The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 26, 1909, Image 1

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    Xchraska State HI
t So
Ni'WS. KUMt1 Nov. I.
11LUA1.D. E.-li.biisiiul Ar'il M. I:1
' Cunsolidaltd Jan. 1,
The Burling
ton's Policy
Has Been a Potent Factor in De
veloping the West.
The News-Herald is more than
pleased to note that someone has seen
fit from un unprejudiced point of view
to give the great reading public a plain
and simple statement of the Rood work
that has been done and is being done
by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad, as an advance agent of pros
perity, and the development of the
great west. Katharine Coman, in Jhe
Review of Reviews says: Our Western
railroads have been built in advance of
population and have been obliged to de
velop their territory industrially as an
essential preliminary to profitable busi
ness. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
is a case in point. Tho first railroad to
strike west from Chicago and make
connection between the Great Lukes
and the Mississippi River, its lines have
been steadily pushed across the prairies
to the base of the Ro'-ky Mountains,
outstripping the westward movement
vof industry. Burlington and Quincy
were frontier towns in 185"), as are
Billings, Guernsey, and Cheyenne to
day. It has been the consistent policy
- . .. , . t.
century fight for existence to make the
prosperity of its subsidiary territory a
matter of prime concern, sacrificing, if
need be, immediate profits to ultimate
business success.
The first factor ia industrial develop
ment, land, was provided in generous
measure by the Government. Though
the original Illinois company received
no land grant, the Chicago, Burlington
& Quincy inherited from the Hannibal ;
ut Ol. uuccuil niiu uuc uuiiuijjivii u. ;
Missouri railways, purchased and in
corpoiatcd in the Burlington system,
ni.-twi than !? 000 llf III fiprna rf firuipi i
i xt...u ' '.-...-! o..v-l i
Bull, mui mei ii iiiiaauu' i, ouuuitiii iua
. . .,, , ,
am Eastern Nehruaka. tho rcfrlon I
passed by none in the United States j
for natural endowment. At the present i
price of $100 an acre, these lands would :
represent a handsome revenue; but at i
the time the roads were built quarter
sections of prairie were a drug in the
market, even at the Government price
of $1.25 per acre. The consistent policy built by co-operative associations of
of the management has been, not to j land-owners, by syndicates that have
hold its hands for advance in value, but taken advantage sf the Cary act, or by
to put them on sale as rapidly as proved ; the federal Government, the enterprise
fe.-.sible, and at such a price as would is regarded by the railroad manage
attract to the region bona-fidc farmers ment as tributary to its own develop
who should grow orops and raise cattle ment, and therefore to be aided and
and furnish a demand for . goods from i promoted. The Interstate Canal, built
the East, thus creating business for ! by the Reclamation Service on the
the road. To this er.d, Und eommis i North Platte River, where it flows
sioners were appointed and advi raising j from Wyoming into Nebraska, and the
agents sent throughout tho old North-1 various private projects in this r.eigh
west, where soils were comparatively I borhood, have placed -loO.OOO acres of
poor or had been exhausted. In the ' land "under water" and ct nverted the
years before the Interstate Commerce
law forbade such favors, passes and
special rates brought would-be pur
purchasers by the trainload into the
districts advertised. Special freight
rates on "colonist" goods, agricultural
implements, and household supplies
rendered the offer of cheap land in the
r.ew West doubly attractive. It was
Khaki Uniforms
This is the newest thing in overall
wear. We have the genuine army
goods, made by Frink & Co., that
"wear like a pig's nose" and fit like
tailor made. Full cut, wide legs,
high bib. Also peg top pannts with
wide turn up. Coats to match. Price
$1.00 each. Also have the Everett
blue and Steifle stripe. The best
overalls made. Any size, 30 to 52.
C. E. Wescotfs Sons 1
"Whtf Qutllty Count!."
the j art of ui.-dom rot mcrr-iy to get
farmers onto the hind, Lut to keep
them there an J to enable them ;o t urn
a living. During the early '70s, whi n I
hard tinr.'S a::d the er;nsho;;-ers re- j
duced Nebraska to the verge of ruin, 1
the raiiruad came to the ro.' cue of the '
farmers. Thousands of people were
passed Lack to their homes, carloads of
supplies contributed by Eastern cities j
were sent out free of charge, area for:
the next planting was freighted into
the devastated districts and sold to the
farmers on credit. The present pros
perity of Nebraska is in good measure
due to this timely aid.
West of the hundredth meridian,
where the average annual rainfall was
seldom more than ten to fourteen
inches, and agricultuie seemed impossi-j
ble, land w as selling in grazing tracts !
at 23 cents an acre until the advent of i
dry-farming. Lnder the supervision
of H. W. Campbell, the prophet of thi3
latest agricultural gospel, three experi
ment farms were started, one in Kan
sas, one in Nebraska, and one in Colo
rado, and it was soon conlusively
proved that all the crops suitable to
this latitude could Le grown without
irrigation. In 1SJ5 tho Chicago, Bur
lington & Qaincy inaugurated a new
campaign of advertisement, printing
pamphlets and folders und sending a
deluge of literature into the older farm
ing state's. A very effective device
was the demonstration car, fitted out simp e yields and carrying one or
.. , , i .l
more practical farmers to explain the
method and its remits. Converts to
the new idea came in the main from
Ir.diana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
and Iowa. 'People move along climatic
lines," said an experienced land com
missioner to me. "There is no use in
going south of the Ohio River or east
i of Buffalo for recruits. They won't
believe the evidence of tr.eir own
senses." This costly educational cam
, - , g
. iaig.l IT.a LQI4 1LU UH . JM j-w.-w v.
nnii.n . . . r. a nciari nn if.r i Mil iiti- .im .11
i selling, not the railroad lands, winch
I were practically exhausttd, but the
Government lands in western
, , ... . , ,. , ,.
ka, the cultivation of which would none
" .-.
the less bring a revenue to the Chfcago,
Button & Quincy.
Farther west, in the arid foothills of
the Rockies and along the mountain
river valleys, recent irrigation projects
are converting wastes of sagebrush and
cactus into productive farming country.
Whether reservoirs and ditches are
j approach to Fort Laramie, formerly
the despair of the overland emigrant,
into highly profitable alfalfa, sugar
beet, and potato farms. The valley of
the Big Horn River, tnce the goal and
too often the grave of the trapper and
Indiana trader, is being rapidly settled.
Fully 600,000 acres is now under irri
gation. The Cody branch of the Chi
cago, Burlington it Quinry brings this
remote region within two days of Om
aha, av.d within three days of the Chi
cago markets. Above and below Bil
ling.;, 0:1 th; Yellowstone River, Gov
ernment and private projects are being
pushed to completion that will add an
o'.her loo.O'H) acres to the irrigated
area subsidiary to the Burlington trans
portation, system. In the disposition
of these laruli the railroad plays r.o
small parts, advertising sales, describ
ing crop possibilities, and organizing
homcseeker' excursions to its western
termini. Intelligent guides are sent
with each expedition to assist purchas
ers to get at the facts, and prospective
settlers are urged to see fi r them
s.'lves. The promotion of fakes is no part of
this far-sighted policy. Every irriga
tion scheme is examined by a trusted
agent, and r.o lands, are advertised un
til the water is actually in the canals
and ready for distribution. Great pains
are taken to fit the farmers for the new
condition?, of husbandry. Simple
treatises on dry-farming, on irrigation,
on diversification of crops, on stock
raisirg and dairy farming arc among
publications regularly printed and dis
tributed by the Landseekers' Informa
tion Bureau at Omaha. New industries
that promise to develop the region ex
perience the 6ame fostering care. The
beet-sugar mills at Denver, Billings,
and Grand Island were aided by special
rates or. raw material, machinery, and
product while such privileges were
legal, and are still assured of cheap
transportation during the summer
months from the centers whence a
labor suppiy may be drawn. At the
opening of the "campaign"whole train
loads of men, women, and children are
moved from eastern Kansas and Ne
braska to the su?ar-bett belt, at slightly
more than a single fare for the round
In the adjustment of freight rates,
that most d.'.hcult problem of railway
finance, ths Burlington management is
governed by its estalished policy of
basing the prosperity of the road on
the pro:-perity of its clientele. The
n ce adjustment of rates to "what the
traffic will bear" is undertaken, not for
the propose of extracting the highest
possible profit, but with a view to the
ultimate capacity of each and every
industry that contributes to the freight
receipts of the system. To crush
nascent prosperity by exorbitant
charges would bo to throttle the hen
that is to lay the golden eggs of future
dividends. In a statement submitted
to the Ser.ate Committee on Interstate
Commerce in 1885, Charles E. Perkim,
president of the road from 18S1 to 1901,
and the determining influence in its
history, voiced this policy in his asser
tion that "the desire of the railroad to
ir.cease the volume of business ar.d to
promote the prosperity of the country
upjn which it depends for it support"
u a sufficient guaranty of fair dealing
with its constituency.
Hired Man
Drama in Three Acts to ba Given
at Rock Bluffs School House.
Following is the cast of characters:
Mr. Asa Tompkins a prosperous
farmer who can not tolerate deceit,
Carl Hunger.
Dixey, the hired man, one of nature's
noblemen, Ernest Hutchesor.
John Remington, a fine young man
! in love with Louise, Percy Wheeler.
Jerry, a half grown awkward coun
try lad, Will Smith. !
Louise, the daughter whom Mr.
Mompkins believes to be his own, I
Winnie Hutcheson. j
Julia, the only child born to Mr. and '
I Mrs. Thompkins, Beulah Sans. 1
j Ruth, a niece of Mr. Tompkins, j
j boarding at the Tompkins homestead,
I Florence Hutcheson. j
Mrs. Sarah Tompkins, a woman with :
a secret the embitters her, Eva Torter. i
I The latter part of the week Sheriff
i Quinton brought Joseph Van Horn I
! from Union to this city on ' the charge '
of insanity. It seems that the unfortu
I nate man's insanity is due to injuries1
I received in a runaway some years ago.
On cderof the insanity board the!
I Sheriff took him to the insane hospital
at Lincoln.
The local lodge of the Improved Order
of Redmnn gave one of their dances at
Coates Hall on Friday night. It proved
a splendid success. This lodge has some
great hustlers among its membership
and they make a success of whatever
i they undertake. '
Talks to
Young Men
Young Men's Bible Class Hold
Interesting Session.
At the Young Men's Bible Class of
the Methodist church last Wednesday
evetii-.g Mr. H. A. Holdrege.of Omaha,
son of General Manager George W.
Holdiege, gave a most instuctive ad
dress on "Electrical Engineering." Mr.
Holdrfge is a practical man of affairs
and is general manager of the Omaha
Light and Power Company. His ad
dress was intensely practical and in
structive. E. 9. Wesctt, the leader of the
clas3 read a letter he had received from
President W. C. Brown of the New
York Central Railway. The letter is
worthy of reproducing, and below is
given the text in full:
New York, April 9, IWX
Mr. E. H. Wescott,
Care of C. E. Wescott's Sons,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
My dear Sir:
I am in receipt of your very kind
letter of March 31st, and have read
with .much interest of the work you
are doing in trying to aid the young
men in in your community. Although
I am driven with work at presnt, I
am glad of the opportunity to speak
an encouraging word to these young
men, and shall feel amply icpaid if
some word that I may write shall be
helpful to one of your boys entering
upon life's duties and responsibilities.
In thest days we are easily led to be
lieve that each succeeding generation
has settled the larger problems of life
and of governments; not only for itself
but for much for the future.
As Daniel Webster was closing a
long and distinguished public service,
Charles Summer was just entering
upon a public career, equally long, and,
if possible, more distinguished. In
C)ngr.tulating Mr. Summer upon his
election r to Congress,' the venerable
Webster said, "Summer, you have
come too late. All the great public
questions have been settled."
Yet Summer was a participant in the
i if Alia r
A mm (V j nsm
honest profit.
We think that in the end we'll make more money, because well co more business. "True
always wins."
11. S. & M. Suits, $18 to $30. Others, good too, $7.50 to $16.50.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
Manhattan Shirts. Stetson Hats.
It's a
pleasure to
show you.
Our large immediate delivery purchase of Ha' t Schalfner & Marx suits is all here now. Assortment
larger, pattern more attractive, prices that pcII. Hang-up system still calling forth lots of attention.
Come and see it.
consideration and solution of questions
so momentous in importance that Web
ster and his colleagues shrank from
seriously discussing thent questions
which involved the Nation in four years
of civil war before they could be de
cided, emancipating a race which had
been held in bondage for centuries, and
making this country, in fact, as well
as in name, a "land of freedom."
I am often asked if, in my opinion,
the opportunities for young men leav
ing school or college are now as favor
able as they were thirty years ago, and
I am glad to say that I believe the op
portunities of young men today are
better than they have ever been.
The world ia looking for young men
with health and strength, high moral
character, and clean wholesome habits;
young men with nothing but brains and
hands, backed by industry, loyalty and
fidelity to duty.
Commerce wants them, manufactur
ing is looking for them, the railroads
are absorbing them; and the supply
never equals the demands. The millinery
and the schools are calling for them,
and the success of the right kind of
young men in any line of activity is ab
solutely certain.
Faithful, intelligent service is better
paid aud more rapidly promoted today
that it has ever since it was ordained
that man should "Eat bread by the
sweat of his brow."
The man who works with hands or
brain is each year receiving an in
creasing share of the weulth he helps
to create.
When preachers of discontent try
to discourage young men by the false
and disheartening wail that the rich are
growing richer nnd the poor poorer,
that the day of opportunity is past,
they forget the fact that, almost with
out exception, the men who have made
this great country what it is in religion,
in education; the men at the head of
our great banks, manufacturing in
dustries, railroads, etc.; the men who
I arc doing things, began life in the
! humble home and frequently knew the
pangs of hunger and .the pinrhing of
; honest poverty.
! The door of opportunity swings
farther than it has in all the past, and
invites to greater things than have
..'' iv.'.
, on an
iurti.-iufl.ier 4 M.r we can
a. ''imt f nnvrioni i
Mlff T P M
been enjoyed by former generations.
With best wishes for yourself and
tho members of the Young Men's Bible
Class, I am Yours very truley,
W. C. Brown.
A Handsome
Issued by the Burlington and
Advertising the A-Y-P
The News-Herald is in receipt of a
copy of an exposition booklet issued by
the Burlington route, which is just off
the press. It is a handsome folder of
forty pagei, printed in three colors,
profusely illustrated. It contains a
large plat showing the grounds and
buildings in detail, a street map of
Seattle which, in addition to the usual
features, shows the location of the Ex
position and the street car lines there
to, and a very tine colored map of the
Puget Sound region, which will be
particularly useful to those desiring to
make any of the many very attractive
short side trips on this most beautiful
of all the landlocked salt water seas of
the world.
The great expositions of the past
have depended to a largo extent for
publicity on the printed matter of the
various railroads interested and, while
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition to
be held at Seattle has been unusually
energetic in the publicity campaign car
ried on by itself, the printed matter '
which is being issued by the railroad
companies and will be placed in the
hands of the prospective traveler, will
do as much if not more to advertise
tho Exposition than anything else.
The folder in question contains a con
cire write-up of the Exposition and
particulars in regard to the rates and
routes thereto. It also contains a large
amount of information in regard to Pa
cific Coast tours in general for the
summer season of 1909 and shows how
the grand tour of the Coast, including
the Exposition and California, can best
and most interestingly be made.
Copies of this very useful publication
may he had on application to any of the
company's agents.
WHERE are two prin
ciples that we are
establishing in our
new store. One is,
that nothing except good
merchandise can come in
to our place; and by that
we mean such lines as Stetson
Hats, Barker collars, Interwoven
and Everywhere Sox, Manhat
tan, Wilson Bros., and Ferguson
McKinley Shirts, Mentor Union
Suits, Carhartt Gloves and Working
Hart Sclioff tier & Marx
and other strong lines, are finding
their place here. The other principle
is that we are going to sell these good
things as low as it is humanly possi
When we mark our goods we
think of how much we can make
article, but of how low a price
put on it, and still make an
We refund
cheerful' y.