The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 06, 1909, Image 8

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    Closer Rela
tions Needed
Our own lack of steamship lines and
banking facilities with South America,
the failure of our manufacturers to
adapt their goods to the tastes of the
Receives Souvenir.
Supt. Gamble is in receipt of a pretty from Victor Sturm of Ne
hawka. It is a r.icely gotten up, ar.d
well printed and bound volume of 32
pagt i and describes the trip of mem
bers of the lurnb.r dealers sss-iciation
to Cuba hist l'eburary. Victor accom
panied the members or. the trip and has
Latin-American peoples nnd thiir re-, written a n.o-t interesting account of
fusa! to conform to the conditions of ! Dixie and Cuba. Victor graduated la.-t
South American trade, i;re tr:ceal year fror-.i the Nehuwka schools and is
part ut lea.-t, to our failure to uppre-j this year attending Weeping Water
ciiite the stendy and Mire advance of ; Academy. His story of the trip would ;
them; republics to vigorous and dj ired.t to a much older writer.
pendent rational life. It is true that;
until recently the development of our!gtll Ot !
own industrial resources has demanded i T 1 Vi r-fV
all our suq-ius capital, but we have now j Heiiry J-lGllHHOII j
reached n point at which we can no (
longer afford to neglect the opportun
ities which these murkets offer.
Misery in
the Stomach
Indigestion Vanishes in
Five Minutes.
Federal Judges
I Old
The people of South America are
keenly alive to the fact that through
out the United States there exists this
ignorance as to their affairs. They hear
of our exchange of professors with
European Universities, they know of
the migration of our students to Ger
man, French and Knglish institutions,
they hear of millions spent by Ameri
can tourists in European travel, and I
they wonderingly inquire as to the
causes of our indifference.
We must give a more positive inter
pretation and content to our relations
with the republics of South Ameiica,
which shall express itself in a systema
tic eiTort to establish greater unity of
thought and action between the north
ern and southern sections of the hemis
phere. One of the most important
agencies contributing toword this end
is the Bureau of American Republics,
which is rapidly fulfilling the ideals of
it 4 founders.
A heavy obligation also rests upon
our universities. They must inculcate
in a larger portion of cur students a
clearer appreciation of the significance
and content of the Spanish-American
civilization. For the larger opportuni
ties uf business life we need an ever in
creasing portion of men who know the
Spanish language. It will soon be quite
us important for the North Ameri
can to lenrn Spanish ns it is for the
South American to learn English. But
a knowledge of the Spanish language,
important as it is, is not sufficient.
It must be supplemented by a study of
the economic conditions, political or
ganizations and literary achievements
of the Latin American. The record is
one that is worth tho serious attention
of every student. Our universities must
furthermore inculcate in the student a
broader intellectual sympathy; a readi
ness to understand a people nnd a civi
lisation different from our own, -in a
Resident of Cass County
Dies at Lincoln.
Word was received Tuesday morning
of the death of Henry Lehnhoff, an
old time resident of Cass county, at
Mr. LehnhoiT was one of the early
pioneers of this section of Nebraska
having settled near Louisville in
Here with his good wife he took a lead
ing part in the transformation of the !
arid prairie into a land of plenty. In
the evening of life, after accumulating
a competence, they removed to Lin
coln where they purchased a handsome
home and prepared to enjoy in quiet
the fruits of a life of toil and ac'.ivity.
After short funeral services in Lin-
ttaLtnl-rlnv i Vw twwlv U'94 tllt'f.n trl
V'riti t v. v... j ' - - - - j
the little German church southwest of
Louisville where services are being
conducted this afternoon by Rev.
Hartman, in the German language.
Interment will also be had there.
Why not ?tart now -today, and for
ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
ai d Indigestion? A dieted stomach gets
the blue:; and grumble.. Gives it a
good eat, then t.i';e I'npe's Diapepsin
to sturt the digestive juices working.
There will be no dyspepm or belching
of Gas or eiuctatioi.s of undigested
food; no feeling like a lump of lead in
the stomach or heartburn, sick headache
and dizziness, and your food will not
ferment a:.d poison your breath with
nauseous odors.
I'ape's Diapepsin casts only 50 cents
for a large case at any drug store her?,
and will relieve the most obstinate
case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach
in five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
Gas from Stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines, and besides,
Smith Mcpherson and J.
Philips Must Explain
to Congress.
A bitter attack on Judge J. F.
Philips of Kansas City and Judge Smith
Mcl'hcrson of lied Oak, la., in connec
tion with their handling of the railroad
rate cases in Missouri is made in a
resolution introduced in the to
day by Representative A. P. Murphy
of Rolla, Mo., representing the six
teenth district.
Severe criticism of the conduct of
Judge Philips on the bench is also em
bodied in the resolution which calls on
the speaker to appoint a committee of
three members of the House to investi
gate the conduct of these two federal
judges. The committee is directed to
report its findings not later' than De
cember 11, YM), with recommendations
Take Trench Leave.
Edward Starton of Union without
any nnr.ouncement on Sunday right
took his departure for regionsur.knowr:.
He had been engaged in the restaurant
business in that village. No reason is
known for hia actions. No domestic
troubles existed. He left a letter to
his wife, who continues to run the j
restaurant, that he had gone and that ! The drought has struck West Texa
she need not look for him to return, j hard this year, according W. P. Ander
He left her a check for a small sum of ; son. traveling live stock aer.t of the
Bad Drought
In Texas
Surface Water Gene and Stock
is Suffering
money, and bills against his customers.
His wife knows of ro reason for him
leaving in such a manner.
as to what action should bo taken in
one triangule will digest and prepare reference to the judges.
for assimilation into the blood all your A. P. Murphy, the auditor of the
food the same as a sound, healthy resolution, is a Republican, serving his
stomach would do it. second term in the House. He was
When Diapepsin works, your stomach , born in Pulaski county 38 years ago
rests-gets itself in order, cleans up-j and was educated in the Missouri
and then you feel like eating when you school of Mines and Metallurgy at
come ti the table, and what you eat Rolla. Later he studied law and was
will do you good. ! admitted to the bar in 1S91. For two
Absolute relief from all Stomach years he was national attorney for the
Misery is waiting for you as soon as Creek Indians. He was a member of
you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. ! the Fifty-ninth Congres. was defeated
Tell your druggist that you want Pape's ! for the Sixtieth by Robert Lamar,
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad.
! who lives in Amarillo, Texas. Mr. An
j derion is at the Coutes house,
j "The territory west of a lir.e drawn
I north ar.d south through Austin." he
I said, "was never so drought stricken in
On Marriage
A vi A T ' 1 forlv J'ears or cvtr before, so far as we
ADQ JJlVOrCe ; know down there. Practically all the
j surface moisture has dried up and the
Twenty years ago an investigation bv ' "tockmen are making a great effort to
thcOepartment of Labor showed that obtain enough water for their cattle.
32S.716 divorces had been granted in i "The winter cured grasses are good
the United States between 1367 ard for feed and there is plenty of that
IW, ar.d that divorces were increasing variety, but the lack of water is the
two and one-half times as fast as popu-1 disturbing thing. Cattle are suffering
larion. The recent census for 1S37-190G ; greatest aIonK thc Texa3 & Facific road
brings to light 9 45,623 divorces and de-! west of Fort orlh-
monstrates that the movement eon-1 n b i'""i
stantly g ins in velocity. At present,
! and will make shipments of cattle from
probably one marriage in ten is broken I that section ,atc Ju3t what the conaf'
. . I nooo mill ho if thera la nnf rain in
., j ; t... : ouences will ue ii inere is nut miu in
be as high as one in four. Forty years j that section soon h too ba conjectured,
ago the broad contrast was between ' Wanted:
North and South: bat the divorce rates Qne young man ar.d one young
of North ar.d South have been cor.verg- woman. A movement is under way to
Diapepsin, because you want to
thoroughly curidof Indigestion.
Democrat, and was re-lected to the
Sixty-first over Lamar by o!0 votes.
Plattsmouth People Are Doinj
All They Can for Fellow
Plattsmouth testimony has been pub
lished to prove the merit of Doan's
Kidney Pills to others in Plattsmouth
who suffer from bad backs and kidney
ill. Lest any sufferer doubt that the
cures made by Doan's Kidney Pills are
thorough and lasting, we produce co; -firmed
proof statements from Platts
mouth people saying that the cures
they told of years ago were permanent.
Here's a Plattsmouth case:
W. T. Cole, retired farmer, fi03 Lo-
say ;
Items ot Interest Concerning the Goin and Coming of
People You Know
ing, whereas those of East and West ! organize a physical culture club in this
have diverged. The Central states ! rite, to he conducted alone: clean-cut.
I have two and one-half times the rate of hic-h-class lines. It is especially de-
thc Atlantic states, while for the West- signed for business men and profes
ern states the proportion is three and ; aional people, whose duties prevent
one-half. j them from getting the necessary exer-
Although the tide of divorce is rising ; cjse to maintain and preserve their
the world over, nowhere is it so high, ; vitality at its best. Thc club will be
i nowhere is it risir.g so fast, a3 in the 0pCn to all persons of good character
L nited htates. Uur rate is twice that whr Hpirr. to imnrove their physical
of Switzerland, thrice that of France
and five times that of Germany. -Prof.
E. A. Ross.
was a Mrs.
I day.
E. A. Wurl of this city over Sun-
Ilerman of Louisvill
visitor Tuesday.
Jacob Schneider of Cedar Creek was Clarence Tefft, the Weepirg Water
in the city Tuesday. ! attorney, was attending to business
J. P. Falter went to Waterloo jester- matters in Plattsmouth the fir.-t of -the
day on a business trip. j wetk-
Leon Burton ai.d wife visited in ! I). West and J. M. Stone of the
Council Muffs Tuesaay. j hawfcn State Rank and Dr. Walker
r iv..manf South Heml was a 1 can,c' n er to the Monday
business caller Tuesday.
,..,! j...iv,,.f ctv, P.enHl Christian Church Aid Society will
1 itil n"tiu
were in the city Tuesday.
Miss Mane Ksutman oi ceu..r , . Evt,rl)(1y conliaI invited
was visiting in me cuy me nisi, ui i"c
, via automobile
I Christian Church
; give a apron bazaar the fir.-t
1 dny in June. Ice cream will be served.
To assist in the work of organization
one vountr man and one young women
" "" are needed (a married couple would do
Omaha Electrical Show. ;nicelv.) Those of excellent character
The second annual electrical, show wh WOuld like to assist in this im
giveninthe Auditorium at Omaha will , p)rtant work, with full remuneration
open on Thursday night May Gth, to for their time, are requested to write
continue for ten days.
The electrical show
u i at once. Please give your age, oc
at Omaha last 1 nmation and references. All corn-
year was one of the most beautiful and ; mUnication3 will be held confidential.
..popular events ever undertaken by the Vrite us now, please, and address as
energetx business men of Omaha, and ; follows: Lock Box Omaha, Neb.
those who attended wili long remember
the interesting and beautiful spectacle
presented in the big building. This
word, that abilit v to weiirh and estimate cust street, nattsmoum, m-Dr.
miral as well as material values, which I 1 contracted kidney trouble wnue
is the true indication of culture. ! enmg in the army. There was a dull,
Close and organic relations must be I heavy ache and lameness across the
established between the universities of ! s,na11 of mJ' back that aino'ed mu to
North and South America, between : quite an extent and at times the kidney
scientific organizations and :ommercial ' secretions were scanty accompanied
associations. Furthermore, no effort with l)!lin in Pn8?atre- Reading about
must be spared to attract u large num-' nan's Ki,,ncy rillH 1 wa lu(, to eet "
ber of students from these countries to 1 l)0X at GerinK & Co's- Jru store u,1(l
wur universities through the establish-' beRati their use. They made a marked
ment of a comprehensive system of I improvement and entirely relieved me
scholarships for Latin-American stu. , of suffering" (Statement given June
dents. ! H.
Agajn. whenever a ' request is made 0n December 20, l'.iOS.Mr. Cole added
for ter.chers to oriranize South Ameri- i to the above: "I nm pleased to renew
can educational institutions, we must
the testimonial I gave two years ago
be prepared to sunnlv men and women. 1 endarsmg Uoan s Money l ills, l uc
w-t only thoroughly trained, but cap-! vise an'one fflicted with lumbago or
able and adopting our educational I an' other ki(lny &An to K've this
methods to local needs. Everv rennest remedy a trial.
fr torKnir-nl vT,..r(a I For sale by all dealers. Price f.O
inir. BG-iiculturnl ami Hnniiarv t.tMi.tonwl cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's-and
take no other. US-4
must be met.
la this way, and in this way alone,
xill we prepare the way for the growth
of a common continental opinion with
out which unity of continental action is ; A beautiful Shetland stallion maybe
impossible. The Pan-American confer- j found for a short time at Manspeak
trices are making important contribu- er's barn in Plattsmouth. 97-i
tiona to this end. ith each recurring
conference, unity of action is extended
over u large number of subjects of in
creasing importance. We have at pre
sent but a dim perception of the power
xf this unity of acibn in the councils of X
the nations; its full import will only be i
be known to the generations to come. j
From the North American Review. 1 1
Miss Patton of Omaha spent Sunday
in the citv the guest of Miss Florence
Wm. Stohman of Manley transacted
business in the county scat the lirst oi (
the week. I
Our esteemed friend Sam Long of
South Bend was a business caller m the
city Monday.
France P.allanco of Glenwood, Iowa,
was visiting his parents and relatives
here Sunday.
Steve Orton, the Weeping Water
druggist, was a county seat visitor the
first of the week.
Mrs. George Sayles of Cedar Creek
visited with her son m this city the
first of the week.
Matthew McQuinn and Janes Niday
of Union were witness in the lhacKer
will contest Monday.
Mrs. Harold of Pekin, 111., is visiting
in this city with her mother and her
sister, Mrs. J. P. Sattler.
County Commissioners Fnedrich and
Switzer left for the country yesterday
on a bridge inspection trip. ,
Thilip Andres and wife of Council
Bluffs, la., were the guests of Mr. ar.d
Col. Askwith of the Masonic Home
; anil w . j . nite went to Umaha yes
terday to where th-y will attend a1
meeting of the board of trustees,
i Mrs. Lisa Wood daughter of Mr. and
: Mrs. Herman Streitwieer left Monday
j for her home in Centerville, Iowa, af
' ter a few days visit with her parents.
I Carl Neuman was visiting his par
I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neuman,
j over Sunday. Carl is a fine mechanic
I and is now doing contract work in Om-jaha.
It is with pleasure we ro'e thit
Frank Gobelman has recovtre I fr m
the operation he underwent at the
hospital and is now able to be out
Father Shine of the Cath( 1 c church
addressed the Young Men's Bible Class
at the M. E. church Wednesday even
ing. Those present report a mcst
scholarly discourse.
C. L. Graves, editor of the Union
Ledger, was in the city Monday in atr
tendance at the J. P. Thackcr will con
test. Brother Graves is a hustling
newspaper man and gets out one of the
best weekly papers in the county. We
were glad to have a pleasant call from
him. Come again you are always wel-
years show will far surpass the event
of last year for several reasons. The
association has undertaken a more ex-!
pensive and elaborate sy.tem of decora-!
tive lighting, and the United States j
Government will install several stations j
of wireless telegraphy and communicate ;
by wireless, with Fort Omaha, where j
the big signal station is located. The j
show will be opened by a telegraphic I
greeting rrom President Taft, by wire-1
less telegraph through Fort Omaha, i
vided fof ar.d the entire show will be
FOR SALE-40 acres, 2 miles south of
tovn with gooil 3 room houe 20x21
and kitchen 12x IS. 3 acres of api
peach and cherry orcnara. acre1
timber. Can all be plowed except 3
acres which is goor: pasture with tun
ning water. All fenced. Will take
in exchange a piece of town property
consisting of a 3 or 4 rtom nous e with
from 2 or 3 lots to an acre or two.
See J. E. Barwick in the Dovey
Block. 93-4
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court.
Sutc of Nebraska, i.
Cuuntv of Casn. .' I
In tho matter of thc estate of Z-Tah Wilbur Cole,
Notice is hereby irivcn that tho creditors of gaiii
deceased wiil mvt the Administrator of said
both entertaining and educational. The 'estate, before me. Ominiy JmlKeoi Cass County,
show will be open both afternoon
evening during the ten days.
Carl AhlstranJ, once the advertising
manager at Dovey's, but now on the
road for an Omaha wholesale house,
was in the city yesterday and was en
tertained last r.ight it
Charles Martin.
the home of April,
! 97-8
Nebraska, at the County Court rom in P.utt.
mouth, in said County, on the Klsi any of .V
I'JUj, and on the 1st day of iJectmb. r. l;)S.
o'clock A. M.. each day. for thc ournose of
aentins their claims lor e.xaminV.ion, adjustment
and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of j.iid
deceased to present their cia'm.". and one year for
the Administrator to settle said ettate. from the
31st day of May, I'M.
WitnesB my hand and seal of said County Court,
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this iiOth (lay of
Allen J. Bkkwn.
County Judtrc.
Maple Grove
Attention K. and L. ol S.
Tho Knights and Ladies of Security
will give a reception to the District
Deputy Monday night May l'lth at the
residence of U. B. Windham at S p. m.
All Knights and Ladies are requested
to be present. Refreshments will be
wrved. W. W. Windham, secretary.
C. II. Smith, President.
Second hand goods of all
descriptions. Sewing
machines, washing ma
chines and wringers re
paired. All kinds of stool
repairs. Store on Gth st.
opposite postofftee.
j Every Town in County "Dry."
! Little Yates bns Iho distinction of
belns the only county in the state that
I Is absclutelv "drv." Kvery town la
the county has votod no license. Tu
John Young made a business trip to village of Tenn Yan, the county cap-
Special Correspondence.
Just as you would have them Ht
Barnes' restaurant. The viands
are of the best, the cuisine is
perfect, and our sauces, entrees,
fi-ih, meats, oysters, clams, des
erts and pies are prepared by
experts. Our price well, you
will say they are small when you
test the culinary gems that we
present for your delectation.
Good rooms in connection.
Some desirable pieces of Tlattsmouth property cheap. This is
now down to bed-rock prices and if you contemplate buying a
home, don't put it off until values increase.
SOUTH DAKOTA farms can still be bought cheap. Invest in
the fertile Uee Vallev.
NOKT1I DAKOTA. Call in and see what you can do. Buy
now and secure a competence.
TEXAS. Now is the time to secure a part of 31)0,0111) acres of
the cheap and productive land in the Big Springs Country.
New Office in the Dovey Pdock will be ready for
occupancy about April 127th.
Agent for thc American Security Company of New York.
Plattsmouth Monday. j
J.N. Ilabel near Manley made a j
business trio to Murray Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tome Puis were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs., P. A. Hild Sun-1
Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. H. Puis spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug.
Quite a number of this Section at
tended the dance at Jenkins hall at
Murray Saturdry night.
John Swartz thc boss painter of Ne
hawkn passed through our city Monday
enroute for John Boek to do some paint
ing. Quite a number attended the admin
istrators sale of the J. R. Carthy estate
Saturday after noon and the good sold
very well at good prices.
ital, will, use "cold tea" as a regular
beverago for the first time In 30 years.
YateH is the smallest county In tho
stato, and the tourist can cross U la
either direction before ho gels very
thirsty without exceeding tho speed
limit. I'tlca'tN. Y.) Press.
SI. Paul's Churoh.
Important! All members of the Ger
man Evangelical St. Paul's church are
urged to be present at the special busi
ness meeting to bo held next Sunday
i (May 9) after the regular service.
A Glimmer of the Truth.
Asked to write a report of a lecture
on "Phases of Human Life Youth,
Manhood and Old Age," a young Eng
lish girl produced: "In youth we look
forward to the wicked things we wlU
do when we grow up this Is the state
of Innocence. In manhood we do the
wicked things of which we thought In
our youth this Is the prime of life.
In old age we are sorry for the wicked
things we did In manhood this Is the
time of our dotage."
India Victims of Tigers.
The ferocity of the tiger can be
seen from the fact that according to a
recent writer ho Is mado responsible
for 37 per cent, ot tho human beings
killed by the wild animals of Hindus
tan. The writer adds that onco a
tiger has tasted human flesh he Is sat
isfied with nothing else, and that la
southern India one of these man-eat
ing tigers has devoured 200 humaa
Twenty Five Dollars
Will be given to the
one suggesting an
appropriate name
for a new perfume.
Ask us about it.
W 1
M) 1
re- 1
F. G. Friche & Co.
bcln ks.
van ' - 1 i