The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 13, 1909, Image 3
I I I i Want Column WANTED. WANTED Younjr men and women to fill jtositions pajir.j; ?UHO to ?2u"u er annum. Bij; demand for stenograph ers in the (lovermnent service, as will as in private l upines life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures a thorough and practh al a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend fit any! college in the country. We guarantee sueeess. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute. Central Building, Wa-hinpton. D. C. SALESMAN IJest commission offer on earth. New-all retailers samples, coat pocket. Reliable, Iowa City, Iowa. D ti FOUND. FOR SALE- 4U acres, 2 miles south of town with good 3 room house 211x2-1 and kitchen 12x10. .! acres of apple. peach and cherry orchard. 7 acres I timber. Can all be plowed except II acres which is irood pasture withiuii-1 . . - .. . 4 11 J - .1 11! II A. I. nintr water. All fenced. W ill take in exchange a piece of town property consisting of a ',i or I room nouse with from 2 or :i lots to an acre or two. See J. E. Karwick in the Dovcy Block. !S-4 THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL P. F. GOGS, Prop. bailey & mm THE DENTISTS lltt't otit(cf Rl.k-Grifl (Irnti It Bflson bit PtIim. llrM-'qaipprd fimtal Of- f C1 miCOUNTt TO CiTT Vlt'TO'S. M riotr ) I .t ,iti, Varum. OMAHA. NEB. 4.44 A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Rank of Eark Eagle. Nehawka Rank, N'ehawka. Rank of .Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l lunik. Greenwood. State bank of Murray. Murray. First Nat'l bank, l'lattsmouth. V Y i '"1 C. . MMSHUL, D. D. S. : I ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Office in Fitzgerald Block L 1 MONROE Second hand goods of all descriptions. Sewing machines, washing ma chines and wringers re paired. All kinds of stool repairs. Store on fith st. opposite postolfice. .1 i 1 t 1 MONROE 4.;M"-r..;.;..;..:.:..;..X-!:-:"!- Notice to Creditors. State if N'lira"ka. C.juntv of Oisx. ' In duply Court. In the mailer uf the estate uf J.iui.'S H, ("alliey. ().'c-'a'l. Notice i hereby given that the creditors of faid il.-eeHKed wil1 meet the Administrator of paid "tnte. before me. County Jmltte uf C'u County, Nebraska, at the County Court re-i in I'liitts mouth, in nai'l County, on the 24th day of May, r". and on the 124th day of November. 1 at 10 o'rlo k A. M.. each day for the iiurpose of .re Kentinic their claims for examination, adjuxttnent uml lillc wanre. Six month are allowed for the creditors of sn!d decmsed to present their claim, and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the IMthclayof May, bM. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, nt l'laltnmuulh, Nebraska, this '.'1 day of April, l0. Al.l.KN J imr.soN. Seal IK st County Ju'lvrc. . Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ' ,, , ,., p.,,. . County of Cass. i- In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Zerah Wilbur Cole, , deceased. Notice is hereby iriven that the creditor of said deceased will meet the Administrator of Kaid estate, Itefore me. County Judtceof Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in I'IiiIIm mouth. in saiil County, on the Hist day of ,Muv. l'.iO'.i, anil on the 1st day of December, I'.Ui, at Pi o'clock A. M., each day, for tbe purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, udjusim.'iit and allowance. Six months ure nllnwe I for the cri-ditor? of said deceased to prc.icnt their clainis, and one rar for the Administrator to settle said estate, f nun the .list day of May, I !.!:, Witness my hand and seal of said County (Viirt, at I'lat'sin.iull.. Nebrn'-ka, thin IMth day of April. l' i !'. Al t v. J. Hi ' shn. D;-S ISrAl.l I "iint J 11.I1 FIND OLD QUARRIES CAID TO HAVE BEEN "BIRTH PLACE Or MASONRY." Spct Was Mentioned by Jcrepus and Stone 'rem There it Bci.eved to Have Been Used in Build ing Temple. As a result of the effort artin 'i;t if state to bain pissible if the "birthplace ry." Ti. nuis It. Wallace, ctn.-ul at Jer'.isale:n. has i: tensive investigation of quart ies" In the Holy city, to the slate de .11 Ur.ei.l Is of the de ail U1.1t is of Mason A:nt lican Hide a:i t-x-"Solomon's His p'l'ort ol interest to Masonic budhs, and pa. t:i u'.arly to Amt i lmn Masons, because an Ameri can, Holla Kloyd, Lecanie senicr war den of the Hoyul Soli men Mother lodge, instituted in Jerusalem In I S73. "Solomon's qua:i lis" were men tioned by Josephus In t lie writings of the ancient historian. They were lost through the Middle Ayes and un til most lecnt times. A chamber is pointed out in the quarries as the original meeting place of tin ancient body of Masons. The chamber is the so-called "Chamber of lirotherly Cove nant." Mr. Wallace said that his Investiga tions led him to believe that the quar ry became lost wluu the Humans de stroyed Jerusalem. It is believed that the stone with which the ancient tem- ,, wa8 ,,( wa8 t;il;,,n fn,m ,, n,mr. ry. The basis of this belief is that .Tse,,biiF described the temple as hav- ' Ins been white, "like a mountain of :ov." The stone in the quarry Is white arid soft, hardening with expos- tire to the air. The quarries were discovered by ac cident. According to the story told Mr. Wallace, a Or. Itarclay was out hunting. His dog disappeared In a hole near the north wall of the elty. The dog failed to reappear. Dr. liar clay tore away the earth and weeds about the hole until he had enlarged it enough to enter. It was the entrance to the quarries. A chamber is pointed out In which It is said the first meetings of Mason ry were held. It Is a small semi cir cular place with sea' - about it formed of shelves of stone. Crumbled into a shapeless mass at one end of the semi circle Is what once was a pillar of stone and Is said to have been the chapel of the lodge. It Is In the same condition now as when discovered, Mr. Wallace said. An American named Page, accord ing to Mr. Wallace, gave the best Indi cation of the time which passed since the quarries were lrst. A small pot tery lamp such as those used by the early Jews was found In the quart leu by Mr. Page. It was filled with the minute particles of dirt which float in the air. These particles would remain in the vessel utter falling in, because protected from air currents by the rim of the vessel. The pottery lump had a bowl one inch deep. It contained only these atoms of dust, showing that It required ages to 1111. The supposed connection of Bolo mon with these quarries, together with the traditional Idea that associates him with the early history of the .Masonic fraternity. Is responsible for the In terest with which Masons regard these caves, and especially the partic ular chamber where lodge meetings are sometimes field, (iavels and pa per weights made from the white stone of the quarry, and on which Ma sonic emblems are carved, are to be had In some of the stores of Jerusa lem, and are much prized by Masons. Cure for Headache. One of the very best remedies for a sick or nervous headache was suggest- J ed to nie lecently by a Finnish serv- 1 ant girl. She took raw potatoes with- I out either washing or paring and cut them into thick slices. These were j laid close together on the forehead and I temples and kept In place by covering 1 with a large handkerchief folded cor- 1 nerwlse and tied In the hack. In a short time the pain disappeared. As the pieces of potato get hot replace . with cold fresh ones. i They give all the coolness of Ice j without the incidental dampness, and ' there Is not the burning sensation ice often causes. Twenty Five Dollars Will be given to the one suggesting an appropriate name for a new perfume. Ask us about it. F. G, Fricke & Co. Our Oriental School. In spt eking of his appointment n the head of the American School of Oriental Research In Palestine, Prof. Jiii hard J. H. (lottheil said: "The school Is sustained by the leading universities and seminaries In the 1'iiiud Slates, and it serves the same purpose that Is served by t he schools al Rome and Alliens, and Is in (dose connection with the Arch aeological Institute of America. The school has a commodious bulldltiK i.t Jerusalem. Hiid there I shall make my home for a year, when another profes sor from oTie of the contributing In stitutions will ho chosen to till the place." Prof, tiottheil will start on his trip to the orient next month, and will pe:ul Mime time in Constantinople lie foie bctilnnliiK his work In Jerusalem. Wood of Mummy Coffins. A query has been addressed to Kew rs to the wood used for mummy cof- j tins in Kgypt. which was stated by the correspondent to he that of sycamore. Some pieces of mummy coffin wood were presented to Kew In by II. II. Calvert. II. M. consul at Alexan iria, and later specimens of the wood vf finis syeomorns were forwarded from Egypt by Dr. Schwt Infurtli. The microscopic structure of these speci mens has been compared In the labor atory and we learn from the "Hullo .In" that there is no reason to doubt 'hat the mummy coffins referred to were made from the wood of Ileus sycomorus the sycamore fig. For Insomnia. For insomnia try this simple rem edy: Have a barber chair rigged up In your room. Then, when unable to go to sleep by 1:30 a. pi., send your motor car for your favorite barber. When he conies, have him give you 11 thorough shampoo. If not sleepy (hen, repeat, and continue treatment until put to sleep. If the treatment fails to do this in live hours, just take a look at the bill. DUE TO PREVENTIVE MEDICINF Life of Human Beings Prolonged and the Ravages of Infectious Dis eases Checked. During the last Till years preventive medicine has done far more to allevi ate suffering and to prolong; life than the average man Is aware. It iR esti mated that during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuiles the death Kite throughout the civilized world 'linked fiuni 50 to perhaps W per 1,11(10. To-day in London. Merlin anil New York the average lies between 17 and l'.. This great decrease In yearly mortality in due principally to protection from infectious diseases now afforded to children during the first ( it v j:;: Kite live years or life. In New ink there has been a reduction since of over Til) per cent, in the death of the Infantile port inn of the population. It is obvious thaf the probable lifetime has Increased coinci dent ly with the prevention of dlsenses to which children of tender years are especially susceptible. Or. Hermann M. Itiggs (if the New York city health department has estimated that "the expectation of life at birth In this city In was only a little more than 5 years, while In 1!0:'.. calculated on the death rate for that year, It had almost doubled, and equaled about forty-two years." Such statistics as these are certainly striking: commen taries on the advance and triumph of medical research; for It Is true be yond cavil that this progress has been dependent primarily upon the knowl edge gained in the laboratories, the harvest of persistent Investigation. Dr. John C. Torrey, In Harper's. Unsympathetic. Mrs. Malaprop Young Sharp will have lo apologize before I'll speak to him again. .Miss Interest Did he Insult you? Mrs. Malaprop Did he? The last time I met him I told him that my uncle, Lord de Stvle, had locomo tive atacksla, and he had the impu dence to ask if he "whistled at cross ings." He's an unsympathetic brute. In Praise of Music. Music Is tho only one of all the arts that docs not corrupt the mind Montesqules. JOKE WAS ALSO ON BUTLER. Bit of April Fooling That Dcubtlets Mrant Disgrace ct Dignified Functionary. " Charles Kroiiman. In the 1 -i.iol.l.ij:-room of the l.usii.ui.u. lo'.d a:i Apr; fool sto-y. "A Kitth avenue mllliena r " w said, "had 11 butler i f hni.ion us bent. The butler was English, lie had ; worked seven years in a duke's house I .'told. Therefore his word was law , on questions of etiquette. "To oblige his friends the million aire would let them send ipclr own ! young butlers to his palace to serve H i day or two under the Kngilsh veteran, i The youngsters learned a lot In this 1 way. The Englishman was made a ! regular free school of. Hut he didn't i nihi, I. j "It happened, one spring day, that j the millionaire was giving a dinner to ! a (ienmtn prince. A friend's butler, , as usual, was helping tbe veteran to get the table ami wines ready and at the same time was taking 11 lesson In hutlershlp. "'Since this here man's a prince, Mr. l'otts, is there anything special In the way we are to serve him?' the pupil inquired. "The humorous butler l'otts, re membering that It chanced to be the 1st of April, said calmly: " 'There's only one specialty, and I'll leave that to you, my boy. When his highness sits down you must take up his napkin, unfold It and knot It round his neck, continental fashion.' "Hadn't you better do It, Mr. l'otts?' said the youth, timidly. " 'No, no it ain't my place,' was the reply. "l'otts forgot the press of all about his joke in work that followed. Therefore his surprise and horror al most equaled his master's when, the guests having seated themselves that evening at the magnificently laid ta ble, the young butler leaned over the prince, took his napkin, shook It out with a nervous flourish and then knot ted It like a bib i.bout the dumb founded potentate's neck." Agricultural Resources of Chile. "Chile is one of the richest coun tries In South America," remarked II. A. Ylngut, a mining engineer, who has spent the last ten years In that country. "Not only Is It rich In mines, but lis agricultural resources are un limited. In the southern part of Chile are Immense stretches of cattle and sheep lands and as good grazing grounds as those of Texas. In the cen tral part of Chile are hundreds of thou sands of acres of fertile lands that will grow almost every known crop. Of course, Argentina Is the premier wheat producing country of South America, hut It cannot surpass Chile in the quality of grain grown. "There are fewer Americans In Chile than in any other South Amer ican country, I believe. 1 don't know the reason for this, unless It Is that tho Chilean people are not overfond of Americans. (Jermans and Kngllsh men seem to be In favor" with the peo ple of Chile, and the people of those two countries ure capturing a large part of the trade." The Language of Clothes. A pompous colored woman wheeled Into the cloak department of a down town store. "Can I direct you. madam?" Inquired one of the managers. "Yessah. Ah wants the gown do pnhtment." "What kind of gowns, madam?" fur ther inquired the official. "Why, women's gowns, of eo'se," replied the customer, disgustedly. "Y'all think Ah wants a gown fo' a man?" "Hut, madam," explainer! the man ager, "you see we have different kinds of gow ns. There are tailor made gowns, evening gowns and night gowns." "No. sah," put In the woman, promptly, "Ah don' want no tailnh made gowns, or night gowns, or early In the evenln' gowns. What Ah wants Is jes' a plain gown to do washln' In. Ah wants a calico wrapper. That's what Ah wants." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Forty as the Voting Age for Women, One of the object bins to woman's suffrage has been that It destroys the home. The woman who goes to the polls neglects her young brood I am now referring to those who are mar ried. The unmarried woman loses her maidenly charm and reserve nnd young girls will he too apt to he swayed here and there by emotions or some consideration. Very well. Let all women vote at 40 years of age, and not before. Here Is a solu tion. The matron of 40 would have children quite well started toward ado lescence. The unmarried lady of 40 would find a metier, In case she bad not one, and at that age there would be less chance of her marrying than at 2d, and she should certainly at this time of life know her own mind. Vogue. An Author's Initials. Initials are sometimes the resort of the writer who Is anxious to conceal his Identity, ami a glance through any one of the Toll volumes that comprise the catalogue of the lirltlsh museum rending room will discover some strange Instances. A theological book entitled "Inquiry Into the Mean ing of Deiiionlacks hi the New Testa ment" Is attributed to T. I'. A. I'. O. A. II. I. C. ). S. Its i ea I author was a certain Arthur Sykes, and the initials reveal his position as "the precentor and prelien.lary of Alton Horeji.lU In the church ol .Salisbury," t t v v t ? V ? ? ? V Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y PENNSYLVANIA JOHN Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y t Y No. 1914 Condensed statement of the condition of The First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the close of business, April 2Sth, 1909. 11ES0UUCES. Loans, Discounts and Investments $:ii-l,3.V 'J." V. S. Honds and Premiums. r.l.MlO IK) Keal Kstatc U,.Wt 70 Hanking house, Furniture and Fixtures IO,7tH 7!) Cash and siirht exchange ... Uvl.L'Hl 41 Hue from U. S. Treasurer iJ,.r)(MMH) $;.:,.!. 72-1 l LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ riO.OOO (HI Surplus and Profits llii.Titit! !)" Circulation 20,HM) (H) Deposits .Ii:.l.r.7 2.1 $5:1:1,724 is We Respectfully Solicit Your Account. (.Koitr.K K. Dovey, President. H. N. Dovky, Cashier. F. K. Sciil.ATKii, Vice Pres. ('. (I. Fkicm:, Ass't. Cashier. Y Y Y Y Y Y t Furnishings and Work Clothes X FOR MEN i y ? y It may he that you do not know wo carrv a full Y line of Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, (ilovcs, Underwear, j Sox, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc., suitable for j every man. Y Work Shirts, all sizes and colors 40c and GOc Men's Overalls without bib 50c, 00c, 85c y " Overalls with bib COc, 75c, 85c, J)0c, $1.00 y " Jackets 50c, 00c, 85c, $1.00 ' ffiffnn TTInnnnl r.luma twi!x or .A. J xVUVII J. IUII1IVI Ii7V.i3, tj 'til I , 4fJU V " Leather Gloves at per pair 50c, 75c, $1.00 y j " Underwear, per garment 25c and 50c y y " Union Suits, per suit $1.00 and $1.25 y y " Mixed Sox, per pair 8c and 10c y y " Fine Cotton Sox, brown, black and fancy y y at per pair 10c, 12e, 15c, 25c, 35c y y " Suspenders, at per pair 25c and 50c y y " Red and Blue Handkerchiefs at 5c and 8.1c y " All White or White with Colored Border y y each at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c y y Boy's Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Under- y V wear and Handkerchiefs. V t I GROCERY SPECIALS S y y No. 1. We are headiuartersfor Butter and Ers V for we receive more and better quality than any store. Let us add your name to our already lare list of cus- tomers that et their butter and ee;o;s every week from us. Market price always. y No. 2. We are headquarters for all kinds of y Cheese, American full cream, Brick and Limbing, 20c lb. y Sap Satfo 10c, Lunchen 15c, Ini)orted Swiss 40c. y No. We are headquarters for vegetables, fresh y every day, Strawberries, Cucumbers, fresh Beans, y Rubarli, Green Onions, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radishes, y y Cabbage, etc. y y No. -1. We always have on hand a nice line of y y fresh Oranges, l.",c, 25c, 35c, 45c, per dozen. Bananas, y y 20c a dozen. Pine Apjiles, 10c and 15c each. . - . . f We Want to Talk Quality Not Quantity. I X y I E. A. WURL I y Plattsmouth - - Nebraska. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y LAWN MOWERS Kvcry l.awn Mower we carry outside of the cheapest ones are made by the factmy that made the celebrated Pennsyl vania l.awn Mowers, the best km w n and highest irritdo lawn mowers in the world. We carry a a miiplite stork at piias to mil everybody. From $2.25 to $15. BAUER Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ; f Y Y Y Y Y Y