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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
NewsfHeraxd SL, Villi fT A IIIFP"Lf ' n V. The TWICE A WEEK NEWS. Kslnbtirticd Nov. 5. tKftl 11 KRA1.D. llhtablishcd April It'.. lsT, t Coribolitiutcd Jan. 1, FLATTSMOUTII, NEHKASK.A, TI1U1JS0AY, MAY i, 11K)! VOL. XLV NO. 98 Report of the City Report of the Pluttsmouth City schools for the month ending April 30, 1909. 1 Teacher. Mcm'ship. Atl'n. Trd. ft. c. , Brooks m m 11 . Cole 35.4 3t;.-, 1 .968 Ghry 3K.7 12 2 ' Martens ii.l 1 8.91 Yelinek 37.2 33. 1 Frceso 37.6 3H.7 0 .976 Haines 3S.5 37. 2 . TarUtch 32.5 30 2 1 Xi Morgan 3LK 32.2 0 .9.15 i Johnson 2S. S1.4 11 .976 lluisel 40. 37.7 .94 Mason 27.8 23.4 I' .92 Hansen 27.6 K.9 3 .833 Kankm 41.7 41. 1 .918 Hawksworth 35.2 33.1 0 .912 Itaird 41.8 41. li 2 .921 Whalen 46.1 4I.R 2 .90 Wilson 38. 3.2 0 .953 Smith 42 7 2 .S3 Stcnncr 36.9 33.4 0 .US Barwick 30.9 27.: 4 .89 Hibcr 16.9 K'. 1 .9'-2 Total 907.9 &-.D.3 41 .914 Will Contest Commenced. The hearing in the DahncrT.Thacker pVinnl!w'" co,,test commenced Monday in OLIiUVJIO J (.ounty fourt, The testimony of twei.ty- four witnesses were taken. The cor. j testants contended that that the late Dabncr T. Thacker wan incompetent to make a will and that his son, Walter, had used undue influence over his father. Argument of counsel was sub mitted Wednesday morning, at the con clusion of which the court sustained the will and submitted it to probate. It is understood that an appeal will be taker.. THE COUNTY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD AND USUAL AMOUNT OP ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. i PJattsmouth. Neb., May -1, 1909. j A. I County Commissioners met in regu-1 H, j lar session with all members present, ! M minutes oi previous meeting rcnu aim South Bend Information The entertainment given in the high school building Monday evening was a very enjoyable one. The proceeds from the admissions and booths amounted to ; .,vith friend $65. A part of this will be used in i Special Correspondence. E. Sturzenegger was an Omaha vis itor Tuesday. Sam Long was a visitor in the me tropolis Monday. Mrs. C. Hill spent last week visiting her people in Lincoln. I. Campbell shipped a car of stock to South Omaha Tuesday. Prof. O' I )e!l spent Monday evening in Murdock. C. Wortman and M. E. Bushnell Kurtz, same F. Kropp, same Archer, cost State vs. .1 hi' Meyers 70 10 approved, whereupon the following i C. D. Quinton. same 6 00 business was transacted in regular j Anton Nitka, sume 100 form: Ben Rainey, same loo In the matter of the petition of Geo. C, I). Quinton, same 1 00 Horn and 4o others praying that a ! M. Archer, costs State vs. An- liquor license granted to Andres I drew Bloom 3 50 Thomsen for the sale of malt, spirit- C. I) Quinton, same 6 (X) uous and vinous liquors for the period j Cuthman & Cory, same of one year at Cedar Creek, Cass j Neb. Lighting Co., supplies, county Nebraska; the Board first voted j Swartz & Weichel, mdse as to whether on not a license should 1 poor be granted in the village of Cedar J. Hatt & Son, mdse.. to i.) 35 G 02 10 00 A Small Blaxe. Monday evening Chief of Police Rainey and Ollicer Nitka noticed flames in the oflice of Attorney Byron Clark. When they reached the office the door i was found to be locked. They broke in and put out the fire, but not until a number of valuable papers had been destroyed. The fire seems to have started in one of the drawers to Mr. Clark's work table. Tho source of the fire is unknown unless some matches kept in the drawer had become ignited in some manner. There was no partic ular loss to the building. It was a for tunate discovery by the police, and they are to be commended for their prompt action. Louisville Gleanings sending our representative to me aiaic i ty t visitor3 Tuesday Declamatory contest ai Alliance ami the remainder will be used to help fit up the new laboratory that we are hop ing to have next year. Robert Sherwood gave two very in teresting talks to Central Building students and teaches on rubber this month. The talks were illustrated by rubber in its crude state and in the various processess of manufacture. He also donated a collection of specimens to the schools. We appreciate his kind ness very much. Considerable interest is manifest among students in the schools concern- ing the competition in the way of at tending at present. The room having the lowest per cent of absence for the last six weeks of school will be pre sented with the clock now on exhibi tion in the window of John Crabill's store. W. J. Bryan in a recent letter statea that he will be on hand to deliver the address to the graduating class on the evening of May 20. This will be an address that will be worth hearing. His subiect for the occasion will be "The Trice of a Soul." The Commencement programs are; out and are of a very neat design. The Mrs. E. N. Green and daughterspent a couple days with the Lansing family last week. Among those viiu:ig the county scat Saturday were Wm! Klcisser, G. Vogle and It. Talbot. J. Li-h has purchased the lots cast of the M. E. church, from South Platte Land Company. A surprise party was tendered Louise Bloom and brother Saturday evening. All report a good time. John Olds and son, Chester, came in Sunday to visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred Weaver and family. Mrs. Olson and daughter, who have been with Mrs. Fountain throuhtout the fall and winter, have returned to Omaha to live. Rev. and Mrs. Keiser of Murdock came in Thursday to be in attendance at the Package Social given by the Sunday school. The Italian gang of about ninety men are to make their headquarters in Louisville for a short time, the work between here and that point being about completed. H. B Ackerman, the Burlington Creek, Friedrich and Jordan voting yes and Switzer voting no. The Board thui proceeded to vote upon the petition ot Geo. Horn and others praying that a license be granted to Andres Thom sen to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for a period of one year, com- I mencir.g May 17, 1909 to May 17, 1910, at the village of Cedar Creek, Cass county, Nebraska, and the petition was granted as prayed for and county clerk ordered to issue license to Andres Thomsen upon the payment of the sum of $1000; bond of Andos Thomsen also approved for the sale of liquors at Cedar Creek. Water Republican, Weeping 1'iinting ? 50 Hammond & Stephens, supplies. 20 30 Smith & Smith, livery 2 00 H. M. Soenniehsen; mdse 22 10 W. J. Schneider, Care of corpse. 5 25 C. W. Baylor, coal.... 3G 54 John Waterman, sash 3 40 C. H. Smith, supplies 17 72 F. E. Schlater, expense 2 54 Mrs. Kate Minor, labor in re corders office 4f 25 Nkws-Herai.d, printing bar docket 23 43 J. H. Tarns, salary GO 00 Wm. Holly, mdse 3 50 25 In the matter of the application of J A. G. Bach, mdse John Gauer and 4'J others praying that : Plattsmouth Telephone Co., tolls a license be granted to Henry Leueht j and rents 22 50 weis to sell malt, spirituous and vinous Henry Snoke, Assessing Tipton liquors at Cedar Creek, Cass county, Precinct 87 13 Nebraska, was taken up for hearing i J. W. Crabill, care of clock ... . 45 00 and same was refused by the board. Diers Bros, mdse 14 Gi A small traet cf land in fcouth iJend i btone Mercantile Co., made ... 4 15 precinct was leased to the county by I Max Spanhnle, fees Ossenkop L. . Wortman trom the 4tn cayoi, case 2 00 May, 1911 for the consideration of $10. IUMD 1:so G. W. Fender, labor road district No. 16 7 00 Stroemer Lumber Co., same 16. 1 85 A. W. Barrett, lumber same 6 . 7 05 Wm. Kitch. work same 12 .... 222 75 J. Adams & Son, lumber 16 .... G3 14 GENERAL FUND. J. II. Hall, insane case Adolph Rhode 8 00 D. O. Dwyer, same 3 00 James Robertson, same 7 00 C. D. Quinton, same 15 82 ! Mrs. Helen Rhode, same ,.. 2 00 1 T. Carter, same I .' 2 00 j E. W. Cook, insane case James Donohoe 8 00 D. O. Dwyer, same 3 00 C. D. Quintsn, same 6 12 color scheme is Maroon and the class colors. The printing is of a high order and is the work of a local printer. Work has already begun along the line of debating for next year and we hope to have a team second to none in the field next year. Debating is of great value to students and should be encouraged. It is prcbable that girls will be barred from the team next year. We hope to be able in u few days to make a report on the course of study and requirements for entrance to the High echool for next year for the bene fit of non-resident students who con template attending the Platt3mouth High school next year. Old Gold agent, at this point has h;(d a promo tion. He expects to leave for his work at Juniata some time this week. Mrs. Ackerman will remain for a week or two before joining Mr. Ackerman. The Package Social given by the various Sunday school classes was given Friday evening instead of Thurs day on account of the inclement weither. A goodly number were in attendance and a neat little sum realized from the sale of the various packages. Mr. and Mrs. Claries Sullivan of St, Joseph, Mo., are visiting Mr. Sullivan's parents in the city this week. We are glad to learn that he is doing well in business. Blue Serge Hat Do you want to see something new in hats? We have it. The Blue Serge Hat. Will ex actly match your blue serge suit. A light weight dressy hat for Spring wear. All the new shapes and styles of straw hats just in. Come in and get an early pick. 10c to $7.50. C. E, Wescott's Sons "Where Quality Counts." James Robertson, same G. F. Switzer, same 3 80 Thomas J. O'Day, same 3 80 John Van Horn, insane case Joseph Van Horn 4 00 E. W. Cook, same 8 00 j D. O. Dwyer, same 3 00 1 James Robertson, same 7 10! C. D. Quinton, same 30 21 j W. E. Rosencrans, salary and j expenses 214 52 1 W. C. Ramsey, same 102 44 L. D. Switzer, same 40 00 M. L. Friedrich, same 30 00 C. R. Jordan, same 37 00 MaryE. Foster, same 137 3G T IT rinnnnllv Inhnt oaanuanra J AO ! Henry Snoke, same 1G 0 F. M. Svoboda, salary and laun- A fir , SO E. E. Hilton, salary 40 00 Wm Dr. L. Muir, reports of births and deaths 2 50 D. Steffins, Eame '. 3 30 1 25 5 25 W. C. Bartlett. work 15 18 45 , L S'dsur, game 1 ..- 14 25 W. A. Cole, same 14 3G 25 I Lewis Johnson, same 7 9 45 i Frank Reece, same 7 15 38 I J. A. Wilson, same 7 33 50 ,; J. F. Wolff, mdse 2 2 05 A. W. Barrett, lumber 7 2 10 J. E. Bates, work 13 53 20 A. N. Speer, lumber 8 79 20 Lee Arnett, culvert 5 40 94 Lee Arnett, same 15 G3 71 Lee Arnett, same 2 5G 40 Lee Arnett, same 5 30 58 Geo. A. B. Hicks, work 2 .... G2 75 J. II. Meisinger, same 2 2G 00 Henry Albert, same 2 3 00 A. B. Fornolf, same 2 20 25 J. J. Meisinger, same 2 25 50 James Johnson, same 2 3 30 ! Henry Keil, same 2 3 00 ! W. J. Hicks, same 2 11 25 I A. D. Hursh, same 1(5 40 75 20 A. D. Hathaway, same 11 50 50 Ben Beckman, same 10 108 00 Special Corri'iiHindcnie . Mrs. Cummins Entertains Luncheon Monday at One o'clock; Proves Delightful Affair. Prof. Watson was in Lincoln over Sunday. Chas. Owens of Springffeld was in i town Monday. John Spenso was a county seat visit or Wednesday. Mrs. Otto Spraguc was an Omaha passenger Wednesday. Dr. T. E. Dailey was anOmaha pas senger Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lewis Eddy left Wednesday evening for her home at Minford, Neb. Ralph Twiss and Earl Maylield re turned from Knife River, Minn., Sunday. Game of base ball Saturday after noon by Louisville und Weeping Water clubs. Mrs. E. G. Lewis is filling the va- cency of Miss Solome Krentler at the store of Diers' Bros. Mrs. Dora Masters and Misses Golda Eager and Fern Harper were Omaha passengers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wood and daugh ter, Whelma left Wednesday for Nau- voo, III., to visit Mrs. Adam Wolff. Mr. Nicholson, Gen. Mgr. of the Om aha Hydraulic Press Brick Co., was looking after business interests in Louisville this week. Miss Salome Kreutler chief clerk ' of Diers has resigned her position andjpur chased a General Merchandise store in Iowa where she will soon go to take charge. Henry Lenhoff of Lincoln died Tues day morning. The remaines will be brought to Louisville Thursday morn ing over the Burlington. Funeral Fer vices will be held at the German Luth eran church conducted by Rev. Theo. Hartman. Mrs. Edgar I). Cummins very charm ing entertained a party of her friend Monday afternoon, at a one o'clock luncheon. The day being most propi tious for social ameneties.after the long siege of chilly weather, nearly every one availed themselves of the oppor tunity to enjoy the hospitality of Mrs. Cummins, whose "At Homes" are al ways pleasurably anticipated. Mrs. C. A. Rawls most ably assisted the hostess in receiving and introducing the guests, -who afterwards found their places around tho prettily appointed tables, where dainty and appetizing refresh ments were served in four courses, Mrs. William B. Elster and the Misses Richey and Cummins assisting. "A. feast of reason and a flow of soul" fol lowed close upon the material satisfac tion of the occasion, when the hours were delightfully whiled away by music and recitations, a number of the guests most entertainingly contributing to the enjoyment of the afternoon, with their most gracious hostess. Those who enjoyed this delightful occasion were Mesdutnes Jus. Holmes of Murray, K. II. Wescott, C. E. Wes cott, W. W. Coates, C. C. Wescott, H. N. Dovey, Fannie Dickson, Marvella Howland. Wm. Baird, J. W. Crabill, Carl Fricke, C. A. Rawls, E. W. Cook, Rae Patterson, Gertrude Morgan, G. F. S. Burton, C. A. Marshall, Donelan, Luther Moore, Misses Mae Patterson, Barbara Gering, Mia Gering Alma Wattcrman, Emma Myers, Jones Mes dames Pollock, W. J. Streight, F. A. Murphy, P. E. RulTncr, W. K. Fox, T. B. Salmon, Emily Dickson, H. B. Aus tin, Dora Moore, F. B. Shupp, H. B. Rfgnier. T. B. Patterson, Geo. E. Dovey, E. G. Dovey, D. O. Dwyer, A. E. Gass, W. L. Tickett. L. A. Moore, Henry Herold, Byron Clark. The Olson Photograph Company through their Attorney A. L. Tidd, have applied for a Photograph Printing Machine This is a great machine1 as it enables the photographer to print from 500 to 1000 photographs per hour and make every one of them uniform. Mr. L. D. Hiatt was at Ralston the fore part of the week making arrangements for the manufacture of some of these machines. Peter Smith of Murray was a busi- ness visitor in the city Monday. Reitter jr., same I. Clements, same. W. E. Hand, same 2 50 Mike Tritsch, same P. S. Crink, same H. M. Soennichsen, same .... b 50 2 75 7 55 Stohlman, same 8 72 25 BltlliOK KI ND. Neb. Construction Co., brid;e work 2000 00 Stroemer Lumber Co., lumber.. 23 52 J. Adams & Son, same 23 73 A. W. Barrett, ssme 27 75 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., same. 41 55 A. N. Spoor, same GO GO Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, Wm. H. Lyman, same ....... 4 G5 j May is, l!i.. W. E. A. E. Stites, same 70 j ROKKNL'RANS, County Clerk. Weeping Water Items Spocial Comwpondcncc. Winter still lingers in the lap of spring. J. M. Fowler made a flying business trip to Lincoln Friday, j Miss Mildred DeWolf is under quar- antine with a mild case of diphtheria. I Dr. Tuck the Veterinary Surgeon now occupies the C. E. Chandler resi I dence. J Herbert Coglizer has sold his resi , dence property on the south side to S. I. Compton. I Chris. Rasmussen is on the sick list and Martin Johnson is clerking in John son's store in his place. We notice seven autos on our street at one time one day this week, four 4 them belonging to farmers. I Miss Mortal, who has been in Lincoln as a stenographer for the past year is at home for a short vacation. II. P. Haslam went to Douglas, Wyoming, some time ago reports it snowing about every day and and rnelt ing as fast as it fall?, which makes it very disagreeable to work. Hans Johnson made a flying trip to Omaha Friday to purchase a car of hay and not finding any good hay on the market and the price very high he had to content himself with a car of fine alfalfa. Last Friday evening the High school iuniors entertained the seniors at the home of Miss Mary Jameson. There were fifteen senior and sixteen juniors present together with the instructors. The rooms were prettily decorated in (cardinal and corn, the High school : colors. A dainty four-course lunchoon ' was served by Misses Mildred Butler, Stella and Myrtle Jewell an I Mrs. J. F. Brendel of Murray. Tbo tables were decorated with pink carnations tho senior cla-s riower, nrd the place ranis bore tiny pink enrnati'm designed in water color. At a late hour tluy re tired to their homes, thinkivg how good it '.v:.s to haw ! ce!i there. EACH store has a personality of its own as pronounced as that of individuals. "Good on promises but poor on carrying them out" you say of one, "Full of tricks worth watching" is the com ment about another, "Con servative but pretty high priced" is the estimate of a third. "A fair store and a careful one" that's what we want you to say about us in years to come. Fairness in its broadest sense may be expected here. Fairness which makes your satisfaction assured on every purchase. Fair ness which stands for low prices on worthy goods. We're careful to see that promises are carried out to the letter. Careful to see that only dependable goods enter our stock. We stand for fairness and carefulness, by the practice of such principles we expect, to win the confidence of Cass county people. Our spring; stock is full and fresh. Come in and buy as little or as much as you like, or just look. We'll be glad to welcome you. THE HOME OF Hart Schalfner & Marx Clothes Manhattan Shirts. Stetson Hats. Three-Button Novelty Sack, No. 561