t Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y iyJoiyly M Ju U 1111 Jl lj ly M i f V V Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y : t Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Has the reputation of being the best manufactured. This reputation has been gained honestly by hard work and years of experience m building machinery. Haphazard methods have had no part in the manufacture. Nothing but the best of material and the best workmanship have been used and the re sults are manifest. Take the Case Steel Separator, for instance. It is built fire proof and water proof, does its work perfectly, is the most economical machine built and has absolutely no rival. The saving of insurance money alone on this machine is something important. All Case Separators are simple in construction, durable and long-lived, have great capacity and require less power to operate than other machines. And the prices are right. It costs a little more to produce a good machine, but the selling price is not advanced. ' See our machines and get our prices and we will sell you the goods, and you will have many occasions to congratulate yourself. Don't overlook us when you have occasion to use anything in the livery line. Our turnouts are the best in the city and we charge no more than you will be required to pay for the second grade. Barn is located at Seventh and Main. msmmxuMmimain .ummmiumjmBumm 11 1 1 iwi n 1 1 1 1 n ismagawx uaaaaiMgm nr? uli D TTO 3 n D MM A m dJ ! W ft f pji mm FIND A CURE IN BEE STINGS. Undoubtedly Give Relief In Cases of Rheumatism and Gout. Not a cure for th stings (if been, but the sUng of a bee as a cure for some thing else namely, rheumatism or gout The belief that rheumatic pains may be relieved by allowing a bee to Alng the affected part Is prevalent In widely distant lands. Il has beeu claused by many with other odd popu lar "cures," such is spitting on the bot tom of a stone to cure wai ts and bo on. Hift there Is no doubt that. In this case, tradition is correct, for the bee cure bag been tested and reported upon too often by repmnble physicians to uduilt of error. An Oxford professor has recently pent tiouie time In tracing the origin and history of this queer but effective method of treatment. It first uppcars iu print, so far as he could And, about titty years ago in a Parisian medical Journal, In the shape of an Hccoutit or 4he experiences of a French beekeeper who, finding a rheumatic trouble of long standing relieved by the acciden tal sling of a bee on his wrist, caused bees to sting him in other purls of I ho body, und ho was cured. Since his day the cure appears from time to time In medical literature, often as u supposed new discovery. It bus been successful ly employed In many parts of the world. Dr. Fere, an Austrian ulivsi- clan, hag a record of about seven hun dred cases iu which he has used It. The sting causes considerable pain, but this soon ceases, as the part be gins to swell, and after two or three such treatments the rheumatism disap pears for six months or so. Kvldently (he Ming acts as a natural hypodermic Injection, and the so-called "poison" contains the curative princi ple. A chief constituent of the fluid la formic acid, but whether this or some mliior element is responsible for the effect of the sting Is not 'certainly known. Montreal Standard. STRONG FLIGHTS OF ORATORY. Unkind Insinuation. The daughter of her mother was do ing a stunt at the piano. "My daughter's music," said the proud parent, "cost us a lot of money." "Indeed!" rejoined the visitor. "Did some neighbor sue you?" Examples of Mixed Metaphors Calcu lated to Cauie a Smile. An amateur historian is responsible for this: "All along the ever flowing stream of history jou can discern the silent footprints of the crowned heads of Kurope! ' The village reporter in the death of I ho villa1;" poet: "Tliiit dauntless pen shall write no mere, for Us eyes are rinsed lorever!" Froij the speed! or a rising yourr; ' ( lliti -Ian: "The trice ll:ht of pub lic i ; liiii i) f-hall deg ti clr fo:i!st"pi mill It Mrat:i.lrs them. Then slit 1 tl.iy swallow the hitler pill :;.;rt drink !ts e1 v dreiR." .'.('.vice a'i(! v. nrrii; fr:i::i a succcai- I A Tabloid Fable. I A Man once collided with an Oppor- tunliy. I "Why don't you look where you are i filing?" growled the Man. "Don't you recognize nic?" asked the : Opportunity, pleasantly. "No, and 1 don t care to. You hnve 1 trodden on my corns." replied the Man. j as he limped away. Moral: Don't believe the people "alio j say they have never had a chance. 1 rf h.i! Itirss t1) ii raihtilng .f f . !.: "Kvc:y ii'!g i:i the l:;.l !".:(( ? Is pivd with rlippevy :) v.M' h ( r'y- fie rlerr he1)') e -?ca.'y I r.n r ";.'j t i l aih r ' f.iTra.-vtt.- v. as a:V..- .-s tr a irie'ii'M of nine men. t he I:u1 : -M '.I :i:l y i t l.i c I to t! eat 1fct fr ' I l : t : . : i'i:y rf t!e s' r .-ii'ius slra "J' 1 o l.drr. lad ra.le fir that nr s' !:'d I i i ot o. :.t s-iieii a vote how vi : y (1 'ire I. a I b ' :i f oKjae ;d let: : v.::.-. al I 'ill n a 1 eiliiL' U r t el:r-. "Id II1 '(..) I. v Tl:.- a ve row. . 1 1 :n.x.-:.;-...:-vM-"-w-'.!-vx!":-!w-i JUST A WORD ENTRE NOUS The News-Herald is equipped to do all kinds of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity to Figure with you when in the market for anything :n our line. No job is too large for our ability to execute and no job is too small to receive our most painstaking care, we cordially invite the attention of our farmer friends to our sale bill department. This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu tion of work of this character, and our prices will be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus- J iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep- J resentative will call and quote you prices an any thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a sh are of your patronage. ?! I' t: !i 'M l t V tir.el I. i-.K r II -l.ts ,-.e r. . s to ciect i;fl" The ter. i vnt'.ee a rlri1: ! it r. -t Iu tl.1,1, "Wf '. i !. "r.'tv.c k' : ; s i t and the ;e', 'u!:;g oat t'.1 1; iuIvcc: te v. u i t-Iv-t':e I '.Jture of t'n A Busy Holiday. "Xaw. I dent think Thnmy'll be stajli.g long on this l ew ji l he's took up wld." said Mrs. HeiKhy. ""i'is too hnrrd fer Mm. Sure he pets i:o rls' at all from Monda' nio!tii:i" till ?.i:h tirda" night, and 'tis tat what t!:o maii's used to." "lie has his Pund; s to list in." hr.z aided the caller, beldly. "An' what o' that?" said Mrs. Ilrr llhy. "Cn Sutuia's he hr.s to gj to church, t il' take the chihln ri to their ttuiidiu.'imiiia's, tin' visit wld his if csliis an" a'.l 'tW no list at h!1." "Twas wan day out of Iveiy fertnlt he had wld (he ould job, wa'nt it?" queried the culler. "It w.is." said Mrs. Ilullhy, "an' 'twas n grand v.vuiion he had. I'd save ivcry hit o" the wa-l-.ln'. an' he'd wring it out line, an' h: i,g it on the line fer iue: thin he'd f:'.v in,' sJ-.pli: wood enough to last till the nixt vaca tion day. an' he'd b ite ivcry n ut la tlx h.use an' shine up 'he t iaeriK nil' tlu I 'i'k r. an' wash the wleilys, en' there'd i'lvvays bo some lit ! t!i;-.i 1 e!;i dtlvisi' tii.ils or the i;Re, lie cud ivi me. "An' whin he'd ,: to lied r.t r.U'at he'd i.lve:- la;l to s .y to !::: 'We'.:. Cellii. lay Muation day is over, hr.t I leel like li's li.ilui Ule lii'. I.V to Hi If.Cn to wu.-ik to ia:;ri-e:,' hr'd say."- Vonlli's t'e!ir,i.'liio:i. t ? t a a V V V "Give me the man who loves his work, However hard it be; Who only thinks it mean to shirk, And hates the hireling's plea. Though hands and face be hard and brown, That were a trival thing; Who wears his duty like a crown, Is (very inch a king." v v ' v v v v v rwwfri l I a t :i:o let of t v II i;on i f dii: w : l.a! ;ht by t! !!:; grc1 t -t de . e.l. irlai: .:::e : i-::! Inn ave it t: on- tliif .'" In "i: is the l,(!tle. which s::.'! h a re o,;r lai r Idle at ill" ,.:.(.' i: iy s i.hliia;; yau la (lie A I nn- . n igi. ' lu'rvo'ei!1 New Y'i''r rei- uMy ::ii!eu(! Ivn uir's to do deee of w;irk III was eaiiipie'ed Iu hu on;-v a Mieclal When It lontid ihiit one g'rl. V t T V: ?! t i; I bring expert, Jul dne u great deal mine than '.he othtr n:ie. Helng un certain what he Ciivht to pay them he decided to leave tl'Ht qtlxgtlon to lliein The expert glil set h";- price and, to hl-i aniaetiieii!, the other girl charged considerably mere. "Mow Is thHt?" he tiked. "Miss Swft charges me a (treat den! less than you do for the same amount of work." "Certainly," reasoned Miss Young. "It took me a great deal longer to do It than It did her. I ought to he paid for my time, oughtn't 1?" The benevolent New Yorker re flected, ninriuurfd something about her manifest qualifications for the plumbing buslnes'i, and Anally compro mised with them both by a sagacious d al In candy. Sinners All, f..!l Into tenjy.ytt.ms l:!i!d"nt o i;:v prof( v. don. 1 svniinit enly t';-.e ci-ln-.es that an re'ju'ii d in u:y pro-f's-sion: but I c'.nuiiiit tlnvn. ... I think that the lir::y would he doiii'. a big service shonl 1 tlu -. tal:e their n r.gregiiiions and know theni' and the teiup'aMons of the u:en. und the irefersioiis that are represented there; and when they And a banke does this thing, know eiiou :h aliont bunking to know v.heOier it Is reiil liaiikiiig or whether It Is "financing." and thin when they know that, find out how this thing comparts with what other men do. . . . Let the man go on committing his sin and take his burden or it, but help him to see that we are all doing it to gether, that It is a system: that It Is true he must do these things, and then prepare his mind for the time v-hen un attempt will be made to change It all. and then tell him to be ready to make the sacrifice with the list of us. Lincoln Steffens' Address ltefore Hoston I'nlversallst Clergymen. f t V ? ? ? t t f I Furniture That Pleases Old Winter with his reign of ice and snow will soon be gone. Those chilly blasts will be a thing of the past. Spring with its new demands will soon be here, and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which .ire sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you p rices. liWIIUMI III STREIGHT & STREICHT For Hot Fires Get Egenber- gcr's Coal ! Lacking Warmth. J "The cri:ics all say that my pictures ' lark warmth." "l)o you work In ells?" ! "Yep." "Then why not paint In a few oil : i.to'-es'" Sure satisfaction every time you light a tire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Eoth telephones. J. V. EGEMBERGER ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?