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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1909)
V I I I Want Column WANTED. WANTED-Young men and women to till positions paying $U0U to SlWW per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail inures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. Following Illustrious Example. An art student In Herlln wrote re cently to a blowing concern In Bohe mia, offerlne to paint for the brew ers "pictures' suitable for advertising purposes artistic, appropriate, at tractive and cheap." lie poes on tc say: "Sir John Millals was not above takiiiR 40,000 marks from a soapma ker for one of lils paintings, to be used as an advertisement. Nor did lie hesitate to offer other pictures for the same purpose at the same price Why 6hould not I, who owe my tailor, and who fear to look my landlady In the face, not do the same? Stay! 1 shall do better. Am willing to take less than 40,000 marks for my best work." The Last Straw. "Say, paw." queried small Tommy Toddles, "why do they always put In a scthe when they make a picture of Futhpr Time?" "lt Is Intended Ability Appreciated. Sir Charles Wymihum (speaking at a dinner) told of a younn man he once heard of who was liaylue attention U. a lady to the preat disgust of her . father, who remonstrated very kindly ! with him. The father said: "If I set ! ' you In tills house uu;iln I shall kick j j you out." The yoiin man came back j ; the very next day. "I told you what i would happen," said the father, and It did happen. The young man did not ! appear for about five weeks, and then j I one day the father saw him coining i ! toward the house, and Immediately ' went and opened the front door ! I "Haven't you had enough?" said the I old man. "Have you come again to see my daughter? No, no. replied the other, "I have come on behalf ot the president of our football club." MERE INCIDENT IN FOOTBALL to SALESMAN-Best commission ofTer on earth. New-all retailers samples, -oat pocket. Keliable, Iowa City, Iowa. '': '5 FOUND. FOK SALE-40 acres. 2 miles south of town with good 3 room house 2"s2i nd kitohen ll'.H. :t acres of apple, peach and cherry orchard. 7 acres timber. Can all be plowed except li acres which is pood pasture with run ning water. All fenced. Will take in exchange a piece of town property consisting of a 3 or 4 room nouse with from 2 or 3 lots to an acre or two. See J. E. Barwick in the Dovey Block. M-l represent the , shortness of life, my son," answered ; Toddles, Sr. "Time cuts people down, j you know." j "Hut. paw," continued Tommy, j "when Time shall he no mower, he'll j drop his scythe, won't he?" 1 "Speaking of time, young man." saM the father,, "you go up and tell yo'.i,- ; mother it's time to put you to Hed " ; Doing a Man's Work. Mandy (scornfully Mose Johnson, reeln' ou ain't good fer miflln' else, s'posln" yo' go 'long down an' lec' de new boa'd o' aldermen! Brooklyn Life. We All Know Them. "1 hates," said Vncle Klien, "to see de kind of a man dat thinks he can't git on In de world wifoiit eompellln' somebody "list tit off." Broken Collar Bone, Supposed to Be Enemy's. Considered a Detad of the Game. There had been a hotly contested football g.iine between the Steam Holl ers of the Itenjuuiln Franklin school and thi' Avalanches of the (Jeorge Washington school. After the game was over and the contestants had re turned to their various homes one of the heroes of the winning team com plained of a feeling of soreness In the lower part of his neck. "1 didn't feel It until just now," he said: "but It hurts like sixty!" His father examined It. It began to swell, and was very sore to the touch. "I believe your collar bone Is bro ken, my boy." said his father. A surgeon was hastily summoned, and made an examination. "Yes," he said, "the bone Is frac tured. How did It happen, Walter? Do yon remember anything about It?" "Why, yes," answered the boy. "I ! remember that when 1 tuckled Skinny Morgan 1 fell on top of him, and I heard something crack, but I thought It was his collar hone." Youth's Com- pautou. Gasoline Stoves. t V t t t V it V V y y y y y t y y t y t i I THE PLATTSMOUTH Y HOTEL F. COOS. Prop. I Twenty Five Dollars 2 burner Juniors S2.50 and up. 3 " " $3.75 and up. Detroit self-generating Gasoline stoves $10.50 and up. 1 burner Oven. . .$1.50 and up. 2 " " . . . $1.75 and up. Remember we have a complete line and all styles. Call and see them. & J O JON BMJE.R. v t y- t y y t y t t y t t y t y t t y bailey k mm THE DENTISTS Litest Acp tdncrs id Dftitl tr tenon able Prlc. HrM-Miulppfd Omul Of fice la the Mioile Htit. .ICItk Di.COUNTI TO CITT VIIITO.t. Id floor lulin li.k . lit i. ft farnain. CWAHA, NEB. A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Hank of Eairle, Kaple. Nehawl:a Hank, NVhawka. Bank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l lunik, Greenwood. State bank of Murray. Murrav. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. Will be given to the one suggesting an appropriate n a m e for a new perfume. Ask us about it. F. & Fricke & Co. Not One of His Studies. Miss lilank's second grade was no torious throughout the school for a lamentable lack of discipline. It was In this grade that printed reports were first Issued to the children. One day Tom came home, proudly bearing the first formal record of his progress In scholastic lines. Ills mother, having been a teacher, was pleased to note that her offspring's ratings were of high order, but his lawyer father, having scanned the slip minutely, said gravely: "I don't see nny record of deport ment lu re, Thomas." For a moment Tom looked blank, revolving the possible significance of the unknown term, then bis face cleared. "Oh," lie said, "we don't have that lu our room." Pelineator. Fewer Distilleries In Sweden. Fifty eai s ago there were 23,000 dis tilleries In Sweden, but that number hus now been reduced to 132. Musical. The rattle of pans and dishes In the kitchen sounds belter than classical music to a hungry man. Use for Electric Heating Devices. Klecttic heutlng devices are success fully employed for branding cigar boxes. t t y y t y y y y y t t C. A. MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Office m Fitzgerald BlocK a 5-M.HJ V X X i t X ? t I MONROE A Piano Bargain At Herold's Book and Stationary Store t Second har.d goods of all descriptions. Sewing machines, washing ma chines and wringers re paired. All kinds of stool repairs. Store on 0th st. opposite postoflice. MONROE Notice to Creditors. Siote fif N.'lirahka. , County Court, Ccunty of C axu. ' In the mutter uf the estate of Jiiuics It. Cathey, Not ce in hereliy Kivon that the creditors of faiil ileeeaiwi will mu-l the Ailministrntor of Raid eitate. before me. County JmliriMif Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court no in I'latU mouth, in Kuid County, on the 24th dav of May. and on the 24th. day of Novemler. I'-i", at 10 o'clo k A. M., each day for the iurKc of ire KetitinR their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. . Six months are alloneil for tho cnilitors or unul dcci atecj to ptvwnt their claims, and one year for the Administrator M nettle said estate, from the 24th day of May. Witness my haml and seal of said County ( ourt, at riaitsinouth, Nebraska, this 21 dav of Airil, 10. J. ItKltstiN, ISrALl H County Jiidce. Notice to Creditors. State of N-braska. , ro , (,01irt t ountv of ( ass. I In the matter of the estate of Zernh Wilbur Cole, ileoi h.ed. Notice is hereby uiven that the eieditors of said ileeeasi"! will meet tlie Adiiunisiriitor of said estate, before 17V. County .ludironf (!uss County, Nebraska, ill the Coiintv Court inom in I'liitta nioutli. in said County, on the :!lst iliiy of Slav, l'li.'.i, and on the 1 -st dav of I eii nils r, 1' 0 at 10 I ic-k A. M . each day, lor the ii'irisise ol pre- itir tlvir In 1 1 tt:- for ciiminati'-n, adiu-tnu nt aiiour.ot'i'. : iiKMith? an- alloue 1 tlie et'iiitor:'. fit' f-aid l v-'aiil to o '"it tl-eir cli'or--, and one year tor he A't'i mo ' r ilor t o ti i !o raid eHiato, from the dav of M iv, r. ". Won. :ny Ivit'il ai d --ord f --aid Co-inty Coi.rt. ii t'la'i-iiMutl'. ta. this :!otii day of Arid, i ;. At t :a- J. it. i if Is' nl i ,, ii,': Jud. y y y y y y f f y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y it t it y v A brand new $380. 00 Cabinet Grand Piano for $280. Spot cash or bank able paper with payments adjusted to suit convenience. A leading western piano manufacturer has consigned to U3 a new piano, everything first class, note de scription below. We offer it at MANUFACTURERS PRICES, saving you the usual agent's commission of $100.00. If you are in the market for a first class, guaranteed for 10 years, instrument HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TOSAVE $100. This will be the only piano offered on these terms. NETZOW CABINET GRAND PIANO. Perfect scale, drawn on most sfienticlic principles; latest patent repeating action, extra heavy felt hammers; exposed pin Mock; extra heavy three quarter iron plate; very best German imported tuning pins and piano wire; patent mutllcr attach ment with nickel plated rnulller rail, best quality spruce in sotindinjr board; ivory;keys. GASK Verj artistic and douMe-vcneercd inside and o it, with maple veneer on interior; oval 'pain-l, with r.d-iomest of c.rviuRs. Warranted 10 year:. Height, i ft !l in; width .1 ft 2 in; depth 2 ft :l in Herold Book and Sf a honery Store s I i I 1 I I I I I I x z y t t t t t y V t A. y t y t t t t VI f t t t y t t t t t t' t t t t t t t t A A Dealers in all t' ?Iusieal M'Trhandis' :.!. All hit-' r.h('t music , Vidlin. (J i i tar. II. inn n 1 Maiv!i!in Mvl'.v. vocal and instnuiu iii'il, mi saK". ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAFE, SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE Careful Attention Prompt Service Reasonable Terms Gkougk E. Dovky, President. Frank E. Sciilatkr, Vice Pres. IIoitATio N. Dovky, Cashior. Carl G. Frickk, Ass't. Cashier. y t t t t t t t t t ? Furnishings and Work Clothes X FORIU1EN t It may be that you do not know we earrv a full line of Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Gloves, Underwear, Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for every man. Work Shirts, all sizes and colors 40c and fiflc V Men's Overalls without bib 50c, (50c, 85c y " Overalls with bib 00c, 75c, 85c, 90c, $1.00 y " Jackets 50c, 60c, 85c, $1.00 y " Cotton Flannel Gloves, 3 pair 25c y V " Leather Gloves at per pair 50c, 75c, $1.00 y " Underwear, per garment 25c and 50c y y " Union Suits, per suit $1.00 and $1.25 y y " Mixed Sox, per pair 8c and 10c y y " Fine Cotton Sox, brown, black and fancy y y at per pair 10c, 12k, 15c, 25c, 35c y y " Suspenders, at per pair 25c and 50c y y " Red and Plue Handkerchiefs at 5c and Sic y " All White or White with Colored Border y y each at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c y y Poy's Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Under- y wear and Handkerchiefs. ; f -- - - -" -- t X GROCERY SPECIALS t y y No. 1. We are headquarters for Butter and Etrgs for we receive more and better (iiality than any store. Let us add your name to our already lare list ofcus- J tomers that v;et their butter and ej?gs every week from A us. Market price always. A No. 2. We are headquarters for all kinds of y y Cheese, American full cream, Brick and Limbuiy, 20c lb. y y Sap Sap;o 10c, Lunchen l.'.c, Imported Swiss -lOc. y y No. 3. We are headquarters for vegetables, fresh y y every day, Strawberries, Cucumbers, fresh Beans, y Rubarb, Green Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Relishes, y y Cabbage, etc. ' y y No. 1. We always have on hand a nice line of y y fresh Oranges, l.'.c, 25c, 35c, 45c. per doen. Bananas, y 2lcado.en. Pino Apples, 10c and 15c each. V . We Want to Talk Quality Not Quantity. E, A. WURL I Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. VVV V9V- rv-- -r-r-r-r-r-rv-w-w-w-m-wv-r-w