The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 06, 1909, Image 5

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Charge cf Infjriated Animal cn Camp
at Midnight Met with Courage
and Skill Lucky
Shot Won.
an elephant's forefoot, mens- ,
uniit? 55 Inches In circumference and .
it is in addition an ugly tempered old
"rogue" its shooting in the dark Is not
a cafe business. The Japan Chronicle. I
however, tells of how a hunter named
Heiland accomplishes the feat In Cey- '
Ion, making a record hag'" which had '.
not been equaled n 8) years. He was
encamped one night In the jungle,
thoroughly fatigued after a two days'
buffalo hunt, when he was aroused by J
the cry of his shikari, "Sahib, an ele
phant." He jumped to his feet and
rushed into the open with a loaded
rifle. The night was pitch dark. He
hi ard the trumpeting of the animal
net far away. The elephant was evi
dently making for the spot where the
hunter stood. While he was won-
Bering at tins unusual occurrence, an
eph.ant approaching- a human en
campment in 1 he night, his servant
warned him that the animal was a
"rogue," a "rogue" being an elephant
which for some reason or other has
become a man hater and will attack
and kill any human being without
provocation. Now, an elephant, in
spite of Its huge size, is not an easy
mark. Its only vulnerable spot is the.
forehead; on any other portion of its
anatomy the shots have practically
no effect, though a shot in the knee
may bring the animal down. An en
counter with a "rogue" Invariably re
sults In the death of one of the com
batants, llellutiil was aware of this,
but he decided 1o run the risk..
Penetrating the jungle, he quickly
became aware that he was In close
proximity to the elephant, though he
could see nothing distinctly. How
ever, he fired at a venture and next
moment his ears were assailed by the
sound of a violent trumpeting and al
most Immediately after he saw an
enormous mass loom up before him
not more than ten to fifteen feet
away. There was no time to escape.
His repeating rifle was already at
his shoulder and he fired, this time hit-
ting the elephant In the knee. Itnmo- j
iliately on Bring the hunter sprang I
aside, but he momentarily expected i
he trunk of the infuriated pachyderm
be upon him, and again raised his
rifle. It was unnecessary, however, j
With a shrill scream of pain the
elephant collapsed. Another shot In
the dark would probably have brought
It to its feet, ho llelland had to wait.
A. A A
V - -- ..... ... --
v :
J'rt -set.t.y his followers" came up witn !
U.-;t i T:s. On seeing the lifcht th1 le- 1
I !:..:! att.-mpted to rise, but In vain ;
Tile hiuiur thin api iroarhed and fired .
n shot in its forehead, which put an'
end to its sufferings. Next morning j
the elephant was loaded, piecemeal !
(;n to a wagon by the servans and
villagers and carted to the nearest
tcvunment station for official certifl
Dyeing Real Flowers. '
"Every once in a while some florist
pets busy and puts tome odd colored j
blossoms in his window as an extra
attraction to the display." said a club !
nir.ti. "1 just noticed one down the1
street. It consisted of a bunch of
impossibly green carnations. At first 1 a good many people thought i
they were made of paper, but they got ,
interested when they found out that j
they were 'natural.' Now, anybody
who wants to have any of these freak '
flowers can get them by buying some :
kind of aniline irk, any color desired ,
Carnations are the easiest to color, !
white ones, of course. Put their stems
in a glass tilled with the ink. Then
stems are soft, and in a short while ;
the large veins in their petals arc
tilled with the ink. Don't let them ab
sorb too much color; they are prettiei
with Just so much. Then remove
them and put them In a vane of salt,
water. I.llies-of-tho-valley lead them
selves to this scheme alsoIn fact,
any white soft-stemmed (lower may be
j Polly Wat Indignant.
An ardent goiter, by way of a joke,
dropped a golf ball Into a nest bis an
cient parrot had built in the come.-
; of its cage. Polly sat with exemplary
patience on her novel egg, and ap
peared pretty well heart-broken when
the weeks went by and she found her
self unrewarded. At last parrot flesh
1 and blood could stand It no longer A
terrible screeching brought her ownei
downstairs at three o'clock one morn
ing. "What's the matter, Polly?" he asked,
as he noticed the bird's beak was
chipped trying to get at the egg's In
"Matter!" screeched the bird. "Great
Scot! I'm bunkernl!"
More to the Point.
In a certain lestaurant the electric
lh;bls were suddenly extinguished
When ihey were turned on again after
a few moment.-), a lady whispered tc
her companion:
"Somebody kissed me!"
"Yes. and somebody took my veal
cutlet!" replied the other bitterly.
The Hoheniian.
Immense Cuban Cabbages.
Cuba grows 20-pound cabbage bead
How Much Does Your
Plowing Cost?
How much time does it con
sume? Are you making money
on it? If you are not let us tell
you how you can save money
and save time. A Case Plow
will do your plowing quickly
and cheaply and give you
enough time to do other's
plowing. A Case Engine on
one of these plows is spring
mounted and durable, simple
in construction and you can
get more work out of it than
any other engine of the same
rated horse power. If you are
interested write or call on me
for particulars.
M. E. Manspeaker
i P:
Had to Sit Up Late to Do It, but the
Trick Wat Accomplished
Victim's Rather Lame
Excuse for Call.
To start with Robert I.. Heck Is
the most diligent practical joker In
Cleveland and environs, with the one
possible exception of Johnny Hren-
nan. :
Among the regular victims of j
Heck's Jokes and Jests are a crowd of !
young women, friends of his wife.
A pair of these young women 'lowed
one evening that they would get
siptare with Heck. The joke they
planned required them to sit up far
beyond their bedtime, but they didn't
let that prey on their minds.
At about 1:20 a. m. Heck was
aroused from n sound sleep hy the
ringing of the telephone. He crawled
out of bed, yawnfully. took down the
receiver, and learned that a woman
relative cousin or something of that
sort was lying critically ill at her
home In the other end of town.
Heck, then fully awake, Inserted
himself quickly into Ms trousers and
other things, and hustled out to wait
for an owl car.
He bad smne difficulty getting In at
the h-we of bis relative. Everybody
seemed to be slieping Just as soundly
as be lmci been tip to the time that bin
telephone l.iiig. It began to dav.n
on him that perhaps he didn't have a
monopoly on the practical joke gnu"
In this community. At Inst a servant
came to the door, tl was then Just
2:"i o'clock.
Heck inquired how everybody win.
The servant, wonderlngly, replied that
everybody had retired in the best of
health. Hut why? Was any one there
supposed to be 111?
Heck was on, when he heard that,
lie was Indeed the victim of a joke.
Hut a man does not like to admit that
he Is a joker's victim. And In this in
stance he didn't think it was wise to
have his relative shocked by the now--that
her state of health was a mattei
of telephone discussion In the middle,
ot the night.
"(), no, I didn't think anybody was
sick." Heck told the servant, ".lust tell
the family that 1 was walking by, ami
thought I'd drop in and inquire how
they were. No. no, didn't want any
thing special. Just-took a notion tc
drop In, don't you know. Well. I must
be off. Heautlful night, isn't it?"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Poorly Supplied with Teeth.
Despite Its great aie, an elephaat
has nnlv-eleht teeth
Would Have to Take ("loot and All.
She went Into n Fifth avenue hair
dresser's clinti to have her head sham-
mcj. She vote her hair in it I'.-yehe
unit. The slianpoiier hi elin'd to he a j
rifle rouuh. iit'd tliuiily her tugs at the i
'syche knot liecume ho forceful that I
: trifle
the woman In the chair cried oat In
lain. "What ate you trying to do;
j ull my head off?" she exclaimed. "1
( am trying to get your Psyche knot
! off," replied the shampoocr, "but It
: won't How did you ever get
it pinned on so (irmly?" The customer
almost shrieked: "Come off! Why, It'a
u;y own hair." N. Y. Tribune.
Beetle Hurting In Queensland.
A reward of Is. ,'ld. a pound was re
cently offered by the Queensland
sugar planters, writes a Hrlshano
(Anstralial correspondent, for beetle
of the destructive sugar cane grub.
Hundreds of men ami boys have now
taken up heitle hunting as a profes
sion. One man cams Cti n week
throughout the "beetle season," and
the boys make from i'2 a week.
Where Mr. Wabash Lost Out.
Mr. Wabash (to Miss Waldo of Hus
ton 1 "I suppose, MisH Waldo, that
your father is In business in Huston?"
Mi:;s Waldo "Oh, yes; ho Is one of
the prominent shoe manufacturers
there." Mr. Wabash--"Ah. Indeed. I
have never had much business experi
ence myself. Now, about how long
does It take your father to make, nay,
a good eight dollar shoe?"
Russian Legal Regulations.
Twelve hours, with two bouts' rest,
Is the 1'k;i1 laborlnK day at Odessa,
Russia. Workers under 1" must no
to school for three houtB dally. Chris
tians are not reipilred to work on
Sundays or feast days, nor Hebrews
and Mohammedans on their religious
holidays. Those who have to work
on Sundays have the next day for
For Blood Poisoning.
When it Is found that blood poison
ing has set In, or when It Is feared,
use the followlnc: To the Jnlce of half
a lemon add one teaspoonful of sujmr
and half a teaspoonful of water. Take
hot at a dose and repeat every HO
minutes for the tirst three hours, after
that every two hours. A euro will
usually be effected 111 a day.
Manhattan Indians.
The earliest notice we have of the
Island which Is now adorned by New
York City Is to be found In Hudson's
Journal. Mann hata is therein men
tioned in reference to the hostile peo
ple whom he encountered on his re
turn from his exploring of the rivet
and who resided on this Island.
Make the Outlook Brighter. !
Kveryone knows the pleasure of re-,
reiving a kind look, a warm greetliiK,
a hand held out to help in distress, a
'difficulty solved, a higher hope re-;
vealed for this world or the next. Hy i
that pain and by that pleasure let us1
judge what we should do for others,
Dean Stanley.
Cure for Pneumonia.
This remedy has been known to
cure pneumonia after the patient had
been given up to die. Apply sweet oil
to the chest, then cover thickly with
powdered lobelia, after which cover
with several thicknesses of wanned
Doll Are Matrimonial Agents.
Travelers through Servian villain
often fee dolls suspended In the win-d-.iws
ot cottages. The dolls have
nothing to ib with child life but Rig
Miry that a marrla7euble daughter c,r
a widow lives In the house.
Renerally happens that along
about the time one becomes able tc
recoKiiize true art one loses the knack
of beltiK able to take adantimre ot
busines opportunities when they pre
sent themselves.
Fisherman's Luck.
"In the skillful handling of fine
tackle lies a larRe part of the unsler't
enjoyment," says a current maalnn
writer. It's about all many of them
get. Huston Herald.
Search Thyself!
What are you worth today? Not
in money, hut In brains, heart, pur
pos-, character? Tell yourself the
truth ali.iut yourself. Oorge II. Hep
worth. Simulation Wins.
Some pretty long-headed philoso
phers hold that If you aie not Jealous
of your wife you must make her think
you are Detroit Free Press.
Great Britain Far Behind.
Within a circle of tiO miles In diam
eter, with Its center in New Yotk,
there are more telephones than In all
Great lirltaln.
Duty on Imported Negroes.
In i'i'i a duty was Imposed on ne
Broes Imported "Into New Nctherlatid
to woik on their Houwerles."
Russia's Rate of Growth,
Thii population of Uus.sia Is Increas
Iiir at the i ate of 2."(io,n()'i a year.
Sustainlnq Power.
Were It not. for hope the
would break. Irish PioverY
First Postal Card.
The flint postal card was sped on Its
wav In 1ST'). . '
It ia economy to ure Rcytl EaTsinc Tcwrr.
It eaves labor, health and money.
Where the best food is required no oiher
baking powder or leavening agent can take the
place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder.
Alarm Had Been
at a Certain
Set to Do
Hour, But
Know It.
Us Duty
One of the elevator men In a a
otlhe bitihliii'; up town found that
then' was soinetiiinn the matter Willi
his alarm clock, says the New York
Times. Knowing tint one of his eoi
leavu"s w:s a notul deal of a me
chatili i.Mi, he dot i h d to save the
prlc.' of bavins his clock lixed by cel
lar.' Joe to fl It for him.
,lo.' ai'vi! with ureal utliitslm'm:
'eok the clock home and tinkered with
't. and when the two went "off the
ii:b" at six o'clock o:io afternoon l.ii-t
veek. Joe turned the clock over to
litn with the assurance that It wv
I'ved. l-'o It was; and Joe had set the
.tl. 'fin for (1:1.1. bu' Jim ilbln't know
h; l and Joe for;zoi to tell him.
Jo" a-d ,l!in veto (ravelin;;
''(" I ir i nd of Itroet.'v n e,i ,in eleal" !
'Villi ::l f,:11 ,hnt iiichl, ami weie
ue--t pas: il'K Orei nwood cemetery
. l.vit the ;. : i ; i nt oT. I?verj bin'..'
n the car rave either a yell or a
lump. Joe tinned to Jim with a look
,if i ni in lse.
'Y'i::l are you r.iaMa:; all thai nnle
'' "" be, ye h'd. !li a voice that ilo i.I
ii ieil I'M ti the ;iproar of t!i a'arai.
I!f:l in the feci-, pi m; Irl nr. i Ir.riir'
''id, Jim waM tiyh:'; io n i r . th"
; lo'ifi'Timi' ibtror. The cn;-.r! van el
bewlii bis way tb!-Mi-:h th
".ltd out if P'lmelx; y hid :
nnilti- bomb. A j r tt ;
-e; t y r! had bounced in
i :'oVf! e
off a i'y
ri 'n thi
and was-
r 1 n; to ( !l:,ib il.e tor f. ;-n ! a stelii!
''i "nan had mii;pt!y cat ilmvn mi it
There wire nil the ".ii:tc:i:n i Ither ,f
nnie or a cin in.
H fi-r Jim. he v.eMlcd'ly 'l!)l
tV.e l-ii L-lnr. il iii'. turn. e l eff
"-.i ry'hlTH Iri '. e t lirmer.t but tin
!: l.t Mop. Venwhlle Joe. the an-tin..-
of Ms i ( tif.i' icn, was 1'iol.lng i.l
lorn villi
n s.'r of mild iittiuiry.
"i'iii:: j!
on a In t, ,11. n?" he aski d
With mi oah. Jim arose and hurled
lie iMiif; through the window. It
lljh'ed In (Irei uwiiod, still n'dns off
end a iillc'-man, at wince feet It
landed, pave a shriek i;ud leaped si:;
fu l. Then he ill-rested it as a dyna
iuite bomb, ; ml the train moved on.
Oootation Guest Rooms.
A .mmiii.i; nuitron on Long Island, who
Is haviiiK lnr spacious country home
decorated ovi r for the season, has con
ei Ived a novi I idea for her r.uest rooms
which will solve the difficulty of seem
iim favotitisin In the distribution c
1 "'" w m, selected (pioiiiuons
i 'm,n ki",wi authors, had them II
i luinlneil and hiitiK on the doors of the '
Viiuoiis looms, in tier guest till..
Ibere me con hkik, inline imotat Ions and 1
... ...... .,. members of a house ,
I parly are shown to their looms th-:y j
i must male i; selection of a uotat!cn I
and write their name beneath It. ran: !
I this choice of quctiition the room Is (!r !
ti rnilr.eil aud the pnes.t finds the wort'. ' i
j on his (!eor. Here Is one. lo:- i
that she has Ihiiir o,i the door of a
1 re i in done In wistaria blossoms: "To
i spend in all
j friends to in
thin'-Vi el. e. but In o'd t
miserly." All :hl b'-.i
niotcK jollity ami pood MloAshlp
Prom time to time, the hostess c
elates. :hc will ( hitllKC the c.uotatlo-l -Tor
j.usls who (nine f-.-eipp-nty scon
would learn v liM romos to !ck ti'st1
this would ;!ve an tttii'alr advantafce in
the yaine with novcome:s.
Happiners and Jcy.
I In outness, accoiditie to the
Inal use or th" ti nn. Is that vhlcb
happens, or conns to cite by a hi' i,
that Is, by an outward befallin..;. ( r
favoiable condition. I In no:."
yields, or will buy; dies".. i,;,i!;ia-:e
I'if hlim. hiXMib's i f the table; or !'
Is seti'eii e:,t
life, Indcp.'nd ::''
iove, npplaiis".
Rli-ry. or the mm
public belli 'Its "f
l:i:. Iciet y, owe
lleht In the soul,
soul, or Its ip:a'if
Ib, th' V are
admiration. h.-:e r
re ( tivi at-.i
1 ill'.li. p( 'itil ill S',,l!lli
.-. a'l tl.ese s;is r. ib
which hi not of the
y. lint I'din without
Linked ii on as h;i;i
lieiiilii! to the 1 1 aild, 111 lliilt
SI its
ctea'e hiip!'in( ss. Joy differs
this, as lieine, of the soul It.-.eif.
Iiiiitlin: III its ci : i ii I i t v . And thl( ap
peai-; In the original form of the word
which. Instead (I stipestln.v; a hap,
ll'i rally denotes a leap or sptiru'.
. . . The motion is outwanl and tu t
toward., as we conceive It to be in hap
piness. It Is not the bliss of comll
1 lull, but of character. Dr. Horace
Gentleness and Otrengtn. ,
Nothinw Is so strong ns fientleftesfl,
iiotblni: so Kcntle as strength. St.
l-'in-'is de Pales.
GRAPES, from their most health
ful properties, give ROYAL it
active and principal ingredient
Mr. Oliver J. Goslington Gives a Faint
Outline of the Troubles That
Pursue Him.
"I don't know why It Is," said Mr.
(iosllnntou, "but when I travel I al
ways seem to Kft the worst of it in
some way; II there's anything coins
that isn't pleasant It conies to me.
"Yesterday I made a little trip to a
place about lirty miles from the city.
I went to the station early to Ret a
seat by a window. I managed that all
i Wit; 1 ;ot a window seat and Just
where I wanted, not at the end of tho
car, but about two thirds back from
the front, where I would ride, easy aud
at the same time have something to
look at ahead, and of course that all
pleased me very much,
"At the first station out there got
aboard the car at the forward end
seven men, a very assorted lot of men,
some tall, some short, some thick,
some thin, and amoiiK them one man
or phenomenal pioportlons, a Riant of
a man, with hr,s siIi-Miik out beneath
and a luad prejecllni; up on top, auif
then I watched with fearful Interest.
, the procession as It started down tho
car. for I was seized with a mortal
turor that the IiIr man would want
to nil with mo. Iteallv he ouht not
to, for 1 sat t wo t birds of the way
! down the car and there were plenty of
; vacant scats ahead; but you never can
tell about a thiin? till it's settled.
! "I waichcd thiii procession coming
with n crcat and fearful lincrest. the
bin man btlnr.iiiK up the rear, anu
then with increii'i'iiR hopefulness I
! saw It dwindle as one member after
j another or it dropped out. to take tlm
! (Inst seat he came lo, until all were
j seated except Hie nhiut, who was left
i alone still four rows In front of ma
' and with three vacant seats In those
four rows to choose from,- and then
my hope ran hii;h, but he kept acorn
inn. and passed them all until he tamo
; to mine, where he hulled.
"'Is this sent taken?' he said to
j me, and what could I say but:
'".No. sir,' and 'Inn he kh( down,
j sittltiR partly v vacntit place In
I the scat aud partly on Oliver ,1. Gos
I UnRlon.
! "So I drew the fat man after all;
: but tilings like (hut happen to me
wiieiicvi r I travel."
Retalrr, Health by Fasting.
To prove thai complete abstinence
from food lor indefinite periods is not
only conducive to fcood health but also
to perennial youth. Miss (Taire do
Si rval, niece of the famous "fasting'
Dr. Tanner, Is siibniiKiiiR herself to a
remarkable series of experiments at
the Koyal Cbarile hospital in Herlln.
Miss Servid ended at noon the other
day in pel net health a fast of tt.-c
days, without nourishment of any
kind, either lbpild or solid. 1 Miring
that time t;he lived, in n case,
Into which frerh air was pumped by
a motor. She was tl en removed from
the care and placed In the ordinary
ward, but she intends to abstain from
food for another L'O days, IIvIiir in the
meantime on mineral water. Her
weight has decreased from lit pounds
to llil pounds., but hi r londi ion other
wise is perfei tly .'.(u niiil. She stilted,
at the end of the tenth liay, that she
r.i ver once fi It 111 from lack of food
! and drink, ami v.-as cnUn iy free from
j fccr or hcadni he. The yo-.mi; lady
I says that she was induied to become
a "faster" in order to cure horself ot
chronic headache;-, and lack of appe
! fit, and also became she liuds Fhe
emerges rcju w nated alter a period of
self imposed s'arvi.'iion.
.vaid Vacillation.
Von.Moltke: He who heIta'os
tuuub accomplish little.
What would you take?
Suppose you were required to live for
a certain length of tune on only one
article of food. Which would you
There is one food that stands without
a rival for such a test. Quaker Oats is
that one. It furnishes more strength
with least wear and tear on the digestive
organs than any other food. You'll feel
well and strong at the end of the time.
Try it. Don't rtop eating other things,
tut cat more Quaker Oats and you'll
notice the gain in strength.
You'll find Quaker 0..ts put up in
two sie packages, the regular size and
the large, family si.:c for those w ho are
not convenient to the sti re.
All grocers Sell these. Quaker Oats daily for breakfast,
it strengthens jou for the day's work.