The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 19, 1909, Image 7

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Spend a Pleasant Hour at
The Cosy Corner e
Want Column
Must Take
I It In Time
Navy Boys
In New Role
Civic pride and politics
Just as Scores of Pkiitsr.wuth
Poop-le Have.
S P. F. GO03. Prop.
When in
dinner at
get your
i The Perkins House I
C.uthmann & Cory. Prop.
Lllrst Appitdocrs tll.ti-Gnf (Ji-ntl-t'y Rrisog-
(tllt Prlir. Urst -rqjlopf (1 UrnMl Of
fice Itttif MJdleWfst.
ttcii discounts to city vmTOt.
Sd rinoi t iti. n hik . K.iimm. 0HA, NEB.
WANTED-To buy a Rood Jersey cow.
not over N years old. Call on or ad
dress, A. F. Sturm, Nehawka, Net).
: WANTLD-Man to travel in Nebraska.
1 Start now. Kxneriem-e unnecessary,
i Hood nay and tailor made suit free in
1 90 days. Write for particulars. J.
F. McBrady & Co.. Chicago.
your own locality to represent us.
! Experience unnecessary; $110 per
i month and expenses. Write for
j particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St.
Louis, Mo.
! $1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made
1 $1200.00 monthly. Korstad J2200.0O.
1 New business. Hundreds getting
' rich. Experience unnecessay. Credit.
; Strange invention, dives every home
bathroom for $.". Cleanses almost
j automatically. Startling inducements
' free. Allen Mfg. Co., 2010 Adams.
$ AN NOU X C 1 : M K N T
I have just moved into the Union
1 block, and respectfully solicit a
X share of your patronage.
Hank of Eagle. Eagle.
Nehawka Iiank, Nehawka.
Rank of Murdock. M unlock.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray. Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth.
Waiting doesn't pay.
If you neglect the aching back.
Urinary troubles, diabetes surely fol
low. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve backache,
Cure every Kidney ill.
Plattsmouth citizens endorse them.
E. M. P.uttery. corner Sixth and Wal
nut street-, Plattsmouth, Neb., says:
"I did rot reuuire a long use to prove
to me that Doan's Kidney Pills are a
remedy 'if merit. ' often had pains in
my hips, so severe that 1 could hardly
work and there was also a lameness
across my loins. I bad reason to be
lieve that these troubles were caused
by disordered kidneys and hearing
Doan's Kidney Pills so highly spoken
of, I made up my mind to try them. I
procured a box at tiering & Co's. drug
store and they brought me prompt and
ell'ective relief." N
(Statement given June lit, l'.KW.)
On December 2'., DOS, Mr. P.uttery
j said: "I still have a good word to say
for Doan's Kidney Pdls. 1 heartily
Toledo, Ohio. confirm the statement I made over two
1 years ago in their favor."
I For sale by all dealers. Price ."()
1 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
ing good farm for sale in any locality.
Suitable for dairy purposes or gen
eral farming. Not particular about
location or size. Wish to hear from
owner only who will sell direct to
buyer without paying any commis
sion. Please send brief description
and pri:e. No agent need answer.
- Address I. A. Lesher, It! West Mon
roe St., Chicago.
Would like to hear from anyone who
has a good investment proposition to
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name-Doan's and
take no other. 92-.r
A Clubbing
! offer where a few thousand dollars i The Nkws-Hekai.I) has
Queen Mills KnnnelS.
Champion blood of the world.
Direct descendants from J. P.
Morgan's famous Sflo.OOO dog.
We now have a litter on hand on
which we are making especially
attractive prices in Plattsmouth
umt vii-initv fnr the Tiurnose of
introducing our stock on tms side t
X. of the river. For further infor- ..
y mation and prices, call on or ad-
X dress X
'f lnd. 'Phone, fl-fl Pacilic Junction, In. v
E afe selling lots of
Sherman Williams
PAINT now, not because
it is the time to paint
now, but because it is the
made club-
pnniillip nrruitnhlv invested in niiuimr bine arrangements with the Kansas
enterprises or industrial proposition. ! City Weekly Star, and to all new sub
No saloons considered, (live brief j scribers paying one year in advance for
details and price of any good stock. ! the Ni:ws-Hi:rali the Kansas City
Wish to hear from parties who will j Weekly Star will be mailed one year
free, also all subscribers to the Mows
IIkkai.o who will nay up arrears, and
sell only to buyer, where no agents
commission is added to the price of
stock. Address I. A. Lesher, 4'J
West Monroe St., Chicago, 111.
WANTED-Young men and women to
fill position? paying $!K)i to $2000 per
annum. Pig demand for stenograph
ers in the Government service, as
well as in private business life. Our
new method of teaching shorthand
bv mail insures as thorough and
practical a training at your own home j
as is obtainable by personal attend- J
ance at any business college in the j
country. We guarantee success. ;
Complete course for small eash pay
ment; balance to be paid when you
secure a position. Trial lesson free.
Central Business Institute, Central
Building, Washington, D. C.
one year in advance, will be presented
with a complimentary subscription to
the Kansas City Star. The Star is
recognized thrcughout the Southwest
as one of the strongest weekly news
papers printed, and we feel that many
of our subscribers will take advantage
of this offer.
envelopes are the latest-
on the market.
F. 6. Fricke & Co. i
I am now ready to show
up-to-date styles of Spring
and Summer MILLINERY.
Also Ladies' Neckwear and
Notions. Call and see them
he fore going elsewhere.
Opposite postoffiee.
Mrs. Julia C. Dvvyer
Legal Notice.
?yfo?" I"- County Court.
In the matter of the estate ofWaclav Krowlt-k,
called James Krowlek, diseased.
To all persons interested :
You urc hereby notified thnt there has been
filed in this court a petition, touether with an in
strument purporting to he the last will and testa
ment of said deceased. The prayer of said
tion is thai said instrument In- allowed and pro
bated, and that the estate of said deriaa'd head
ministered. You are further notified that there will l
hearing upon said petition ls-fore this court in the
county court room at I'lattsrnouth. in said ci uVy.
on the lit day of May l'.m'.i. at II o'clock A. M. nr.d
that all objections, if any, muni he tiled on or lie
fore said day and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand nnd the seal of the county
court of said county this 10th day of April i'mj.
Au.ks J. liiasoN.
M-H Sl'Al.l Oninty Ju'h'O.
The Basket Willow Industry.
The growing of willows for commer-
! cial purposes is fully described in an
j illustrated article in the May number
; of Popular Mechanics. Although the
; idea is common that willows grow only
j on swampy ground, it is said that it
i takes but little experinceto explode
i this fallacy. Hence all serious attempts
' at willow culture are made on well
' drained soil, even though it be of poor
! quality.
j The best willow raised in the United
! States, and that which commands the
1 highest price, is grown on well-drained
j bottomland in Pennsylvania and Mary
j land. The average net profit per acre
in Maryland is estimated is about $.Vl a
; year.
I Dr. Barnes, veterinary.
Legal Notice.
a uidcimh n n
W Mi fnniiiiMib wt hi i
..Graduate Dentist,.
In County Court,
Cathey, ,
to see such handsome turnouts as
goes from Manspeaker's livery
stable. Our rigs are up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horses are always well
groomed, well dressed and well
feil. When you want a drive
come to Manspeaker's for your
Jones' Old Livery Barn
Seventh & M:iin St. I'lattsrnouth. Neb.
Slate of Nebraska, 1
County of Cass. ) '
In l he matter of the. estate of Janu s 1
1 deceased.
: To all persons interested:
1 You are hereby notified lliat there has bnn
filed in this court a petition, alli'ttiro; nmonu other
t'miirs that said James It. I'athey, deoarted thi-i
life, intestate, in tuid county on the lit ri day of
Match, V.n'.i. Seidell of both rial nnd personal
The prayer of said petition Is that said citato
be administered and that W. II. J'uls be up.
, pointed administrator of hiM estate.
You are further notified that a heurinu will lie
! had upon said petition before this court at I'latts
mnuth, in said county on the 17th day of April,
l'HI'.l. at ten o'clock A. M, nnd that nil oli.'i'ctions,
if any, must lie filed on or before f.a;d day and
t hour of hearinir.
Witni -.a my hand and the seal of i-aid county
court of said county this :'7th day of March, I'.t.H,
I s7-0 Al-I.KN J. I'.W'.son,
: Si:ai. County Judiro.
' Lpgal Notice.
State of Nebraska. ' B1Ji , (.,)lln(y Cmir(i
( ounly of t .ass.
In the matter of the estatcof Zernh Wilbur Cole,
To all persons interested:
You nro hereby notified that there is on tile in
this court a petition, nll' triiii; therein thai Zarah
Wilbur Cole, departed (his life intestate, in mud
county on the JTth day of .March l!i!i. and prnyinu
thai aid estate lie wlministercd ami that Silas
t.otur bt' appointed administrator.
You are further notified that a hearinir will lie
had on said pet 't ion before this court in the county
court rtsim ut I'lattsniouth, in said county on the
K'th day of April 1!KK(. at nine o'elcs-k A. M. at
wh;ch time, all objections, if any, must be tiled.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this Mhdayof
April, limit.
lly the Court. Al.i.r.N J Hkkson,
County Judfe.
tSr.Ai.l '.il-il
Prices Heasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
Uiiice in ritzgeraiu iwcck
Ko'isevclt Onnmcnds Excellent j
Relief Work at Messina. j
Just before leaving Uotue on the
evening of April (!, on the steamer Ad
miral for Mombasa, ex-President Uoose
velt wrote the following message to the
American people:
Before leaving Messina I desire to
say I am sure the American people tlo
not reali '.e the splendid work that is be
ing done at Messina and Heggio with
the lun. her sent from the United
States. I bave visited the American
camp nnd seen 2."iti houses already com
pleted and arrangements have been
perfected for the rapid construction of
r'.'il more. I
The whole work is under the general
direction of Ambassador Griscom, has
been organized and perfected by Lieut.
Com. Belknap, with the assistance of
Lieut. Buchanan, Ensigns Wilcox and
Spofford, Dr. Donelson, Paymaster
Rogers, forty enlisted men of our navy
and a number of stalwart American
carpenters. In addition, there is a fine
group of Americans such as J. Elliott,
Winthrop Chandler, J. Bush and K.
Hale, who are giving their time and
energies to help the philanthropic
I wish to say I consider the American
people are deeply indebted to each and
every one of these men. 1 can not ex
aggerate the pleasure it gave me to see
the officers and enlisted men of our navy
adapting themselves to strange and un
expected circumstances and performing
with ability and thorough good will this
most difficult task. Our nation can
well be proud of them.
Civic pride knows no politics. One who looks up
on a great public improvement as nothing more than an
opportunity for partisan advertising does not merit the
title of the privileges of citizenship. 1U is an anarch
ronism. He exalts partisanship above the welfare of
his community and is willing to halt the progress in
the interests of his party. -Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Given by Missouri Tribe, No. (''.), Imperial
Order of Kedmen, at Coates' Hall
Music bi 1 1 'cr 's ('hue a Orchestra of Omaha.
Have You Planted Garden Yet?
A Wce.derful Child Explains Other
Pecples Viewpoint to Father.
lie was a dorter, and net such a
young doctor either. That Is to say,
he had In en n;icti( ing for nearly ten
years. An in tt -resilnn event lieppened
In Ills I'm, lily mid h foii'id himself the
fai her of a very li-if his first loin.
A pntii'iit who l;:!:peiiei in about
three days after the event didn't have
a ureal deal of chance to talk about
Ids pai Ucuhir aiiiuenls because the
fa: her was very eatar to lell all about
the child.
"I've helped to l.iiiiK a lot of chil
dren Into the world," said the doctor,
"and 1 know a lot ahcut them. But I
want to lell you that ihls is about the
finest I've ever st ui. Now that may
seem to yon merely to be the enthusi
asm of a father, but really I know It's
so." And he went en for some lime
t lllni? about the merits of bis off
spring, how she was a finely formed
child and embraced all the perfections.
lie had turned over (he duties of at
tending to his wife and child to an
other doctor, as the custom Is more or
less among physicians. This was the
reason for one thing ihe doctor said.
"One afternoon when the baby was
only three days old Fhe sneezed. Some
way or another that made me nervous
and so I decided to call up the doctor.
"It happened he wasn't at home and
nothing would do but I must tell his
wife all about It over the telephone.
She just laughed i:t me and that
solieied my excitement.
"Afterward I ihouuht how angry I
might have been bad some one of my
p::t nts called me n; on a foolish mat
ter like that. It Jus' ,"oi s to show
that t lils sort of ti.lng is done right
along by folks v. ho or.r-ht to know belter."
If you have not you should pretty
soon. And in order to do good work
and to get good results you should
have good implements. If the ground
is tilled right in the start you will be
sure of getting results in the end.
We have the implements. Come and
let us show you our line.
The First National Bank
Legs I Notice,
! Frank LimlniT, ilcfrmlant, will tako nntiic
; I lia' on tlx- 27th ilny of Murrh, I'.nnt. Anna 1).
j IniT. tilaintitV lii'ri'in, filiil Iht t'titiin in the
j l)i itnot 1 t lit Can County, Ni'lirn-ka. unai'ist
I said ilrfVn'lant, tli ulii'Ct and prayer of whirl) U
to olilinn n uVrti'i' of divnrr from thi-tli fondant,
on tho ground thnt the di'frndant dan failiiland
refit-nil for more than nix months prior to the
I lilintt of the petition, In MiiiHirt and maintain tho
iduuitilT, although amply alile so to do, nnd tone-
eure the ruxtoily of the thren minor children, the
' inMieof said marriage
You are required to answer sniil petition on or
li-fore Monday, the lot h day of May, 1 Hl'.l.
I Ihit'd mareh J7. IDo'.i.
; Anna t). Linhnkr.
,-:- I'laintiff.
In County Court.
Stale of NebraU, I
County of Cnxs. )
In the matter of tho estate of Anna Krowlek. le-
To all persons interested:
You are hereby untitled that a petition ha lioen
liliil in thin rouvt. alh'virtr therein that mid Anna
Krowlek, departed this life in said rotinty, intes
tate, and leavitiir an estate to be ailmini-Oeri-d
Yon nrt further notitiiHl that n hearinir will !o
hail upon said petition In-fore tti.H eourt, nt the
eoiintycourt riKini at I'ltitMnout h. in said rouniy
on the M day of Mar '.' at o'elock A. M. and
that all ohiections. if any. must Ik? on tile on or
before said dav anil hour of heat inw.
Witness my band anil the ienl of the county
court of said county this luth day 'f Annl I'm'j.
Al.l.KN J. Hi i hon.
M-i) Si:ai.1 CruntyJudne.
Druggist's Permit Notice.
Notiee of application of M. 1.. Illair for a ilruir
(fist's permit.
Notice is hereby siren that M. I.. Illair on li e
I'.i'h day of April. '.?. filisl his petition with the
Villain) Clerk of (In-enwiHiil, CasB county Ne
braska, as re(ui)"eii by the xtatulcM oflhi Sta'e
of Nehinska, and I lie Ordinaneen of the YiHuirenf
tii-oenwKMl, pr'iyimt for a permit to pell malt,
spiritous and vinoui liuuorH, for mechanical,
chemical nnd midicinal purposes in the buildiliK
located on lots frd and :ii.'i, (ins'nwosl, Nebraska,
for the tiscal year ending on the lirst Tuesday in
May, 1910. Any obiiction theteto must I tiled
with the Villain- Clerk not later that May :i. Iditi.
Did. slut tireenwiHHl, Nebra kn. April hi, l'i;i.
M. I.. Ill AIK,
ir,-4 Applicanl.
Pra.iks of Politicians.
Albany Is Infested with practical
Jokers who make the telephone tho
?hlef Instrument of torture. At four
o'clock one morning Atssemhlytuan
('nine, chairman of the astieiubly eotu
nillteo on eanalH. was culled out of
lied. The conversation was in i his or
der: "This you, t'olne? Were you asleep?"
"No, no; 1 was playing brldco whl-nt
out on the lawn tennis court."
"Well, we dislike to disturb you, but.
we have an argument down town. One
man says you are the best authority
in these p:.its on rituals. Is that
"Well, I eonsider myself pretty nood
In tie- daytime, but I don't tare to be
pulled out of lied and asked to discuss
canals at four o'clock In tin inoiu
Ii:k." "You're a little sensitive, Is that
"Sensitive nothing; don't you think
1 man has a riuht to In a little seiibl
the over such a trick as this?"
"Hut you're not angry? '
"No. I'll, dellgbted."
"Well, what we wanted to kno'v .i
Ihls: Is then; any Mntut..1 prohibiting
i nieinber of the legislature from tak
ing a bath In any portion of the Kiln
canal which is not used for drinking
What Mr. Colne said then will never
lie pi inied New York Hi laid.
V "V V v V W.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
George E. Dovey, President.
Frank E. Schlater, Vice-Pres.
Horatio N. Dovey, Cashier.
Carl G. Fricke, Asst. Cashier,
We solicit your account and prom
ise liberal treatment.
,VV I Bv hc Of.
ice Boy
v "t!
License Notice.
Notice of applicntinn of Peter A.Smith for
li'iuor license
Notice Is hereby I'iren that Peter A. Smith on
th- I'uh dav of April. I'H'i. tile I his petition with
the Villaife Clerk of (ii-eonwo-i-l, Ca. county, Ne-bia-ka,
as re-iuinsl by tin- statutes of the Slate
of Nelna-ku. and tin- otdiuinci s of the Village
of Crccnwo-Ml prarifik- for n Im-nse to sell malt
spiritous and rihotis Inpiors in (lie builduiir located
on lot 277, lireenwissl, Nehrasl a t-ir the tipcat
rear en-lintf on the liist Tuesday of May. I'.mu.
Any obiection ttiereto must ts- f 1 1-- 1 with the
Villiu-e Clerk not latte- than May .1, r"!i.
iats at tin-etiwo l, N'-hrnska. April. I'l, I io'.i.
i I'l.TI II A. Sun II.
t Applicant
Slaughter of Vermont Deer.
Vhlie the open soa.-'nii for door In
Vermont, which closed lecelitly, Is
only one week, it Is csllnia'eil by cor
respondents of llos'oii impels that
two thousand animals fell victims to
hunt-'is" runs. Tin- avenice total of
deer killed In past team, since tho
open week was e.talilli lu-d, Is Ton.
Vndcr the Vermont law hunters are
allowed to hliout only one deer ta.'h.
1 was reailint; in a eutnie al
manac bow to make money. It
said: You wad a dollar bill up
in your hand then lay it ort
flat and you ttnd il in crenses."
If vou want to make money
fast you "take a .fL'.iin bill, fold
it once anil you double it; fold
it ntfain and you'll liml it in
creases four fold: Keep on
folding it anil you will find it
increases eight fold and even more," dee, isn't that fierce? Seems
to me if a man wants to monkey with money that way he could do
better by coming in here nnd buying a barrel of National dinger
Snaps. That's :t lbs. for 'J.V. Then you buy a jar of Crosse-I'.lack-well's
Iilack Currant Jam. That's '.V. Then you buy a box of
llent's Water crackers, th real skee from Redding. Mass., that's
jlilc. Then you buy a can of Curiiliam's Huston Clam Chowder.
That's L'-'c. Then you can keep the change and can go home and
open up your black currant jam and have your wife lix up a cup
of Raker's cocoa or a cup of Ceylon tea and then you get up early
the next morning and open up your clam chowder and your apple
butter and, say. you are strictlj in it.
v v 5