The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 26, 1909, Image 7

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Spend a 1'leasant Hour at
The Cosy Corner
P. F. GOOS. Prop.
When in
dinner at
get your
1 The Perkins House i
T Gulhmann & Cory, rrupa.
litest D0'liRcr nt.h-Orii Drntl.try Rrisoa
ttle frtt . HrM-")glpprlt l"(IUl 01-
ticf la the M iidie
d riotr fulnn Ink Ifli. nmm. OMAHA. KEB.
1 have just moved into the Union
block, and respectfully solicit a
share of your patronage.
V 31 -n -
" !
,4 1
V !
V i
15ank of Eagle, Kagle.
Nehawka Lank, Nehawka.
Hank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bsnk, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. ;
C. 1. MMSHIll, 0. D. S.
.. Graduate Dentist..
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
Office in Fitzgerald Block
Personal Mention
AZINE has come back to
town on a visit, after nearly
two weeks' absence. He
says he hopes to stay quite
a while with a number of
the best families ; he brings
with him a lot of new
stories- -good ones ; his
health is much improved.
HerolcPs Book Store
J. W. Larkin & Co.
to see such handsome turnouts as
joes from Manspeakcr's livery
stable. Our riprs are up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horses are always well
croomed. well dressed and well
fed. When you want a drive
come to Manspeakcr's for vour
Jones' Old Livery Uarn
Seventh A Main Rt. riattxmnuth. Neb.
r r v o "v. c ra. .
1 1
Want Column
WANTED-To buy a good Jersey cow,
not over S years old. Call on or ad
i dress, A. F. Sturm, Nehawka, Neb.
j WANTED-Young men and women to
fill positions paying $!00 to $2000 per
annum. Pig demand for stenograph
j ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
, by mail insures as thorough and
i practical a training at your own home
j as is obtainable by personal attend
! ance at any business college in the
i country. We guarantee success.
Complete course for small cash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free,
j Central Business Institute, Central
! Duilding, Washington, D. C.
' "Rooster" envelopes are the latest
Irwins. Notice.
State of Nebraska n County Court.
( ounty of ( uss. i
In the mn'tt-r of thf estate of Waclav (rowlik,
called Jumw Kmwh-k, deceased.
To all iM-rsons iiitt'i-estril '
You are liiri ly untitled that there has Iwn
liliil in this court a lielition. toitethcr with an in
Htrument purporting to ! the lust will and est.
nient of said deceasd. The prayer of said peti
tion is that wt'd instrument he uilowed and pro
lia'eil. and that the estate of said deetaed Le ad
minister -d.
You are further notified that there will lie a
hearing upon said petition before this eoui l in the
county court room at I'liittsmniith. in said c unty,
on the 1st day of May at it o'clock A. M. and
that all ohjeutions, if any. must lie tiled on or lx?-
f.i.u ufii.l it.u un.l hiwir nf Vip.'irinir
Witness my hand and the seal of the county I
court of said county this lflth day of April su!l.
Ai.i.i:n J. ISckson.
!!- Skai. County JwIkc.
I Lf gal Notice.
State of Nebraska, '
(nintv of C'as. I
In County Court.
In the matter of the cstatcof Zerah Wilb.irCol
Tii i.ll ncrsonft interested:
You are hereby notified that there is on tile in I
lOIH COliri U peilUIMl, UlieKIHK inn' in inn, (."mil ;
Wilbur Cole, depart i-d this life intesta'e. in sa'd '
county on the 27th dny of March l:. and prayinir
that sa;d estate be anininii teral and thut huas i
l.nnv be appointed ailministrator.
You are further notified that a hearing will lie I
had on said petition before this court in the county i
court room at Plattsmouth, in said county on the
:t('th day of Auril lHtitt. at nine u'l lock A. M. at
w h;ch time, all objections, if any, must lie filed.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County i
C ourt of Casu County, Mebioska. tn:n f.imiay oi
April. 1'jdS.
Hy the Court, Al.l.KN J Hkf.son.
County Judre.
Seal 'Jl-C
State of Nehraska, i
fmnt nf i 'anH. t
In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Anna Krowlrk. de- I
To all personti interested:
You are hereby notified that a petition has been ,
filed in this court, alleirinir t herein that bbhI Anna I
Krowlek, dearted thin life in said county. inte
tat", and leaving an estate to be administered ,
You are further notified that a hearing- wdl l j
had upon said petition liefore this court, at the
cninty court nsim at I'lattsmouth, in said munty :
1u, ..f M-,v 11104 ul U n'clnek A M anil I
that all objections, if any, must be on tile on or'
before said dav and hour of heannK.
Witness my hand and the seal of the eonnty
court of said county this Kith day of Auril 1WJ.
Al.l.KN .1. Hr.KSoN.
91-6 l?t:ALl County Judice.
Legal Notice.
Stateof Nebraska. . , Cm)n, C)(jrt.
Cass County. I
In the matter of the estate of Abble B. Bradford.
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that there will be a
heariiw upon the report and petition for tinal set
tlement in said estate before this court at I'la'ts- I
m,..h ir,...i c.nnf. .,n ih.. tmh .biv ..f Mi;.
i'M. at 11 o'clock a. m. All objections must be
on file on or before said time.
Al.t.F.N J. Hi:f.son,
IsrAl.. DM County Judge.
I Druggist's Permit Notice.
S Notice of application of M. I., Blair for a druK-
frist's iiertnit.
Notice is hereby eiven that M. I.. Blair on the
! 1Hh day of April, l'.tu'.i. filed I. is petition with the
Villuice Clerk of tireenwood, Casa county Ne
I braska, as required by the statuti of the Sta'e
i of Nebraska, and the Ordinances of the Villanei f
Greenwood, prtvinu for a permit to sell malt,
' spiritous and vinous liquors, for mechanical,
i chemical anil medicinal purposes in the huiMinK
i locaN-d on lots Iwi-I and 'I'Vi. (ireenwisid, Nebra-'ka.
for the fiscal year endinir on the first Tuesday in
Mav, 1910. Any objection thereto mut bo tiled
' with the Village Clerk not Inter that May 'X
' Dated at Greenwood, Nebraska. April l!i, I'M.
M. I. Hl.AIK.
91-4 Applicant,
License Notice.
Notice of application of Peter A. Smith for.
Ihiuor license
Notice is hereby given that Peter A. Smith on;
the l'tth day of April, 1!IH. tiled his petition with :
the Village Clerk of Greenwood. Cbsb county, Ne- I
braska, as required by the statutes of the State
of Nebraska, and the orditmnreK of the Villiure ,
of Greenwissl pruyintr for a license to sell malt I
spiritous and vinous liquors in the buildiiiK located j
on lot 77, Greenwood, Nebraska for the fiscal
year endinK on the first Tuesday of May. llllll.
Any objection thereto must be filed with the 1
Villane Clerk not latte- thnn May .1. l.(f9.
L)atsl at Greenwood, Nebraska, April. 19, l'.Kill. '
11.1-1 Applicant i
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska, (
County of Cass, 1 j
In the matter of the estate of Peter Turn, de- ,
ceased. t
To all personn inferos eil: '
You are hereby notified that a petition together i
with an instrument piirportinK to be tho last will ;
nnd testament of said Peter Turn. diM-easi-d. have i
been tiled in thin court. The pruyer of said lieti- I
tion is that said instrument be allowed and pro
bated as the last will and testament of saiddi
cen'U'd You arc not i lied that n henrinif will be had on
said petition before this court on the lot h dav of i
May, l'.Klti, at 2 o'clock p m . and thnt all objec
tions, if any, must lie filed on or before said day
nnd hour of hcarinir.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county
court of said county this 17th day of April, lmitl.
HKAtl Al.l.KN ,1. llKKSON,
M-8 1 1 Judye ;
Notice to Creditors.
S''!- n County Court.
In the natter of the e -tnte of James It. Ca'.hey, .
Notice is hereby iriven that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the. Administrator of said '
estate, liefore mo, County Judkre of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plaits
month, in mihI County, on the L'lth day of May,
I'', nnd on the lilt h dav of November, l'". at 10 I
nYlo k A. M., each day for the purpose of pre- I
sentinit their claims for exntnitiation, adjustment
and allowance.
Six month are allowed for the cnilitois of said
deceased to present their claim", und one year for
the Administrator t. settle rnul estate, firm the
2lth.!nyof May, li".
! Witness my hand and seal of said County Court,
i at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, ties Dl dny of April,
l '1. Al.l.KN .1 llw son,
SYl1 It County Jjilce.
Decided Freely to Give Their
Lives to Warn Emperor of
What They Considered
Crave Danger.
Cut of Korea conns a Mory of the
fantiticttl tUvoMun shown to the shad
ow emperor of the land by those of
his subjects who still resent the rule
of ihe Japanese and view each move
, (f their virtual masters with deep
, suspicion. In tills Instance several pa
triots were willing to let themselves
he run over by a railroad train If only
his majesty might be warned by their
death that he was flying Into the trap
; set for his fiet by Prince lto.
1 A month ago the emperor announced
that he was going to leave Seoul
and take a trip to Fusan, the most
t easterly city of (he peninsula and
I wholly a Japanese settlement. This
was an unprecedented thing for the
emperor to do, since for countless gen
' orations Korean kings and emperors
had bu n content to sit In the hall of
' congratulations In the Mulberry palace
; at Seoul and let subjects from other
! i arts of the land come to them to pay
' homage. Ik spite the protests of the
! patilots Prince lto, who wat engineer
I ing the trip, ruh d and the emperor set
, out over the Seoul Fusan railway to
; visit the seaport at the otlier terminal,
i It bet nine known by the Koreans
I along the route that the Japanese bat
! tleship Azutna was to anchor In the
'. harbor of Fusan and that a part of the
! welcoming ceremonies that were to
occur In Fttsati was to be a luncheon
i to the emperor on board the (ship.
Immediately the rumor urew to the
conviction that as soon as Prince lto
i had the mperor snfely on the A.uma's
tiecK ancror
would be hoisted and the
! Inst of the line of Korean ni!"rs would
; he whisked off to Japan, there to die
i In a dungeon.
! Teil aps the simple Koreans had
I pome justification for bellt'Vlnn that
! the crafty resldent enernl would like
! to execute a roup like that; certainly
' the hand cf the Japanese hail made
j.,,, Ht a rt llTIl? moves on
the Imperial
chess board at Seoul that even a du
plication of the murder that was done
In the Mulberry palace some years ago
at the .Instance of a Japanese minister
would not scein Improbable to the Ko
reans. At any rate the emperor had ht9
luncheon on beard the battleship In
Fnsan harbor and was put safely back
on his own territory n?,fiin. During
the course of the luncheon Prince lto
mnde conversation hy telllni; the pup
pet ruler that he had learned that at
Taiku, one of the larse towns on the.
line cf the railway, a party of pa
triots, convinced that the emperor
was going to his doon had determined
to lay themselves on the rails as his
train approached the station. They
believed that by tills act of sacrifice
their monarch niiht be made to see
he was approaching Immediate
The patriots had been dissuaded by
a very material Japanese policeman.
In Memory of -
Old New Knuland graveyards are
not the only ones which contain cu
rious epitaihs. The old-time dweller
of Maine who "tiled of a falling tree,"
as bis headstone asserts, had a fellow
. ,i.., ,, i ,,..(,.ii- i
n misfortune in fai off Austialla. as Is
shown by V. A. Haillie-firohnian's
"The Tyrol and the Tyrolese."
A wooden slab, painted with the rep
resentation of a prostrate tree tinder
which lies a man in spread-eagle atti
tude, bears testimony to the violent
death of "Johann Lemberger, aged
524 years. This upright and virtu
ous youth was squashed by n falling
The record of Michael Gerstner Is
even more succinct and convincing. Ho
"Climbed up, fell down, and was dead."
Youth's Companion.
Defense cf Canned Products.
' That foods properly canned do not
deteriorate with age was a statement
made at a dinner of ranners In Chica
go a few days ago. "Suppose a custom
er deRlred a can of corn on February
22. HI20," said one of the speakers,
"and was given corn canned In 1!)0!).
It would be rejected with a demand
for 'something fresher,' and, although
the lfibO article would be found as
fresh as that of K0 it would bo lost.
At a recent banquet In London canned
fruit taken from the ruins of I'onipeil
was found to he fresh and fine. There
should be a law to compel the canning
nf all products In such a manner that
they would keep for ages."
Telegraph Letters.
A novelty In correspundencp, re
cently Inaugurated by Ihe French post,
office department, has met with such
success that It might he tiled all over
the world. This Is Ihe telegraphic
letter. The hours between 9 p. m.
nnd 4 a. in. are not busy ones for the
Frc neh telegraphic linos. So the postal
authorities decided to turn these hours
to some use. Therefore, If one misses
the post for a provincial town In
Fianc; to-day tine can at th rate of
too words for 20 rents have the letter
telegraphed and delivered by the first
ot next morning. The scheme is
very simple and Is working admirably
In Paris.
"Don't you admire the bl: hats that
women are wearing?"
, "Well," answered Mr. Meekton, "I
must say they look more lilio the
mom y's worth." 1
According to Writer in London Peri
odical, Vanity Is Responsible for
Garments Prescribed by
Present Fashion.
It was I be opinion of (Ytawuyo. a
noble African monarch who despised
all garments, that we took to clothing
to keep i nrsclvcH clean, because we
were too lazy to wash ourselves. This
however, was an error on his majesty's
part. The simple fact Is that we
adopted tleihcs because we were
nsbanicd of our appearance, says a
writer in London Ideas.
To lu Kin with, leg coverings were.
Invented to conceal bony knees and
shapeless calves. Hoots were urtfully
devised to curtain off ugly feet from
the public gaze and silence loud Jeers.
The hat. It Is easy to see, was the
crafty invention of some
patriarch with a bald head,
anxious to hide it in order
could cut a youthful figure
who was
that he
with the
Gloves were devised by pretentious
women of the lower middle class In
Hereulatirum, who wanted to pope as
gc ntU 'fi.Ik. Having to do their own
housewoilt, they hit upon this Ingeni
ous pliin of covering the redness and
roughm sH of their hands. Thus they
were able to cut a dash and delude so
ciety Into the belief that they kept
servants. lloire the name "kid"
Socks derived their name originally
from shocks, as describing the effect
frequently produced on the mind by
the spectacle of feet in their naked
size and simplicity.
Shirts, and, after them, doublets and
coats, were resourcess to cover pigeon
breasts, hollow chests and curved
spines. The collar Is a development
of the silken scarf or bandage, first
worn by that hideous old porcupine,
Kamoses I., pharaoh of Egypt, to con
ceal n boil on his neck.
Comitig to the face, we find the
veil. This was Introduced owing to
the annoyance occasioned to King
Ptolemy by the count i nauco of one of
his ladies. She developed a squint,
and one day the king, being uncertain
whether she was eyeing him or not,
shouted furiously: "Cover that wom
an's face!" The offensive countenance
was Instantly obscured hy a window
curtain torn down by Si resourceful
courtier. And thus veils for ob
jectionable! faces rapidly became pop
ular. Now, we have been told, and are
constantly being told again, by count
less scientists, that In strength and
beauty we are a deteriorating race.
Our forefathers and mothers had
their little flaws In figure, but, coin
pared with us, they were perfect
Venuses and Adonises.-
A high authority says that "scarce
ly one man In a hundred Is properly
proportioned, and- most women would
he shapeless without the cunning
curves of their stays." Another stern
authority says: "We are a physically
degenerate people, round shouldered,
sunken lolned, narrow chested, crook
ed ribbed, splay fooled, knock kneed,
short winded and weak backed."
So, on the whole, clothes are not
only desltable, but Indispensable. To
cast them off and permit an astonished
universe to see us as we really are
would be a gieat mistake.
Hungry Thespians.
They looked like nrtors, or rather
they looked as If they would have
been uciors if some manager with
more than the usual discernment would
recognize their ability and give them
a Job, says "The Stroller" In the Port
land (Me.) Hxprcss. Just now they
were staring through the window of n
popular-priced restaurant In Congress
street absorbed in the unerring ac
curacy of the chef as the griddle cakes
were flipped Into the air by him. only
to fall gracefully hack Into the grease
mark they had Just quitted. The tall
man jingled some keys in his pocket
nnd the little one pulled his belt an
other notch.
"Lord!" said the big one; "I'm hun
gry enough to eat my words."
"I'm In just as bad," complained the
little one. "I leel as though I could
bolt a front door."
Figures on Drink Question.
Speaking before the Church of Eng-:
land Temperance society recently tho
bishop of London said that, as the re-!
suit or nn Inquiry regarding the drink
evil, 15 doctors stated that In the
middle class there was a decrease of
drinking, SS In fashionable practice
spoke of the Increase among the well-to-do.
and H.I of the Increase among
wot king women. At the request of the
home office '.M London public houses
were watched for four days, and IW,
C4rt women, with 10,171 children, en
tered. The chief cause, said the
bishop, of drinking among the well-to-do
was want of occupation; among the
poorer classes It was overwork and
overworry. American Horses for Brazil.
James It. Kcene and ,1. It. Ilaggln
recently sold In Kueiios Aires 75 thor
oughbreds from their racing and breed,
lug farms In the t'nlted Slates. Tlie
sales were only fairly successful be
cause American horses were previous
ly unknown there
Room at the Top.
"There Is plenty of room at the
top." quoted the nioi;t!!. r.
"Ves," rejoined the demoralizer,
"and there always will be unless fncll
lUiS for getting there are Improved."
Some desirable pieces of Flattsmouth property cheap. This is
now down to bed-rock prices and if you contemplate buying a
home, don't put it oft until values increase.
SOUTH DAKOTA farms can still be IsniRht cheap. Invest in
the fertile Keo Valley.
NORTH DAKOTA. Call in and see what you can do. Iiuy
now and secure a competence.
TEXAS. Now is the time to secure a part of 3iM),twO acres of
the cheap and productive land in the Big Springs Country.
New Office in the Dovey Block will bo ready for
occupancy alsiut April 27th.
Agent for the American Security Company of New York.
Home-Made Sausages
Wo are headquarters for those rich,
juicy Sausages, the delight of the epi
cure. We also have a fine line of
Bolognas, Wiener, Steaks, Roasts, etc.
Call us up on either phone.
U Kunsman
New 1909 American Poultry
and Rabbit Fence
The best yard and chicken fence ever
made. Weighs over 10 times as much per
rod as the common netting and only costs
one fourth more. Will stretch over any
kind of ground and does not need any board
at top or bottom. Also a full stock of
Pittsburg Cyclone fencing.
JOHN BAUER, sole jt
The Seattle Exposition. Very low excursion rates will make
it possible for you to make the most interesting railroad journey in
the world at an extremely reasonable cost; only slightly higher
through California. Plan now.
Rocky Mountain Resorts. After June 1st very low round trip
rates will be make to the delghtful resorts of Scenic Colorado, to
the Big Horn Mountains, including Eaton Bros, famous ranch re
port at Wolf, Wyo.. near Sheridan; the Yellowstone Par, either via
Cody, Gardiner or Yellowstone gateway; Hot Springs of South Da
kota,, Big Horn Basin points, Thermopolis, Basin and Worland.
Plan Now.
To the East. An extensive scheme of excursion rates to the
Lakes, Canada and eastern sea
prior to June 1st. Plan Now.
! Information in response to
; earliest date. Do not hesitate
ations. State definitely what
i pleasure to assist
The First National Bank
- -
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
George E. Dovey, President.
Frank E. Schlatek, Vice-Pres.
IIoiutio N. Dovey, Cashier.
Caul (5. Frickk, Asst. Cashier.
We solicit your account and prom
ise liberal treatment.
& Ramge
- board resorts will be announced
inquiries will be furniseed at tho
towriteus for informationand publi-
you want to know, it win be a
you to include all available at
tractions in your tour east or west.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth.
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A., Omaha.