The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 13, 1909, Image 5
0 of Spring Ladies' I'D Geo. Sheldon J r - . -..;)f::r ir sec do fc-im K-aiicy . n' jrasjFirf la .reran- Shoes nor Vtf-'St .r. v.":-- 1 Rft .pro; t.'. 'i'd a .! :..r::'ii t pointi-i it:.- mi; : : Cv a- if ! . ','' ',' . V.l. i I ie '.. Tin law does not permit the re turns of i lcrtitci nfi proposed eon.titu- (- , ! tiotial iiiii"'"(lnii'iits to It rcmovi d from OUSttlinGCl ; th: ."'..t. of :) MT!Ttary of .state hi ri c'oi-s i;i!. I'U'fcr iipii!i the .-Tiik r of tin- h'l'isi' i,ry ;oitt:onty of j-owor to can ViMs h'lcli rcLur lis. !. A ji)!nt. inct't'iii; of n nmjority of t!u mivnticrs (.f i .icli Itousr towitnes t!n' iMMvass of tin- votcrx by th IT of v:fh '.w-v poHt'S.soH t'C o;'t of Judges to i: v ilid 'r'''' I'd,: : r rulay ::lt' rno n ; r, in Mill ol '.in; in I oi.", l:o! h:u' il.nt tin- a', I'l'ni i i' (! .vi rnor Sli.-I.inii ai :n' 111 ! .'!'. !' Ml:-; Sh. ! .;.! MI'l' il.. ' .1 lie oirl r lo tl. thit ilic (.nts .ii:.i' or i! t";i'C'.l' : vc 1..f. ;nMlin: ilv in ii cmiiol crrntc iltitirs or (liiriitio:n i.'i('l. Ktali" o!Vo i when none cx i'.'. nor can it canvass !('- I'll'.U' : I'S I il ;')'. ,' ''I 0!!1 ' vol i- ; ii i'ri-.' Hi:; i,a! i l l i: ' tlic i.U'vlt. i' cf 'ii:t"t in iri'is; thci' to .ii I ii i! ' iic i"i:r ,is at U l '.I'ti1 ! ;;i' la! il. '! mi.i it ' -lit. cll ivt 1 1 : j 'i:.t c m :' uw ':.:' 1.0 c.iiA ,. a'vl t !:,. ih.' ai I - of '.ttillv I'-'l: til:;; to tl:.: vauvass vut" cast for coo. ti.utiimal ial. The present great variety of new, original and exclusive models are now on sale at is the most complete you have ever seen, our styles are exclusive and you will find them un- i!in :: were Icjr.illy m'.tct. The a:, low i hit ii:ir to i .invas -i'-vx tliiit ome of Our Correct Styles: en's Oxfords Every Pair Are Goodyear Welt. Oft Gunmctai Oxfords thai, have character, in short :: street wear. We carry them in , J Pfl iiiVrcnt styles and the price is VJfciWU n O'ifords and straight tips, that retail at J i licrfect shoo for all occasions. l'i ice V'UU .00 Patent Colt Oxfords for street and dress wear. v r I'.inflols thnt niv luith r-nnifiirtjili'd Mm! r ( f" Alexander s price Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps for St. Wear Indies' Si'.ede Ankle Strap Pumps, in brown and pray, that hold their color and shape. Every pair are (Jnodyear welts and retail everywhere at '5.00. QH Ct Alexander's price U -iOU Ladies .--i.(" Tan Oxfords, in welts. We have fifteen differ ent styles to choose from. Every one new and stylish, and our price is Iviics' '51.00 Patent Colt Oxfords, in noh'oy short vamps, with and without tips, any style you desire, lor wo carry twelve styles, and Alexander's pric is 52.00 .50 : i n i S'".' "', II oy !. !.'(.:,:. p.w ;. i!r . ;n y.m "I' III vote i.-i u.lii'l I. The opinion v:;s written ly ( .)u tico lli c.u , .1 lolo.-i Uoan an. I Kose ml sitti'itr. ise 1., un,l .1. It. Dean us ptljn's. Tlie k'Ki.slaturo i ehiillenjred thin riht, claiming that the , State Canvassing lioanl hail no riht to declare the amendment carried, and tion rctiiriH or docl.-o-c t!n result. It will ln ri'rfvml""-ci! Mint the lejr i: re wiu'c' nliont two or thrtc veeks on th nia! t or of ' recanviissii t; of the Vi'li'i on t'.e Ci iis'i'.iiM in.'il i'liice.!,'H"'t'i, at as ro'.t ofs:-!;loi pf r (!::y or a co: t of '.." 0 lo i 1.,'NiO to i.iS'piiycr. LITTL:: LOCALS. Ejj (iovernor Sin Idon named Jessi' I I : Knot, J. S. FawcfU, V. H. Itnse i that it alone had the power to canvass tf1 i .i ...i .i. . i. I,. aim ueciare ine resuii. u proceeded 10 ;di so, and Governor Shullenherer i named Fawcett, Knot, V. D. Oldham 'and J. .1. Sullivan as judges. Kx-Gov-ernor Silas A. Ilolcomb was olfered I one of the places, but he refused to make a liht for the place and Oldham. ! who was williim" lo scrap, was named : in his su-ad. T1IK SYl.I.Atlt'S. 1. Section 1 of the act of 1S77 IN THE WORLD LIKE OURS FOR THE FRSCE" Z3TI W 4 D N 0PEK 10:09 P. M. SAT0RDAVS OPEN 6:30 P. IB. 0TQK DAYS : :-ion laws of 1.VT7, p. 112,) while in force, considered in connection with ! section I, article V of the constitution, i reipiired the canvass of the vote of the I people upon the ipiestion of the adop tion of proposed amendments of the constitution to lie made by the speaker Sei' ii'-. for saic bills. II. K. I'anlionin vii'i n business vis itor here Mond-iy. I.' 'rest VVuil is jitter.dii'ir a tun.iiiT exhibition at tuiney. III. : Thomas K. I'annele the Louisville banker spent Sunday in Mie city. John Campbell of South Pond trans acted business in the city yesterday. Mrs. Frank Sivey of Tabor, la., is visiting friends in the city for a few days. Carl I'.arnt of Kandolph is visiting I. P. I'.uell and family in this rity this week. Mrs. Anna Iiurk left yesterday for Lincoln to spend a few weeks with her daughter. P. C. Petersen is attending the A. O. IL W. grand ledge meeting in Lincoln' this week. Kay Trnvis of Omaha I'nited States National Hank spi nt Sunday with his parents here. Harry Johnson is atterding thi grand lodge meeting of the A. 0. U. W. in Lincoln. Mrs. George Dodge is attending the state convention of the Woman's Iti: lief Corp at York, N b. W. II. Kosi ncrans is nttendinpr thi ol uie noiiM-oi rep:e citatives in Ire mooting of the grind lodge of the. i.resenco of a majority of each house; Knight of Pvthia-' it Ma itiri's. V Louisvilla . . i . i . 1 1 i - 1 1 oi i oe ie :i ii.uire, w no were reoui ti i, ,.r. ... .. , , . ... ' -A oeau iful S'n tlnod crndo st.'tllion may ei ,:s: einiii:.' in ir.'' :etu oi mo House OI I ropr'.-icntntivi s for l.ha' puri.ose. :!. Sec' i-:i nr.; .!'.: ' of the eonti- i WBIKWjmi.lllWJ'.'WMW mnwKi wini.iiia.iii ii AAAA ei Ti M! ri'ipin s tl for ooiciTi of tin be fo-ird for a : I: vt time at :;;:i "'cer'"' barn in Phittsmnuth. flT T. '.Il- ' ! '. ,1 Ml-- I) f M..,..r. .. reluma of .very , ' ' " ' ' . ; , ' '- ; ; . MaI I'll T(l ktliuliUUlll) llmxi uduuiiui As a legion of pleased and happy customers to be seen daily at store can testify. We, have worked hard to make our store the best grocery store in town and have accomplished our object. We intend to keep it the best, and we use our best endeavors to keep on hand the freshest and finest products the market affords. We give below a list of articles which you can save on. Not a fortune saved in one article but a few cents, perhaps. But a few dollars a month saved on groceries is a few dollars a month for something else for a rainy day maybe. V E. C. Corn Flakes 3 boxes for 10 bars Haskins soap Grandpa's Wonder Soap 3 bars for. : V New Lima Beans 3 lbs for Best Japanese liice 3 lbs for Best Scotch peas 4 lbs for Cornet or Chef Brand Salmon 3 cans for Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food 2 boxes for 25c ..$1 25c .25c ,25c .25c .25c 25c f ; V V f f ? ? Vi V vi V XI ! i t f Vi t VI t t V V V V V V v Vi piirtmeiit. of te t . i .xei'iitivede si ai 'd uii .li'.d of the A. O. I'. V at Lincoln this Gleaning'Sj 1,'! .1 .-r is very 'taiMer was at. Li.; hon.o. 1 );:iuha Thur. traa.mllti d by the returning oliic to i v' the '-oeretury of stati , directed to the! M'f. .1. J. C.rah-m of Grand ltaml sneaker ef the horn:.' of reoresenta. v;:is an over ?i:nd:iy guest of J. V.'. itiv.-.'. S.'i'ti'.i, i Iript T III eompikii : Larkin r.r.d wife in '.Y::-. city. p'.n'.l S s n -.ii:'' the f. Ui of el - c-i Mi.i" .1. m.-!te I'.'ckcrs of Chicago is lion arne'.ilu i-nti to be made lo the . is the !ty for a fe'.v wek vi.-:t with Jam i..ty- Joe (.'line of Li:n"(!i is in town tliis wee!;. Fred IVterson v::s in Omaha Wed ne. day. Mrs. Geo. DeUzei'.e wn.s in (tmalKi Wednesday. Wiii. F. Diin. has been in Iowa for part of the week. John 1'helps is confined to his room r.e Moan! . the doctors care. Miss Amelia S mouth W'ednesihv. he ( ar.vassers, cretary of state. There being no s;iceii;. directed to her Aunt, Mr-. A. V. Swartlumt. ate Judge Sr.mui! ! Atto-noy K. I,. V.-xwoll of dmahn provision i ...... ;,...,(.,.. r i ,.;,, .. f ... il ..fii. .. ..el "V in HIV 'III il IIJj( "I 11, 1- IIUIIM.S u' ' 1 Ijl ; ijiiij () Jd, i Ic'i'.io.i on con.stittitioiinl amendment:-. ' v., v. u ai a wi u. ii! '1 no lirovi.-;: in for iinch ri-tnrorf t.i l:n lra;n.ted to ,.,' I,V,.,I ,.k.. l,.r,. i J"hn W- 'f I'.U ford. V.. thai', with the Slate Hoard of Canvas sers, held it was the duly of said beiud to canvass the returns. I. The enrollment, aut!:e;,tii at'on u 'id approval of and act of the legisla ture ;.re prima facie evidence of its duo enact moot. Stnto i.v rot :nr iii,i.t Miss Amelia SM.olman was in l'latts-1 Vv.m, N,., :,,7 K, N, W. 71.' ". The silence of the legislature jour nals is r.ot conclusive i vidonce of the mi.i-ex'.-.leneo if a fact, which ought to Miss Milles Sundaycd in Weeping Water with her parents. C. A. Kichey was a passenger to Lin coln Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood returned Wednesday from Nauvoo, III. The Alumni will give a banquet at the hotel Speaker May 2!tth. Miss Tillie Dugau returned from Cedar Creek Wednesday evening. Miss DaMey of Lincoln was in Louis ville Mcnday a guest of Dr. Dailey. where ho is ctnpVyd by the If. I', railroad, i.: vi -itii.g with hi. mother ant family tiiis .c k. Mr and Mis. F. M. Young, jr.. wirt to Ornal.'i '1 u?-idny to vi' it Mrs. It. A. Young, who was operated on Meinh.j at Immanual hospital. L. F. La i,"' t ai d wifi', a.'.d Ir. I. ('. Munger ii.o;! wife of Khrr.vood v.trc the true: ts of Mr. an! Mrs. W. K. IfiisiiriTMO'i ii.'. M ii'iil'iu he recorded therein, regarding the en-j aclment of law. I). H. Smith has been suirering from li. Act of April Wto (session laws ! ' ''i;' l'11"'1 " ;-"i't"n "I" his eyes. Ht chapter !) held to have la en LU -,v f- v.- .u-e in Omahah to t o:i legaily enacted and not invalidated be-1 !!u:' si"'-i:il;t Td'd iy. cause of bilence of senate journal ! un to coneurremy in a formal amend-! '" The first food of the day. rnent by the house. Stale ex rel ! against city of War.o , Ii2 Nebraska Id, 8! X. W. said act repealed section ' 1 of the act of 1x77, supra, and placed' Miss Walpeit of Manley was a guest the duly of canvassing the vote on con- $ : Company are prospecting for clay on ' of Mrs. C. M. Seybert Wednesday. Steve Jochrin was in Omaha Wed nesday to see his. daughter in the hos pital. Mcsdames M. L. Willatns and Wm. Thomas were passengers to Omaha Tuesday. Hase ball game Saturday between Murdock and Louisville on the Louis ville diamond. Mis3 Gold Vancleavc left Monday for Lexington, Neb., to visit with her father and sister. Father Hennessey of Manley and his sister passed through Louisville Tues day en route to Omaha overland. The Omaha Hydraulic Press Prick stilutional amendments with the State liuard of Canvassers, and which i.ct, was in turn amended and repealed by the act of 1X17 (session laws 1.-U7, (MI.:..) 7. The canvassing of an election for executive state ollicers imposed upon , the speaker of the house of representa tives is a duty especially enjoined upon ' him, resulting from his office, as such , speaker, and is a ministerial duty to be . performed by him in the presence of a majority of the members of each house. When such voters are duly canvassed by him his duties are at an end. Every man, woman and child begins the day with more or less vigor of mind and strength of body according to the first food supplied to the stomach. The best first dish of the day is a bowl of Quaker Oats. The stomarh can assimi late it more quickly and with less effort than other foods. There is little cr no waste and every ounce of food is con verted into muscle, vigor ami brain activity. The strongest people in the world arc the regular eaters of Quaker Oats. You should cat it for breakfast every day. If you are convenient to the store ytm'll probably buy the regular size package. For those who live in the country the lare,e size family package is more satisfactory. VVwvv m v?k r i s 13 "ft rW (TA Tb XSt V t-i H XM K il O M H N V. K- M W V! ?! V ti th" Schoegreen farm east of Louisville, i Mrs. C. M. Seybert entertained the' M. K. Ladies Aid Society Thursday afternoon, a dainty luncheon was serve I in two courses. if i rel ess Cooker ---'-" County Attorney Pamsi y tiled a com plaint lor grand larceny in County' Court before Judge P.eoson against Ican Kfiine of Alvo. K.une is charged with stealing the sum of .'jloo from P.'lbelt Skinner. A eoi ii eiga'-s o cent s i 'Aeum" and be happy. .h. S.'i.oke an We handle the lirles- co il.i r, to give i-iitire sa'isfactioa. No.v tha'. 'he are coming it will pay you lo i'lVe.tigate seco;.(i blind gasoline stoves am! reflg'-rator if dining room chairs at spci-ii.l.y l.r.v ; . i i o ; $3 to 31 0 per set. n il g'liii'antee it hot suit i y days tl.i--. New and A large stock , n.niiiiig iVom s-S D. P. .T C Iv S O 3NT A. .1 t f v i V