The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 17, 1909, Image 4
an V go to work that thou mayest prosper in i thy affairs and make the word"fai!ure" I 3 C0g MED Nothing to Adjust, Nothing: to Learn. Simply Lather Well and Shave. l2Biaaes, 24 bnarp tages. Every blade as thin as paper, as hard as flint, as tough and flexi ble as whalebone, WILL GIVE FROM 20 to 40 VELVET SHAVES. Tho "GILLETTE", is the razor of the Twentieth Century, Perfect in theory, practise, workmanship, anu quality, u is a product of scientific research and chanieal skill, covering years of paticV. study and experiment. Special in lnnery nail to no invented ui ina7 this wonueriul razor possible. This razor is SOLVIBG TEE SHAV ING PROBLEM lor every man. Though but a new invention, if; has already attained enormous popularity, mok, THAU 2 00,0 00 idll THE FIRST YEAR, U-caiiriO tins littlo invention gives a better shave in y o u r own homo than it is possible to get in the best barber shop in the land. A MADE AS FIRE AS A WATCH. WIIX LAST FOR TEARS. Triplo silver plate with 12 blades, $5.(K). Heavy gold plate with 12 blades, $10.00. GEC3DNG & CO, The News-Herald PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. only in the dictionary of fools, poleon. -Na- The wise man never does a thing himself that he can have some one else Ehtantrf at the ponlofTine at riall'mouth, Cans do better. County. Neliranka, aa woml-claMB mail matter. OFFICIAL PA I' KB. OK CASS COUNTY A. L. TID1J Editor. R. O. WATTERS Manager RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Om Yar In Advance $1.50 fill Month. 75 lELErrtOMES Plattsinouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 spells outlook. There is no outlook for the pessimist who sits down and complains because things are not earning his way. What he needs to do is to get up and go out and yank things his way by the scruff of their necks. Provkkbh are the lamps of words. Thk town beautifnl movement should appeal to every houst holder in each community. A little work and very I little expense on the part of each citi zen would work wonders in the im provement of a town, and everybody would share in the benefits. spell "success." U. Thou shalt nut be content to go about thy business looking like a bum, fcr thou shouldst know that thy personal appearance is better than a letter of recommendation. III. Thou shalt not try to make excuses, nor shalt thou say to those that chide thee, "I don't think." IV. Thou shalt not wait to be told what thou shalt do, nor in what manner thou shalt do it, for thus may thy days be long in the joy which fortune hath given thee. V. Thou shalt not fail to maintain thine ntegrity, nor shalt thou be guilty of anything that will lessen thy good re spect for thyself. VI. Thou shalt not covet the other fel- bw'sjob, n r his salary, noi the por tion which he hath gained by his own hard labor. VII. Thou shalt not fail to live within thy income, nor shalt thou contract any debts when thou canst not see thy way clear to pay them. VIII. Thou shalt not fail to blow thine own horn, for he who is afraid to blow his own horn at the proper occasion findeth nobody standing ready to blow it for him. IX. Thou shalt not hesitate to say "No" when thou meanest "No" nor shalt thou fail to remember that there are occasions when it is unsafe to bind thyself by hasty judgment. X. Thou shalt give every man a square deal. This is the last and great com mandment and there is no other like unto it. Upon this commandment dt pendeth all the law and the profits of the business world. rl .... Men's 7 SSt Shoes The spring styles this season show a greater difference than usual. Alexander's. Our spring showing of Ladies' and Men's Footwear is t matchable, both m quality and pri toe:. Here Are Soi! Thkrk is no wisdom like frankness. Lr.T naught be set down in malice. Repkntanck is very deep-the next day. Pluck plus joy is a good recipe for success. Debt hath no fears to him who owes nothing. A contented mind is a specific for making gold. Energize! That's a mighty forceful word, one of the most forceful in the whole unabridged dictionary. If you energize you will make things hum, and by making things hum you will do the things you want to do. This applies to individuals as well as to towns or communities collectively. Small town people sometimes fall into the habit of running down their own place in conversation. This is al most as bad as saying you wish you Do not begin with exaggerated ideas I had married another woman instead of of your own worth. Men are prone to make resolves ter they are caught. af- Nothing, except the mint, can make money without advertising. -Gladstone. your wife. If you said that and your wife heard 'of it. probably you would have a chance to get another woman But you'll never have much of a chance to get another town until you improve the one you're in so that you'll love it for its own sake, Be kind to your home place and it will be kind to you. The greatest thing in advertising is to get people to read the advertise ments. Impossible is a word that is found FOR TEN COMMANDMENTS BUSINESS. I. Thou shalt not wait for something to turn up, but shalt pull off thy coat and " 1 1 MH Two Piece Suits to Order $25.00 Equal in Value to Most $35 Suits Ladies' Oxfords For Dress Wear. Ladies' Short Vamp Patent Kid Turn. This is a shoe that is all the rage inhe east and retails everywhere at 5.00. We carry it in all sizes and Widths, and our CO price is aaUlj pr Ladies' 4.00 Ideal Kid Turn. A real fashionable novelty, a superior grade of Ideal Kid. A perfect dress shoe for those who do not care for patent leather. Alexander's price Ladies' 0.00 Patent Kid Turn with Louis XV. heel. The smartest dress shoe ever made. Alexander's Cfl qc.qv S2.50 price. I Men's Men's 5.0) G vamps i'or seven diti'eiv Men's Tan Ox: $4.00. A r Men's $5.00 F Stunning nii stylish. Al We guarantee good workmanship, good linings and a perfect fit. Stylish Suits to Order $25 to $45. Good Trousers to Order $5. to $12. Next time you visit Omaha visit our store. It is a pleasure to show our goods. Don't buy ready made clothing. And so when the Tariff duties on im ported Scotch hosiery were increased in ISStO there was a terrible hullabaloo set up about the increase it would occasion in the price of all Scotch hosiery. A Freeport merchant, William Walton, who always prided himself in keeping for sale in his store the .very best of anything made anywhere in the world, laid in an increased stock of Scotch hosiery, sure that the price would be increased. But there was no increase in price. Mr. Walton himself told us that the makers of Scotch hosiery sent eirculars to the American merchants that the price would not be increased they would pay the increased Tariff du ties, and lay down their goods in the American market at the same price as formerly. Just now a terrible hullabaloo is set up about the increase in the Tariff du ties proposed in the Payne bill now pending in Congress, and foolish women are signing petitions against it. We do not pretend to know, and we do not be lieve that one woman in a thousand knows whether the Tariff duties on stockings ought to be increased or not, nor do we know that there will be any increase of the Tariff duties on import ed stockings when the bill is finally passed or not. But we do know that tie Tariff duties on imported stockings ought to be increased if the result shall be, as in the case of tin, that all the stockings worn in America shall be made in America by American working men who are paid American wages, and the price of stockings to those who wear them will be cheaper than ever before. The Tariff always works that way. It did work that way in the case of tin; it did work that way in the case of steel railway rails; it always works thit way. -Freeport, (111.) Jonrnnl. "NO OTHER SHOES IN 600 to m PAXTON BLOCK Take Elevator at ICth St Fntrtr.ce to Cth F!ccr,Pcxtcn Elcck A Y Y Y Y M4M$M$M E.G.DOVEY.SON f Y Y ' 5 Y V V VVVVVVV 4444(i4fr'l Thk old moss grown notion that a new Senator must remain passive and ' silent during his first term in Washing j ton was pretty much shot to pieces, even before Mr. Bristow and Mr. Cum : mins reached Washington. (if? it ? Y Y I t ? ? Y t Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Lace Curtains For your consideration we wish to call your attention to our new line of Lace Curtains just opened up and without fear of contradiction we assert we have the cheapest line and handsomest patterns ever shown in the city. All new and the latest patterns. Ecru Nottingham Curtains at 89c, 9Sc, .$1.25, $1.50, $2, 2.50, up to $5 pair. The same in white at from 75c, 89c, 98c, 1.25, $1.50, $2, and to $7 pair. Fine line of patterns and styles in Cable Nets at $1.50 to $0.50 pair. Net Curtains with Cluny Insertion in white ecru at $4.00 to 6.50 pair. We offer our odd pairs Curtains at a big reduction. Odd Curtains of only one curtain of a pattern at half price. In Swiss and Curtain Nets we show a beautiful line of Scrimms in new stencil designs at 25c. For draperies, we are showing a new line of Art Denims, Cretonnes and Tapestries. sis Beautiful new creations in tailored styles from $1.00 to $3.50. The fa mous new dells and Muisons Acorn brands Shirt Waists. Sizes made and cut on the latest models to fit in ac cordance with the newest ideas. Embroidered Waists in tucked and lace trimmed at from $1.00 to $5.00. 1 Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ; t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y" Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y :M4-:Wr S;uth Wih Street. Omaha. Nob. WANTED-Trustworthy manor woman i in each county to advertise, receive ! orderj and manage business for New York Mail Order House. $K0O weekly; position permanent; no investment-required. Previous exper ience not essential to t-ngagine;. Spare time va'iiahlo. Enclose- self ad dressed env:'!o;u for full particulars. Address. Clarke C. .Wholesale Dept., V V VVVVVVV v Y Y Y Y Y Y v E. G. OOVEY a SON !! Park Ave., New York. vvvvvvvvvvv