The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 03, 1909, Image 1

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" "Is,
NWS. r.-tiiliMfhrJ Nnv. Z, l
Hi-RAl.D. fc.-blishwi April It;, im
, ConooliJaUd Jan. t. Is
Is Good
Falter & Thierolf Get Compli-
mentary Notice of Their
Business Talks.
The following is from the tradj He- j
view published at Omaha, and speaks i
well for the publicity department ot
our new clothing firm. Mr. Falter, the
manager of the department, is to be
congratulated upon his ability in the
construction of good business getting
Falter & Thierolf, "Value Giving
Clothiers," Plattsmouth, Neb., re
cently used the following copy, which
conta.ns some good ideas:
Tba reason for it ia that your head
is irregular, (!) out of every 10 are.)
When you bought your hat, the man BUIU lb W JUUt: ouau lb null
.t. ..... . t.- i !
Oi l, oui-oi-uaie woouen biiciiiii-i, ui,i
just about two hours later the hat w as j
the same as before it was stretched.
You've been sore ever since you got
the hat, and you've a right to be.
This spring you'll come here fur your
hat. We'll show you the largest as
sortment of hats, that has ever been
shown in Plattsmouth. When you've
found the hat that strikes your fancy,
we'll take our new French confvrma-
tour, take the exact shape of yxur
head, heat the hat and shape the hat
to fit permanently. We'll put yourj
name in the hat if you want it. firing j
your old hat in, we'll be glad t3 shape .
it for you. '
Stetson's $3.50 to $.".00. Fried .
Albertin's $2..r)0, $:.(0. Others 51 to $2.
A Comparison
Of Methods
Drawing Power of Different i
Kinds of Publcity Tested.
A unique experiment was recently
made by a New York theatre to deter
mine what is the nutst efficient adver
tising medium. The manager sent out
some 15,000 circulars, as many more
post-cards and employed a heavy con
tingent of sandwich men. When the
time for resnonses came he had everv
person in his theatre answer the ques-! sovere openliM at the hospital in Ora
tion: "What kind of advertising aha Thursdny. He stood the operation
brought you here?" This question was i Wtfl'' ai'd m m in' fne 1 U h,y')e for h,s
put to each individual who came for a j earl' rtCiVl-'ry-whole
week. When the answers were J -
all tabulated it was found that 75 per Notice to Creditors,
cent bad answered that they came sit.-of N.bwka. i..g in County Court.
through the newspaper notices. As V V".?mitV"r lf the en at- of Z-ra'., Wilbur Cole.
the manager had also used an extra
supply of billboard space, the answers
were all the more significant of the
drawing power of newspaper advertis
ing. Frederic J. Haskins.
Among the names of the petit jury j
for the Federal Court at Lincoln, May i
11, appears the names of Fred L. Nutz
man, Charles St. John, and John Won
derlick, all of those select
ed from Cass county.
You Can't Very Well
Get Through the Year
in a climate like this without
a dress rain
coat. They are
needed 11 out
of the 12 mon
ths. They are
so practical, so
com f o r t a b 1 e
and so dressy
that you'll like
them. We have
them in black
or fancy, plain
or auto collar.
$10, $12, $15,
and up to $35.
O. E. Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts:'
C. K. Hei::i of I.ouisvil e was trading;
with our local merchants Saturday.
Mrs. T. E. P.irmcle has gone to Hen-1
vlt, , for a visit of several days.
i William Kleiser of South IJerd was a
business visitor i:i the city Saturday.
! T...1 V If . I!
iiuui;': i . 11. .ciii v. its a iii.-tM.'ii-
ger to Cedar Creek Monday morning.
yy II. Lo'nes of Cedar Creek was in
thu city satur,iay transacting business.
John Krager of Eight Mile Grove
was looking after business here Sat
urday. J. C. Spar.glercamein Saturday from
his farm to transact business with our
local merchants.
Frank Hiwksworth was visiting his
parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hawksworth
Friday in the city.
Mrs. G. W. Gilman and her daughter i
of Auburn were the guests of Mrs. II. I
rv t : - t.. . i. i
George Horn, agent for the Woodman
Accident Association, of Cedar Creek
was fitter.d ng to business matters here
coin this inorr.ii g, being called to the
bed.-ide of C. Diamond an old friend
who is very ill.
Mrs. .1. F. Evans of Lincoln, who has!
been visiting Mrs. Jennie Wells and
Mrs. II. J. Straight for several days
returned home Friday.
A. Mitchell of Burvell, Neb., who
is engaged in the real estate business
was transacti: g busir ess here Friday
with Hon. R. 15. Wi.-.dham.
v,n r,rie, wiu- ?.r.d daughter. Miss
rjorothv. visiiinu: Mrs. Grace Pirie's
lt:,mt jjr, ;;n(! ytl?. Frank Shopp,
and other relatives in this citv.
Mi.;s CI. dre Dovcy v. ho has been vis
iting his pare.. .s, Mr. and Mrs. O. C.
Dovey, returned to her studies at Lii -coln
the latter part of the week.
Frank Kr.otliiek and family of Rock
Island, III., returned home visiting
sometime with his brother, A. F.
Knoflicek and family of thu city.
Miss Lucile Randall, who was .called
here last week by the serious illness of
her sister, Mrs. 11. 15. Josslyn, left this
morning for her work at Fremont.
Mrs. U. L. Creamer, of Sa:i Jose,
California, who has bzen visiting rela
tives and friends in the city for some
time, left for her home the latter part
of the week.
J H. Baird of Elmwoxl underwent a
I Noviit ih hereby iriven t:ia: the crarfiiora of said
! d rH.wl Kill r.ntl tne Ailininivtratnr of naid
ealntu. btfjremf. luumy Juuucor e.ia louniy,
Nt'lraskit. at tl.e I'oumy Court room in Piatt.
tnuii'.h. in f&ii Co'iiity. on t., 31..1 day of May.
iva. on the lit diy nf Deji mbi r, 11"0J. at 10
o cl"Ck A. M., eacn duy, fur the rurpose of pro
ecntinit thuir clamm for exumtiiatiun. udjustment
ttjx moThVaro a'.iowrd for thr creditor, of aaid
d.-wa.-i-J pr-m thnr claims, and one year for
rtUMIllll.TH DVUI m ov.ilt riv nibv,
3!it day of Muy. l'.HlS.
Witneaa my hand and seal of raid County Court,
at I'latumouth.' Nebraska, this SOih day of
April, l!r.
Allen J. EKtaoN.
9T-S SiCALl County J
If a ' I
Mrs. I.. J. Mayfu ld was in Omaha.
Chas. Owens was in town Saturday.
M. L. Williams was in Omaha Fri
day. Chas. I'.iclicv was in Omaha Thurs
day. Mrs. Aug. Ossenkop was in
Chas. Uoedeker of Murray
was in
Mrs. II. N. Schwartz was in Omaha
Two saloons opened at Louisville Mon
day morning.
Oscar Palmer of Lincoln Sundayed
with his parents.
P.orn to Mr. and Mrs. C. Dackmeyer
Wednesday a girl.
Emmons Kichey Sundayed with C. A.
Kichey and family.
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hen
nings Thursduy a boy.
Wm. LehnhotT of Lincoln Sundayed
with Louisville friends.
Byron Clark of Plattsmouth was in
Louisville Wednesday evening.
Miss Milles visited over Sunday with
her parents at Weeping Water.
Mrs. L'mma McCary of La Platte was
shopped in the city on Saturday.
Mrs. Walter Bloke and Miss Carrie ()s
senkop were in Omaha Thursday. Kuttlage sold his driving team
to Osset.kop and Blake last week.
George Bogel of South Bend was
transacting business here Saturday.
G. A. Maytieid and daughter, Olive
were assengers to Omaha Saturday.
Mr. Davidson of Omaha was a guest
of G. A. Wood and family Wednesday,
F. A. Seeird of Omaha was a gumt
of L. J. Mayfield and family over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Holt of Colorado are
visiting J. P. Wood and family this
week. - . .
John Waldron moved his family into
the residence recently vacated by C. W.
Miss of Lincoln who has bem
nursing Mrs. C. Ox ley left Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. J. Delaney of Howard,
Nebr., were guests of Mrs. S. Huff
part of last week.
Miss Florence McMullenis home from
Henningsford, Neb., where she ha
been teaching school.
Arrangements are being made to ob
serve Decoration day in Louisville. The
old soldiers and lrattrnal orders will
take part in the program.
Receipts on the Base Ball Club bas
ket social Friday evening was $ii7. The
Louisvi le orchestra furnished music
and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Maude Reihart entertained the
M. E. Ladies Aid Society Thursday af
ternoon at her home. A dainty lun
cheon was served to about twenty
The Louisville High School alumni
will hold a business meeting at the
home of Miss Ethel Rathbun Tuesday
evening, May 4. All members expected
to be present
Eddie Taylor met with a painful ac
cident at the Calhoun Const' Compaiv
ev's Works Thursday. A wagon run
over his foot mashing it badly and
broke the third and fourth meta-tarsus.
The village board held a meeting
Saturday morning at the council cham
ber and appointed Chas. Hogan as
Marshall; Jno. Waldron, v illage Clerk;
Geo. I rater.Treasurer and applications
and bonds were in due form and li-
! censes were issued to Jno. Burnes and
Robert McCarty.
The ninth annual meeting of the
Louisville woman's club met at Elm-
hurst with Mrs. L. E. Polk Wednesday
afternoon at one thirty. A five course
luncheon was served by the officers of
the club. The tables were beautifully
Lifiatnfl it-it h vmlotd nnH tiluro rnrH
1,..... ....... ...w.U..v. '
done in .water colors. The club wasj in those states wnere the severest
called to order by the president, Mrs. legislation was enacted, the operation
L. E. Polk and the following ofTicen of the existing railroads shows scarcely
elected: President-Mrs. Wm. Davis, a net profit and the extension of rail
Vice President-Mrs. E. II. Worth-1 road building and improvement was
man. Secretary-Mrs. Watson. Treas- ( mada pracsically imossible. The loss
urer-Mrs. Stevenson. already suffered from the two-cent-
I fare legislation has been estima'.id at
A marriage license was issued to ' $l2.",00t,oi0. The present depreion
Philip Albert, age 2:!, and Miss Marie
Sanders, age 20, by Judge Beeson.
These young people live at Cedar
Creek, and are highly esteemed by
those who know them.
Must Employ
Better Methods
Regulation of Corporations is a
LJig Subject and Must be
Intelligently Handled.
The great problem of the regulation
of corporations will remain with us
through a long series of further experiments-wise
and foolish until we solve
it in some fairly good working fashion.
We have not reached the stage yet.
But there is now a distinct rebound
from hindering and practically confis
catory experiments of the last few
years. It Is, therefore, worth while to
review these in a brief way.
To go no further back than l!0i!, in
that year Ohio, Virginia and Maryland
a lopte .1 laws limiting pussenger rates,
except in minor cases, to two cents a
mile. Similar bills were agitated in at
least nine other states, most of which
had railroad commissions abundantly
qualified and empowered to determine
the propriety of such rates and to en
force them. Arkansas compelled every
railroad train passing through a town
within half a mile of the state line to
stop for passengers unless it stopped
stopped within three feet on the other
side of the line.
In l'.toT, the passion for the arbitrary
fixing of rates became almost national.
Recoinendations for such regulation by
legislation were made by the Governors
of Alabama, California, Missouri, Ar
kansas, Masiachusetts, Minnesota, Ne
braka, North Dakota, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. Maximum rates for
passenger traffic generally two cents a
mile -were urged by the Governors of
Indiana, Kansas, Iowa, Michigan, Min
nesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
and Texas; and laws were passed by
Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois,
Indiana. Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, North Carolina, North Da
kota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,
We.'t Virginia, and Wisconsin. Maxi
mum rates for particular articles of
freight were a)s enacted in Alabama,
Kansas, M'nnesota, Missouri, Nebraka,
North Carolina, and North Dakota.
Meanwhile Alabama took a leaf from
the experience of North Carolina, Flor
ida, Arkansas, and Georgia, and passed
statutes requiring substantially immed
iate payment by the railroads of all
claims damages; under very heavy
The spleen of the legislatures was
not exhausted upon the railroads.
Other corporations received the same
hostile attention. As early as 1103
Texas passed laws relieving persons
purchasing goods from a trust from lia
bility to pay them and requiring every
corporation that owned or leased the
patent on a machine to offer such i
machines for sale instead of reserving
them for exclusive use. In l!(l.", Ar
kansas not only relieved persons pur
chasing goods of a tiust from liabilty
to pay therefor, but also authorized
such persons to recover from the trust
any money or value which they had
paid on account of the purchase price.
Arkansas also enacted that in the pros
ecution cf any any trust the prosecut
ing attorney might compel any non
resident officer to appear with its books
and papers within six days and the
necessary time required to travel; and,
in the event of failure to appear, judge
ment might be renbered against the
In l'JOT, the Governor of Texas re
commended a law empowering the Attorney-General
to have "full and free
access to all the works, plants, offices,
books, vouchers, and papers" of any I
, corporation doing business in Texas,!
without reference
to whether such i
works, offices, and papers are within :
the state or without it. Legislation, in I
accordance with the added provision
! that. if acct?as to work, offices aud
i PaPers 0Utsil,,J the 8tate were ,eni,,(1' !
! judgment might be rendered against
the trusl- At the 8l,n,e time' Texan ,
, '""eased the penalty for violation of
! the Anti-Trun Act to imprisonment for
: ltn years.
in the steel trade is generally attribut
ed to the decline in construction and
the reduced orders for railroad equip
ment. The Attorney-General of the
Mis-mri recently declared that the
cnforcemenint of the anti-trust laws
of that state would drive out corpora
tions which were now doing one-third
! of the total business of the state.
Meanwhile, some of these laws were
brought before the courts. In l'.'Oti.the
United States Supreme Court delnred
unconstitutional the Texas statutes
compelling railroads to furnish a cer
tain number of cars on a specified date.
In l'.MiS, the Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania declared unconstitutional the two
cent-fare hw of that stat?. In the
same year, the United States Supreme
Court declared unconstitutional the rate
acts adopted by Minnesota and North
Carolina, on the ground that the enor
mous penalties which they imposed
were unjust. Litigation regarding the
constitutionality of the two-cent-fare
legislation is pending half a dozen
states, and several decisions of the
lower courts -notably in Missouri, have
held such rates to be confiscatory. The
most drastic of the anti-trust legisla
tion has been even more discredited, j
During the past six years, anti-trust!
laws in five states have been declared I
by the highest courts to bo unconstiu- j
tional because they discriminated
fairly against corporation and in favor
of certain privileped classes in the
Already the tendency of legislation
has turned to a more conservative
kind. The experiment of regulation by
an administrative board is being tried.
In 1!)(K1, ten states enacted statutes giv
ing to their railroad commissions in
creased powers to fix freight nnd pas
senger rates, and to supervise the de
tails of the operation. These states
were Kansas, Arkansas, Florida, Mis
souri, North Carolina, South Carolina,
North Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Wis
consin. In general, these laws were in
the right direction. In l!i5, the powers
of the railroad commission were great
ly, and in the main wisely, increased in
Georgia, Minnesota, Illinois, California,
South Carolina, Kansas, Indiana, Wash
ington, and Wisconsin. In l'JM, Ohio,
Nebraska, Georgia, Louisiana, South
Carolina, Kentucky, and Wisconsin in
creased still further the powers of their
railroad commissions. In 1907, railroad
commissions were either created or
vested with increased powers in Arkan
sas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa,
Kansas, Minnesota, North Carolina,
Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Alabama, Colorado, Montana, Pennsyl
vania, New York, New Jersey.Nevada,
Michigon, Nebraska, and Oregon. The
strength of this new wholesome move
ment was illustrated in New York in
1!07 by the veto of the so-called Two-cent-fare
bill, and by the enactment of
WE'RE doing business carefully.
We buy the best products of
the best makers. We make prices
as low as possible. We guarantee
the price and wearing quality of every
suit we sell. If in a week or a month af
ter you have made a purchase here you
rind the same article or pattern elsewhere
for less money make a claim upon us and
it will be allowed at once. What broader
guarantee than this can be given. It cov
ers every line of merchandise we sell.
Better come in and pick out a
Hart Schaifner & Marx
suit before all the good ones are gone. You can have
absolutely all wool worsted suits here from SI 0.50
to $25.00. We have them better. If you don't
like it after you buy it we refund your money. No
sour looks either.
Men's straw hats arrived. Assortment large. Mostly
Sailors and Turbans at $1.00, $1.50, $2, $2.E0and$3.
Hart SchafTner
Manhattan Shirts.
a Public Utilities Law, vesting in two
commissions the regulations of Aha
transportation facilities of the state.
Regulation by an administrative
board has commanded the respect of
the courts. In 1!H)H, the Supreme Court
of the United States refused to permit
the Federal courts to interfere with the
rulings of the railroad commissions in
Virginia until the remedy of the appeal
provided by the act creating the com
mission had been completely exhausted.
Regulation by an administrative
board proceeds upon information and
knowledge gained from investigation
and careful inquiry on all sides of the
case. Regulation by legislative act
proceeds without definite information.
It is not difficult prophesy which of
these two modus wi'l prevail. Regula
tion by an administrative board, if fair
ly tried, will supersede regulation by
legislation just as surely as the civilized"
trial by court and jury has superseded
the law of retaliation. -From the
World's Work.
Returns From Cincinnati.
James W. Newell, auditor of freight
and ticket accounts for the Burlington
1 lines west of the Missouri river, re-
turned to this city Sunday morning
from Cincinnati, where he attended the
the twenty-first annual meeting of the
Asssciation of American Railway Ac
counting oflicers Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday last week. He reports hav-
ing had a fine time.
Mrs. Newell visited relatives in thin
city during his absence, and they both
retured to their home in Omaha Sunday
Death ol Abner Mason.
Abner Mason, died Wednesday aight
at his home on Lincoln avenue, at the
age of 7i years. He was a soldier of
the Civil War, and was a member of
Company K, 113 Illinois Volunteer In-,
fantry. He leaves a widow and several
grown sons and daughters surviving
him. The funeral services were under
the auspices of the Grand Army of the
Republic assisted by Rev. Luther
Moore of the Christian Church, Friday
afternoon. Interment was made ia
Oak Hill Cemetery.
your locality to represent us. Ex
perience unnecessary; $110 per month
and expenses. Write for particulars.
Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED-Man to travel in Nebraska.
Start now. Experience unnecssary;
good pay and tailor made suit free ia
90. days. Write for particulars. J.
E. McBrady & Co., Chicago.
& Marx Clothes
Stetson Hats.