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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1909)
t NATIONAL Louisville Gleanings Seil Correspondence. Dr. Dailey was a visitor in Omaha Sunday. Mrs Alfred Johnson was in Omaha Wednesday. Chas. Spence of Havelock was in town Wednesday. Arthur Parmele of Lincoln was in town over Sunday. Jerry McIIugh of South Bend was in town on business Thursday. O. Sintor left Saturday evening for DeWitt, Neb., to viit Mrs. II. Fort. Miss Fannie Hoyte was a guest of E. C TwiHS and family over Sunday. A large party of Masons attended lodge in Springfield Saturday evening. 1). C. Morgan and Prof. J. W. Gam ble of Plattsmouth were in town Fri day. Dr. M. U. Thomas of Memphis was in Louisville last week enrouteto Weep ing Water. Mrs. Wauneta Hawkins of Cape Jar ata. Mo., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jim Fcrrall. Miss Francis Lcuchtweis came up from Plattsmouth Wednesday to visit Wm. Hoover J. J. Frater and wife of David City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frater over Sunday. Miss Lenora Tangeman of Gretna was in town Sunday, the guest of Wm. Dirs family. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Vanskoyoc of ? ANNOUNCEMENT . f I have just moved into the Union . ! T block, and respectfully solicit a t Josso Perry, Barber 's1 MARSHALL, D. D. ..Graduate Dentist.. Trices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience viiiv; in r iizgiTam uioca It wasn't the name that made the fame of It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name BISCUIT COMPANY Lincoln spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Brodine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Childers and little daughter returned from Greeley, Colo., to visit relatives in Louisville. Mr. G. W. Mayfield was called to Greenwood Sunday because of the ill ness of his sister, Mrs. J. MefTord. Last Friday evening Mrs. Watson entertained her Sunday school class at her home. The party was given for prompt attendance on the part of the scholars. A pleasant evening was spent and dainty luncheon enjoved by all Newsy Wabash Correspondence Mrs. Thomas is visiting in Union this week. J. W. Staton was seen in town Thursday. Some children around town have the whooping cough. 0. L. Wilson went to Lincoln Satur day to see his boys. Chas. Brann resigned the postmaster ship the first of the week. Mr. John Brown has employed Mrs. Cooper of Omaha as housekeeper. Mr. Hazelton, an old comrade of Mr. M. V. Woods, has been visiting him. Mrs. Beech of Weeping Water is very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Zink. A. W. Barrett, Harry Thomas and Grover Otte were visitors in Lincoln Thursday. A family moved into the Lawton house the first of the month. The man will work for Oscar Allen. The ladies of the Baptist church gave an Easter social at the home of Iva McCroy Thursday evening. The eighth grade pupils from the neighboring districts took examinations in town Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Jones was called over from Mur dock Saturday to see Mr. Squires. He is better at this writing but still pretty weak. All of the neighbors and friends of T. Richards family met at their home April 1st., and surprised them with a farewell reception. Mr. Richards went to Lincoln Wednesday, where they will make their future home. The Royal Neighbors have just ended a contest for new members and the de feated side gave a 3 course banquet to Dds Sold only 'Moisture Proof the winners on the evening of April 1. j Each members' family was invited and in all there were 50 present. The second course was an April fool on the winners, April fool games were played iter supper. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, ' in . - County of Cass. i 8S- ,n Cmn Court- In the matter of the estate of Zeruh Wilbur Cole, defeased. To all persons interested: You arc hereby notified that there is on Tile in thin court a petition, aliening therein thnt Zarah W ilhtir Cote, departed this life int state, in saiil county on the 27th day of March l'.W. and pravinK that said estate lie administered ar.d that Silas Long be appointed administrator. You are further notified that a hearing will lie had on said petition before thin court in thecntintv court room at I'lattsmouth. in suiil county on the ..t'lh day ot April r.H'D. at nine oclin-k A. M. at wlvch time, all objivtions. if any. must be tiled. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Cans County. Nebraska, this fthilayof April, unit. By the Court, Allen J. Bkkson, County Judfte. ISealI l-6 Legal Notice. State of Nebraska. i , , , County of Ca. t ,n C"' Court- In the matter of the estate of Anna Krowlck. de ceased. To all persona interested: You are hereby notitied that a petition has been filed in this court, aliening therein that said Anna Krowlek. departed this life in said county, intes tate, and leaving an estate to be administered. You are further notitied that a hearing will be hail upon said petition before this court, at the county court room at Plattsmouth. In said county on the 1st day of Muy 1B09. at 9 o'clock A. M. and that all objections, if any. must be on file on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 10th day of April 1W9. Allkn J. Hkkson. 91-6 SEAL County J udije. Legal Notice. Stato of Nebraska I , - . - County of Cass. t- In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Waclav Krowlek, called James Krowlek, deceased, To all persons interested : You are hereby notitied that there has been filed in this court a petition, together with an in strument purporting to be the last will and testa ment of said deceased . The prayer of said peti tion is that said instrument lie allowed and pro bated, and that the estate of said deceased be ad ministered. You are further notified that there will be hearing upon said petition before this court in the county court room at I'lattsmouth. in said county, on the 1st day of May 1W., at 9 o'clock A. M. and that all objections, if any, must be tiled on or be fore said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 10th day of April I'.HW. . , ' Allen J. Ukkhon. 91-8 Seal County Judge. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, I , . County of Casa. ( Ml In County Court. In the matter of the estate of James R. Cathcy, deceased. To all persona interested: You are hereby notified that thera has been died in this court a petition, alleging among other things that aaid James H. Cathey. departed this life, intestate, in said county on the 9th day of March, lm seized of both real and personal property. The prayer of said petition is that aaid estate be administered and that W. H. Tula be ap pointed administrator of aaid estate. You are further notitied that a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court at I'latta mouth, In said county on the 17th day of April, 1909, at ten o'clock A. M. and that all objections, if any, must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court of said county this 27th day of March, 11HW, , N-0 ALLEN J. I1KKHON. iSkal) County Judge. Dr. Barnes, veterinary. in Packages I I I Want Column J WANTED. WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $'J00 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. $1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made $1200.00 monthly. Korstad $2200.00. New business. Hundreds getting rich. Experience unnecessay. Credit. Strange invention. Gives every home bathroom for $3. Cleanses almost automatically. Startling inducements free. Allen Mfg. Co., 2019 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. 91-3 Legal Notice. Frank C. Lindner, defendant, will take notice that on the 27th day of March. 1909, Anna D. Lindner, plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the District Coutt of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is loolitain a decree of divorce from the defendant, on the ground that the defendant has failed and refused for more than six months prior to the tiling of the petit'on. to support and maintain the plaintiff, although amply able so to do, and to se cure the custody of the three minor children, the Issue of said marrmge. You arc required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the loth day of May, 19U9. t. Dated march 27, 1909. Anna D. Lindner. 87-8 Plaintiff. A Candidate's Bill. Below is given the expense account of a West Texas candidate, who says he will never be a candidate again. Here Is the way he puts itdown: Lost 3 months canvassing; 1340 hours thinking about election; 5 acres of cot ton; 23 acres of corn, a whole sweet po tato patch, 5 shoats and one beef given to barbecue, 2 front teeth and a consid able quantity of hair in a personal skir mish. Gave away 79 plugs of tobacco, 2 pair of suspenders, 4 calico dresses, 7 dolls and 13 baby rattlers. Told 2989 lies, shook hands 43,5t!9 times, talked enough to have made in print 1000 large volumes of patent oflice eports, kissed 121 babies, kindled one kitchen tire, cut two cords of wood, carried 21 buckets of water, was dog Lit 7 times. Loaned to my neighbors 3 barrels of inr r.T f.f maul 1"JI nn'tritu nf flour, 57 bushels of meal, 150 pounds of ! bacon, 3'J pounds of butter, 12 dozen I ..nfu O ,,l .. .M., II l.l ...!, 1 iKK, uiuui i:iia, ii i:iiwi3, i liible, 1 coat and 5 paper collars, none of which have returned. Called my op ponent a tabulated liar-doctor bill $10. Had 5 arguments with my wife result: 1 flower vase smashed, 1 broom handle broken, 1 dish of hash knocked oft the table, 1 shirt bosom ruined, 2 hand full of whiskers pulled out, 10c worth of sticking plasters bought, besides spend ing $1027 on the campaign. Got 4 votes (myself, father and two brothers) and have come to the conclu sion that there are more liars to the inch during the campaign than any other time." Exchange. LITTLE L03ALS. See us for sale bills. Read our advertisements. For fine job printing call at this o.Tice. fJlue grass and clover seed at John Bauer's. Gasoline stoves from $2.j0 to $30 at John Bauer's. Ed. Broman is visiting with friends at Logan, Iowa. Oscar Zaar of South Bend transacted business here Saturday. 0. A. Kitzel of Alvo was transacting business in this city Friday. James Loughridge of Murray was in the city Friday on business. Mrs. John Toman and children are visiting her parents at South Omaha. Mrs. Ed Weaver and son are visiting relatives and friends in Ashland, Ne braska. V. D. Conn .of Greenwood was at tending to some business matters here Friday. Henry Vickers of Alvo was in the city Friday looking after some business matters. Mrs. P. W. Wright and children are visiting her parents at Firth, Neb., for a few days. W. H. Newell and S. II. Atwood arc looking after their stone quarries near St. Joseph, Mj, Adam FornofT a prominent farmer of Cedar Creek attended Good Friday ser vices in this city. Joseph Donat, father of Ed ar.d Henry Donat of this city is seriously ill at Weston, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes of Mur ray were the gnests of C. A. Rawls and wife Thursday. Walter Brittain and family returned home from a visit with friends and rel atives in Burlington, la. W. G. Lorens was attending to busi ness matters at Fairmont, Neb., the latter part of the week. James Furlong returned to iJenver, Colo., after making a short visit with his parents at Rock BlulTs. John Lobnes a prosperous farmer from the vicinity of Louisville was a business visitor here Friday. Mrs. Henry Horn returned home Sat urday after a visit of several weeks with her brother at Pekin, 111. Mrs. William McCauley has gone to visit her granddaughter, Mrs. Doris Patterson at Concordia, Kansas. Mrs. T. J. Isnt r and children have gone to Table Rock, Neb., fur a few days visit with relatives and friends. Miss Jessie Snodgrass of G:etna, Nek, spent a few days visiting with her coutins, II. L. and E J. Kruger. II. G. Wellcnsick, cashier of the Bank of Avoca, was looking after some business matters in this city Thursday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. LehnhofT wa3 made happy last Satur day morning by the birth of a new girl baby. . Terry Utterback formerly of this city, but now engaged in the restau rant business at South Omaha spend Friday here. Supt. J. W. Gamble and D. C. Mor gan one of the members of the school board were visiting the Louisville schools Friday. Miss Jennie Putney of Sunshine, Wyo., is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. A. L. Todd and Mrs C. P. Richards west of this city. Mrs. Teegarden and son spent sev eral days last week visiting with her parents here. Postmaster Smith is justly proud of his grandson. Hon. Orlando Tefft of Avoca, one of the leading citizens of that thriving village was an over night visitor in this city the latter part of the week. Mrs. C. E. Thornburg and daughter returned to their home in Sioux City, la., after a few days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Tartach. S. W. Berge of South Bend trans acted business in this city the middle of the week. Mr. Berge is one of the prosperous businessmen of that vil lage. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Murphy came in this morning for a few days' visit witb old Plattsmouth friends. Mr. Murphy has just returned from Havana, Cuba, where he was stationed with the army of pacification. Spend a Pleasant Hour at 2 1 1 JJlg Q$V COTtlCF JTOM TROOP, PROPRIETOR MMmtHtmtm f THE PLATTSMOUTH $ ? 1 HOTEL P. F. GOOS, Prop. When in Plattsmouth get your dinner at , f The Perkins House i Cuthmann & Cory. Props. 4 BAILEY & fflACH THE DENTISTS latest Appliance Dl;h-Grd OrntMry. flrltos ible PrlcM. brM-raulpprd Oentsl Of fice Ii the Middle West. ecciat discounts to cit viaiTessj. Id rinor t-siton Ink . isiii t rrnm, 0UAHA, NEB. A. L. TIDD I LAWYER References: T Bank of Eagle, Eagle. J. Nchawka Bank, Nehawka. v Bank of Murdock, Murdock. J First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. a State bank of Murray, Murray, f First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. I I Y SCOTCH COLLIES Queen Mills KennclS. X Champion blood of the world. Direct descendants from J. P. J Morgan's famous $10,01)0 dog. J. We now have a litter on hand on f which we are making especially ' attractive prices in Plattsmouth J. and vicinity for the purpose of f introducing our stock on this side X of the river. For further infor- 4. mation and prices, call on or ad- f dress X CARL LINCOLN, i Ind. 'Phone. 7-6 I'acific Junctiun, la. n rE are selling lots of ' ' Sherman Williams PAINT now, not because y it is the time to paint now, but because it is the !j! Best on the market. I F. G. Frickc & Co. I MILLINERY I am now ready to show up-to-date styles of Spring and Summer MILLINERY. Also Ladies' Neckwear and Notions. Call and see them before going elsewhere. Opposite postoffice. Mrs. Julia C. Dwyer t 1 MV'f'm-m IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are well in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspcaker'i for your turnout. M.E.MANSPEAKER Jones' Old Livery Barn Scvonth A Main Sta. Nattamouth. Nob. Chris. Duerr of near Louisville was a business visitor here ThursrW i Ducrr is one of the leading farmers of his locality. '...!W;!,!'XXX!'!'!. u t 1