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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1909)
MATBHOUIBMWS-BfMlD n. 0. WATTER3, Business Manager PLATTSMOUTH, nehraska AS TOLD III A LE A BOILING DOWN OF THE NEWS OF THE DAY. MENTIONED IN SMALL SPACE The Busy Reader Can Absorb in a Few Moment a Good Deal of Information. Foreign. At Friedrlchshafon Count ZMP lin's airship made a successful flight of twelve hours' (liiration. It wont lirst to Wangen, Wiirttoinberg, and returned to ! rledrlohshafon by a different route. The Hritish torpedo destroyer l!la k water was sunk off l)utiK-m;sH as a result of a collision with the steamer Hero. Tlit' crew of the Hlaokwnter was Baved. Kir AlphoiiHO Kuffer, an Kngllsh nohlenian, died Hiiddetily at hotel in San Antonio, Texas. By the bursting of a dyke at Catan zaro, twenty-two llshcrmcn were swept to sea. Eleven of them wen drowned. It Ih believed at Palermo that the names of the hkkiipkIiih of Joseph Pet rosltil, chief of the Italian bureau of the New York detective force, are known to the Inspector of the ministry of the Interior Bent down from Koine, t and that they have been communicat ed to Premier (Jlolottl. ChnrloH B. Maroon, former provl Mional governor of Cuba dining thu last Intervention of the United States, cabled to tlenorul Thomas II. Harry, who commanded the American troops left on tho Island after thu with drawal of tho provisional government, congratulating him upon the success ful termination of the military occu pation. The Prussian government has In troduced a bill In the diet forbidding foreigners to acquire, mineral proper ties and operate mines within Prussia without the special permission of the king or the authorities representing him. A seml-ofllclal note gives complete denial to the statement that Germany threatened Russia to oblige that country to recognize tho annexation of Ilosnla and Herzegovina by Austria Hungary. Hoth Lord Northland and Mrs. John Alexander Stirling have lodged ap peals against tho decree of divorce In favor of Mr. Stirling handed down last month by Lord (Jutbriu. The royal Swedish academy has presented Thomas A. Edison with tho Adelskiohl gold modal for his Inven tions in connection with phonograph and the Incandescent light. General. Washington women expect much of Mrs. William II. Taft as the first lady of the land. (tovernor Shnllenhergers signature to senate file No. 10( affords Ne braska this year the novelty of a non partisan state election. Railroads of Missouri have been re strained from putting a Il-cent fare. Jules Lunihard, the last of the three Lumbard brothers, all grout vocalists, is dying In Chicago. President Tnft will attend the meet ing of the Yale corporation on April 15. A winter wheat average of per cent of normal against 01. :i a year ago and rye average of xl.2 against MU a year ago were announced in the report of the department of agricul ture. A statement of tho treasury bal ances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150.(100,(100 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $1:12. 950,920; gold coin and bullion. $ 1 1 .:,.-.. 502; gold certificates, $47,7117.700. Mr. llryan is left off the list of speakers at the New York Jefferson day dinner April 13. The funeral of ex(!overnor Poynter was largely attended. His burial took place at Wyuka cemetery. Victor Emanuel, king of Italy, met and cordially welcomed ex President Roosevelt. Ex-Prosldont Roosevelt spent a few hours in Naples, being given a cordial greeting. The house, rules committee has fixed April 10 as the date for a vote on the tariff bill. The French tariff bill has been amended and notable concessions made to the United States. The legislature of Minnesota, with but one dissenting voice, passed re solutions requesting representatives of the state in both houses of con gress to use their best efforts to see that lumber Is put on the free list. Paris newspapers xked fun at the mannerisms of Mr. Roosevelt. Nebraska w ill have no state primary election this summer, though three supremo judges and two regents of the state university will be elected this rail. In the recent elertlons in Nebraska the "wets" appear to hnve a few more victories than the "drys." The supremo court of Alabama has declared the state prohibition law valid, all the judges concurring la the opinion. ttovenior Shnllenberger signed the "daylight saloon" bill, which goes Into effect July i Saloons open at 7 a. in. tnd rjoee lit X p. in. Tho centenary of the birth of Niko lai Vassellievitch (iogol, tho Russian novelist. Is being eo'ebrnted. Special agents in the field serviio force of tho general land olllce for tlx; Investigation of alleged land frauds In the west were appointed by thu secretary of the Interior. .Mr. Rooseelt was given a kindly welcome when be landed at Gibraltar. Kdmuiid Pennington was elected president of the Wisconsin Central Railway compuuv. Ex-Covcruor Poynter, who died sud denly In Lincoln, wns governor of Nebraska from 1S9'J to l'.tOl. The Missouri bouse committee on constitutional amendments voted to report the statewide prohibition con stitutional amendment without recom mendation. Mexico City was the scene of a de monstration for President Diaz. The country's trade conditions ar some bettor, but still Irregular. That section of the now insurance, law of New York which limits to $150.. 000 the amount of business an Insur ance company may write in one year, wns declared constitutional by Jus tice O'tiortnan in the Now York supreme court. Denial Is made of an epldemie of typhus at Madrid, Spain. A French tank bark was blown up and twelve of her crew killed. During the month of March sixty one new cases of bubonic plague ami twenty-eight deaths from the disease wore reported in Ecuador. Washington. In honor of Tokutaro Sakhal, com missioner general, and lllkojiro Waca, commissioner of the Toklo exposition, who are in this country In the Inter est of the Japanese world's fair, a din ner was given at tho White house. Tho light for free lumber was lost In tho house by the nerve-wrecking vote of 171 to 170. Hut this Is not dual and the advocates of free lumber are confident they will win later. The Wyoming stock growers' asso ciation, represent ing practically all the cat tie-growers of the state, adopt ed a resolution protesting to congress against the removal of the tariff on hides. The resolution .asserts that in view of the high tariff on manufac tured leather goods, the placing of hides on the free list Is an unjust dis crimination against the cattle-growers. Wrangling, confusion, captious ob jections, personalities and language bordering on vituperation, marked the lirst day's discussion of tho Payne tariff amendment In the bouse of rep resentatives. The fixing of rates for tho new tariff bill was begun by the senate commit tee on finance. Night sessions will be held by the committee henceforth. A decision has been rendered by Commissioner Dennett of the general land olllce against the Red Lands Ir rigation &. Power company, a Colorado corporation, in a case involving four teen desert land entries nproxlmatlng 4,:i00 acres in the Montrose land dis trict of that state. Money to tho amount cf $IOO,0(0, (ion may be borrowed by the secretary of the treasury on the credit of tho United States for tin? purpose of erecting public buildings which are authorized by congress for cities hav ing a population of S.noo or more people, If the bill recently introduced by Senator Scott of West Virginia be comes a law. The statement of the treasury shows a balance In the general fund, exclusive of the $l.".o.0(i().(i(io gold re serve. Available cash balance, $133, 1:I4,07I; gold coin and bullion. $12, 511.528; gold certlllcates. $ 47.CC. l.CdO. Lieutenant Leigh C. Palmer or tho navy has been assigned to duty as the naval aid to President Taft. succeed ing Commander William S. Sims, who Is transferred to the command of tho battleship Minnesota. President Tnft hopes to get away from Washington about the middle of Juno. He has declared that he will be agreeably surprised If the tariff law is ready for the statute books by June 10. but he Is hopeful that tho surprise will materialize. Personal. Three of the colonels on (low Shal lenberger's staff have resigned since bo signed the dayllgt saloon bill. Chairman Payne says department stores are misrepresenting his bill. Mr. Htyan and wife are in Texas to spend some days on their farm. Dr. Charles W. F.llot. the retiring president of Harvard university, has definitely and finally decided that he cannot accept tho tender or the am bassadorship to (iront Hrltaln. President Taft sent In the name of Judge Richard E. Stone of Proscott to be governor of Arizona. Mr. Roosevelt and King Victor Km manuel met nt Messina, Italy. William Allen White, editor of the Emporia duetto, Is being boomed for the republican nomination for lieuten ant governor of Kansas. Judge O. E. Ilooo, defaulting clerk In the Kentucky state auditor's olllce was sentenced to eight years' addi tional In prison. This makes his to tal sentence thirteen years. The Mexican minister to Russia has requested the government to send a circular to Russian manufacturers ask ing for bids on now railroad construc tion In Mexico. President Taft sent to the somite the nomination of Judge Richard L Sloan of Proscott as governor of Ari zona, vice Klbhey, whose term ex pired. Several persons claiming to bo tho kidnaped Charley Ross have bobbed up In various parts of the country. Mrs. Herbert Ellswgrtlf dates, presi dent of the Nebraska State Society of United States Daughters of 1SI2, has been appointed an officer of the na tional cabinet. The president of Nicaragua Is tho latest aspirant for n brush with tho United States and other nations. E TARIFF Bill IT GOES THROUGH THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THE VOTE WAS 217 TO 161 A Day Filled With Excitement, Mem bers Being Keyed Up to a High Pitch. Washington. After three weeks of consideration the Payne tariff bill was passed by tike house of representatives Friday night by a vote of 217 to 101. One republican. Austin (Tex.), voted against the measure and four demo crats, all from Louisiana Rhoussard, Estoplnal, Pujo and Wickliffo voted for it. The day was filled with excitement from the moment the session began at noon until the minute of adjournment. The members were keyed up to the highest pitch, and n practically full membership remained on duty through out. The final vote demonstrated the capacity of tho republican organiza tion to get together. The situation with respect to lumber was greatly relieved to the republican leaders when it became manifest that the advocates of the proposition placing it on the free list were In the minor ity. Recause or that fact. Mr. Fitz gerald (N. Y.) charged that a mid night deal had been made last night whereby free lumber was to be voted down and the rates on barley and barley malt increased, and this not withstanding the denials of Messrs. Mann (111.) and Cushman (Wash.), who offered the barley amendments. The general public was greatly In terested In the proceedings and the galleries were packed. Hoth the dip lomatic and executive reservations likewise were fully occupied, Mrs. Taft being among those present. When the bill actually was passed the republicans cheered lustily, some dancing up and down the aisles and patting their fellow members on the back. While more consideration in point of time has been given by the house to tho Payne bill, it was passed In fewer days than the Dinglcy bill was acted upon alter being reported to the house. The Payne bill was Intro duced on March 17, reported to the house by the ways and means com mittee on the following day and was under general debate for sixteen days. On Monday the rules committee re ported a special order which closed the general discussion and provided for the consideration of the bill under tho live-minute rule. Chairman Payne handled the bill on the door and di vided the time in such n way that only paragraphs affected by committee amendments and the amendments per mitted by the special rule had been considered when the time to vote on the measure was reached. Tho Dinglcy bill was under consid eration In the house for two days longer than the Payne bill, but the house was not in session as long each day as during the consideration of the latter measure. All during the gen eral debate on the Payne bill tho house sat for ton and one-half hours each day, thus establishing a record for that body. Mr. Olmsted (Pa.) presided as chairman of the commit tee of the whole house on the state of the union throughout the twenty days that wore given to the bill. CLAIMS OF RAILROADS. Government Refuses to Pay for Dis infecting ards. Washington. Secretary of Agri culture Wilson refused payment of the claims of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad company and the Union Stock Yards company or Paltlmore against the government tor disinfection work during tho re cent epidemic or foot and mouth dis ease in cattle. The secretary held the claims were not proper subjects for reparation by the government. The claim of the railroad was for $:,".".."" for cleaning and disinfecting the stock yards at East Huffalo and of its stock cars as the result of an order of Secretary Wilson to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease and the claim of the Union Stock Ynrds of Ilaltiniore was for similar work done In its ynrds. EX-SECY HITCHCOCK DEAD. Passes Away After Several Days of Illness. Washington. Kthan Allen Hitch cock, secretary of the Interior under Presidents McKlnley r.nd Roosevelt, died here Friday morning at II o'clock! aged 71. He had been critically ill for several days. The passing of ex-Secretary Hitch cock marked the close of a career whose pre-eminent feature was an administration of tho interior depart ment that stirred the western land problems as never before. Illinois Sensational Deadlock. Springllcld, 111. In the Joint ballot, for United States senator In the legis lature Wednesday olio ballot was cast for Charles Comiskey, the owner of the Chicago American league baseball club. The sixty-seventh ballot re sulted in no choice. How About Hides? Washington Western senators have started canvass of the senate to de termine the Pcntlnicnt In relation to putting hides on the free list or as nesting a duty upon them. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Hers and There Over the State. The Midwest Life fold linet wants good local agents all over Nebraska. Write to Homo Oflice at Lincoln for particulars. A life insurance company is a finan cial Institution which furnishes money to the family of the man who dies hoblliifT a policy in the company. It stands In precisely the 'same relation to the Individual that the fire insur ance company does to the bouse In which he lives. If your home Is fully Insured in a fire company and it burns you are paid its value. If It Is not in sured the lire company pays you nothing. You carried your own risk, and not the company. Hut you can not carry the risk on your own life, although you may on your property. This risk must bo carried either by your family or some life insurance company. Which of the two is the better able to assume It, the family or the company? Upon which of the two will the loss be less severe? And upon whom do you prefer to leave tho risk, upon the lamllv or tho company? The Midwest Life of Lincoln issues all the standard forms of policies. The Wahoo postotllce, from present growth, expects to be rated as second class by July 1. Albert l.eofer of Cage county will have to answer to the court on the c harge of bootlegging. Stanton county has decided upon September 14. 15, 10 and 17 as its fair days. A new hank is to be organized at Wyniore, taking advantage of the bank guaranty law. The Child Saving Institute at Omaha is endeavoring to raise $75,000 for a new building. Thus far about $lu,on0 has been secured. A quarter section of land, eight miles from Mindeii, was sold for $10,000. This is not very well improved, so that the price of tho bare land would be about $100 per acre. According to the mortgage record for the month of March there were forty-seven farm mortgages llled with the recorder for the last thirty days, amounting to $171,4.10, and fifty-six were released, amounting t o$151,(it!4. York has a "window peeper" whom the authorities have thus far been un able to apprehend. Hastings and Kearney are under consideration by the workers' institute of the Seventh Day Adventlsts for the location of the next state camp meeting of that denomination. Hast ings has, perhaps, the larger support by reason of tho fact that tho state Adventlst headquarters are located there. Relatives living in Polk county have received a telegram from Ashton, Idaho, stating that James lioness had died after an illness of a few months. Mr. lioness was among the earnest settlers In Polk county, having come there in the early seventies and home steaded a farm nine miles southwest of Stronisburg. The Fremont postoftlce has passed the $lo,fi(io limit for receipts and will undoubtedly be made an office of the first class after July 1. The receipts for the last year were $10,:? 1.1.50, an increase of $1,500 over the preceding year. The net earnings were $24,UOO. There are but three other first-class offices in the state, Omaha, South Omaha and Lincoln. Fireman Frank Larson of the North western, who last year received a medal for his heroism in saving the life of a little child near Exeter by standing on the pilot and snatching her from the track, may, in addition, receive a cash bonus from the Car negie hero fund. The trustees have written to Engineer Otis Gardner of Fremont for further Information In regard to the act. Governor Shallenborgor has ap pointed the following to be members of the new State Normal board: W. H. Green of Crefghton, democrat; term expires 101 0. N. N. Graham of South Omaha, democrat; term expires 1911. Edward L. Adams of Minden. populist; term expires 1!H2. Frey Nye of Kear ney, democrat; term expires 191!!. Thomas J. Majors of Peru, republican; term expires 101 1. The move of the fanners of Merrick county to build a line of six elevators has finally reached a stage where it. is assured that the project will be car ried through, and before another sea son has rolled around the farmers will be handling their grain products through an elevator system all their own. At a recent meeting articles of Incorporation, modeled after those used by the farmers' elevator system in Rufl'alo county, were adopted and it was decided to Incorporate with n capital stock of $.'0,000. A statewide movement has been In augurated in the interest or Hastings college which is expected to place that Institution upon a safe financial basis. At a meeting of tho trustees an amount su Indent to moot one-third of tho pres ent outstanding Indebtedness was pledged, and it is believed tho re mainder will be forthcoming soon. The campaign over the state will have as its object the provision of funds an nually to make up tho difference be tween tV income from the endowment and tuition and the expense of opera tion. Governor Shnllenberger has signed tho daylight saloon bill, nnd on and after July 1, next, It will bo In effect In Nebraska. Liquor men are much disappointed and temperance, people correspondingly elated. Pert Taylor, alleged murderer of Pearl Taylor, his sister-in-law, nar rowly escnped death at the hands of the rather of tho Minden girl ns be was about to board a train for Lincoln, where ho Is being held for safe-keeping. Douglas Taylor, father of the murdered girl, pulled a revolver nnd nlmi d It at Port Taylor, but was over powered before bo could shoot. A DAYLIGHT SALOUN THIS HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE LEGISLATURE. VOTE IN THE HOUSE IS CLOSE Put Through, It is Said, as a Measure of Retaliation Against Omaha Legislators. Closing hours of the legislature were marked by passage by the house of tho bill by Senator Wiltse, amend ed, to close all saloons in the state at 8 o'clock In the evening and to open at 7 a. m. The bill was at once taken to the senate and the amendments concurred in there. The bill received 51 votes in the house. "The action of the legislature." says the Omaha Hoe correspondent, "in passing this temperance measure at the last minute of the last day of the session after killing a 7 o'clock closing bill, is credited to the Omaha Bot'jitors. The action of the senators in standing out for the interest of the stock yards angered many mem bers of the bouse, who took the op portunity to get even. Gov. Shallen berger also came in for his share of credit because he Vetoed the Fot Crook bill and thus lost one vote ngalnst the 8 o'clock c losing measure. When the bill was discussed in the house the day previous it was amend ed to leave Omaha out entirely, but after the report of tho conference? committee on tho physical valuation bill and its adoption by the house, Omaha was at once put back in the Wilts.; bill In retaliation. "That the news came as a shock to Omaha expresses tho feeling mild ly. It was not believed that the bill could be passed, and when it was given out early in the evening that it had been passed the surprise of everybody soon gave way to a feel ing of wonderment as to what would be the outcome. It means a crush ing blow to the brewery and saloon men or the city, and tho hotels and restaurants will also suffer. Thejter parties will have to go to the restau rants before seeing tho play if they want to sip a glass of wine or beer; the lobster or the rarebit will, if taken after the play, have to be ac companied by pure water or a cup of coffee." The bill originally provided that saloons which sold liquor on Sunday should lose their license and the house judiciary committee amended It to close the saloons nt 8 o'clock. Senator Wiltse brought up in tho senate the matter of concurrence In the house amendments to S. F. 28.", during the afternoon and It was pushed to vote with scarcely a word of debate. Woman's Suffrage Defeated. The senate put the last, touch or de feat to the efforts of the suffrage workers when II. R. 421, by Taylor of Custer, providing for municipal suf frage for women owning property was not advanced to third reading. Signed by Governor. The following bills were signed by the governor: House Roll 112, by Fries of Howard One mill levy for building or repair ing bridges In emergency case. House Roll 131, by Itownian of Nuck olls Forbidding intimidation of vot ers. House Roll 242, by McVicker of Dodge Providing for publicity of campaign contributions. House Roll 270, by lllystone of Lan casterAppropriating $l.0ii0 for main tenance of the G. A. R. rooms at tho state cnpitol. House Roll M7. by Taylor or Hitch cockProviding for resurvey of tho fifih guide meridian through Dundy county. House Roll 12:1, by Cotnnilitee on Schools Appropriates $75.ono for state aid to weak school districts. House Roll 150, by Thomas or Douglas Raising salary of Douglas county district court bailiffs to $1,200 a year. House Roll 2::o, by Miller of Custer Providing for transmission of pro scribed coursc or study to teachers. House Roll 254, by Smilh of Cass Providing for f pedal levy for tho pur pose of erecting school houses. House Roll 5X!, by Wilson of Polk Provides for rochnrter of national banks under state law and for permit ting national banks to la so advantage of state guaranty law. House Roll 4. by F.vans of Hamilton - Provides for settling grain shipment damages. House Roll 10. by Stoecker of Doug lasProvides for electing members of Omaha school board by wards. House Roll 114, by Taylor of Hitch cock Provides that Judgments may not bo revived after being dormant for live years. House Roll 170, by Unshoe of Kim hnll Provides for the appointment of Held superintendents to measure water to users In Irrigation districts. Closing Hours of Legislature. The closing hours of the senate were calm and ncnoorul. that body In dulging In no undignified antics while waiting for tho engrossing clerks to complete their work so adjournment could be taken. Not so with the house. Speaker Pool was presented with a gold watch by the members nnd employes, nnd after this was off Its hands the lively times com menced. At 0 o'clock Friday It was Been the engrossing clerks could not complete their labo's, and a recess was taken until S o dock Saturday. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Attorney James P. Whit la aud fam ily, including Willie Whitla, who re cently was kidnaped, returned to their homo In Sharon, Pa., from Atlantic City. Postmaster General Hitchcock has approved a rectangular design for a special issue of stumps on June 1, commemorative of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. . The identity of Mrs. lioyle still re mains a puzzle to the detectives and they nro sending broadcast pictures of the woman in the hope of learning something alit'mt her. Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, former minority loader in the house, has accepted the invitation to deliver the commencement address on Juno 10. before the University of Nebraska. Great damage was done by a tidal wave that swept over the islands of Phlotonga and .Moorea on March 15. according to reports brought by the .steamer Mariposa which arrived at San Fn.neiseo. Collector l.oeb announced that the American Sugar Kenning Company of N w York lias completed payment of the dut.v duo the government on (lie re-liquidation of its sunar entries. The amount was $l.2:!0.nss. The Iowa house indorsed the special invcsHgaiing committee's sensational report on cruelty to inmates ol slate ...mIuiiis ami denied the, formal re quest of the state board of control to make a statement as to the facts. Chief of Police Charles llruhaker and Policeman G. It. Johnson were ar rescd ami jailed at Fiugorahl, Ga.. on a charg" ot murder in the lirst degree for i lie killing of Robert Gieslmm, vliiim they were trying to arrest. Tile interlocutory judgi-ient giving to .lesHo Kei Taylor, daiight'T of .lames I!. Keone. a decree of divorce from Talbot .1. Taylor on statutory grounds, was allinned by the appellate division of the supreme conn of New York. Col. George A. Sanders, an attor ney widely known throughout Illinois, and for many years prominent in Re publican politics, died at his homo in Springllold. He served as assistant state treasurer during throe adminis trations. A giani steel girder with an Ameri can II tg attached was swung into place over the middle of tin- East river ami marked tile connection nf tho great steel superstructure of tho .Manhattan bridge, the fourth of the spans link ing .Manhattan Island and Long Island. Charles .MeConnayghv. former cash ier of the Moiitiecllo (Ky.i Citizens' National bank, was indicted in the United Slates court at Covington, on 12 counts, involving a total of about $15.UiMi. Embezzlement, misapplica tion of funds and falsifying of entries are alleged. The committee appointed by Gov. Hughes to Investigate methods of stock ami commodities trading in the Now York financial district has com pleted Us inquiry and will hold no more bearings of any kind. Its re port, will be read for submission probably about April 21. MICHIGN"DRY'llCT0RS. Nineteen Out of Twenty-Seven Coun ties Oust the Saloon Republicans Carry State Ticket. Dolioil. Mich., Apr. 0 Nineteen out of the 27 Michigan counties which held option elections yesterday wenl "dry." Eleven counties having gone "dry" in previous clot lions. 51 are now in the "wot" list. The Republican ticket was elected by an estimated majority of 75,fiuo. Women took great interest in the elec tion of school trustees, on which they are permitted to vote. Ex-Lawmaker Held as Eurglar. Richmond, Ya.. Apr. 0. Orel way Puller, a former member of the legis lature, and u prominent young attor ney of this city, was shot early yes ' terday by policemen just after having broken the window of a saloon. He is now in :i hospital under the sur veillance of the police on a charge of burglary. THE MARKETS. N-v Y LI VG SToi'lv-Xi.'.-rs I hiss Sll-ep I'l.ol'lt -WlniiT Slniinbts . WIIKAT-Miiv .Inlv Ci l(N--.liilv lEVK-Nn -1 West. -in ISt'TTKi:- eriMiiict-v KiiliS CIIKKSK .' e'IIHc; CATTI.K - I'n m y St. .... ,M . i 1 1 , r ii to ( ; I St"' r ' . oik. Apr. ti J'i 'it 7 i:. 7 - 'a 7 !i.". i ::i ftt ii j., i 4 '.i , i : t i :n I KV'i t In', "' 'ii u VI 'H i -ii 'a ::ii., i-' 'n n; i.;:r. -n ; ... . :-i in .; ' i" hi ;, '., T" 'it ., ."in ;: .mi in ", -, i M 'ii 7 -I mi 'a i, :i '.i ::i .11 'a ' i ; I V'f :i I'nws, I 1 ; 1 1 li (i l-'nncy C 'll'IH .' I'Y-'.lcl H ("ill . . K I li iS I b n v I'lick.-rs I l"HV y I llllrlnl s lll'TTKU-Ci. ii i v Pitirv I I V K I'lill.TKY r.i;i:tf I 'I iT.VI'e KS ipM- bit. I I 'l.i il'lt - St.i ing WIii-iii, Np'l WIIKAT-Miiy July Coin. Mi.y i lulu, .Mnv I!y.-. M:i .MII.WAt'KUK CH AIN - Wheat. X... 1 N.u'n M.iv C.iii, M.iy, Sliin.liii.l Kye KANSAS CITY, lilt UN- W bent, No.. p,,, N... L' Ked Ciil-n, No. '-' .Mle. lluls. No. '.' Wbite ST. I.C1U1S. !.: 'it i i 'il li l.i. i -' 'ci I I IIV.I I IJ-. s; .M'...'. n 71. Jl :'l 'a I ;'i.J I n't 'ii I M M i MUj i :m ct I :; I :t ii l c, 'i'iV.I lili'v CATTI.K-Native Steels .... T.'X.IM Steers' IP n'.S - I'ii. kers , lliltehers RIHSKP-NiitlveH o.MAIIA. CATTI.K -Niillv. Sioem Ht.ek-ri nml Ki'.xiem.,., CVWH HIM I Ib'lfels , linilS - llellVV " BiiKKi'-wotiHT J:i r.o f(i ; .) 4 i"i if :tr. -it 7 S, I ' 'ui 7 :tn 1 ."ii i,t, ji, H If 9 id I mi u 5 M 3i tf ti .Ml 1 Tfi it 7 is j "' i M) i