The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 03, 1909, Image 2
X flBAPURV ATT A T ITV on1 DPTPflG I ! -oj i jl ! X ATA eft.) A ''! V) f 4 ;-H,HsKK y y V ? V V V f V ? V ? ? ? V V ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y The higher the quality, the lower the prices! We mean that on really superexcellent groceries our prices are considerably lower than what you'll find in other stores. In fact, the maiority of the groceries that we carry are not to be found in any other store in town at any price they're too fine to find ready sale in ordinary stores. That's why we make a specialty of them, at even lower prices than worthless stuffs are offered for elsewhere. Depend able groceries low prices. A com bination thrifty people will not ignore. rAi ca nfti Jrj nA rt cyl ) t y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y x I y y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y t y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i i X Case Machinery is best because it is simple in construction, durable and long lived. This class of machinery is so con structed as to require less power to op erate and are moneymakers. Our Case Traction Engines are spring mounted thus reducing vibration to a minimum. They are simple in construction so that all the details can be easily mastered. They are so strongly built and put to gether that they will last a lifetime. These engines are favorites with thresh-, ermen because they consume less fuel and have large tanks and roomy fuel bunkers. For an all round, good, ser viceable engine get a Case Engine. See me for catalogues and prices. 0$&00W&&0a000&0&&$9&&&0000000&00000 ii ii (a ni i a n At v v tv n rn t n : n. in. C5UDilltnC5Di ii m. jl. manspeaLker. A. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . A. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. A A A A A A A Uie of Salt. Salt In moderate quantities la good fnr everybody. It aids dlRestlun, and, better still, It makes one thirsty. If we cat plenty of salt and salty foods we will drink more water, and most people do not drink enough water. Try eatliiK a raw applo sprinkled with salt. It is very good, particularly good for children. I'epper, on the oth r hand, and spices xhould not bo given to children, unless In the most meager quantities. At many of the sanitariums the food is not seasoned at ill, except with salt. Editor'i Notice. If the heeler who handed In a slip of paper marked, "How much did Sa lome?" will hilnR himself and a stout liemp rope to the office tonight we will supply the necessnry chande lier. Yale Record. Fact. Ambitious younn men who contem plate a chance from liookkeeplnR should bear In mind the fact that there Is likewise an upkeep connected with a poultry farm. Indianapolis News. "Showed" Him How. A Missouri man sent a quarter sev eral hundred miles to find out how to save his pock heels, and the fel low suggested that lie cut out the Tiocls with a pair of scissors and put them In the ton drawer. A Cenlcart Receipt. Knicker "What do you do when you are found cut?" Rocker "Hear il with the resignation of a Christian and the stern Indifference of a phllos opher." Died with Sword in Hand. With a sword in his hand, a retired J mariner named Richard Crick, age 85 i was found dead in his bed at his rest- j dence, 10 Falconer terrace, I'laistow, j England. Amusing the Baby. A simple device for keeping haby amused and happy is to fasten at In tervals upon a broad bright ribbon the little toys of which he Is most fond, suspending the ribbon above the bed upon which he lies, within reach of his little haml.i, by securing one end to the head of the bed and the other to the foot, lie will thfn entertain himself by the hour pushing the toys back and forth and watching them swing above blm. Warper's llazar. Uncle Eben. "Sometimes," said I'ncle Kben, "do man dat Insists on beln' de whole j how aln' got much respock foh de feellu's of de audience." Her Comment. "The plot thickens," said the old lady, as she sowed grass seed for the third time. Yale Record. Property and Proprietors. The rislils of property have been so much extended that the rights of the community haw almost altogether disappeared and it l; hardly too much :o say that the prosperity and the comfort and the lilit rt:s of a great proportion of the population hav been laid at tln led of a small number of proprietors, who neither toll nor spin. -- Joseph 't:amherl;.!n. But Is He? When a man pawns his watch he probably believes that he Is making good use of bis time. Virtue In Patient Waiting. Collier: Patient waiting Is often the highest way of doing Cod's will. In Praise of Dutifutness. The dutifutness of children Is the fotirid'i'lfip nf t.Ii vt.-tpns Pl.'nrn i LiQhtninj Fleshes. Accumulating eidtiice shows that lightning ilashes may have a nmili more varied structure than was for iuerly supposed. M'.o'ographs by A 1 arsi i, a Danish ho.'ographe:, in !i c.te :liat Hashes may lie made i:p o: .-in i :i 11 electric ilisep.Mves, tiv ru.-iu s. "f which 4U n ay follow along nearly th" r.amo path in ball a Minute. 3 Y I JUST A WORD ENTRE NOUS The News-Herald is equipped to do all kinds of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity to figure with you when in the market for anything in our line. No jobjis too large for ourjjability to execute and no job is',too small to receive ourjmost painstaking care. We cordially invite the attention of our farmer friendsto our sale bill department. This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu tion of work of this character, and our prices will bo found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep resentative will call and quote you prices an any- thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a share I of your patronage. Just What She W.mtel Mr.. Smith was in the jV-wliy store. "Hi re are ! o:.:e :vw sonv M l' peons we bnve just pot in." said th clerk, placing a tray for her in.; iec tlnn. "Oh, ain't the-i.' lovely;" she ex laiiv.ed. "I must h ive some of those! Our cook makes smh lovely souvenir!" Lost Ring Found After 42 Years. The gold band ring which Theodore Gelssel found while digging ill his garden recently has been claimed by Mrs. Anna Wolf, widow of Joseph Wolf of Woodbury, who is now Stl years old. She says it was her wed ding ring, which she lost 412 years ago as she was milking a cow while living on the place. At that time dill i?ent search failed to reveal it. Mantua correspondence riiiladelphia Record. Unable to Learn. A remarkable report concerning a I'eckham schoolboy who cannot learn was presented by the education con, mittee of the London county council Though nearly IS, the boy has onl; learned during his carter two oi three letters, and hose he has foi rotten. He cani:ct write, neither ;.: he calculate, It was decided to exp i he boy ftom school. Keeping a Husband. M'ie Mutton of Chicago is lctn: in to the women of that town on "llov t i Keep n llmbiud." h'n no probl.'.,. :.t all. The woi.ian that pr iperly feeds aid clothes her spins', fn.uishcs hl:i' with cigars an. I gives him for upend llig iii'iitey a fo'.lith of what the hoard cva pay, wiil i:t ver be apt lo him. Houston I'ort. : f ? ? ? ? ? f ? "(.live me the man who loves his work, However hard it be; Who only thinks it mean to shirk, And hates the hireling's plea. Though hands and face be hard and brown, That were a trival thing; Who wears his duty like a crown, Is every inch a king." Cult of ths Garden, There never was a time when the lute; est ill ga'dt-lliug Wil so keen as i; Is now. (iarilenlug hau bectnne the hliy oi' the wealthy and well-to do classes, v.lio not only enjoy plants and 'Vwer.-t w'.i- n they are grown, but take an active part In the enltuie of their favo'.lre.-). l-.'state Ma .uultio. By Force ef Circumstances. "I am convinced." said the proprie tor ef the Jeweler's shop, as the plate :!ass window shivered Into a million fragment. and the chauffeur and his machine began to nestle behind the counter, "i hat the taxicab has come to StiiV." Who Rode the Donkey? IVwy (exhibiting a bromide en I.irgtiiient ef l.odal; tnnpsliot of him ri If riding a tlonkey t e, Mick, I hud (lis (alien when I was south dir l:ig the holidays. Do you; It does me justice?" Micli "Why, vcs. ratli . r; b it wlio's the av. uward rider on your b.uli?" More Lives Than a Cst. A police agent tit Titlis, Russia, es ct ned the fifteenth attempt upon hh life a wei ; or two ago, when he was merely knocked down by a bomb ex plosion that killed his two compan ions. Although he Is entitled to a pension, he prefers not to quit the service. X ? ? ? ? ? t t ? ? f f ? ? Furniture That Pleases Old Winter with his reign of ice and snow will soon be gone. Those chilly blasts will be a thing of the past. Spring with its new demands will soon be here, and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which .ire sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you prices. mEssxaiuasEiemBsmsatm STREIGHT & STREIGHT Where China Gets Its Reading. The school books in China are translations of manuals used In Japan, while military lore Is taken from the German, and treatises on mathemat ics, physics, chemistry and mechanics ate reproduced from lltigllh or Amer ican works. Flavored with Tomato Catsup. The waters of Narragansett bay were well seasoned with tomato cat sup the other day when I'.r.O rases containing 1 .1.1100 bottles were dumped Into the sea because the manufactur ers Pad not labeled the bottles in ac ; ordain e with the pure food law. For Hoi Fires Gel Egenber- ger's Coal! D dn't Mean Hrir Loom. "fpeiiklm: of belt looms," broke In ihe loquacious landlady, "I have one which has come down through five generations and" 'Tawdon tne," canie the voice of the frivolous board er, "but do you refer to the butter?" Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here anuservea to you lull weight and with celer tv of -v.. i ... .. .. J ueinery. uruer any way tnat suits you. telephones. Doth J. V. ECEftlBERCEB? y y y y y y t y y y y y t y y y f y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y X T X t t ? ? ? ? V ? v f t t ? V i