The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 15, 1909, Image 1
ft- EWi ERALD O v'rn '.sf No TWICE A WEEK SKWSS. Ktat.l:.-N1N.v. F. !S1 1IKUA.I.D. fc-tablishtd Anil 1. InJ'.iJated Jan. 1. l.-.O PLATTSMOUTH, NGltlSASIvA, T1IUKSDAY, APKIL 15, 1!0? VOL. XLV NO. i: Death of Mrs. Beach Mrs. A. D. Beach of Weeping Water died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Zir.k, at Wabash. Mrs. Beach has lived in Weeping Wa ter for the last fifteen years and with-, in a few milea of there for more than forty years. She was on a visit to her . daughter and was taken down with pneumonia, from which she died after a j brief illness. She is survived by her husband, one son and two daughters. The son, Charles, lives in Lincoln, and is employed in the postoffice in that city. The daughters are Mrs. Oscar Zink of Wabash and Mrs. Miller of Omaha. Mrs. Beach was about seventy years of age. She was a woman of beautiful Christian character, and was very highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral services were held from the Congregational church at Weeping Water on Monday afternoon. The pastor, Rev J. H. Andress, con ducted the services, and the burial was in the Oakwood cemetery. Louisville Gleanings Special Correspondence. Ralph Twis3 left for Minnesota Tues day. J. R. Noye3 wa3 in Plattsmouth Tuesday. Grandmother Jackman is very il! this week. Mrs. T. E. Parrr.ele was in Louisville Monday. Mrs. Geo. Delezer.e went to Omaha Wednesday. L. J. May field returned Monday from Spalding, Neb. Born to Mr. and Mm. J. J. Meisinger, April 11, '09 a girl. Mr. Geo. Waldron left for part of the week for Minnesota. Mr. M. N. Drake and son, Chas, were in Omaha W ednesday. Mrs. B. G. Metzgar is confined to her room this week with sickness. Mrs. Worthman and son, Herbert, returned Tuesday from Seward. Mrs. John Kilgove the R. F. D. man is sick, unable to go over his route. Misses Sada Rivitt and Millis were visitors in Weeping Water Sunday. Miss Sada Rouiter went to Iowa for a few days visit fore part of the week. Miss Minnie Jochim and Mrs. Geo. Voegeler were Omaha passengers Mon day. Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will give a chicken pie so:ial Friday evening tt the hall. Miss Amelia Stholman left for Elk horn Mon lay for a few days visit with friends. Mr. and Mn. D. J. Vanskoyoc re turning to their h me in Lincoln Mon day evenirg. Miss Mirth Alio way ais'stant post mistress ia visiting fiiend3 in Omaha this week. Emil Stutznipgar rct jrred this week from Mexico, where he ha3 spent the A.Pt-ERtS TTfc if 1 j if i p last three months. i Mrs. C. Soybert entertained the M. E. Ladies Aid Society Tuesday after-' noon. Dainty refreshments were; served. j The sons and daughters of J. H. j Meisinger pave him a glad surprise at his home Thursday in honor of his! sixty-sixth birthday anniversary. A I sumputous dinner was served at high noon, and Mr. Meisinger was presented with a beautiful gold watch and best wishes for many happy returns of the day. Receives Back Pension W. E. Cess was made to rejoice this week by receiving a check for $184.40 back pension and the granting of $12 per month hereafter. Mr. Gess is cer tainly deserving of this and it is a great help to him in his present physical con dition. Louisville Courier. R. W. White, mangager of the Ne braska Telephone Company's business at Nebraska City, spent Easter visiting hi? parents in this city. Ralph is a popular and successful telephone man as well as a genial pood fellow. Indians for Prohibition Nez Perce Tribe in Idaho Will Take Prominent Part in War on Rum. One thousand opper colored follow ers of Chief Joseph, a once powerful leader of the Nez Perce tribe in the panhandle of Idaho, will join the pro hibition forces in the fight against the rum shops in Nez Perce county, when the campaign begins to make the dis trict part of the arid zone. The Indian Voters' league has organized its forces under the direction of James Stuart, district forester, who is instructing the reds in the duties of citizenship. The Nez Perce treaty contains a clause for absolute prohibition, inserted by the United States government at the urgent request of the chieftains, who declared they would not otherwise ratify the compact, a3 they had watched the effect of rum on the reds. Many of the Indians in the county are edu cated and wealthy. They own consider able farming land on the reservation, and will soon receive more than $130, 000 from the government, most of which will be deposited in the First Americans' Bank at Fort Lapwai, Idaho, where Corbet t Lawyers, a full blooded Nez Perce Indian, has full charge. Do this with your children- School children should be fed plenti fully and frequently on Quaker Oats. It makes the best possible breakfast for anyone who is to work with either brain or muscle. It's easy to prove this v your own family. Increase the daily consumption of Quaker Oats and you'll see an almost immediate improvement in the health and energy of those who eat it. Regular size packages for city tra!c, large size family packages for those who fe not convenient to the store. Breakfast on Quaker Oats every day. Auto Collar Rain coats S12.50 Thoroughly rain proofed. All wool black. Well made Sizes 34 to 42. C. E. Wescotl's Sons "Whore Quality CounU" Brief Local Happenings Read our advertisements. R. E. Fox left yesterday for his home at Dunlap, Iowa. Ceo. Deurr of Louisville was a busi ness visitor yesterday. See Baurs' add on chicken wire fenc ing. Will save you money. Mrs. Ren Brooks is visiting with friends and relatives in Omaha. County Surveyor Scott of Lancaster county was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Rreedlove of Hamburg, la., is visiting with her daughters in this city. J. E. Johnson and wife of Lincoln Sunday as the guest of J. W. Johnson and family. Wm. DelesDernier, the Elmwood at torney, was transacting business in this city Tuesday. Mrs. D. Henshaw of Tarkio, Mo., is visiting in the city with the family of O. G. Hale. Theodore Starkjohn left Monday for Custer county, where he will look after business interests. Mrs. J. B. Anderson of Sheridan, Wyo., is visiting the family of L. C. Anderson this week. Mrs. J. W. Duthow and children of Lincoln are visiting her mother, Mrs. McElwain, this week. Mrs. Lcttie Smith of Omaha left for home yesterday, after spending several days visiting Mrs. Archer. Mrs. Lcttie Uird left Monday for Liberty, Neb., where she will visit her Cousin, Mrs. Goldie Barnard. Miss Lucille Randall of Fremont, Neb., spent Easter with her parents, Dr. A. A. Randall and wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Noyes and Mrs. C. E. Noyes of Louisville came to Plattsmouth by automobile Tuesday. Mrs. Ryerson of Wichita, Kansas, left yesterday for her home, after sev eral days visit with the Crabill family. J. Schiappacasse and daughter, Cecil, returned yesterday from their trip to Italy. They report a most delightful trip. Mrs. L. W. Barger, who has been visiting her father, J. C. Peterson and family, left Monday for Hebron, Ne braska. Miss Maud Fitch returned to her home in Bartlett, Iowa, Tuesday, after visiting her cousin, Miss Grindle for several days. Paul Morgan, one of Plattsmouth's bright young meen, who is attending the Nebraska University spent Easter with relatives and friends in this city. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Brink left yes terday for a visit of two months in Gei- many. Rev. Brink is pastor of the United Brethren church south of the city. Oscar Larson who has just recovered from an attack of pneumonia, returned this week to resume his studies in Bellevue College. Oscar is bright and energetic and will soon make up what he lost by sickness. Miss Florence Dovey entertained a number of her friends Monday evening. Those attending were Misses Lena Fricke, Minnie Guthman, Mis9 Patter son of Omaha and Messrs. Fritz and Ed Fricke, Henry Guthman and Liv ingston Richey. W. A. Robertson, who is editor in chief of the University year look spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson. Will will graduate from the Law College of the State Uni versity in June. We predict for him a I successful career in his chosen pro ; fession. Thayer Propst, one of the bright and , energetic young men of Mynard, passed j through here on his way to Ralston, 1 Neb., where he is contemplating lo 1 eating a store. He has selected a good i location, and with this young man's push back of the cntersrise, we pre i diet for him great success. , Joseph, the little son of Mrs. Maud ; Ord, died Sunday morning from pneu monia, at the home of his grandparents, ! Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rennie, in this city. He was a bright little fellow and 1 was sick but a few days. His funeral was held Monday afternoon, and inter ment was made in Oak Hill cemetery. Leon Burton came in Tuesday even ing from L03 Angeles for a visit with his parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. S. Burton, and his wife, who ar rived several days ago. Ho was ac companied by Will McCurdy. The young men are thinking some of loca ting in Omaha, although they may re turn as far west us Colorado Springs. Second Church ol Christ, Scientist. Sunday school, !):l." a. m. Divine service at 11 a. in. Subject "Doctrine of Atonement." Mid-week meeting Wednesday even ing at S o'clock. Church is located on Sixth street, two blocks south of Main street. The public is cordially invited to all services. The reading room in the Coutes block is open ever Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday afternoon from 2 untill 5 o'clock. Foresees ; Cuban Trouble F. A. Murphy Declares that Pop ulace is Too Restless. F. A. Murphy, clerk in the War de partment and for many years of the clerical force of the Department of the Missouri headquarters, returned Tues day ! morning from a three years' absence in Cuba, whore he has connect ed with the American army of occupa tion. Mr. Murphy, who has had ample op portunities for observing affairs in Cuba can se trouble coming. "I do not think," said he "that the restless, revolutionary spirit among the native Cubans can be extinguished dur ing this generation at least. There are but two classes in Cuba -the rich and tho extremely poor. There is no middle class as in this country. The unscrupu lous and adventurous spirits of the rich er class can always rely upon a big following from the poorer class, and a revolution can be started there in little or no time. "I think as a rule that the native Cuban would prefer the Spanish to the American occupation. Under the Span ish system the country was run on the loot, rob, tax, graft and brigandage system, and the Spanish grandees en couraged the system as a plan saving them lots of trouble, and at the same time permitting them to hold the im- proverished classes in the most complete bondage. , WAR GOOD PRETEXT. "A revolution was a good pretext for Spanish terrorism and gave license to the revolutionary spirits to rob, murder and steal without hindrance. Under the American system this activity and diversion is not permitted, so many of the Cubans are without an occupation. ' "The conservative and business ele ments of the island are decidedly in favor of American occupation and American annexation. This is partic uarly true of the Spanish business in terests as well as of the American, Canadian, German and English business men, who are the dominating business influences of the island. It is they who own, control and operate the the rail ways and all the big enterprises of the island. President Gomez is a politican rather than a statesman. I do not think he is very friendly toward the United States. At the same time, I am satisfied that he wants to make a good administra tion. Vice-President Diaz is the better statesman and diplomatist of the two, but his influence is overshadowed by that of Gomez. He is disposed to be friendly to the United States, recogniz ing tho diplomacy of such friendship. President Gomez is determined to crush out every incipient rebellion against his authority. He has issued orders for the immediate execution of all revolu tionists who seek to oppose his power and several have executed, with others marked for summary removol. "Cuba is a country of tremendous possibilities, and as soon as a stable form of government is assured, the island will be one of the most prosper ous countries on the globe."-Omaha Bee. Joke Was a Boomerang. A good joke is going the rounds at the expense of Col. Falter, (the council man.) Dropping into Col. Irwins' cigar stand recently for his customary morn ing smoke, he picked up the dice box and made a few throws. First came out four trays, then three sixes, then I five deuces, then four fives. The big gun of the first ward immediately con j eluded that he was "right" and went ' out on a still hunt for Col. Thrasher, in i tending to even up an old score. In the meantime the word had been passed around and quite a bunch of the faith , ful had gathered to see the fun. But alas! Col. Falter nays he is done for ever with the dice. Ho was beaten I four straight panes. Deplorable Accident Will Murray Meets Death at Mis souri Pacific Elevator. A most frightful accident occurred this morning at the elevator of C. L. Jean & Co., located near the depot on the Missouri Pacific tracks, in which Will Murray lost his life. As he was alone at the time the exact particulars will never be learned. Some man whose name was not learned went to the elevator to seo Mr. Murray just before the arrival of the south-bound passenger. He found him dead, reported the matter to Agent Norton of the Missouri Pacific and then took the train. Mr. Norton at once called the doctor and went to the eleva tor. They found the unfortunate man in a kneeling posture by the gasoline engine, his overcoat tightly wound around the shafting, and his body badly bruised and mangled. The supposition is' that in moving about the room his overcoat became entangled in the shafting and he was thus beaten to death, the overload thus being placed on the engine being sufli cient to finally stop it. Mr. Murray was a young man about 25 years of age and lived with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, near Mynard, driving back and forth from his home to his work in this city. The sorrowing family have the heart felt sympathy of .the entire community in their sad bereavement. The funeral services will be held Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence. Mrs. McKinney of Silver City, Iowa, has returned to her home, after visit ing several days in this city with Mrs. Nelson Jones. Mrs. Carl Kunsman left yesterday for Des Moines, Iowa, in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Ed Kunsman. John Wooster left, yesterday for Tripp county, South Dakoto to make his selection of a farm, which he drew in the government drawing last fall. Col. McMaken informs the News Herald that six new families have come to Plattsmouth within the past week. Two of these are Mr. Florian and Mr. Fisher, who come here from the West to enter the employment of the Burlington. Your Hat Don't Fit Your Head. The reason for it is that your head is irregular, (!) out of every 10 are.) When you bought your hat, the man that sold it to you, shaped it with an old out of date wooden stretcher, and just about two hours later the hat was the same as before it was stretched" You've been sore ever since you got the hat, and you've a right to be. This spring you'll come here lor your hat, we'll show you the largest assortment of hat?, that has ever been shown in Plattsmouth. When you've found the hat that strikes your fancy, we'll take our new r'rench onformoteur, take the exact shape of your head, heat the hat and shape the hat to fit per manently. We'll put your name in the hat if you want it. Bring your old hat in, we'll be glad to shapo it for yoj. Stetson's $3.50 to $5.00. Iried's & Albortin ' $2 50, $3.00. O hers $1.09 to $2.00. THE HOME OF Manhattan Shirts. Stetson Hats. Hart SchafTner & Marx Clothes. TWm THE NEW STORE. j n ie i Turners Celebrate. Tuesday evening at the conclusion of the class work at the German turner hall the members enjoyed a banque t which was in thu nature of a celebra tion of the recent improvement made I in the hall. Professor Gamble presid i ed. The following members were pres ent: Prof. J. W. Gamble, Prof. W. G. Brooks, Glen Rawls, Ernest Wurl, Fred Jess, Fred Dawson, John Mauer, Frank Smith, Frank Cloidt, Clyde Adanison, August Cloidt, Emil Weyrich Grosvenor Davey, Elmer Spies and Guy White. Announces Committees Newly Elected City Council Met Tuesday Night For Or ganizatian. The last session of the old city coun cil was held Tuesday evening and after the formality of inducting the new members into office, the new council completed its organization. Mayor Sattler announce the stand ing committees for the ensuing year as follows: Finance -Steimker, Schulhof.Dwyer. Judiciary Dwyer, Steimker, Men denhall. Fire and Water -Neuman, Dovey, Rezner. Claims Dovey, Kurtz, Rezner. License Bookmeyer, Kurtz and Weber. Streets, Alleys and Bridges-Weber, Bookmeyer, Sehulhof. Police Mendcnhall, Neuman and Bookmeyer. Light - Sehulhof, Dovey, Dwyer. Hospital Rezner, Steimker, Weber. Cemetery Kurtz, Neuman and Men denhull. Councilman Steimker was elected president of the council. Cattle. How cattle mav be dehorned withou t j other apparatus than a good Btror.g : clothesline and a sharp meat saw, or a miter saw with a rigid back, is ex plained in an illustrated article in the May Popular Mechanics. Mrs. Grace Thomas has returned from Omaha, where she has been for some weeks at one of the hospitals. Her many friends are glad to welcome her home. Vj filial t .Ta