The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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NW.. i::il,;hr.i Nov. f. ' M
UKRALIJ. E.-Ubltthtd Ar 16. 1?
Con-'oli-Jati'd Jan. !. I--
TvT -v -i l soluielv unknown whcr? this etlWtive "NT- "d
ru v eruur auiw ; r,rw,.;. ust.d. rjia:)l.1)tlin Ma,,v (,,us c w r inn urermiui uuui- warn,
i it . . ()nt VOllfnr noin mwl rr.. i.nn.i.f
-s a! tne work oi a healthy stomach. Ill a i. A. - . ......
COinilllttee dita vour meals when vour stomach At AVOCa ' eiMl SCrVlCCS ! wominl' A nvi-nu.nt U under way to
; I organize a physical culture club in this
,,,"".'., , 1 4 , . . I city, to be conducted along clean-cut,
Article of incorporation have been; A class of ten. consisting of Lena hurh-rlnm. i ..-..n.. .1..
. filed with County Clerk Kosencrans for , Brunhocfcr, Kertha Rienke, Dora si,..! for ii,.Ba ' .....
; takiwr todav :ir..l l.v tomorrow- vou will I i ... u- n n c...n - ... ., ' --, "" " Renin we necessary exer- .rm.r " "... u.".n nun uu.t. lunuxi, Will UK
German Luth-
: digests your meals when your stomach
j can't. Each triangle will digest all
, . ... , , , the food vuii can eat ar.d leave nothing
Nebraska will Be Represented at i t0,0I.t er ?our
Irrigation Congress. Get a large Su-cent case of Tape's the Av
Diapepsin from your druggist ap.dtart : tion
Uora Supply Company, a corpora-: Scheel, Clare Story, Emma Scheulke, 8iona wu,,ll?t whow duti
formed at Avoca by Messrs. IYter : Clare Woit.el George Kupke. James lhl.m from gM-mg the nm,Ma,
Spokane, Wash., May 12.-
A. C. Shallenberger of Nehraska
actually I rag about your healthy.strong known gentlemen of that city. The continued at the Ce
CISC to maintain atul nreservK thnir
T ...L
rmau i.uineran vitality at its best. The club will be
of Nebraska. The appointees are: E.
C. Simmons, Lincoln; W. S. Morlan,
McCook; G. L. Shumway, ffcotts I:iu!l";
A. M. Morriasey, Valentine, ar.d C.
Co'l'ee, Chaldron.
W. J. Furse, private secretary to
Governor Shallcnbcrger, abo writes
that the governor will appoint 1" dele-gati-s
to represent Ncbra.-ka at the
"Governor Fhaliei.bvrer w'l! ha
with us at one or more days r!uri:' thv we i.o; e to have mm with
us on Governors' day, August 1";,
said Mr. l:;sir.ger.
will al.-o have as our
tives from practically every ;tutc :.r.l
territory in the U:dor.a:.i! i; number of
'i believe thi-i ci.r.grt.-s v. iil h- of
greater importance to the west than
br.l other thing that h:.-yet he-, r. :;t
teinptcd ir. '.'.:is part of the i 'Ui.try,
iw.d I known it will h- o n.uM-ia!
l.tjnetit to ths- co.::ury oi: 'he v:!..- !.
Thero i nvre iiitere.-t tha-i calx
fore ir. problem.-, of hri.":i; :::, co:..-.Tv.i-
.'ticii of fore.-t re-r.nn deep vate:'-
vvays, r'-larrintion i.f r;. an', ariii
lands, go .fis roa.i anii ho.i'.e-bul'dm;',
and the people of Nebraska are ua
decpiy cor.'.'crned in this a.s wt are right
here in the state of V.'a.;hin;t'.:
"The members of thi- boi.-il believe
that Nebrr..-'..a ar.dethtr states in ti e
vcer.t can et a lot of beneiit from thin
coiT6K3, and from v. hsr i know of
them I io rot h.-bitat'.
lieve that thy will take advar.tage of
tais o;portutiity."
New System j
At Spokane
An ArnepA'il Charter Atlopted!
Which rroniiscs Better
I. S
::e, is i:
of M
W.v.v!.. May 11 -When
L'ki'.', n.J'.ynr-ele'.'t of Spo-1
liete '. it'.lo ollicc the eve::-!
hj the citv council
1.1V -AU 'i-t ' ...... c i iil;. j
...x -,v;,j ti-'V we v. .11 work ur.d-.r an amended charter,
p pue-i.i repr.-re'.ta- '' liich provides that u:atisfa-'ory city J
on a petit .on 7'j
voter.;. Tl'.e 1
ol'ici.i'.o n.av be r
of 2" per a ;.t of the
charier ah- .'. id'.-:- for
a.t.l v .e. i r.i.i
p..r tent ol tt... voters casting
..i 1 1 . . i... t m.. ,. ; : ..
.... iic t.:... ... ...... -.. ... t i ifi.b,
t! !.. omit, W'. t-'.eccd on a non-partisan I
j. :.i;i.r... to .--i i ..nyor t. lieiiiort
Moi r..', eho-vi'. or. a rel'orn. ticket in
iri'7. who ileciii..-il iei.oiniiiatio:i. His
eh.cti ..i :-. a :-Lr,.u.l viel )i'y. won again:.',
l he ii'pior and br. v.-;-ry intere-t. public
rervice e oi .-, a i.jmbir.ation of
city con' factor., and leadeis of the
lier.'.'.'cratie mu.'hir.e, who supported J.
T. (mo. Tiie election was won on
sharply (ieiir.e.l issues and an align
ment that l.'roke party ties. The Tratt
support was hl.noht entirely of indi
vidual character, of people who believe
in law and order and have faith in the
to sn- th;it I he- i uy i,1,tl c ininlenee in as luture. Jiien
loo, was the lnct that nice than
: 1)0,0.;.' will be expended by the new
administration in improvement anJ
betterment of the water, -treet and
fiark sv:;ten:u.
The sale of seats for the er.gago
ment of Mrs. Fiske and her famous
Manhattan Company, May 17, IS and 1
in "Salvation Nell" at the Iturwood
theatre, Omaha, will begin Thursday,
May 13 at 10 a. m. Already the ad
vance bookings by mail have been un
usually heavy, breaking the records of
the theatre for the Benson, and the
box-office btutT are anticipating the
busiest day in months tomorrow. "Sal
vation Nell" is a play of wide appeal,
and tells one of the most absording love
stories set forth on the stage in many
years. Although it deals with the
humble and often ignorant people of
the crowded centres in New York, it in
a story that goes straight to the heart,
and grips the attention of the spectator
from start to finish. Nell Sanders,
the part played by Mrs. Fiske, is a
lowly scrub-girl in a saloon. Into her
life comes the power. of a tremendous
and redeeming love, her better nature
is awakened, and in the progress of
r. ,i , T, c ! 1,10 she rises from the depths of
(.raduaimff Exorcises of Pacific j degradation to the heights of spiritual
Junction's High School. j achievement. As the development of
I the story commences immediately after
The Nkus-Hi;i:a!.D is in receipt of an Ur ri'0 (f the l'"'tain, those who ar
invitation to the class day and grad- nve l;ite should r.ot exj ect to be seated
uating exercises of the Tacilie Junction U" 1,10 cn'1 of tl,e ,",t- Tm're will be a
rrr- - " j High scho.,1. The class consists of : ""'tiffe Wednesday, May 1;.
John Kahler of ( ino.'vi loul ti..nv.l ,,r ! it, ...... 1 .1 !
i " J.. : K i.ioic.-. nuu wine joiing Cynical.
I the "wide open nolicy" of the nresn't ! gentlemen: Alta J. and Geneva A. "F!lipcln mn.i i.n ....V., i ,
... , ' mm. II III UTQ
I eity ai'n.ii ini.- tia'ion in thij ity. r KoRester ar.d Louise A. Johnson, and with his wife to buy her so much Jew
Three SIM Entjajroment at the I t,,.,, ,,,. ,,, ,., .,rli,;.,J m.i, Pav.d M. Toyle and 1 I erl-.aps, answered Miss Cay.
....... .... Jorm l'eiashnii.t.. the commence-
ment program will be given in the.
Methodist church on Thursday evening,
:rt. !. r'W f ,r v.. 11 f l...n .. . f.u t u nx-f ?ii n cr I : ..I . 1 I. . .: l - I . . . . . . .. . . ...
writes from Lincoln to R. In.inger, '""1 w r u,v nvrrmu,,, u c . , n nvo , M norm t Jlurdurk on open to all persons of good character
chairman of the board of control of the , j ;! f t or mm d ' ', ' S T 1G' i who desire to improve their physical
x. .. , f. isiignttst (.iseortiiert or misery, ann business to be engaged in wil be the, .,.. . ... 1 1
seventeenth National Irrigation ton- . , f 1(. H . , i r : , . c . ,,. ,, . .. i well-being.
. , . . , esery particle o. imp'.intj ami tid.- 1 ,rCr,erai merchandise business. The Smoke "Acorn cigars. They are q. , , . ., , ,
Bcss, that he has appointed a commit- , j i . , .,,. .. . . . ! , , , ... , ... ... ; I o assist in the work of organization
7 , . ... , ; is 11. your siomatn ana intestines is go-; t-;,,,,,! stock is to ne JIi,(mii divided made from the best quality of tobacco, ! . ,
tee of live to confer with the local i ith t th ' . 1 . . 1 ' ; one young man and one young women
, ,. ; ng to tje ca.neii awav witnout tne use lntf) .;oil shars of i each. and are free smokers. .,,. . , ...
boar.l as to the best means of n.akir.g ()f .lsalivL.s , uny otht,r assistance. I l,re "ceded (a married couple would do
the congress in Spokane, August to j nicely.) Those of excellent character
1 1, of the greatest benefit to the state TVrTTT CTrpfom I m ..bVi who wou!l1 ''he to assist in this im
portant work, with full remuneration
for their time, are requested to write
us tit once. Tlease give your age, oc
cupation and references. All com
munications will be held confidential.
Write us now, please, and address as
follows: Lock l!o. lol, Omaha, Neb.
Will Receive
Their Diplomas
I) roams, dreams, only ilrer.nvi
Nothing on earth is what it pi e ir.s.
(Iriefo of today may be joys of tomorrow
Joy.s of today may brinjr forth sorrow.
So drifteth away the sad and the jjay;
Some in the sunlight, some in the gray
Sumo stepping heavenward, some gone astray
To waken at last to know that the past is a dream,
And only The Christ brings the day.
-Lktiti.v E. EUltTOX.
"Salvation Nell"
Burwood Theatre in Omaha
Books a Strong Number.
initial ie 1 -wr - . m'
(i?i-. 'le-titi'ri of , JVVVJiV(U-
bThe Blue Mouse.
Butwood in Omaha.
j in the "wide ojion policy" on Sunday
; and on Sunday' he obtained "booze
Itur-: fi-oni roir.e Sunday "booze joint," and May 'Jith. It may be noted that sev
1'hie ; imlv,,, i,;,r:i.i,f :,..:..,. .1 1 1 era! Thittsr.ionlh iieoole will t.i' r ti n-t
lieved the ".vide open policy" that dis-
Ends Soon
Cirn Crib Burn3.
N About T, o'clock Monday morning the
Jliserv From Yoar- Disordered ; '"f c"rr- crib,.',f L- c-j(,i!J m':,r
, huwka was di.-covere ! 'ii tire, fhe
Stom&ch Goes in Minute.-. j ames had su-'h headway that it was
' j imp'osfibie to stop it, and a total loss
resulted. The crib and elevator were
valued :.t several hundred dollars l.e
si.ks about 2o.' bushels of corn were
destroyed. Thi re can lie but little
tlouh. the
. ou car. ear. ar.vt:i:n' vo
ci'i.ves wili.out fear cf a case
ve.-'ion or Dy-' epsb, or that ;
v. i.i u-rment or seur on ; . u:
y..i; v. ill occasionally take 1;
stomam '
of Ii.ii!-!
your ford j
Vn;::' h:f ;
little 1 i
): in. after eatu g.
i'our meals v i 1 tn.-te a'.
you eat ill 1 1: -.
. fi "ment or turn U t-; ar
N.vj-ea. !:'
of h ad in. tr.n;!--
..arti :;rn, Water bra:, T.'.ii. in stom
;, and intestines vt 1 th r i-yir.; torn...
L.adachea fvooi. the stomach are i;b-
,!'. I
!' S'. i.
. a-d any-;
1; M.thh g
1 or oo ( i!
: !
Ine.'S after
n '.like a I
.i:o'..,, j
1. . ui:
I 'rid r
wasot incendiary
-.fuiar ir. ,ti; of !; V. C. T
be he Id at the M. K. Churth
af'i-rr.o ..1 M; y li.t; at l.o
T. hi. J. K. Va.-.d.-rcoi .:.
Sec.e t.iry.
N'i xt Thursday evening at the
wood Theatre. Omaha; "The
Mouse" the much-talked of farce
ermcdv wil! be nresent with a cast s lid
to be the largct ever used in a comedy j i'cnsed "b,M,ze m Sunday" would war
of this hind, composed of the cleverest j rant further Sunday sport so he pro
people in the profession, and a produc-1 ceeded to destroy a screen door and
tion reported to be the most elaborate , use prilfane a.j ol)!,cene ;,.,umj;l
the Mcssers Shuhert have ever sent en- , .
t ,ur. Evervthing used on the stage is U ' 1 oUce LiUW wh- dws ot
carried bv the comany, even the furni-! 111 fil1 thll1K:j harmonize with the "wide
Mine, "uhhoiiKli It Is sometimes diffi
cult to deleiiiiinn whether expensive
KlT's are Instilled by affection or a bad
in th'.' exercises, notably the Ae'olinn
quartet and Mr. C. l. White with the
The Only Alternative.
Mother (to her daughter) What Is
your father making such a row about
!n tho other room? Hither the doctor
has forlibHi'Ti Mm lo Hiuoko or ho U
now asking him for your hand. Flie-
Husbands Take 8econd Place Now.
In the day when women Bat at noma
and did needlework thoy may possibly
have had time to be Interested la
their husbands' careers. To-day their
own careers monopolize their attoa
tion. London Ladles' Field.
ture.eaipets, rugs, paintings brio abrac ' open policy" of the city administration K''dt lllaetter.
etc., making it an exact reproduction , took the unfortunate de il into custody
of the one now at the Lyric theatre, ; and placed him in the county jail, where 1 A Consintent Deceiver.
.New 101k, where the piece is now en-1 trie ".Sunday booze" and "wide noon u h:,t ni" '"" Kolns to do with all
. l
joying its seventh lnonthof phenomenal j policy" kept up its work and he do--- : ,!iat coll,lt"''f''it money ?" ask.-d S ip
succcr.-. i troved constdemMe f K ; phlra. "My dar." answered Ananias
j at - ' vitw vvuiilj j'lU'
"The iJlu'j Mouse," has proven the : perty by breaking up a de.k kept in
greatest theatrical sensation of the sea-1 the outer part of the jail and breaking
son. From all has become a the windows in all destroyed some $1")
perfect craze, not only in New York, ! or 20 worth of property, which the
but throughout the South where the taxpayers of the county must pay to
company w hich is to appear here has help maintain this sort of "wide open
been touring. policy" and "Sunday booze" in the city
It is claimed by the Messrs Shubert administration,
representative, that the action of the , . . .
..layer 01 Kunmonti, (a.) wasentirely
uncalled for.and had the Mayor wi.nes-
. .u.i .)iut, 111 wy my dues in me urn- 1
tlnguhsheil club that hears my name." ! T
. : !C
"How 1111;. ii fuel do yoti compute we
shall in ei! or. our motor trip?" "Well :
stipi one we sny two pillous of naso- i
Iciie an! il.r-'e gaHons of Scotch.";
Call and get prices;
A Big Reduction.
X Opposite Tost Ollice. Tlatts-
mouth, Nil
vi- i
V. Leom-.rd left T;;..-.lay for
, wh.ere he wiii spend a few
ing his tla .11; liter and famiiy.
oaS Fitch's coniedv more t!mrnu" m il
ni'T; prominently than could have been
I accomplished by any other method.
"The Ulue Mouse" has no moral to '
tell but nijis to ariuise and it is that
Mr. Fitch has crowded as much fun in-
to three acts as could be done. As usual ,
he has conceived not 'only original and,
uniipie types, but novel scenes. The
leading character, is a creation distinct
Hiv.l lasting. She is neither good or I
bad. Ashtoi, Stevens, in New York j
Evening Journal, calls her "benignly
tough." As played by Miss Millicentj
Kvans, one of the most winsome and !
gracious actresses of the present nge,
"The T.lue Mouse" becomes a sort of'
glorified devil. Another odd type is :
that of the old Cicrman woman whom
th" 'Mouse,' for per employs as her '
mother. Then, too, the president of -the
laih'oad, who likes every pretty
face, ii another hewn-from the-rock
type. 'J'his propensity gives rise to
most of the complications. Kollette, ;
his secretary wants to be made division
superintendent, and he pays "The Mine '
Mouse" to impersonate his own wife
and flirt with the old president in order
to weulle the promotion from him. :
The trick is turned and the mix-ups
that follow are to many to describe.
The engagement is there for three
nights starting May ), and matinee
1..! a performance himself and not been ;
n.ish d by a few fanatics "The i'.lue
. iieise" would not have been played so
prominently in the Ihic-light of public
criticism. Thi; h iwever, seems Hot to
have been in any way deterimental to
1 the piece, hut on the contrary it has
I boen the re sult of advertisii g Mr.
V? G '. 'j.
m More
No Less
re is a special line of suits which we hist received from the
manufacturer. We bought them cheap and will give oj the benefit.
Tho cloth U a beautiful nut brown worsted with a black pencil stripe,
absolutely nil wool. Ma le with fancy flap and cuff. Teg top trousers.
Best trimmings. A suit Veil worth S22. To the first corners, they are
SI 8 no more-no less. Ask for the advertised suits lot AITS".
Weseotl's Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
. 1
ir T MAKES a good deal
m of difference to you
where you buy your
clothes: because, unless
your a good judge, you ilon't really
know what your getting1. There's
always a lot of cotton-mixed stuff
on the market. That's one of the
strongest reasons for coming here.
You'll get h?re
fart Scliaf fner & Mdrx
,1 H T-.l
,1 r---.-e-r.i-.-.- -. v
clothes; and they're alwavs all
wool; the finest tailoring in the
world, th ? most perfect style.
We'll fit vou right, both vour per
son and your purse.
. 1 1 :.
-.1 if
Mi j
cr iV
.'.r.v c
H. C. McMaken i.n attending the
state encampment of the 0. A. K. at
York this week.
th !: m:v stoke.