that make3 it cook well and taste well.
Send orders in by either phone.
(unsman & Ramge
home of Gus Olson of the Olson
graph Co., and Gus is all smiles. j j
Mrs. A. L. Tidd and her mother left j Plattsmouth People Are Doing I
Saturday for a week's visit with friends
and relatives in Ashland and Lincoln.
On Saturday C. C. Tarmele shipped
by express a very fine Shetland pony to
Postmaster A. II. Hyres of Havelock,
Mrs. Dameron of Columbus, Neb.,
who was the guest of George Poisal
and family for n few days, returned
home Saturday.
Advertising has become the greatest
factor in modern salesmanship as well
as the greatest factor in modern pub
lishing solely because of the new atti
tude toward advertising taken by tke
business world. Arthur Capper in To
peka (Kan.) Capital.
All They Can for Fellow
Plattsmouth testimony has been pub
lished to prove the merit of Doan's
Kidney Pills to others in Plattsmouth
who suffer from bad backs and kidney
ills. Lest any sufferer doubt that the
cures made by Doan's Kidney Pills are
thorough and lasting, we produce con
firmed proof -statements from Platts
mouth people saying that the cures
they told of years ago were permanent.
Here's a Plattsmouth case:
W. T. Cole, retired farmer, COS Lo
cust street, Plattsmouth, Nebr, says;
"I contracted kidney trouble while
Berving in the army. There was a dull,
heavy ache and lameness across the
mall of try buck thut annoyed me to
Graduation Presents
The time is drawing
near when you will be
looking around for grad
uation presents. A
handsome book will fre
quently fill the bill. See
our stock and you'll go
no further.
J. W. Larkin & Co.