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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1909)
Program. did Mr a:i 1 me," Mrs. J. S. Var For V. C. T. U. entertainmer.t unti- lem"'k que. A. O. U. W. hall, April lit, l'J'l'.i, ' Song. "Ruv u," (en costume) at S:li;.)p. m. i Ktlith Divey. Instrumental Music, Miss Gass. i ii:y oatkst-wiiat is it. Song, "When You and I Wire Young Admission, adults irc, children 10c, Magpie, " Miss Tuey and Chorus. "orit -.ii:i.s at school," cast: Miss Discipline, (The Teacher) Mrs. C. S. Johnson Baby Molasses, (The Victim) ' Sally Freckles, (The Dunce) ' Lucy Lockett, (The Bright Girl) ' Mary Gramniiir. Edith Syntax. Belle Geometry Carrie Alphabet. Kuth Algebra. Lillie Division. Mattie Mathics. babies free. Dogs left at home. one o'clock. ing as to the hour set for the eere j monies a delegation fram the Inter I national Brotherliood of Blacksmiths and j Helpers of Havelock arrived too late to ; attend. The party consisted of Nels ; Hawkinson, Mr. Donovan, Otto Le- Song in Four Parts, "The Inebriate's sehinsky, J. NT. Carlson, Gus Carlson, Lament." (Sung by the Baker family Austin Fogerty, John McKinnoy and sixty years ago) Messrs.and Mesdames. Harry Chandler. They brought with Funeral ol Mr. Kennedy. As was announced in the last issue of this paper the funeral of Mrs. James Kennedy occurred Friday afternoon at with that pitiful, chattering thing be inrougnamisun.iersuinu- f01.,. them as an obieet lesson! The Galveston: Bus iness Corporation The Dcepwater Committee met night ly, discussing the community's atr.iirs. They viewed Galveston, :ut as a city at all, but a great ruined business. What ! agency should be selected to reorganize it? Obviously, no mayor and aldermen: ' nut U'ifli tli nu'innrv if t lw tint' nut I Austin and Moore. Song, "The Trundle Bed," Mrs. K. H. Wescott. "The Wrong Cottle," Cast. I'rof. Gibbons, Ben Windham. Larry McGuire, John Falter. Song, "Jennie, the Flower of Kil dare," Miss Lillian Thompson and chorus. Song, (a) "Sweet Spirit Hear my Prayer," b)"The Lords of Creation," Mrs. H. S. Austin. them a most beautiful floral offering. Third Lady Baby. The last istue of the Red Oak (la.) Express announces the birth of the third )ady baby in the family of the . lut ti.ey littlo editor, W. M. Wells, formerly of this F,(,. lh jnip,irta,lt city. Private advice to friends in city are to the effect that mother child are both doing well. this urn! Meyers pumps for sale only at John A speech, "What Signing the Pledge Bauer's. For Hoi Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal! Sure satisfaction every time you lie;ht a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and liht giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Beth telephones. J. V. EGENBERGER MM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM Kunsman & Ramge matter was not to be considered. But ! about a month after the Storm the present commission government was , suggested. Within ten minutes the idea j was approved and adopted, and a com-1 mittee chosen to formulate it. R. , Waverly Smith, a former city attorney ; who suggested the idea, was chosen ; chairman. Two other lawyers - Farrel ; D. Miner, and ex-Congres-tman Walter Greshman -acted with him. There wore hints for the Galveston : government in the commissions of , Washington ami .Memphis, lemiesse, 1 more than hints. important leature ot the s-vs-. tern the committe drew straight from j modern business practice. Now, there can he no doubt of the splendid brutal j vitality of the great business orgat;i::a-; tion. The whole earth is filled with it. j We cannot escape its compulsion eat i ing or drinking, getting up or lying down. Tho problem of the charter committee was to inspire with the force of this strong, live thing, the moribund institution of the city government. But where does this great driving force of the modern business corporation come from? From personality. The corpora ' tion succeeds because it has harnessed to its use the ambition and interest of strong men, by placing upon them in dividual responsibility and authority. The (Sal vest on committee, in the same way, brought into the impersonal, per functory operatio is of city government, the same power of personal interest and ambition-stimulated, not by any empty political preferment, but by the satisfaction of a line and important public service. I The Galveston Commission is a body I of five men a mayor or general mana ger, and four mang.rsof partieula' ; departments. All power resides in the i Commission. A majority vote of the body is final. The mayor is presiding I officer and general director of the I affairs of the city, but he has no power beyond his vote as commissioner, ex ' cept some minor abilities to act in case of emergency. The commissioners must also come to the board for all power to j act. ihe Commission, at its first meet ; ing, divides its departments among its members by vote, under these four heads: commissioner of finance and I revenue, police and fire commissioner, ; commissioner of streets and public property, the water-works and sewer age commissioner. The mayor is elected ' specifically for his office, but the com- missioners are not. But, though the division of departments is under the , charge of the board, the public are practically certain, when they cast j their votes, of the office each man will assume. In fact, the men who now serve were chosen because of special j fitness for their work. The elections j to the board are, of course, at large, i and the whole body is elected together j every two years the election taking I place in May, a time as far removed as j possible from the time of other elec ! tions. '; You must understand exactly the ! function of these commissioners, for j this isvery important. They are not j superintendents in any sense although j they aro salaried men, the mayor re- ceiving 2,000 and each commissioner 1 $1,200 a year; they are governors or i managers of departments. First of all, ,' each represents his department in the j board. They outline its policy there as I specialists in its affairs, and all ues ' tions concerning it are referred to j them for their opinion. All matters of the daily conduct of their departments I are under their supervision. They are I in much the same position to the city I that the British ministry is to the i affairs of England. Their superinten i dents under them take the manage j merit of the routine. They simply ad- i vise and direct. The work, consequently, i in all but the largest cities, will not be so ; great but that it can be undertaken by j most business men. Varied amounts of time will, of course, he given it, ac cording to the temneraminit of tho in. The Seattle Exposition. Very low excursion rates will make dividual in charge, but the daily avcr it possible for you to make the most interesting railroad journey in uire n0L.,i not be large. As a matter of the world at an extremely reasonable cost; only slightly higher , fa(.t, the Galveston commissioners give through California. Plan now. it more time than they would if they Rocky Mountain Resorts. After June 1st very low round trip were not so actively interested in their rates will be make to the delghtful resorts of Scenic Colorado, to work. the Uk Horn Mountains, including haton Pros, lamous ranch re MEAT MARKET carry the finest stock in their line in Cass county. Choice Steaks, Chops, Roasts, etc., always on hand and an ex cellent line of delicatessen, fancy sausages, etc. Both Phones. UWMimHHMMlHIMMmiHMHMHHmtHH f Y t Y y y Y Y Y V Furniture That Pleases Y t Old Winter with his reign of ice and snow will soon be gone. Those chilly blasts will be a thing of the past. Spring with its new demands will soon be here, and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you prices. STREIGHT & STREIGHT A. f y y Y y Y Y f Y Y Y Y V y y y t has bee their hobby, as the libraries and ho-pitals and parks have their thousands of wealthy and successful men thrru'ghout the country. The change i'l the form of government has made this possible. In Galveston, w here the ollice of alderman was a street joke or a disgrace, the ollice of commissioner is a high honor, and an absorbing per sonal interest for its holder. This is the class of men who do the city business of Galveston: the first mayor-president was Judge W. T. Austin, for years one of the leading attorneys of the city. His death, in the fall of r.tO'i, made the first and only change in the Commission up io date. He was succeeded by Henry A. l.andes, a veteran wholesale merchant, with wide and varied interests in local business-affairs. I. 11. Kempner, the com-j missioner of finance, is perhaps the most promising young business man in the city -a banker and active manager : of large business interests. Previous j t his election he was for two years J city, treasurer. 11. C. I.ange, the water words and sewerage commissioner, is an active partner in a prosperous whole-, sale house. Before becoming commis sio ler lie was for a number of years a mcmlu r of the subsidiary board which managed the routine of the water de partment under the aldermen. V. K. Austin, commissioner of streets and public property, is a successful real estate dealer. A. I. Norman, police and fire commissioner, is the secretary and treasurer of a live stock concern, and has seen previous service as alder man. The first two men are wealthy, the third in more than comfortable cir cumstances, and the last two of moder ate means. They are a'l good, clean, representative men. Galveston has at last a really representative govern ment. The Galveston commission govern ment began in September, 1!01. Upon their installation, its members immed iately reorganized the official force of the city. The salaries were not large, but they secured an excellent corps of officers. Albert Ferrier, the expert acountant who unearthed the scandel of the city's 1 o.ika in 1S1M, was made city auditor. Dr. C. W. Trueheart, a veteran physician with a life-long en thusiasm for proper sanitary regula tion, was chosen health physician. John T. Rowan, one of the cleanest and bravest men on the police force, was put at its head. Throughout all the departments the best available men were selected with as much care as for a private corporation. This force still remains intact. Together with the com missioners, whose board has been broken only by the death of Mayor Austin, they form an administration as continuous as that of any business con cern. Galveston, instead of changing managers every two years, has been governed by trained and experienced men. This government has now served live years. It has ceased to be an ex periment. It has had ampie time to prove itself. Its brilliant success is best shown by its financial record. This is stated in a few words. The Commission found the city bankrupt, it has raised its credit to above par. It has saved Galveston one full third of her gross running ex penses. The annual cost of the gov ernment of Galveston has averaged about $;5O,00O. In the four and a half years of commission government end ing February 2S, liioii, a serving of at loast $l,000,000-over $220,000 a year- had been made in comparison, not with the vicious period of the ward alder men, but with the years of the general aldermen, following 1S'J". George Kibbe Turnei in McClure's Magazine. Twice Con firmed Proof Residents of Plattsr"outh Cannot Doubt What Has Been Twice Proved. GO SOMEWHERE YOUR WISHES ARE CATERED Just as you would have them at Iiarnes' restaurant. The viands are of the best, the cuisine is perfect, and our sauces, entrees, fish, meats, oysters, clams, des erts and pies are prepared by exjierts. Our price well, you will sny they are small when you test the culinary gems that we present for your delectation, (iood rooms in connection. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. ESTABLISHED 1871 V V ? ? V V V ? V t ? f ? ? f f The First National Bank --OF Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ::!:!!!: ;' w.vr row iuwxkss, bi: it L?IRC,E OR MfrlLL. We Understand Your Wants and Can Fill Them. MJ '1 1 A feC sib .1. A. A. AAA AAA Wise Talks By the Of fice Boy I was reading in a comic al manac how to make money. It said: You wad a dollar bill up in your hand then lay it out flat and you find it in creases." If you want to make money fast you "take a $2.00 bill, fold it once and you double it; fold it again and you'll find it in- creases four fold; keep on folding it and you will find it increases eight fold and even more." Gee.isn't that fierce? Seems to me if a man wants to monkey with money that way he could do better by coming in here and buying a barrel of National Ginger Snn ob. That's 3 lbs. for 25c. Then you buy a jar of Crosse-lilack-well's Black Currant Jam. That's 25c. Then you Luy a box of Hent's Water crackers, the real skee from Redding, Mass., that'8 :t()e. Then you buy a can of Hurnham's Roston Clam Chowder. That's 2"c. Then you can keep the change and can go home and open up your black currant jam and have your wife fix up a cup of Iiaker'8 cocoa or a cup of Ceylon tea and then you get up early the next morning and open up your clam chowder and your apple butter and, say, you are strictly in it. H.M. SOENNICHSEN V AAAAAAAA sort at Wolf, Wyo.. near Sheridan: the ellowstone Par. either via Cody, Gardiner or Yellowstone irateway: Hot Springs of South Da kota,, Ditf Horn Iiasin points. Thermopolis, Pasin and Worland. Plan Now. To the East. An extensive scheme of excursion rates to the Lakes. Canada and eastern sea-board resorts will be announced prior to June 1st. Plan Now. Information in response to inquiries will be furniseed at the earliest date. Do not hesitate to write us for information and publi cations. State definitely what you want to know. It will be a ri pleasure to assist you to include all available at tractions in your tour east or west. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Aj?ent. Plattsmouth. L. W., (1. P. A., Omaha. Will Hi It is a wide-spread belief -and one of the most hopeless beliefs in the current pessimism concerning city government-that strong and representative men can never again be had for the service of cities. There is an ample supply for the government of libraries and hospitals and board of trade, but none for the vastly more important work of city government. Galveston has contradicted this skepticism suc cessfully, I ler commissioners came into her service, it is true, under the pres-ure of a great calamity; but they still remain, and from present appear ances they will continue some years longer. Tif'ir work interests them; it In gratitude for complete relief from j aches and pains of bail backs-from distressing kidney ills thousands have, j publicly recommended Dean's Kidney1 I'ills. Residents of Plattsmouth, who j so testified years ago, now say their j cures were permanent. This testimony j doubly proves the worth of Doan's Kid ! ney I'ills to Plattsmouth kidney sulTer ! ers. John Janda, Street Commissioner, i . North Twelfth street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I have previously en dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills through the ! local papers and at this time, I do not ' hesitate to confirm all that I have pre viously said about them. We procured this remedy at Gcririg it (Vs. drug ; store and it brought relief from an acute attack of lumbago and various annoying symptoms of kidney trouble after other remedies had failed." For sale by all dealers. Price .".o cents. Poster-Milburn Co., Putl'do, New York, sole agents for the I 'niUd States. Remember the name - Doan's-and take no other. v I i One of the Kun.-man iv de livery horses became frightened and ' ran away Thursday, The animal fell over a high bank aid was injured so j badly that it had to be killed. t ? ? ? V t t t ? ? ? ? T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y : llcadiiiiurtcn For Sjkiii I din '::. Athletic Goods, hasp Jialh, lints, (i loirs, Mills, Masts, etc., this wawn at Herold Book & Stationary Store liny Spauldino-'s Pase Pall Goods. There is none none "just as pood." Peware of the "just as good" dealer who makes "appear ance" first and "quality" secondary, and of fers the customer the "just as pood" article when Spauldinps are asked for. Full Line of Fishing Tackle. I'Yish shipment of Red Pand Prand Candies just received from New York. See window display of these 20 cent candies which ac are selling at 12 ccnt a pound. Head all the latest copyright !?1.")0 books for HI and V) cents. New arrivals, "The Pound l.Tp," "Serventin thellouee." "Lewis' Pand," "The Man in Lower 12," "The Proiue Pell.,' "The Yoke." "The Music Master." "51-40 or "Fipht," "Red Mouse," "The Missioner." lie sides about 1200 other books of recent popular fiction for rent at 10 and 15 cents a week. Herold Book & Stationary Store One Door West of Fanner's. t t r r v V r r ? t f T f r r ? ? Y -t ? ? y T y y t y t r y r r y r A Y y y y y y Y t y y t y y y y y y T y t y y y y y y y y Y y y y y y y