The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 26, 1909, Image 4
r The News-Herald PLATT8M0UTH. N IBM ASK A. Entrr! at the polome at Fhttmouth, Cm Coanty. Nebruka, ai wi-ond-claM mail matter. OFFICIAL, PATER OK CASS COUNTY A. L. TIDn Editor. R. 0. WAT TERS Manager RATES OF SUBSCKimON Dm Tbu in Advance tl.BO is Month! 75 TttfrOM riattamouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 Now turned around spells victory. never be poor; after opinion.shall never be rich. merit, whichever may be directed. way her ; activititg HorE alone is ull right; but Hope and Hustle, in equal parts, is better. ! i I'Eori.K who are afraid of freckles , never make hay while the nun whines. . . - . - I FoitiiET the past, attend to the pre sent, and let the future take care of it self. It is well worth the price just to see the "Runnel" shake hands with him self. The man who thinks he is a wit should talk into a phonograph and then be made to listen. None but the wise can employ leisure well. Victoky belongs to the most per severing. The door of opportunity has no place for knockers. No man can be Eure of others until he ia sure of himself. A ci. kan desk tonight makes a good begining tomorrow. Method in business is the chief in strument in getting rich. IE No man was ever discontented with the world who did his duty in it. He who lives after Nature shall Some men of bombastic, audacious, pompous and egotistical vanity, try to hide their lack of gray matter under silk tiles, long tailed coats, and gold headed canes. Thomas Jefferson O'Day in hisNe hawka Register refers to I'lattsmouth as a hamlet. We'd rather be as apo pletic as the "Runnel" than to have some peoples' disposition. The Courier is offering $.r in gold as a prize for the best article not exceed ing five hundred words on the subject of how to make Louisville grow, how to increase its commercial importance, how to make it the leading town in Cass county, etc. Mr. Mayfield is a live one and the Courier will be a potent factor in Louisville's anvance- 11 U ' ill AW'' lllim''-f.. ,, .,. .,li..W YOUR WISHES ARE CATERED Just as you would have them at Itarnes' restaurant. The viands are of the best, the cuisine is perfect, and our sauces, entrees, iish, meats, oysters, clams, des erts and pies are prepared by experts. Our price-well, you will say they are small when you test the cuiinury gems that we present for your delectation. Good rooms in connection. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. Pi.ATTSMOi TH is an all right "wide open town," a half dozen or rr.ore gambling joints wiJe open and ia full blast, houses of bad repute, three or four Sunday booze joints, plenty of confederates and pimps to handle the unsophisticated country lad in a grar.d j and glorious manner is the way thirgs j are beginning to boom under the newly elected city administration. (m--kb,w.rt,;UlllOUllUU !UI HIU nunu 11UIU1U X country to rice in thtir might nnd I , repudiate the actions of these women I who would use their influence to take ' . . ! ' home industry and labor, as these silk i stocking society now advocate. I Resolved, That we appeal to the The I'lattsmouth Daily-' Journal's local page is a daily advertisement of Omaha. Ry actual count Saturday's issue of that paper contained 2tf free reading notices of Omaha, equivalent to about 20 inches. The Journal calls this stulf personals. It should be de signated as the Omaha free advertising department. Our locid merchants should just keep track of this advertising space for one week. Charging the from us the means of n.akirg an honest and respectful living and finding em-! ployment. j Resolved, That we appeal to Congress ; to preserve to the American woman I .the American market for the sale of i their labor and pass the hosiery sched-; u!e of the Payne Tariff bill in its pres-1 ent form. These women do not repre-! I sent the true sentiment of the Ameri can people. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to Congress and a copy given to the press. These resolutions present a singular contract to those adopted a day or two before by the Four Hundred at the! local merchants and giving Omaha free i "slur icw 1 orK- wnai riE'u-1 space is doubtless the Journal's idea of ! mi"ded woman' havin- in viL'w thj building up this city. ! h,fht'fit and best '"Crests of her sex, i j fan doubt that the Philadelphia Three j Does a man who neglects to pay his i Hundred are correct in their contention grocery bills, his meat bills, his coal f the privilege of earning a respect-! bills, his rent bills, make a man qualif - j able living? Morally, ethically ur.d ! ed as a legislator? Would you expect j economically the women who work j such a man to accomplish much good, ' have the best of the argument. I wholesome legislation? Is it common J sense to expect a graduate '"spittoon Advertised Letter List. j hullerand bar loafer" to kand for Naming uncalled for in the post- . t . , . , . , i office at I'lattsmouth, Neb., April 215, what is moral, upright, decent, andi,n ' wholesome? Is it not most likely that his language will become tainted by the source of his graduation? is it not most likely when he by hook or crook becomes alderman or legislator that he he will join the "lobby gang" for what there is in it9 t Y t t V t Y Y t V Y t V t f Y Y V V V t Y Y V Y WA To get in touch with every Cass county former that expects to purchase a piece of machinery this year. I am handling the J. I. Case line,and I want you to know that there is none better made. I have some of the best testimonials that ever were written as to the su perior merits of Case ma chinery and as to prices I have the catalog house beaten at the start. Watch these columns for photo graphs, descriptions and prices. Drop me a line stat ing your requirements and I will send you an estimate that will be an eye-opener. ? ? f t ? Y ? t ? ? Y Y ? t ? Y ? ? ? ? : t ? Y ? t Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y t ? ? "Runnel" Bates condemns Ex-Attorney General C. J. Smythe, because he made speeches against the re-nomination of Mayor "Jim." Almost im mediately Mayor "Jim" bobs up as a friend of John C. Mabray, the confi dence man, swindler, and broncho buster. Thr.t's right "Runnel" give it to General Smythe, he is too clean to train with the gang you support. Give it too Smythe, he belong to the class of clean and decent democrats, but they are not in harmony which the municipal administrations. They do not harmonize with gambling, prostitu tion and debauchery; with graft, swindling, and buncoism. Give it to 'em. In I'lattsmouth the Journal de signated them as"Night Riders," "Ru Rlux Rlans,"'and "Mollie Maguires." That is style of condemnation the Jour nal heaps upon the heads of democrats who stand up for decency and purity. I M. E. MANSPEAKER, PLATTSMOUTH, KEB. X t The executive force of Lancaster and Cass counties made quick work of the Greenwood burglary and linen larceny. On April lfc'th Andrew Bloom was placed under arrest by detectives from Lincoln. On the lDth Sheriff C. D. Quinton landed the burglar and thief in the county jail. Bloom made a full confession of his crime. On the 2Jth a formal complaint was tiled against him before Judge Mi Archer and he entered a plea of guilty, and was bound over to the District Court and committed to jail. A formal informa tion setting up the criminal offence was filed on the 23rd, Bloom was taken be forejudge Harvey D. Travis by the sheriff where a plea of guilty was entered and a sentence of four years in th2 penitentiary was pronounced by the court. There is no criminal prosecution in the popular tense of the tefm where one pleads guilty to a crime. The de tectives and sheriff do the work in such cases and save costs to the tax payer, and Sheriff Quinton is to be com mended. WOMEN WHO WORK ON PAYNE TARIFF BILL. Three hundred women and girls, rep resenting .r(i,0V) textile workers in Pennsylvania, at a mass meeting in Philadelphia on the evening of April ! adopted the following resolutions: Resolved, That in view of the action of the so-called society women of our country in petitioning Congress to re duce the duty on hosiery imported into the United States that they might benefit by ihe said reduction, we de nounce the action of these women as un-American, unpatriotic and unworthy of the pas-t history of the American women who in every peiiod of our country's history have stood for the Miss Delia Adams, Miss Lizzie Berg man, Miss Esther Cellar, Mrs. Wiiber; Cole, Mrs. Nora Dasher, Miss Ida! Wienbarge, Mrs. Jack Ward, Frank ISuckley, Reo. Cvrrie, Homer Foster, Frank Marler, Homer Foster (li), Joe Mason, E. G. Richter, Paul Shultz, C. II. Williams, Peter Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrey. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office May in, lfKJl), if not delivered before. In calling for the ahove please say "advertised" giving date of list. C. H. Smith, P. M. 1 Card ot Thanks. i We wish to extend our thanks to our ' friends and neighbors for their kindness, and sympathy in our late bereavement ! in the death of our beloved son and ! brother. W. R. Murray, j and Family. Y Y ? Y Y Y ? Y t t y Y Y f Y f ? Y Y BEARSKIN HOSE TAKESTMltEAD FOR GIRLSandBOYS MFGD BY PARAMOUNT KNITTING CO CHICAGO Just received a case of this popular Hose. We guarantee them to wear better than anv hose you ever bought at any price only per pair. 15c 15c A fine ribbes Hose at the same price per pair The popular Ox-Blood Hose in ladies' and children. 0 A 4. 1 Y Y Y Y t ? ? Y Y Y Y Y t Y ? Y Y Y ? Y Y ? v f ? Y f f ? ? Y Y t v W Sun Bonnets Just unpacked our new Sun Bonnets. Chil dren's Misses and Ladies', all colors, plain, trimmed, 15c, 25c. Carpet Warp We have a full line of Carpet Warp for those that want to make a rag carpet this spring. We only sell the best grade, Plattsmouth Pil lows, Nebraska Pillows. We will have on dis play several of these pillows already worked and finished. You will be surprised as we CAj have never seen anything as nice. Each 3 UL A. WURL Ury Goods And Groceries, .. . J. A . Old Papers For Sale ai This Office y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? E.G.D0VEYaS0N ? ? ? ? ? ? aAWWWWVAWw Y v vwvwvv ""n t ? ? t t Y f t Y t t v t f Y ? Y Y Y Queen Quality Shoes Oxfords For fifteen years we have sold the Queen Quality footwear and must say that no class of merchandise we turn out gives such universal satisfaction as the Queen Quality shoes, Pumps and Oxfords. We extend to you a cordiaf invitation to inspect the new Queen Quality styles for this spring. Corsets! Corsets! The JustriteG-D Corset is always right. We have them in extra long hip at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 Long and short hip Corsets, good style, at 50c We have some odds and ends in G--D Corsets which we want to close out athalf price. Remember that when you buy Carret Warp to ask us for the Buffalo Brand, the best on the market in colors and white. Buttrick Patterns were the first paper patterns brought out and today are m advance of all others Wb sell them at 10c and 15c. None higher. f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f Y Y Y t t t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y &M"itM Y & AMM4WnfMM E. G. DOVEYaSON" ik A -a V VC V I sister.", and not for the destruction of