IMtimHIMHtMHItttM - i Taft's Views 1 Must Take Spend a Fieasant Hour at The Cosy Corner J Want Column X THIRD GRAND BALL 5 i On Tariff It In Time I: . .. . i i V Tom troop, ruoriiir:roR j THE PLATTSMOUTH : HOTEL P. F. OOOS. Prop. J When h I'lattstuouth get your dinner at 3, J T!?e Perkins House ! (liehnvitin & Cory, l'lor-s. A GAS LEV & MACK THE DENTISTS litest Aogilddcfi Itl.h-Grin Diittl t-y Hmoo ilix Prli". Hf.-'quippfi1 Ijontdl Of (icrlatht MuldieHrst. rCIl D.COUIT TO CITT VISITORS. l1 r or I aM.-r. ink . irti, it I'm mini, OMAHA, NEB. fT"t,4 ! ' '" AXXOUNCKMUXT T V j- I have just moved into the Union f block, and respectfully solicit a -j- X share of your patronage. '( ,t. v y Jose Pci'iv, IJmvIh'I' 3. t "t1 t tt t ? t I I I I t ! LAWYER Rcterfinres: Rank of Eagle, Ragle. Xehawka flank, Xehawka. Hank of Murdock. Murdoek. First Nat'l bank.Crei nwood. State bank of Murray. Murray. First Xat'l bank, Plattsmouth. V SCOTCH COLLIES Oucen Milts hcnn;IS. Chair.tiion blood of the world. Direct 'descendants from J. 1'. Morgan's famous Sin.oiiu dog. We now have a litter on hand on whieh we are making especially attractive prices in Plattsriiouth and vicinity for the purpose of introducing our stock on this side of the river. For further infor mation and prices, call on or ad dress CARL LINCOLN, 1 Jml. Thorn-. I,ai,iiio .hini-tloTi, la. ") f rV. re seliir.f lots (if ' ' Sheriiian Wili;;ims PAINT now, not because it is the time to paint r:o;v, but bcause it is the Best on the market. wiraEinnni.w.'aiuiixKuiMuaur '' I F. G. Frieke & Co. J MILLINERY f v I am now ready to show up-to-date styles of and Summer MILLINERY. Also Ladies' Neckwear and Notions. Call and see them before oinpr elsewhere. Opposite postollice. Mrs.Ju!iaC.Dwyer ij rm- 'T ' IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see sin h handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, will dressed nnd well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeaker's for vnur turnout. M.E.MANSFEAKER Jones' Old Livery Ilarn Pov.'nlh A Main St. I'lattmnnuth, Ni-li. iff! J WANTED. WANTF.D-To buy a goo:l Jersey cow. not over S years old. Call on or ad !re s, A. F. Sturm, Xehawka, Ni b. WANTKL) -Vounn men and women to as to secure an adequate ineome. Should j till positions paying S'.'IMI to .f Jnuii per it he impossible to do so hy import du annum. Pig demand for stenograph- ties, new kinds of taxation must he i ers in the Government service, as will as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend- a::ce at any business college in the country. We guarantee nieces, Complete course for small cash pay- ; men?; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Cential P.usiness Institute, Central! Building, Washington, I). C. ; . ; "Rooster" envelopes are the latest- i rv,jMS ! ! Lfgal Notice. i in c.iicity (Virt. j (itintv nf Ca s. ' In bv matt.T f tlio -;tatp r.f Wnvav Ktuttlrl:, I t'a'li-l Juin-s Kfowlck. tliCL;eel, . i i i. i Tn nil iit rtm inti'ii'i.tftl ' i i l... ,!.-. e 1..,. )... in tl.imi'rtiil'a ti.-til it.n. tmr.-thi r'v.-ilh im in- 1 : Aiimm'nt t'ir.i.rt:.nir to !" the l .t w i! ui .l -t;i ' nii-iit iif -.1 I 'I' e.u-t-.l . 'Ih- nnivrri.1' iai.1 e- ti- hum is thai s.iM -- u iMiK-nt h.- i,i!.,v(,i a-,i ,.,-, liainl. ; i ri I tlmt tin; i-i.tnte of .iiiit !! a hI ! a-1- f Ymi itri- furtli-r nn-it'.isl tlmt t!nre lie a i )..-arinK U!mn miI-I !-' -.n li'.'ui- t',. .'.hip ,.. th- ! nn th.- l.-t ili'.v of thiy I'.h-'i, :it ;i V!nek A. M. mul th:it u!l 'ihii rtiuns. it liny. mut Iiliil -im nr 1." ' fun- sai l liav mul hour nf li"in inif. Witivi-' my I nr.. I ni:il th-- m'hI nf 'In' n.ine y e jurt of .-aiil county tins lot Ii i!ay i f A; ill Al.l.KS .1. I'i.i -' IN, '.'l-'i 1'i:ai.1 I'n'iTcy tii' i . L--g-il rJotic. S'tr.ti- of N'..!iraliii, i T'l Civinty C'.'iir? County nfl'ie. ' ' ' In tin- matternf the estiittM.f .rah iV i!li'ir ( ule, I wni. . To nil iMTsnnii ititiT"t-i!: You an-hi-n iiv nntiiii-.! that th.'ip is on r.:-in t'en courl a i- tition. ail.'tricx Ihi-n-in that tanili Williui Cole, this life i-.t. -.tut-, in sa .l i-onnty on thi-vth .lay of March linn, ami iiravii-it that saiii estate lw ailn.ini. . t ri-.l ai.-l that Sila.-. Lii-ii: he'e.i n.inii-ii tiator. Yonari- furl h.;r r,.,t ill, . I th. a Iwin will 1.-- ha.l on I'ai.l pi't 'I ion lii-f.n i-1 h:-, i-.inrt :n li'i-minl y .-.Hirt r.H,m at riiittsinov-h, in sai l .-..urity on .!- : c-h ihiv of Afril l'.".i. at nim- ci'i-'.-it'.: A. M. ut time, allol.i.-r-tioiis. if any, r.i 1-; In- lll-il. V in.i-vs my hum ao-l ili.- .-.-al of tin- ( onnty I P.. or' nf Cas Ciurrty, Ni-tj.:.-ka, th .!;;y of ; Ai-hI. i:m. I liy ihi-O.'irt, Ai.:.i:n -I I'rI --..', ' t.'ou.-it;''- ! ISl AI 1 Lhr.-iI Notice. fifoof Ni-lirasl;a, .. . f. ,,,., ,h C.ieity of (Vs. ' " ' In th- - n;att.-r of tho e.itat-.- of A-eia ;.-!, ile- n-asi',1. T- all in-r'in inti-re.t.fl: V- 11 ar- h. r- hy re : j i.-. 1 that n 1 .-t iti-.n h.m hi en lil.'i in thi r-o-irt. -o- tlii-r ,n ihitl -:i:il Anna l-'rowli-k. .!.-r let. il th h i-f'- if -i- 'I ' ie:ty. int -s-i.-.t-', an. I I- .'1 vim' an i--'e- '-i h - a !pi::!i-' r- l Vol-a-o fnt-tli. notCi-.l Mat a h. ir n - v 1 1 1 I t ha.. ii;mn sai.l (,,-; ii .n l--fr'- ti.i-- .-i:ri, ;-.t tl,-- .- 1 to r,. .-i. , .) , Iv 0:1 th.. 1.-, 1 .i.i-. i.f May i;;i..i,'u- 1 o '!...-:; a. M e ! ' t "a-"l. .';. -e.. 11 ai. l:' -1 ti'- .1:0 -ei 01 I. I'..... . a.. I 'lav an I ho'ir - I 1 V, it ii,- my loo. . I an i ' Ii" ,1 th.. .-..o of At 1 I 1- ' '- .1. i : 1 -in. 1'., e.-y .lu.l.'. .'.II'! Ol :'i i- i.irily li'i h .-ati-of N. l.ia Jsa. ' ... , r (.'..- . e-.,.e.:v. .s r.reCy C inr'. U he i l'i-a !f-,r.l, ! :i 1 h.' n.a: i-i ..f t r.r . - tat T 1 all i-i-r -."is in'i 1. lil: '.aj ar- h.-r.-hv i"Ci.i-. tli-'t : I:--.. v. ill ' -- 1 r -Mill;' III: 1 111 t h r. 1..11 1 a-'l -' .'. .- .r. f-ii- ,ir'". I sr. ih-nii'tit in 'a:-i r ta'i-Ii-l'.:t'-th's . .iie: at V'ln' nio'ith. in Mml r.uptv.on til.- l'lth .lay of I'.s.'i. at II oY!o"k : 1,1. All ol,.r:io:n i:ei.-i t. i.n lil.- on or h. fori- a:. t ini'-. Al.l.K"! .1. ItlTs-ns;, :'t'.l. I ::-! (' unty Jii-li'i-. Legal Notice. I'ranl, ('. il.-finilanl. will (alio notion. ' . ' that on tin- iTih iiav of Mari h. i'i'i. Anna i). , Ivlward Ackcrmaii, Johnnie Swartz. I iii.lni'i-, plaintiff hen-in. lihil ln-r iiciilion in the'. . lietrirt ('unit of Cass Ciiiiiev, Ni-hi.-ii;.i. ai-ainst 1 .... - ,.. , sai.l ilcl'i-nilant. Iheohi.-ct an.) liray.-rof v.-hieli is 1 Oil invitation from V ICC- President to ohtain ! 1I1 itii- of ilivorc- fro'n Ihi-ih-li-niiiiiit. ! -:o. .,i ,,f . 1,,. i,,i;,,,,, 1-1 ii,,,i,.. or, (hi- r.,un.l that the ili-f.-n.lant hai- fail.-l an.l V lll lr:l tlu! I'Urlmgton, I. Ilawks-r.-fns,-,l for more (linn .nx months 1 unor to (h- I w'orth of this cityi.S 11 gUCst of the tilmirft! I In. lu.l .1 inn til mitHKir! i-ml Iii.-iuit ill i- Ilia. " piaintitr. although amiiiy ahh-sn to .in. ami 1. j run- tin- riisimly nf Ihe Uu-.h: minor cloMn-n, I hi' e.j in- ol sa'.l marrtao You an- iviUiri-Mn anstv"r sahl pi-litinn on or li- fon- M onilav. the loth day of .May. I'.i.i:i. ! Datril inari'h t , l'.Hl'.l. Anna I). l.ivnNri:. I'lainiilT. Druggist's Permit Notice. 1 N.iti.-.- of ntiplii-ntion of M. 1.. fur n ilruK-, list's i.ormit. Noti.-o is hi n-liy trivi-n that M. I. Illair on thi I'.itli ilayof April, l'.n'h f i !' 1 his petition with Die Villain' Clerk of (iri'i'iiwiKid, ( county Ne braska, ns ri'iiuln il liy th.- stntut.'s nf the Sta'i of Nelirieka, anil (hi- Or.linani- h of t li Yilluxei f Oiii'rwiHul. pi 'tvinir f. a p. rmit to n il malt, spiiitous ami vinmis ILiiinrii, fur nn-rhanii-al. rhi-mii-nl anil nw-.lirinal t"inoi n in tin- loiililint; lorati .1 on lots :i.'. I an.l .'I'V"., (iri iiwikkI, Ni-braska, I for tin-iiscul year eniliniron tho lirst Tni'silav in , Mav. I'll'l. Any ohji-i'tion th-r.-lo niTit b- lilisl wth the Villai'i- Cli rk not Inti-r that May :t. l;-n!i. Iia'.ilat (;ri-.-nwo.l. Ni luaslia April l'l, 1 :... M I. Hi AIK. :'l-l Applieant. License Notice. N'olii't nf appliration of 1'i-ti-r A. Smith for li.niiir lii'i-nsi- Notn-i-is hrri'liy iriven that I'.-li'r A. Smith on the 1'ith (lay of April. I'.ni'J. I1I1.I his pi-iitinri with the Villini t'h'rk of I iri'i'ii'.V'Ki I, ( 'ass i-oiint y. Ni-lit-Mska. as i-i.,piirisl hy (hi- fitatnti-n . f the Statr of Ni-lna-ka, an.l the nnlinan.-i h of the Villain! nf im-nwo.l ptayinir f.n a li.-i-n u- Iom-II malt i:pintoii-i nril vinous Ihinors in the huiMintt loi-ati-.! o!i lot 77, (iirernviHul. Ni-hraska for the ti -nt i-ar i nilinir on thr lirst TiH'siJay of Mav. l'M't. Any oli'i-i-tiiin Ihi-ri'lo must U- lilnl with thi-Vilhim- Cl-rl; not latti- thuii Mav :i. !':. Jiatisl al tiriTiiw.Kjil, Nehru kn. April, ltl, l'.m'J. l'l.Tiai A. Smii 11, '.l'l-1 Applieant L'RI Notico. Slnti- nf Ni lirnvliii. Cinitily -.I Ca--., ' ' In tin- iti.i't.T nf tin- rvtii'i- uf 1'i tir l urn, .Jo- rrte ni. T.i till (u'l "ntm i-itrr.'i . .1: '.iii in .' lirr.-liy nut iti. il tli.-il n n-tiliim (.'u-i-tlv-r with nn in-triiniiiil fin I'.i: tniK to In' the lu( u ill un.l (i"l;itn.-nt nt' .anl 1'i-ii-r '1 in n, il.i-i'.i. i-.l, I .i n lili-il in thii r. iii t. Tin' i av-r ul' anl i.fti. lion in Unit ' in. I iiih-i imi' tit i... :il nwi'-l anil i.r.i. luit. . I .1- tin- tn ( will mul I. tan'. 'nt .a' a;.... i'i n ull - Ymi an-nut iliiil tleit n h."u iia' Wi'l .r l ie! i.n .iii.l l.i't'.'.in l'1'l'..r.-tlti'i i'.int im th.- I -1 1 .lav nf Mav, I1"", ni '1 n i'l'i. k . in , ;ei'l ll :i! nil . t iuiH. if iei . inn t Ii.-ti!. . nn .;r lK-fori- .,'ii'l.l-iy nn.l I.. .in i f In at tu' U illn- i n v luei.l fiT' l 0.- i 'j'1 nf 'In i-i-'inty i .mil nf i I .''.ii itv tin" l,!h a.r; nf A n .t. I 'i '. I IM 1 A! I.' l I. I'.I ' '.', .! (' ' -I .'I,-' , I'residcnt lait has made the follow- in stati'im-iit ot his views on the tariff il'.H'stioii: 1 In a making of a tari:T hill the prime j motive is taxation anil the secinm"; therehy of revenue. The f miners of ' the tari:!" hill must, f course, have in ! rui-ul the total revenue likel to he pro il.KOil bv it ami so nrrarire the duties ' adopted. among these 1 reconi-; mend a graduVed inheritance tax as , correct n principle and as certain and I easy of collection. ! . The obligation on the part of those j responsible for the expenditures made to carry on the irnvermnent to be as ! economical as possible and to make the burden of taxation as light as possible, is plain, and should be alarmed in every declaration of government policy. lut when the desire to win the popular approval leads to the cutting o:r of expenditures really needed to n,:,ke t,!l' Kvernfhent effective and to enable it to accomplish its proper ob- jecls, the re.-ult is as much to be con- demned as the waste of government funds in unnecessary expenditure. The scope ol' a modern government in what t can iMUl Olli'lll to ac(omiMlsh fr its people has been widened far beyond 0 Pr""'1I,'oS laid down bv the eld kusse;'. fail-.' se'lool of political writers, , . . . , , ' . and this widening has met iopul;ir ap- i.roval T 1 Vjlll. U Dlllw Proposition ; The N';-:vv.s-l!i:i:.i.t has n.ade club I biiig arraiurer.iei.ts with the Kansas City Weekly Star, and to all new sub- uril, .j ,,n, mup in o le-i iir-n f.,r " l"'J '-'h J i the Xi:vs-Hi:itALi the Kansas City I ... ,. ., . , .. , Weekly htar wili he mailed one year j r i . ,.11 Ki.tls,.i,il)(.ru to the Nl'WS. I In '"M a" ' 1111 10 lm h j II f-;:.l.l who will jiay up arrears, and i . , .... . , one year in advance, will be presented j , c((m,,limentarv slll,scription to l ' - 1 j the Kansas City Star. The Star is . . , ... , , , I'CCOgniZt d thlTUgboiK the Southwest as one of the strongest weekly news i papers printed, and we feel that many I of our subscribers wili t ike advantage , of this oliVr. A Birthday Surprise Saturday evening Fritz Jleinrieh was given a very piea.-ant lir!l 1! ,ii -urprise party, w hich bad been ar liuiged by hi-i .biughter, Mrs. -John Kojip. A pleasant evening was spent liis friends presented him a line I irge easy chair to remind him of the o ruMim, An e!e,-a':t three course luncheon was served. ' Those present were Messrs and Me.--!a n.:s .Join K.e;. John I.-itK, John P. j Sillier, John Swart;:, M i! . I.ut::. John ll.i'.i.seheidt, Philip iihean, I'd. Ac!:er man, Peter Mad.sen, Haiif. Tarns, Paul Miehter, Fritz Heinrich, Misses Minnie Ileinrich, Peena an.l Marie Kopp, Katie any Amanda Sattler, Helen and Cath erine Lutz, Violet and F.dna Ackerman, Iterthrl Tnnw Toir Willie Jleinl-ieli operating oliicials of the road of their meeting in Chicago, III., this week. He u-as acconilianied bv his son. Kreil ' ' Not a Dull Spot in the May KVI'.RY r.ODY'S M AGAZINl'.. That's why it holds the t 1 1 iriaouoti.a I :t it you are not a mag- ;:'.::ie f.:iJer, try it I'hcrc i.i an unusual line of fiction thin ir.onth. , R -.ul "(Jrimsden House" it j ou like thril'r.-" KiUi SAt.K AT HerolcTs Book Store -- AND J. W. Larkitt & Co. P UUDCUKII n n r b ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Uea-rmable All Work (iiiiiranteod Twenty-nix Years Kxiierlence i ni-... ... t-.-. ii t i. juice in rnzoraiu ijiock itm oxvm cwnm mm Just as Scores Ol PklttsittoUth IVop!e I law. Wait'".',' doesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back, I'rin iry troubles, diabetes surely fol low. I'oa ;'s Kidney 1'ills relieve backache, . Cure every Ki.lrvy ill. Plattsmouth citizens endorsi' them. K. M. Huttcry, corner Sixth and Wal-i nut streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 elid not reouire 'a long use to prove , to that Doan's Kidney l'dls are a j remedy of merit. I often had pains in ; ''-y bin so severe that ! could hardly I work p.nd there was al-o a lameness ' across my loins. 1 had reason to be- j lieve that these troubles were caused I by de-or.icred kidneys and bearing I oan's Kidney Pills so highly spoken of, 1 made up my mind to try them. I procured a box at tiering & (Vs. drug store and they brought me prompt and effective relief." (Statement given June l!, P.hiiJ.) On December V.W, Mr. Iiuttery said: "I still have a good word to wiy for Doaii'a Kidney Pdls. I heartily confirm tin' statement 1 made over two years ago in their favor." For sale by all dealers. Price 5(1 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., PiUlfalo, New York, sole agents for the Hnited State-. IJen. ember the name-Doan's and take no other. ;fj-.r An Improved Judiciary Pros. Km t Tal't in Position to R'-nih'r Immense Service. Mr. 'I aft can re-establish public con fidence with an authority that, no pre vious president has had. Not only is there entire conli lence i:i bis personal integrity of judgment; there is especia conli-lence in his judicial experience and his high standards of judicial character and conduct. The assurance, therefore, that the President in making the selec tion of judges his particular concern, regarding it as a matter of national importance rather than of merely local interest, mu.-t !-. of the highest value. The only misgiving comes from the difficulty he will find in inducing the kiinl of men he would choose for the bench to accept the service with the present inadetuate compensation. This may interfere at least with some ap pointments he would probably like to make ;;s coiispieUoiiH example.-:. The low salaries, however, never have cheapened the quality of our judiciary, wh':x- independence and intergity has been and is a .uafej':;;ir. of national liberty, to be w it elvd over with jeal ous care by Iv.'n the indepond. nt am! co-ordinate branvhes of constitutional an Jiority.- Philadelphia Public Ledger. Cf Lcarnirg. Heading raakitU a full man, ron f. r. nee a really mart, and writ in;; an i'?:.ict man; arid, therefore, if a man write a lilile, he had need of a meat Memory; if 1-e renter little, he had in cd have a present wit; and If he read little, he had need have, much mnnlinr, to fern to know that ho dnih iiiit. Francis Unci n. Emerson's Philosophy. The thlnps that are really for thee gravitate lo thee. You are running to seek your fii .'lid. bet yonr feet run, hut your mind need not. . . . For there Is a power, wh'.ch as It Is In you, la In hlin, also, ami could therefore very well liring you together, If it were for the best. Kiu'-rst n. Tho Horre for Him! "When you have an autoinohlle," I raid Mr. Chiigglns. enthusiastically. "you depend on your own intclliceneti i entirely. Now it's altogether differ- (at when you drive a horse." "Yes," niiHwered the unassuming man, "'s one reason why 1 think maybe a horse is safer." Red Cotton Bug India's Pest. One of the most destructive as well I n one of the most ofiViiMVe iiesis that ( atlllct the plantersi of India is the red , cotton luii?. The insect liar, been re- 1 ported in a eotion pest from every part of the country. Its presence is detected by the offensive ( dor. New York's Costly Plant. ! park In New York city Is nsestod at the valuation of $Jt." Mit, inn), not for the purpose of taxation, but so as to show the amount of real estate value that is exempt fioai taxes. ' Might Happen. I!'1- "Xethinj; could ever come be tween u.-j, could I; dear?" She "I can't 'hltiU of a sin'e thhiK. uale-"- I should happen to beeon.e ei:aci d to seine nth. r in;'.:i In fme we w-t inariled." ft ray S; ries. New York's Varied Restaurants. N'e'.v Yol k city h."i more resfaui ants t! a-) ii'iv oilier ilty in the world, and tin v .-, re. out the extremes (,f l,i 1:01 d ami the had. with fewer (if tho i.ilil.ll" made than either Tails or l.unh n. Given by Missouri Tribe, No. (VJ, Imperial Onlor of Hodmen, at Coates Hall t FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 23 it.. .: . .. . . ..i j . iz.s,"-.; jiini ' .v iii a nil f TICKETS 50c I.ADIKS FRF.F SPKCTATORS. 2.V KVKKYRODY INVITF.l) TO ATT KM). Home-Made Sausages We are headquarters for those rich, juicy Sausages, the delight of the epi cure. We also have a fine line of Iolornas, Wiener, Steaks, Koasts, etc. Call us up on either phone. iunsman V f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? V T T n Las EEgggoKmsaa New 1909 American Poultry and Rabbit Fence The host yard and chicken fence ever made. Weighs over 10 times as much per rod as the common netting and only costs one fourth more. Will stretch over any kind of ground and does not need any board at top or bottom. Also a full stock of Pittsburg Cyclone fencing. JOHN BAUER, Sole AKeit I Have You Planted Garden Yet? v If you have not you should pretty soon. And in order to do good work and to get good results you should have good implements. If the ground is tilled right in the start you will be sure of getting results in the end. We have the implements. Come and let us show you our line. Asemissen& y y y f y y f The First National Bank -OF- - Plattsmouth. Nebraska. ESTASL'.SHED 1G71 (iKoijcr. K. ovi-;y, Pi-fsidont. FHANK E. t'HI.A'I'I'.K, Vico-I'fcs. Hi)KTi) N. Dovky, ('asl.i. t. I'aki. (J. Kkicki:, A.'st. Cashier. We solicit your account and prom ise liberal treatment. T t T V V Y .. i i- ,i ... . . ft uiriirsuti o uiiriiiu. o & Ramge 1 y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y v y y y y y y y t y V t y y MMger