The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 19, 1909, Image 3

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The American visitors to Komc are
0 numerous that Mgr. Kennedy,
rector ot the American college, is
presenting about fifty of them daily
to the iope.
Election of United States senators
by the people is not favored by the
general assembly of Connecticut as It
rejected a hill to that effect by sus
tulnlng an unfavorable repot t.
The president has appointed Assist
ant Secretary of the Treasury Charles
1. Norton as representative of the
treasury department on the central
committee of the national Ked Cross
John Dunwoody, secretary and treas
urer ot the St. Anthony aud Dakota
Elevator Company, for many years
Identified with the grain trade iuter
ests of Minneapolis, died in that city
llrig. den. Frederick A. Smith, the
junior brigadier of the army, who hat?
been at San Francisco on waiting or
ders, was ordered to Fort D. A. Rus
sell, Wyo., to assume command of that
Among the three enlisted men ol
the navy reported to have died abroad
was Henry Weed Faull of Milwaukee
electrician, special service squadron
who died it) a hospital at St. Thomas
D. V. I.
Hy a vote of 81 to J4 the Missouri
house of representatives passed the
bill submitting a constitutional amend
ment providing for state wide prohibl
lion to a vole of the qualified electors
of the state.
Profit sharing with employes and in
dustrial peace were the principal sub
jects for discussion nt the eleventh
annual convention of the National
Metal Trades association at the Hotel
Astor in New York.
John Harrett, director of the Inter
national Bureau of American Kepub
lies, gave a banquet in Washington in
honor of Secretary Knox, chairman
and other members of the governinj
board of the organization.
That a combination of silk Indus
tries in southern France, representiw;
$10,000,000 of capital, will transfet
their plants to this country was stater
by Jean Duplan, head of a large sill,
dye works at Hazleton, I'a.
Eugene Gardiner, who is Conner tec:
with several prominent Kentucky fam
Hies, was acquitted of the charge ol
having murdered Joseph Cordez,
colored boat steerer of the whalet
lfowhead at San Francisco.
To determine whether the Des
Moines river can be made navigable
from Des Moines to the Mississippi it
the object of Maj. C. E. Kit-he ano
M. Meigs, army engineers, who are in
Des Moines on orders from the wai
Two officers of the Chilian nav
have sailed from Valparaiso for the
United States to study the artillery
and torpedo systems of this country
The Chilian government has now tin
der consideration the purchase ol
guns in the United States.
Upon the request of Lieut. II. A.
Evans, the secretary of the navy, ap
pointed a court of Inquiry to invest i
gate the conduct of Lieut. F. V. On
born of the monitor Cheyenne. Lieut
Osborn Is charged by Lieut. Evans, ii
is said, with having been the cause oi
the separation between Evans and hi.'
Court Calls Spiritualism Fraud.
Washington, Apr. 1G. In dismiss
lug Pierre L. O. A. Heeler and Albert1
G. Hall, two mediums, because of the
failure of the government to estab
llsh a case of conspiracy to defraud
Police Judge Alexander K. Mullownj
yesterday took occasion to arraign
spirit ualisni. The court declared it
was nothing but a fraud perpetrated
on the public which, he said, to a
certain extent had been legalized 1
the issuance of licenses to mediums
Old Battleship Made Over.
New York. Apr. l.V After being
out of commission for more than two
years, the old battleship Massachusetts
sailed out of the Brooklyn navy yard
to-day with a full complement of offi
cers and men. The vessel was built
by the Cramps in 18!);t and has been
largely made over so that she is al
most aa good as the battleships of
much Inter types.
New York,
1.1 YK HTOrK-Ptict-H V,
HoR- i
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l'Lot'lt-Wlnter KtnilKhtH.. Ii
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July 1
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I'ATTI.K Fancy S M ....
Mi-ilium In tlocnl Steer. .
Cows, I'luln to Fumy....
Cliolrp I'eeilera
1 tl M ;s 1 l.-iivy Puckers
Heavy Hull hi-rs
I'OTATllKS ipi-r I'U.I
I-'UHK--Hpriim Wheut, Sp'l
''urn, May
Oats, May
ltye, May
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iittH. HluiiilHr.t
(iltAIN-Wlieut. No. 2 Hard $1
No. K 1 1
Corn, No. 'i Mlxeil
Outs, No. - While
st. lions.
CATTI.K-Nallve Steem.... J!
Texan Steers 4
IRK IS Hacker Ii
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Him kern uli'l Feeder.
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of the
(Cu;rilit, lwuu, tiobbs-Mcrrtll Co.)
At 14 yenrs of hko Artinlral Sir Peter
TluwkNllUW'H IH'pllPW felt deeply in .e
at first night Willi l.iuly Aialjell.i Snr
llllillt. Willi Hpill tieil Ilia Rtlelltiolis. Tlu an orphan, wan Riven a l.ertli as NiM
Mliipinim on Hie AJik l.y his uncle lilies
Vernon, nephew of Kir Thomas Vernon,
beea'lie the hoy'M pal. Tliey litteniliil a
theater when; llawksliaw's nephew saw
I.Hily Arahilla. Vernon met I'hilip iHit
ton, next in line fur Sir Thomas Vernon's
estate. Tin y started n duel which whs In
terrupted. Verniin. ihcrton and llawk
shaw's nephew fmind themselves utlr.ut-i-d
hy pretty Liuly Aruhclla.
CHAPTER II. Continued.
"In a week, perhaps; possibly not
for two weeks." And the surgeon de
parted. As soon as he was out of the room,
fliles soiit for pen and paper, and
with the most painful effort, guiding
his right hand by his left, managed
to indite the following eplstlo to Capt.
Hu-iMiix Inn, Portsmouth, Friday.
'Ilinr Sir:
"Tills is to inform you that I met with
a most iinfnitnil :i.eiilent while inniln
down on this com Ii, My filiMid and mess
mate, the Infant admiral which you saw
with me, had reud Hie slory of Ci hu in
tint ltildo or Hoiiiar. I foiKi t whh h, and
aspired to drive, four horses. Which he
did, with the result that my rlnht arm
was rentrlifd out of place, and the rascal
ly doctor who sett ll says I cannot use it
for some days. This Is most iinfortnit, as
It delays tho pleusnrn we anlissipaled In
our mcetlnt;. Vou will line, from me as
soon as I am recovered. Tho only lhinf
witch disturbs me Is that If wo l.olh k
to Davy Join s', twll please, that old i wr
muilsln. Sir Thomas Vernon, bad luck to
111 tit. Ilellevo me, sir,
"Your much obliged ami
"Most obedient servant,
"Mid. on H. M. S. AJax."
Giles gave me this to read, and 1
pointed out several mistakes he had
made in spelling, although the tone
of the 'letter was gentlemanlike.' as
everything was that Giles did. With
great vexation and some difficulty, he
added a postscript.
"P. S. Please excuse spcllng as my arm
Is very paneful. (.!. V."
At that moment a marine from the
Ajax bounced, breathless and in great
excitement, into the room.
"We are to sail with the tide, to
night, sir!" he said. "The admiral
passed tho messenger on the road;
tho jib is loose, and the blue peter fly
ing" and out he ran, to notify the
other absentees.
Giles seized the paper, and added
"P. S. No. 2. I nm Just enformcd that
the Itlue Peter is living from the AJax,
and that, my dear sir, sltnliies that wo
lire about to sail. Our meeting must bo
postponed, for god knose when we will
pat fresh butter aKain. ltut you shall
hear from hip. (1. V."
And that night we sailed with the
We were ordered to Join Sir John
Jervis' fleet In the Mediterranean
without the loss of a day, and, when
the tide served at nine o'clock that
night, Sir Peter llawkshaw was ready
for It. The officers, who knew Sir
Peter's capacity for picking up his
anchors at short notice, were general
ly prepared, and were hut little sur
prised at the sudden departure of the
ship. The men, however, are never
prepared to go, and the ship was be
sieged, from tho time she showed the
blue peter until she set her topsails,
by the usual crowd of bumboat women,
tailors' wives, tavern-keepers, shop deal
ers, and all the people w ith whom Jack
trades, and who are loath to part with
him for reasons of love or money. Al
though all of the stores were on board,
there were market supplies to get, and
the midshipmen were In the boats con
stantly until the last, boat was lioiste 1
In, just as the music called the men
to the capstan bars. It was a brilliant
moonlight night, a good breeze was
blowing, and the AJax got under way
with an unusual spread of sail. As we
passed out the narrow entrance into
the roads, the wind freshened and the
great Rhl ji took her majestic way
througk the fleet, a mountain of can
vas showing from rail to truck. The
Ural few days I was overcome, as It
were, with my new life and Its duties.
Two other midshipmen, Junior to my
self, had joined, so I was no longer the
exclusive butt of the cockpit. We
spent most of our spare time express
ing the greatest longing for a meeting
with thu French, although for my own
part, even while I was bragging the
most, I felt a sickness at the heart
when I Imagined a round shot enter
Ing my vitals. Giles Vernon was still
the dearest object of my admiration
and affections alwnys excepting that
divinely beautiful Lady Arabella. Put
this was rather the admiration of a
glowworm for a star. I had no one
else to love except Giles, and even a
midshipman must love something.
' did uot much trouble myself about
" 'i fi'ilia
that meeting, so far fn the future, be
tween Giles an J Overton. You'll has
no future, as It has no past.
Naturally, I aid not see much of my
great undo, the admiral. He was a
very strict disciplinarian, probably be
cause he was used to discipline at
home, and busied himself more with
the conduct of tho ship than the cap
tain liked. The other midshipmen al
leged that there was no love Inst be
tween ('apt. Guilford ami the admiral,
and the captain had been heard to say
that having an admiral on board was
like having a mother in law In the
house. Nevertheless, Sir Peter was a
fine seaman, and the gun room joke
was that he knew how to command,
from having learned how to obey un
der Lady llawkshaw's Iron rule.
One day the admiral's steward
brought me a message. The admiral's
compliments, aud would I dine in the
great cabin at live o'clock that day'.'
I was frightened out of a year's
growth by the invitation, but of course
J responded that I should be most hap
py. This, like my professed auxleiv
to meet the Frerich. was a great lie.
At live o'clock I presented myself,
trembling in every limb. The first
thing I noted In the cabin was a large
portrait of Lady llawkshaw as a
young woman. She must have been
very handsome.
Sir Peter gave me two fingers' ami
turning to the steward, said: "Soup!'
Soup was brought. We were mostly
out of fresh vegetables then, and it
was pea soup, such an we had In the
cockpit. Sir Peler grumbled a little at
It, and it was soon removed and a leg
of pork brought on; a pig had been
killed that day.
"Aha:" sniffed Sir Peter, delighted
ly. "This is line. Nephew, you have
no pig In the gunroom to day."
Which was true; and Sir Peter
helped me liberally, and proceeded to
do the same by himself. The stew
ard, however, said respectfully:
"Excuse me, Sir Peter, but in the In
terview I had the honor to have with
I!idy llawkshaw before sailing, sir,
i-ho particularly desired me to request
you not to eat pork, as it always dis
agreed with you."
"Wh-wh-what!" roared Sir Peter.
"I am only repeating Lady llawk
shaw's message, sir," humbly re
sponded the man; but I thought 1 saw,
under all his humility, a sly kind of
deiiance. Sir Peter had no fear of
either round, grape, or double-head d
shot, and was indifferent to musketry
fire. Likewise, it was commonly said
of him in the service that if he were
ordered to attack hell itself, he would
'fit t'l .i&s
'!LJ. M
He Turned His Back Every Time Sir
Peter Filled His Glass.
stand on until his Jib caught fire;
but neither time nor distance weak
ened the authority over him of Lady
Sir Peter glared at the steward tind
then at the leg of pork, and, suddenly
Jumping up, seized the dish and threw
it. pork and all, out of the stern win
dow. As I had secured my portion, I
could view this with equanimity.
The next dish was sparerlbs. The
steward said nothing, but Sir Peter
let it pass with a groan. It seemed to
me that everything appetizing in the
dinner was passed by Sir Peter, in re
sponse to a peculiar kind of warning
glance from the steward. This man,
1 heard afterward, had sailed with him
many years, and was understood to be
an emissary of Lady llawkshaw's.
We hud, besides the pea soup and
roast pork, sparerlbs, potatoes, tur
nips, anchovy with sauce, and a cus
tard. Sir Peter, however, dined tiff
pea soup and potatoes; but I observed
that he was his own master as fur as
the decanters were concerned, and it
occurred to mo that he had made a
trade with the steward, by which 1 .:
was allowed this Indulgence, as I is ;
tlced the man turn his back i .ii..
time Sir Peter filled his glass.
Dinner being over, the i l i'i n
moved, nnd the steward g -l '. : i.
Peler appeared to be in a s, ii : . v. l; ;t
belter humor.' His lirst t--t::.: i ;. v.,i,.
"So you are fond of the p; , .;r?"
1 replied that I had been hut dice.
"The lime you went with ;;!.. : ". r
non. If the coach had bruk:-: l.v i.
between London and Port sm . i; h, we
should have sailed without oPVt
of you."
I diil not mention that the coach
had upset, but merely iiil that we
thought there was no dan ;i r of any
detention, and that Giles Vernon was
in no way responsible for my going
to London, as he knew nothing about
It until wo met the coach door.
I was revolving in my mind whethei
I could venture to ask of the
of the divine Arabella, ami suilib iilv
a direct Inspiration came to me. I re
marked with blushes and tremors, I
must admit :
"How very like Lady Arabella Stm
mont must Lady llawkshaw have been
at hof age! And iJtdy Arabella Ii
a ver.r beautiful young lady."
Sir Peter grinned like a rat trap at
this awkward compliment, and re
nin rked:
' Yes, yes, Arabella Is like my lady,
except not half so handsome. Egad,
when 1 married Lady llawkshaw, I
ha.! to cut my way, literally with my
swnul, through the body guard of gen
tleuien who wanted her. And us for
her i el, it ions - well, she dolled 'em,
that's all."
1 Hied, wiih all the little art I
po-.-cssed, to g.-'t some information
concerning Arabella out of Sir peter;
bht beyond telling tue what 1 knew
before that she was his great-niece
on the other side of the house nnd first
cousin to Daphne, and that her father,
now dead, was a scamp and a pauper,
In spile of being an earl he told nie
no' liin,'. Km even that seemed to
show the great gulf between us. Would
she. wiih her beauty and herlllle, con
d ci-iul to a midshipman somewhat
yn iimer than herself, and penniless'.' I
doubted it, though I was, In general,
of a sanguine nature.
I found Sir Peter unbent as the do
canteis grew empty, although I would
not lor a moment Imply that he was
excessive in his drinking. Only, the
mellow glow which pervades an Eng
lish gentleman after a few glasses of
goiiil port enveloped him. Ho asked
uii. if I was glad 1 had joined the
service--to which I could say yes with
great sincerity; Impressed upon me
my good fortune in getting In a ship
of Hie lim in the beginning, and gave
in.' some admirable advice. I left him
Willi a feeling that I had a friend In
that excellent seaman, honest gentle
man, and odd llsh, Admiral Sir Peler
When I went below, I told my mess
mates all that had occurred, rather
exaggerating Sir Peter's attentions to
nie, as midshipmen will. Then private
ly I ( ontided to Giles Vernon. I told
what little I had found out concern
hig I he star of my soul, as 1 called
Arabella, to which Giles responded
by a long drawn out "Phew!"
1 implored him, If he knew any of
(her in the ship who would be likely
lo be acquainted with Lady Arabella,
to pump him lor nie. This he promised ;
and the very next day, as i sat on a
locker, studying my theorems, Giles
came up.
"Dickey," said he, "Mr. fltixton
knows the divine Arabella. She has
a toi l one of .CwO.OUO, and so has 'he
dove-eyed Hide Daphtiie, all Inherited
from their granddad, a rich Hombay
merchant. It seems that Lady Ara
bella's mother bought a coronet with
h"i- money, and It turned out a poor
bargain. However, the earl did not
live long enough lo ruin his father-in-law;
aud little Daphne's parents, too,
died young, so the old Hombay man
hit the girls his fortune, and made
Sir Peter tjieir guardian, and that
means, of course, that Polly Hawk-
thaw is their guardian. Mr. Iluxton
bays'lTo would like lo see the fortune
hunter who can rob Polly of those two
damsels. For Polly says rank and
lineage nre not everything. She her
self, you know, dates back to the
Saxon Heptarchy, though she did
marry the son of your drysaltitig great
grandfather. And she wants those
girls to marry men; nnd what Polly
says tin that score Is to bo respected,
considering that she married Into a
drysalting family to please herself, or
to displease her relations, I don't know
which. I should say, though. If you
are honest tind deserving, nnd mind
your book, and get a good word from
the chaplain, you will probably ono
day be the husband of little Daphne,
hut not of Lady Arabella; no man
shall marry her while I live, that you
may be sure of; but when I marry her,
you may be side boy nt my wedding."
I thought this speech very cruel of
Giles Vernon, and believed that he
did not know what true love was, else
he could not so tritle with my feelings,
although there was an echo of earnest
ness in h!s intimation that he would
kill any man who aspired to marry
Lady Arabella.
We were three weeks in the Hay of
Mist-ay. thrashing to windward under
topgallant sails, and expecting dally
and hourly to run across a French
man. We were hoping for It, because
we found the Ajax to be a very weath
eiiy ship and fast for her class; and
both Capt. Guilford and Sir Peter, who
hud mailed in her before, knew ex
actly how to handle her. And we
were to have our wish. For, one even
ing toward suiitset, we sighted a
French ship of the line off our beam;
and by the time we had made her
out, a light Flench frigate was coming
down the wind, and in an hour we
were at It hammer and tongs with
both of them.
(To I'.i: ( 'i NTINI'KD )
Woman, the Illogical,
Woman Is not only barbarous she
; illogical anil Inconsistent as well, re
i a:5eil a man of letters to a writer
:i i lie New Orleans Times Democrat.
I was walking In the country one day
with a youug woman. In a grove wo
came upon a hoy about lo shin up a
! tree. There was a Iii-s t in the Dec,
and from a certain angle it was possi
ble to see in It three eggs. "You
- v.ickeil little boy," said my compaii
i ion, "are you going up there to lob
that nest'.''' "I am," replied the boy.
, How run yon'.''' she exclaimed
"think how the mother will gii-ve
i over the loss of her eggs." "O.'i. sip
I won't care," said the boy, "she's up
I 'here in your hat."
How to Fish.
On many occasions one might Im
' i.iisie the lish saying to t In- anglers:
! Take me while I mu In the humor;"
:.ui tin y take no notice of it, an
j I'i-ii attempt the feat when they are
not. It Is Illtle use trying to catch
lish either in the sea or fresh water
when they me not In the humor to
Mto.- rUiing Gazette.
Left Thousands of Veterano with Kid
ney Trouble,
The experience of David W. Martin,
a retired merchant of Ilolivar, Mo., is
just liko thou
sands of others.
Mr. Martin says:
"I think I have
had kidney dis
ease ever tdncethe
war. Dining an en
gagement my
horse fell on nie,
straining my back
and Injuring tho
been told I had a
V -7
kidneys, I have
floating kidney.
1 had Intense pain
ulaches and dizzy
in tho back, he
spells, ami the action of tho bladder
very Irregular. About three years ago
I Died Dean's Kidney Pills and inside
of a comparatively rhort time was en
tirely rid or kidney trouble."
Sold by all dealers, fill cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y.
Others may have said the pnmo
thing, but this rather unsympathetic
comment Is attributed to tho late
Judge Hoar: "Are you going to at
tend the funeral of Gen. Hutler?" a
friend asked him. "No," was tho
calm reply. "No, I am not going to at--lend
hut I heartily approve of It,"
Dimicxtlr I'jp llrnirily
Compounded by K.n ri'tn ed I'bvsl.-lnns.
Conforms In I -urn Food and Druii-i I.ium.
Wins I rlenils Wherever l'sed. Al Drug
gists lei- Muiinn Kve Itemedv. Trv Mu
rlno In Your You Will l.lku Murine.
Doesn't Entertain.
"Did you say ho wad a lecturer and
"No; I merely said ho was a lec
turer." Pettit's Eye Salve for
relieve tired, ovcrwoiki-il cye, ..tops rye
ii'lius, congi'steil, inllaiui'd or sore eyes. All
druggists or Howard llroc, liull.ilo, N. V.
Tho half of the world that gets
along Is unable to understand why tho
other half Is always short.
Lew is' Nngle Hunter utriiight 5c cipiris
pond quality all the tinu.-. Your dealer or
Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Stealing away from bad company la
Justifiable larceny.
Cured by Lydia 0. Pink
ham's VegetablcCompound
JfAiiLTOjr, X.J. I feel that LydinK.
Pinkham'a yopetallo Compound liua
71 given mo new lite.
1 Buffered for ten
yearn villi serious
female, troubles, In.
(lamination, ulcer,
ation, indigestion,
nervousness, and
could not Bleep.
Doctors pave mo
tip, as thry said my
troubles wero
chronic. I was in
care whether I lived
or died, when 1 road about Lydia 11.
J'inkham'B "Verrctahlo Compound; so I
bepan to take it, and am well again and
relieved of all my Buffering." Mrs.
Gr.oitr.E Joudy, JJox 10, JIarlton, NJ.
Lydia li. l'inkliani's Vegetable Com
pound, made from nativo roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record
for tho largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousandsof voltmtarytestimonialsaro
on file in tho l'inkliarn laboratory at
Lynn, Mass., from women who havo
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration,displacenient.s,libroidtuniors, irregularities, poriodicpainB, backache,
indigestion and nervous proHtrution.
Every suffering woman owes it to her
self to givo Lydia L l'iukham'a Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you would liko special advice
about yourcase. w rite, ju-onlldcn-ti;il
letter to Mrs. 1'inkliani, nt
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always Lclpf uL
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
Tliry n I mi rellevn Din
trfsHtroin l)-prixia, lu
.1 ik'rsllou nnd '1' on lli-nrty
Kulliur. A perfoet rem-
i-ily for riiizliipioi, Nhii
-tea, lirowMtieiM, Had
Taste In the Moiuli.t.'oat
i'i Toiifne, l'lim in the
Side, T'UtPln I.IVKR.
T'lej- n-Kiiliito Hie JJuwels. Purely Viyetnlilc.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
r-lrtr.,,. a.l hramiiiea Hi. hilr.
l'r,Mn,ip a llll,.r;.t.l growth.
I5nV VVi "'"'run t H-ature cir
LtU(A. ta J lr to It. YlHllliriil Coir.
r'vor lat I a t n-.turd (lry
ViiVCii1"1" "r"'P 11 l.air l,.uufc
li nine
Wit t" lv7?i,r,n 'nlll err pa. 'It. Tho .l.-k r nit til othrn ti
",V tte '' '" tt. ""! "!' I". na'l.'r Ii"i.ii,m.I 'i., f r. .mi l,arUl. i.. j,"
'J7 'liJ.. l.1.": J ': ,,,. t,v uaiiitf hllillSN I.I. il In I.I , l l-M I'), ii I'l.utr , i.
V ii '' tl',, ti'iiifile.
, lai Vi.T... .
mm Imi!o
Y 1 1 l"i,l"',,r",ri'li. I Hi .Jite.1 .,w In
J-Pi'---r Alvh&x ti..nreuwVlo.iatMi.--tttil..ra, aulium
1PCHN MCO(CAkCO..BiaUuiiHitW(.iiul Coshsn, tudU.S.A,
You Need a Tonic
if you feel languid and depressed
all the time. The best thing to
help nature build up the system is
Thii grrat tonic is not a false stim
ulant asiiunyot the so-called "spring
tonics." It i.i a natural strength
Rivrr. For all run-down conditions
of the health it is an invaluable rem
edy; imparls newlile and vigor and
builds up the entire system,
SoU by All LeaJing DruggiUt In luo
$lzt hollies, 50c and 35c
Western Canada
Another 60,000 get
tlftsfiom the United
Stntrs. New Uis
ti icts opened for set
tlrmctit. 3M acres
ll.r inn tr
homestead and 160 at 43.00 per acre.
"A vt rlili country n.m contented proi
pfrmn penile." A nr. .(mm .,,nri, n,f,n,
e ,i X.iti.-t.ii ,(,. r, vifir Mul i,i lltitrtn
lad.l..l, i Auiuil, He.V. Ir.u ,in tiiititalinH.
Many have paid the cntiie cost of their
tirniH and had a balance of fiom $10.00 to
JiO.tlf) per acre as a result of ore crop.
Spiing w heut, winter -n heat, outs, barley,
flax tind peas uie the principal crops, while
the wild Knows l,rjng t perfection the
best cattle that hnve ever been sold on
the Chicago niuiki.-L.
Splendid climate, schools nnd churches
In all localities. Kuilways touch most of
the nettled districts, and prices for produce
lire always K'd. Lands may also be pur
chased from ruilway and land companies.
For pamphlet, nii nit Information re
liunlinir low riillwuy rulen, npply to Superin
tendent ol Iminliirntinn, Ottuwa, Ciinadu, or
the outliiinrd Canudiun Government Ai'cnt:
801 New Tork Life BullJIni. Omaha, rtebraiit.
Tho ttoaion I Mnko and Sell More Mim'i $3.00
& $3.60 Bliooa Than Any Other Manuf aoturer
ll bvilH I tT th w.rtr th Un.tlt of 111. matt
t-onpl.U uri.ulr.tltjQ 0f ti(U u4 tkUltd
thom&k.r In thu ennntry.
Tin wl.i linn of th laath.n for arh pirl of tti ahoa,
oil .v.ry d.Ull of th. niklnt In ev.iy d.rtmmt, U
Iiki.kI tfur by th. bait ihoaniiWi In th. .ho. inda.lry
II 1 rouia .bow yim how car.lnlly W L tlutiilaa
ara mail., you would th.a vnitar.unil why th.y bold thalr
hapo, at bailar, and wtr loogar Umui at.y uhar auUic
Uy Mnlhuituf Timnliltie Hiflai makes them Uurm
HexiUlaamt Lumjor Wcarinq Man any otherx
Nliui a for I'vrry tlemlrr of the Kumllv,
Men, Hoya, Women, Ml.aea uml 4 lilldreu.
K-t anle liy tliep ilenlera eyni ywhpre,
PflllTinN I N""u t"""1"" lttmnt W. I. Itiinrlaa
WrtU I IUH i niiiiiii uml inli-o ntiiiil on Ihhkhii.
tut Color Eyaltli Um1 Eirltulyaljr. Catalof nallad fno,
W. L DOIUUS, 167 Spark St., Urocktoa, Mau.
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in '.lie purchase of
paint materials.
It ii an u!olute
purantec of pur
ity ami quality.
1-or your own
protection, fee
it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you buy.
Nuiomi i fid eoMcm
UOJ TnmK luildini, Tork
Costi 60c-9Cx pir acn for tied.
MoM itnltrffitirrt of t)invntut7,ylHtllnir imm I
iu ffinx nri'y ptr t.-rt mini un ut naftur I I
tt ). ltHiini.ytfr.iwM.icroK.tfftwti! I u 1 1 1 tnlY I
iimI in 4 wii'kia 1 1 I'm. in. rr th innr atfhi. nnl I
nt (mi. (iptWHatMl Mnirlnn'KevcryifriVinerv I
'arm In AuhtIc. Mimiiamlirt; liinirmnt tin I
mitoin Iftiii.M of Vk yi. Jtiff iMMi) rlitliit( frvf nt I
Mul lOo HI Uliiid atir. r-.-lvn Mintlft of tlilhl
iiitricv ,Uf-.( Ii.vit". itr-nin,ti. . otc .atin rt I
fir f ri'P. or p'fHi I4n nl m will iltl t usuiitjlti I
r ftrui mini imvciij mvr trii iy yuu uuiurv.
a . . '
SALZER SEED CO., Box W. La Crowe. Wit.
Mo Matter
what Liver or Dowel medicine you
ore uiin(, stop it now. Get a 10a
box week's treatment of GAS
CARETS today from your druggist
and learn how easily, naturally end
delightfully your liver can be made
to worh, and your boweb move every
day. There's new life in every box.
CASG.KETS are nature's helper.
You will ee the difftrtnet! g83
CASCARHTS trie Ivix for a wtek's
treatment, nil uini-KiMj. Invest rllrr
iu tut world. Million, boxes a tnonUi.
rT. Ir. Mi IM OSH cMirnted
naiura; uicnne dupponer
t.' v . iMifii.Hititw- rt-lirf Nnlil hy all nur
J ill '-afir'-fH in I ntfiHi Mnie tiH uiiift.
JJ tn'ftii..- i r,t-f hd tut! i-ttruvuUniiuMiltxi
' I'll U I t"'ll I I' ll
Tin: ii wriv.s & mi i vtoii TIUS3 ( o
m V,i! nut St.. I'h.Knifipiiin. ru.
iu :i n ii t'.'i.f ii r rn nl triivvcn timlX.-
tlo tn ikt-r i "it tt.'inrm'
stamin a ' t. Ihloitli " .Supinirn'r.
IM.(M)nilOlJ)S. 1,
tu.nii'ls. Irt-ti U.-if.strr-4. htaaip fur
'.iui.ti. KtMiUuiititl l'tnii'U, l 'li)i;;uii, Uy.
Ifnrtlii-tiit wth
MifU L)e, UMJ
; Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 16-1909.
of ilrutfNtniiMil tiirii'im il.'Bii'pt. or roll t pidi-imm nAi.Till!
L-.iamiiiisl lin-ur,wM.v i-hia Uk- are- II Iniiiu. a... a
l- ( 'ill Jit fc.iiv l.t tu.ttltl.v tl.rt,... w.. '
T.riiiiii. lnni m-nMn MntwL Latvoai Buiii?
tlinl Our frri
1 1 ii lit IB I nninii nn