The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 29, 1909, Image 3

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Well for Parents to Respect Creams of
Future Creatnfa Which rV.ay En
ter Youngac.-'s Mind How
Mt:h Injury la Dene.
Many n l'v lias s;.r.e id h lii ti ma
ht-raiis" his fi'.ilsiT c i i: i ixi-J nr (h
KD'.iM.i'd his ( ;:' )it at Hayim; tin vio
lin; lnadc fun of n simple Iiitlt conipo.
bit ion or story wi.ii h In- wru'c; ili.-i-roiiNiL'cd
his aiti'iii,! to make wmio
Uule moi-h.'iiir-al ilcviot. or thrv a
wt t blanket on his (Irrams, la T.hlii: nt
his jneiJftii,.i (,f wli;a h would do in
the ftitiiif, nikcs O'.ison Swt-tt Mar
den in Success Magazine.
A mai! who has tor out ly romr Into
groat pi oii.inonco in his uro: ssion
says that when, tivni!iUnft!y, ho told
his fathor what he wanted to ho, he
was told that a padded cell was the
only place for a hoy wiih anch crazy
ideas, ami that he was forced for years
to do that which (Sod had forbidden In
every fiber of his heltm, and nuaitist
whifh every drop of blood in him pro
tested. The futher who has made up his
mind that his son must continue his
business and keep his estate intact, is
not in a position to decide on the hoy's
bent his special aptitude, llo is pre-'udirr-d
at the very outset.
I The reason why there are so many
r-tflocre men and women in the world,
u.nd ho many failures, Is because they
never found their rkht places.
Everywhere wo see men and wom
en, enpabb of much better things, who
weie dUcourasod and diverted from
their natural bent when y 0:1111;. Their
own families did not take slock in
them; they laughed at their youns am
bitions, and strangled their aspira
tions, eitiier by harsh treatment, or,
what Is oven worse, ridicule; and their
teachers did not understand ihem.
You cannot read the seated message
which God has wrapped up In your
boy or Rlrl, and you should regard it as
varied. You should respect the dreams
(if future Rreatness of your son, be
cause the Creator may havp Iniended
hlni for a grand and far -rem him? mis
sion. You cannot tell what is K0U13 on
'11 his mind; you cannot tell what fu
sibilities are locked in his brain, lie
may be perfectly conscious at this mo
ment that ho was Intended for a much
higher place in the world than you are
oicupyins youn elf, and to denounce
him, to scoff at his dreams, to lair,'h at
his predictions for the future may be a
source or preat humiliation to yru
some day. It, may also work incalcula
ble Injury to your boy. A thousand
times better strike him with your hand
than blast his hopes by ridicule or by
a cruel, chlllitiR, cutting word.
Cive Ud Their Lives on ti e FirlH In
Cause of Liierty. !
It Is a v marka'd" sla f the lii-.u - '
that even in i',i..en cm".;::' mk Ii a
I'u- k.V arid !Vi-,i,i t'.ic wo:.:e'i :t , in ;
the van 01' the political mowi.ifiils uf I
, llii' day. ;
In IV'.sia they take :;t in the
ifrii;",Ie for a (iiinit:ith.ii, aad tha' !
llvy a!-0 ; liny: ar.d ready to lay ! ivu
Ire:;- iv:; for lh.' cans - is shown .y a ,
report fi o::i tho Teheran cm respond- i
ent 1 I' :V S IVtovsiiur.! Kiiss. ac
rordim; 'o whieh, nl'ir the latest tkht '
' that t.iok J'hiv ou'.fide the city of
Tabriz ls'tmea the royali-ts and the
constitutional forces, the casiialti -a
a::nnn the latter included f7 women
disguised 'is u.en wlio wi re found dead
In the fie.. j
The hero of the day was one Sat a
' Khan, the military leader of the re- I
form niovi tuent, who has been regard-
ed lor some time past by the people
as the oae and only possible deliverer
of Persia. It appears that two days
i nfter the shah had annulled t Ins con
jsilluiion previously Kiantei. Aln-ed-,
D.iwleh, the shah's commander, took
j the offensive, advanced on Tabriz and
'shelled the town, inlliithiK a loss of
1 10d kill.'d and wounded 011 the revolu
tionaries. Then Sata Khan headed a
sortie from the town.
I 'His horsemen, covered by artillery,
charged the shah's troops, including
I the Russian (Jen. I.aikoff's Cossacks,
took them by surprise and routed
I them. The revolutionaries followed up
j their victory, pursuing Alu-de Dowloh's
i troops for l:: miles and capturing 12
; suns, besides provisions and ammuni
; Hon. The ca.-iiiil'i" on both sides
amount to boui ",')) 1.
: For the moment affa'rs have quieted
I down, but it can be a lull before
a sreater storm. The news of the
sever.' defeat of the shah's troops has
( spread rapidly throughout the coun
try and has enormously strengtHened
the reformers.
mnimmmmmmmmfmnmrnnmH!. mninimininfmnnimniimnmimnK
Flower Dances for Children,
French mothers have been showing
unwonted Ingenuity this winter in
drPsslnR their darlings for the popular
flower dances which are now the fash
ion for Juvenile society and carry all
before them. Generally a number of
blooms are selected, and these are
called bouquet parties. The charm of
these parties is that the little peoplo
are well suited to represent flowers
Parisian society has gone daft, over
some of the designs and also thi
beauty of some of the children. Their
dresses are floral, of course.' Trails
of blooms are draped together from
the waists, the ends floating on the
airy skirts, or loose petals are scat
tered nil over the material. Hut this
gives little idea of the chic and the
detail of the dress or of the human
floweret that carries It off. Nothing
has so hit the French taste as these
flower dances, and many of the elder
spectators have grown quite senti
mental about them.
Demand for Professional Mourner.
The professional mourner who can
he hired In many European cities to
follow lu the funeral procession and
look grief stricken is usun'ly secured
through burial societies. These furn
ish men and women, and sometimes
b( th, dressed in keeping with tha de
elre of the family of the late lamented
They also weep to order. At Inmes
where self control is deemed a virtue
there is no loul demonstration or s r
row, but where the real nnurners ar"
emotional and give way to weeping
they ar" usually ou'done by the pro
fesslonals. An undertaker in Uela
waie furnished mourners several times
recently, and the experiment was sr.
successful, the stricken families wer6
so well pleased with the manner In
which the mourning parties had beon
augmented, that the funeral director
has determined to enter the profes
slonal mourner's business with hopes
for success.
That Wireless Signal.
The family circle was discussing tha
Republic disaster and the now famous
' C Q IV signal sent out by Jack Illnua
1 hut carried to the world the fateful
"Say, pa, what does that 'C Q D'
really mean?" aakad the youngest
Pa continued reading.
"Aw, I know what it means," spokn
up the elder brother. "It's this: 'Come
Quick, We're Drowning!"'
Rath Stow, c'
"She Is receiving attentions from a
young lawyer and also from a yoang
"Which Is nher.d?"
"They're both somewhat h"ckwart.
Th 1 lawyer asks merely hypoth,,!lc.-i;
c,ustloiis mid the doctor only s"xais Kj
buhl her hand t-j taka Uur pulsa '
Ja-jan Beaut ful in the Spring.
To a person nmlempla'ir.n a trip to
Japan I w.iul 1 a his; tint he come In
the s-irinj. About the of April
the cherry bh ssom tcason is on. fol
lowed by lh.- flowering of the azah-a
ar.d wistaria, aad the parks and forests
are beautiful, bu; In the winter there
is little to be seen in the way of color.
The cities and towns are an almost
continuous iii'grecailon of unpalnted
shall' ies with picturesque roofs of tile
or thatch, while the fields beyond
are generally covered with water as a
preparaiion for tlw next planting of
l ice. The picture is odd and interest
ing, but not beautiful. Travel through
the country Is cheap and fairly com
fortable, the passenger cars are small
and arranged In compartments like
those usd in Europe. Good hotels,
conducted like our hotels on the
"American plan," are to be found in
every place you will care to visit, but
outside the cities their lack of heat
ing facilities will be noticeable and In
the winter will result in suffering.
From a K.b, Japan. Letter to the
Denver Post.
Submarine Photography.
A French engineer, M. Peau, Is
making remarkable submarine pictures
at Havre, Fiance, where th" water,
except near the surface, 8 very
muddy. Mis ciniera is contained in a
sheet steel cylinder 20 inches long
and 104 Inches in diameter. The
front Is covered by plate glass. Into
the rear of the camera runs a tuh
which extends to the surface of the
wa'er. and It Is through this that the
engineer changes the plates and
focuses the lens. Illumination is fur
nlshed by flashlights coniained In a
thick glass globe, which Is also con
nected with the surface by a tube. The
shutter and flash work simultaneously
The complete apparatus weighs
about four pounds, but when In tha
water is held down by additional
weights ranging from twenty to forty
Vunds. The apparatus Is painted as
near the color of the water as pos
slbla, so as not to arouse the tnquisl
tlveness of the fish. Popular Me
Era of "a Bath with Every Room."
"A ba'h with every room" Is the
American Idea of the "comfortable
hotel. It would be difficult to knock
It out of the public's mini), now it has
worked In, but pray remember thf,
day.i when great-great grandfather
washed in a tin basin no bigger thanj
a Anger bowl. Go and look at the tiny
corner washstand In the Paul Revere
house and see what that, hero used for
maintaining cleanliness of person!
The ablutions of our forefathers were
not extensive, it is true, but tho
told In the "high thinking" that wad
kept, up In those days of low living,
Private residences are not thought
first-class unless supplied with elalv
orate bathrooms on every floor, and
the bathtub Itself, hewn from Carrara
marble or made of porcelain, must bk
of heroic sire, large enough to drowr.
any ordinary family. Boston Hurald
"Well, what be you klckln' about
now?" queried the cross-roads store
keeper. "You sure have good crops an'
tha prices are good enough, I reckon."
"Yass," rejoined the old farmer, "th1
craps air good, but ef I sell now th
prices air bound t' go up, an' ef I wait
fer 'em t' git higher they air bound f
git lower; so I can't help losln' enny
way yew tlgger It, by grass!"
I On th Trail.
1 Tramp Lady, I'm near perishing
from exposure. j
i Lady Are you a eengressiiian or a '
beuittor? To'A u Toti.cs.
Is the thing- or quality that makes you succeed in anything you un
dertake. Our ambition is to have the best grocery store in Platts
mouth. And (whisper it) we believe we have it right now. Our
stock is fresh and new, we have it tastily displayed, our clerks are
courteous and obliging, we make deliveries promptly, a child can do
the shopping as well as any other member of the family, and last,
our prices are as low as can be made. Our ambition is not to get
rich it is simply to have the the best store in this city and to make
an honest living. Give us a trial order and see how well please you.
If your cows don't give
enough milk, or if it's not
rich enough in butter fat,
don't blame the cows they
JlrzffQ Animal
to help them properly digest their
food and extract all the nutrition
out of it. There's nothing truer
thousands of dairymen have in
creased the milk yield of their
cows by using I'ratts Animal Reg
ulatoroften more than doubles it
Try it on your poorest cow and
watch results. Also valuable for
other stock, keeping them strong
and healthy and preventing disease.
2 lb. bag o.25, smaller sues from
2oc -p.
Pratti tirimal Olp Is the greatest nf all
Jt.ible diHinlertaiits prevents diwase,
cues sores, bite, Ralls, marine, ringworm,
-ibics, etc 1 it. owe, 1 gl tlM.
Pratti laf Olntmtirt is a positive remedy
for caked !., scire teats, all chapping ana
intlanuiutiuu. and Mc per bus.
There are other Pratt Remedies
for every animal ailment all fully
guaranteed. Able fur information
about them.
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes & OC
per bushel Olillu
New York Rurals nn
per bushel OliUll
2 packages Garden Seeds
New uw
All kinds of seeds in bulk.
Fancy Utah White Cherries 2 1-2 lb. Ofl
cans put up in syrup CUC
3 cans of Sweet Corn O C
at ZOC
Canned Tomatoes, standard Qq
Imported Norwegan Sardines Qq
2 1-2 lb. can J. M. Pine Apple Qr
extra fine at LuC
Curtice Bros. Pumpkin Blue Label OCn
3 lb. can 15c, 2 cans tvC
Swiss Cheese OCf
per lb LUu
Fresh Strawberries every day ICa
per quart luC
Telephone your orders.
Santa Clara Prunes, very delicious (r
per can .IOC
White House Coffee
per can IOC
Curtice Bros. Preserves and Canned Goods.
Snyder's Catsup.
Hogs seem in a hurry to get fat
and are usually saved from dead
ly diseases when they are regular
ly given
Nothing nil! more surely prevent
liog cholera and make hogs grow;
larger and fatten ouickly. Ami
when I'ratts Animal Regulator in
Riven cows they prod ice more and
richer milk it regulates the blood
and digestive organs of all stock
and thus earns its small cost many
times over. Try it. Sold in 25c,
60c, 75c and 1.00 packages.
animal ailment, can be depended on to
cure, when nnytlun will. Pratta Warm
' urivus out worms.
Next time you're in the store ask
about these famous preparations
every one fully guaranteed.
Cut out this Coupon and bring to our store Saturday and receive
FREE a Si package of Gold Dust.
What do you
feed your chickens
for mere pleas
ure, or for big prof
its? And when
you can surely in
crease their egg-
production or market value by using
Fg M rein called Prtra Poultry Food)
why don't you give it to them ? There's nothing like it to
make hens lay all the year round MO eggs or over annu
ally per hen is worth trying for. Costs less than lc a'
month per hen pays for itself many times over. 25 lb.J
bag $ 2.50, smaller sizes from 25c up.
trttti Rwp ear will save your chicken
from this daadly diae do it evvry
tin, quickly, surely, permanently, when
otlatr "roup cures" fail, ittc a pickaxe.
When disease of any kind breaks out In your poultry or stock'
remember there's a Pratt Remedy to cure it, and we Lave it.
Priril Um KtrtW PmJtrtd Form)
?ukkly kill all lice on all kinds of fowls.)
i-t rid of lh lite and you'll nukal
more .rntit. None so (tond as I'ratts. I
lojrs uniy -oc ana uuc package.
1 H.