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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
.HimmmmmimmwHimmmmmiwmHnmn 1 A Hasty Little Luncheon. g ' Beginning with a plate of soup followed by a dainty sandwich or salad becomes a delightful repast to an unexpected visitor. The line of canned meats, fish and fowl carried by us is as clean and healthful, and in many respects better than those gen erally prepared at home. We are trying to conduct the best store in Plattsmouth and we mean BEST. We give below a list of good dependable groceries that we wish you would look over. We have all kinds ot fresh vegetables, canned and bottled meats, fruits, cheese, relishes, olive oil, oh lots and lots of table delicacies. Rex Roast Eecf for luncheon Qg Pettyjohn's Breakfast Food 1 lb. package Argo Gloss Starch French Imported Mushrooms Jgjj Richelieu Peanut Butter Qfln 3 lbs. Sack Rice ORfi Advo Extra Lima Beans . QR. B. & C. Salmon 1 1-2 lb can JIT 10c and &UU for for -Wfc o for (JQ Rex Chili Con Came Qq Marvelli Spaghetti gg 1 Gallon Jug Hawkeye Catsup yg Old Manse .Maple Syrup per gg Cornet or Chef brand Salmon QC a Red Kidney Beans IE 8 cz. bottle Lemon and Vanilla OE H. M. Soennichsen's Special P ft 3 cans for at Extracts for 40C Coffee 2 lb. can... 3llC Presto Prunes 1 lb. can Ifl Macaroni fC Fresh Saused Mackerel jn. Package Diamond "C" Mince ft E at IUU at IOC 20c to HUC Meat 3 for &3G M. SOE iru EMI I PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. 3 .zmuiiuiuiuiuiuiuittiuiw i Salt Water Baths in London. ' A flourishing business In England now Is Handing sea water up to London for the use of those who wish a dip In the ocean without the trouble of travel ting down to the seashore for It. At the Twig t Bent. I There It some hope for the boy who a to be driven Into the bathtub, but there it mighty little hope for the boy who hat to be driven away from the mirror. Atchison Globe. Ilk A Dude Wrote Thia. A woman In said to have Invented a machine for darning socks, but nobody hm yet devised means for making darned socks comfortable. Provi dence Tribune. Wlllln'. A certain newly-elected congress man met a society bud of Washingtor at hit first reception. '!) you like" she quelled. "Well. I never played It," dravvlec the westerner. ' Hut I'm wlllin' to takt K hand." l.lpplm oil's. The Touch Artistic. "I'd like to take you to the theater to-night, obi man." "Thanks." "And I would If I had the price. Could you spare a five?" When Women Are Included. Miss Crystal McMillan, M. A.. H. Sc.. explained to the women at a recent suffrage meeting in Scotland thai women were only "the people" when there were taxes to pay or they com mitted crlinea. When there was only voting to do "the people" means only men. A university woman suffrage union has been formed In Scotland. MADE A MATTER OF RECORD. English Firm Has Neat Scheme Prevent Disputes Over Amount of Money Tendered. to Locating the Blame. "You sometimes make mistakes In forecasting the weather." "Not I," replied the expert. "My methods are strictly scientific. I can't help it if the climate insists on being a nature faker." Exchange. One's Own Judgment Biased. Our opinion of ourselves, like our shadow, makes us either too big 01 too little. Hronte. Intricate Mechanism of Watch. There are more than 2.000 distinct operations In the work of assembling a watch. The lady behind the counter at one of the winer drapery sales In Old bam j-'reet v rote t -it the bill for my I u (liases (writes "B") on a little manifolding book, which reproduced her wilting by means of a urbon pa per on i he page below. ' hen slit took the half sovereign I ti .dered Ip payment, and. placlnr it on the tippet, pressed It ban. dovv with hei thumb. I asked the r son "We hnvi li'strtiotioiis," she exp In 1, "to takt ilie Impression of any .j!ii received ly means of the carhoi paper In flu bonk. See (turning to I he duplicate of n.y bill), there's, the impic-siou ol our half-sovereign. You couldn't very well think you'd given me a soverel-.i f;er seelni: that, con!!' you? Yoii'i tie H'.ii 'pi is;-!'." she said, "how ofti . we have to show our bonks to eop'i 'o on luce I In hi v. I've not made u t'i tal.e." .Y,:.i:i 1 1 : i C.i.i.riliaM, New Hampers. re'e Name. New Hampshire was oa'.led so with reference to t!ie original patentee, who was governor cf Portsmouth in Hampshire, Kngland. It is known as the Crauite state, frcm the fact that Its mountains are largely coiupot-ed of that stone. Next Pure Reading Matter. Poet "Will you accept this jKieni at your regular rates?" Kdltcr "I guess so It appears to contain nothing ob jectiouable. tin to the advertising de partment and ask them what the rates are. How many times iKd you wish it ins-rted?" Cannot Stand Prosperity. Your novelist in his prosperity gets j away from touch with the mass of h;i -inanity which gave vitality to Ills, earlier boi.k. Although l is later workt i may be more perfect In writing craft j they are less human. Ht ok Monthly j Owned by the British Public. The value of pictures In the Hrltlsh National Gallery is about Jfi. 250,000. Millions of Miles of Salt. The world's oceans contain 7.000,000' cubic miles of salt. I JUST A WORD ENTRE NOUS The News-Herald is equipped to do all kinds I of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity :c to figure with you when.ijn the market for anything J ;: in our line. No jobgis too large for ourJability to execute and no job isjltoo small to receive our'most i i painstaking care, we cordially invite the attention ? of our. farmer friendsto our sale bill department. j: ;; This is splendidly equipped; for the prompt execu '' tion of work of this character, and our prices will :: be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus- J iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep- ; 4 resentative win can ana quoie you prices an any- t. 1 thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a share J of your patronage. Pastoral Adjuncts. In these i!. ys the ilea arils upon die i;;'(i ;: v i ;:: n any and com H(.i;e,i. "I i o busy to i!o a Male woe'." or off?"! a theatrical i:Mni:.rr, i;nd the pl;i w; H:ht jtiyiiiflei. is v. 'illluglM ss In i 1 1 in . t It. '.Vi lli-hf." the tiieaf te . "We've get e: n hi Ion fioin lb ' Kiuir to lit on a d.a.iKsii.aiion oi' The M'iiImi r's Yacatimi,' that (.,u:t: I'i'ii l'i:H's I'd I : I i -hi": i; ii 1 1 the an i.or's vvliling we sbou'd v.oik In oin , tv.n mine iueldeiils tn make tl'.e I' ll ii I: vi ly. "Now I v...i;t yen in v.i'.te iiji a cy '(!lie ami a oi;ple if uiek mules ve .mi iln u. in blue, ,v lor the cyclone. I. ii ii;e i wo ninli's a,e gient. I wa.H in1 pi sU.. nl flavor or t Ii book ki-pi m iiiiii'-i but j;i'-i a lit : 1 moio H' In It." Youth's Coiui ;i!i:on. Twenty-Nir.e Suits Shy. A Nt w York society lnuli-r says r.o'inan can get alons with tewet than TO siii:s of (lutl.cK. It appears to be (iil!e pialn t!:at our tailor does not c insider us a gentleman. i'lilla deli l,l,t l-'tar. An Impractical Stjgsestion. "You must lea: n to trust your fellow men." said the pri fessicnal optimist "There's no use in talking that way to me." answered ihe worried looking citi zen. "I'm In the M'ecery business." Paper as a D.ind:ge. For a slight cut there Is nothing better to control the he-uorriiage than common ung'azeil paper, such as Is used by groet rs and market nieu Hind a piece on the cut. Their Narrow Eccape. Mi. his, v.eiii led beyond endurance, ,. seeing that everything he toiuhei' t '.rueil to gold, looked about for some liiilit oeeiipa! Ion. wiih a view to rest-' n'A his iiiitid, and was aliom to K . i:i!o the luillbei' liusiness. i "I'.nt that won't do, either," he said ! "U I should touch wood I'd knock tbo wood pulp business into a cocked hat and bankiupt the timber klnss!" Ueali.iiig that crowned heads should stand by one another, and uncertain, besides, what the Payne tariff was go ing to do with lumber, he foroboro, and amused himself by going out and buying a gold brick from a con in a it which, in his case, was a perfectly sal'o U'i"u,i lion. Don't Crosd the Line. Women have need to learn the great lesson that there is a line be twten essentials which, overstepped, leads to mental and physical shipwreck. ( Never Be Afraid to Doubt. Never be afraid to doubt, if only ! you have the disposition to believe;, and doubt In order that you may end ; in believing the truth. heighten. i The Funny Thinga We Hear. "What time Is It?" ".lust struck 12." "Oh. ii must he later than that. You couldn't have counted right," Hoston Transcript. ; Progress in Argentina. The nuiln factor in Argentina's progress during recent years has been ltd constant railroad extension j The Home Paper Gives yon the reading matter in wiich you have the greatest in terestthe home news. It every a welcome visitor to every member of the f soul v. It issue will prove should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. i IwprliP OllUdl) lib Ml ? t f ? ? ? ? f T ? f ? Furniture That Pleases Old Winter with his reign of ice and snow will soon be gone. Those chilly blasts will be a thing of the past. Spring with its new demands will soon be here, and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which ere sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you prices. STREIGHT & STREICHT For Hot Fires Get Egcnber- ger's Coal ! Sure satisfaction every time you light a lire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. j J. V. EGEMBERGER 3 4