I T Spend a Pleasant Hour at X i The Cosy Corner ; TOM TROOP. ruoniiKroR THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL t Misery in the Stomach I 1 And Indigestion Vanishes in Five Minutes. ! Why Twice Con- ; ! firmed Proof Can Yoa Pronounce "Hawaii?" Hawaii has hem It:;i enough a purl of the Vrv States to he pro;-.. nm-ed I .v; r!y hy every American, and yet f'. w on the mainland seem to he sure ; i of themselves when they have occasion ' Residents of PlattSPOllth Cannot to u-e A A A A A A A' A A I our one in.-uiar i about the worst hy a prominert who recently in S I. F. COOS. Prop. lot start now today, and fur- ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble 1 and Indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the blues and grumbles. (lives it a rood eat, then take Pape's Diapepsin to start the digestive juices working. There will he no dysrcp.-ia or belching- 'of Cas or eructations of undigested ,r.,:ioiinced therefor nearly "Hali-wy- the name of Ter;it"ry. Probably res i;t wa-i attained member of CongrtMs, course of debate on the tloor of the House referred a number of times to ilay-waw-waw." The letter A in Ha- j waiian is always trivon the Roman ! sound, m in "ah," while "i." always has the sound of "?." "Hawaii" is When in l'lattsmouth tret your X ilinncr at X J Thc lPerkins House i iluthmann & Cory. Props. ee, witii accent on ine miuuic s)iuiua' or "Hah-vy-ee," some authorities hold ir, that "w" should always take the sound of "v". The letter "o" always has the sound as in the word "no, "and the pronouueiiition of the name of the capital city of the Territory is "Ho-nu-lu-1 l" and not "llon-olu lu," as gen erally Fpoken by the unglosaxon. C. A. RAWLS ATTORNEY Offices in First National bank bhlg- VC PRINT I SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT bailey & mm THE DENTISTS Utrt 50iliiitf tli;k-Grii Drntl t v 8asn iiit Ciltf . hut-1 nnippf d li'tiul Of fir la tfl M 'Jtlit West. ccii Discounts to citt wiiito Sil F.'oot l mti ii l..k . I'ti. V fnriiniii. CirtHA. NEB. food; no feclimr like a him; of lead in the stomach or heartburn, r-i.-k headache and dizziness, and yoar food will not ferment and poison your brei.th with nauseous odors. I'ape's Diapepsin co-ts o:dy 50 cents for a lar;;e case at any drug- store here, and will relieve the most obstinate , ease of Indigestion and Upset Stomach ; i in five minutes. ',' ! There is nothing olio bettor to take ? j Gaa from Stomach a::d cleanse the tbTclSkcl . j stomach and intestines, and be;-idos, i one trianirule will digest and prepare ! for assimilation into the blood all your X food the same as a sound, heal.hy stomach would do it. i When Diapepsin work?, your stomach rests - ets ltseli in order, cleans up -I and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat I will do you tfood. ' Absolute relief from all Stomach Mi.-iery is waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. ; Tell your druggist that you want Pape's J Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of Indigestion. Out West Of-VV PONC3 CF THE ANCIENTS. ; Description of Prehistoric Methtd cf Obtaining Wnter Sepp'y. j One of the pnl.is'oiie method used j In needling a water sun; ly ii .-"cliois A. L. LAWYER to Vh' on References: Hank of Eagle. Faglo. Nthawka Bank, Nehawka. Hank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank,(rtenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. oeuve li i! b - elevate.! I iv tho con 'IT. .-o dew Howing out FACTS I The news items of the home com munity. J The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. ThrM ara the kid of fact this paper fM rou in rj iiiuc. Thej ara certainly worta taa ubacriplion prica. I ivboio it was i..!'Hissi'.:'( f'M.iu ural so iv.-i s. cr j ranie r.c'et 1 ::i y t live I ritoi y for defer. i- vas i si. in tion i f (:.i'w i ri'..;s. : liitsds wi r uiy-ie by !i. j the ear'h for a ;;'.( e far in :."'. of 'the ni.ijnro.il ro.-pilK :ni atr. of s.i'h pond, then thickly covr:in the whole i of the hollow with a coating i f straw The Miaw In Us tiuri was eovrred by ja layer of will olio;; ::i. f.;nly pud I died clay, ar.,1 the upit r nirfaee of j the ol.iy closely strf.vn with s'oiu h. I Such a ond will riad.u.i'.y becom'1 fdled with wan-r, tin- :: ire rai.iiily the I larger It is. ev "ii thsuh i.o rain maj ! fall. During th.e warmth id a sunr.nei (iay the ear'h will 'slu:e a consddera'.de i amount of heat, while (he jsoml. prf- ti etc d from the hir;t by the i.oncoa I duetivliy of the rtrw. hi at thf sar.i" I timo rliilled l:y the p.v.eij-s ut va'ouv ! lion from the j.a !i';'.i d day. 'flu; con si-iiuence is thai dutlns the :i!--:ht the ' tnoisture of the c itr, r.rat Ivi iy va .;). , air Is eor.d"iiseil on the surface i f ti." i col l clay. As the com'.e-.ra'.ion inviu ;. ' the ni.'d'.ts is in xc-ss of the ova;)or.e ; tion darlns the day. the J end liero:i;-.. ' nljrht by til'tlit, fnudttaily hilcJ. I'i.pu ' lar Mechanics. Si'o;;.Ni', Wa.-ii., April 7. -University of Nebraska Club of Spokane i!e dided at its annual meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P.erkey in Cliir Park to have its spring outing at Hay.len Lake, Idaho, on Mayl. These oliicers were elected for the year: President, Clarence Kerkey; vice presi dent. It. I,. PaUon; secretary, Miss Helen Dean; treasurer.W. K. Sampson. Following the election and installa tion of oliicers, the members of the club gave a farewell parly for Miss Hdna Hullock, librarian of the South Central High school. The program carried with it th college spirit and was highly interesting. There was a life-size portrait of President i.. U Andrews in the reception hall, while ttie college colors, scarlet and cream, were everywhere in the decora! ions. The toast list follow:;: Original verse, Mrs. Clarence P.erkoy; "Nebraska," Miss Hullock; "Skeaj pa;f," John It. Pender; "Reminiscences of Newby," K. L. P.atton; "L. T. T. 11. W. A. M.," Clarence Perkey, and "The Nebraska Club," Miss Helen ,H)ean. The auting at Hay den Lake, which is in the heart of a government forest reserve in northern Idaho, 42 miles from Spokane, will include boating and trout fishing, also tennis and golf on the new grounds, and there will be an old-fashioned dinner in Kozanta tavern, followed by music and dancing. The partv will travel in a special train over the electric line, and it is expected to have several prominent Ncbraskims as guest h. Doubt What Has Keen Twice Proved. In gratitude for complete relief from , aches and pains of bad backs - from ! distressing kidney ills - thousands have I publicly recommended Doan's Kidney) Pills. Residents of Plattsmouth. who ' so testified years ago, now say their j cures were permanent. This testimony doubly proves the worth of Doan's Kid ney Pills to Plattsmouth kidney suffer ers. John Janda. Street Commissioner, North Twelfth street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I have previously en dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills through the local papers and at this time, I do not hesitate to confirm all that 1 have pre viously said about them. We procured this remedy at tiering & (Vs. drug store and it brought relief from an acute attack of lumbago and various annoying symptoms of kidney trouble after oilier remedies had failed." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Poster-Milburn Co., Huffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name--Doan's ami take no other. 88-4 SPENT MUCH FOR Ef.'E ROIDERV Napoleon I. Had Cc3t!y Coranatior Robe ar.d Throne. An eld l'ailshin firm which deal In embroideries mid nipi lied artistic needlework to the ceint of bonis XVI Is still In possession of the account!; of former ccnturioH. and an inspection of these books levi tils some Interest ing faels. Napi leen I. was economical as compared with the Kmpiess Jose phine, but his hills were eon: iderable. The embroidery on his coronation robe cost 10, ."HO francs, mid an em broidered coat cost ::,r.UU. This coat became too small for him afier he had worn It a year, and he ordered piecen jf cloth to be inserted at the seaniB and covered wlih embroidery. The bill for the first Napoleon's throne amounted to .lll.'tTO francs. The outer drapery of purple velvet trimmed with Kohl lace cost 10,200 francs. The red velvet panels were itrewn with embroidered golden bees at live francs ai.lere. The Inner drapery of blue satin, with gold lace was iU'.OO francs, and t lie gob! em broidered HtrlnoH for the Inner trim- niliiR cost S.fiOO francs. The em broidery on tho blue velvet cushion cost 3,020 francs, and the foot cushion 1,200. In addition there were l.or.O beeg einbrohh-red on the panels of tha caoiopy at a cost of 5,250 francs. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y f v t Y Y Y Y a A A A A ' Watches ad Jewelry Are in our line and we handle them extensively, so we can show the finest line in Cass county, excepting none. We have a fine line of bracelets, hat pins and umbrellas which would be suitable for Easter. Also the celebrated Elgin, VVaitham, Ham ilton and Howard Watches of which we have a full line. If you are interested in anything in the jewelry line drop in and see us. JOHN W. CRABiLL, C. B. & Q Watch Inspector. Rexal 93 Hair Tonic Grows hair on 03 heads out of every hundred. 50G and 93 Rexall Shampoo Paste is the ideal shampoo for the hair and scalp. Sold by 1 WOULD FUSE WITH THE ORIENT. IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeaker's for your turnout. M.E.MANSPEAKER Jones' Old Livery Barn Sovonlh & Main Sin. l'lutlsmouth. Nob. A Luj-Jt.-i v yttstiOrt. I Supi'rin'eru'.c A Mi l.avt-n of San "r?ne!s 'o's r.v'rm of .;i pa: k" was. .1 sp etl"S 'ho work i f resk .rii.s l':ilor u.uare tr i's fcrn.f . r hea dy, now tha! the Huh' St. Francis l:a'i l.eon re' moved. "I'm for heavln' this un out; It's a bam little biisli." reiri'ikid a Hiudev er wi'h a l)iuf:r:'. "Which or.f?" Inquired McLaren "You don't r.ean this beautiful little Scotch heather? All it needs Is inert water and It will grow as tail as you are." "You're not so tall yourself, Mr. M Karen." "Not extraordinarily so." "I say. Mr. McLaren," reflected th pnrdener, thoughtfully, "did yon ever try v.a'er yourself?" San Fraticlscrt Chrntilcln ,j Slaughter of Vermont Deer. While the open season for deer In Vermont, which closed recently, is only one week, it is estimated by cor respondents of Hoston papers that two thousand animals fell victims to hunters' suns. The fiverase total of doer killed In past years, Kince the open week was established, Is 700. Fnder the Vermont law hunters are allowed to whoot only one deer each. kVritcr Declares That Out of Action Would Come a Better Race. In many rcsj et ts ihe orientals are our auMthesis, and If our ideals, prin ciples, and im-iituti.-.im are more n iieiieient. we are under obligation 10 present theiu. There should be no eellhlon between the Mongol and the Anlo-Saxou races, hut Instead there should be a fusion. Out of this fusion there should emerge a belter race. We can learn much from the various people of the orient which would be beneficial to ourselves, and while we receive from them we am able to contribute the one great principle of ihe Anglo-Saxon lace, namely, liberty. Every race that has come Into power and prominence has rtood for some great, overmastering idea. That for which we stand and which Is the swat totichsioiip of our great national life Ii liberty. It Is for our nation, as tho g'-eat western wing of the Anglo Saxon race, to join in the extension of this principle, and also to hear the mes sage of peace. Mason S. Stone, Com missioner of Education of Vermont, lu l.esliui Weekly. "1 C. . MiRSHHL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable , All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Oflice in f itzgeraia uiuck F. G. Fricke Co. The llexall Agent. . TO SEND BACK SHIP'S SOUNDS. I I I w m Want Column i WANTED. V A N T E 1 ) - M a n a ger for Itram h ollice we wish to locate nere in naus mouth. Address, The Morris Whole sale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. S:5-S f j V f f V V Y X v T V V i- Spring Is Here Al Last We are prepared with a nice line of the la test styles in ladies hats. One will have to see our our display of Easter millinery to realize their beauty and the astonishing low prices at which they go. Our lines of Dry Goods of all kinds is full of money sav ing bargains as well as all other goods. (Jive us a call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. Just received a line of Men's Pants. W. WA IN TR O LIB t Y Y: Y Y t f Y v f Y Y Experiments with New Safety Dsvico for Foggy Weather. The Tubed States poverniuiiit Is ex irimeiiting in San Francisco bay with a safety device for foggy weather which Is remarkable In ihe tuibiuotiers of its Idea. It Is nothing less 'bun a fog buoy which will make no n dso of Us own, but whbh will be oxpeet-d to catch the sound waves of a ';:-.d'u uhl-l!e and echo ihi in back acioss tho water. The buoy, or structure. Is construct ed of ec.ri iicated Iron shee'ing. placed n piles, and built In three wings pluci d at itil'f'Te'it angles. Kaeli wiie; Is Ii- feel sipiare. The Idea was given birth accidental ly. There has always been much trouble In the u,iper part of San Eian clscn hay because the shore lights cannot be seen when I lie weather Is bad. Pilots and skippers began to no tice, however, how i leal ly tin? orru gated steel w.t. chouses a. oeild Inicla returned the sound of their whistles, ni.d for some time base been guiditn; their way along by the echoes. Tim government is confident that the new bin ys will net in the same manlier. WANTED - Ag-ents to handle ood close in addition property to Musko gee, () ;. For particulars address Schauta & Crabtree, Muskogee, Ok. S(i-:i CK.AR SAI.KMAN WANTED - In ' your locality to represent us. Ex-1 perietice unnecessary; ?110 per month i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y t f Y ESTABLISHED 1871 The First National Bank -OF Plattsmouth, Nebraska. : i:ixr youii fit'sx'Ss, be it We Understand Your Wants and Can Fill Them. ind cNpenses. Write for particulars. ' VVWVVW Monarch Ciar Oomj. any, St. Louis, Missouri. H "i t. "Id I "fib. ;di r.ncliiicj the Trou'cte. .::l1:I j ou we. i ii'race.l ?" . I was-- for a w 1 . ; )'."" ; !i' i b i uw j in TV" no. I tor.Tid out Mi'- had an '!" II off.' .?:iii I'EU WEEK and expenses to men with rig; to introduce poultry and stock remedies. Experience mini ces sary. Reliable company and exclu sive territory g;ivon. The (Irani Co., Dept. !:;, Spring-field, III. TS-12 WANTED - Young-men and women to (ill positions paying .:(.! i to $HHU per annum. I'i(j demand for stenograph ers in the (lovcrnmcnt service, as well as in irivate business life, (tur new method of teaching" shorthand by mail insures as thorough ar.d practical a training; at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business colleice in the country. We guarantee success Complete com .o for .mall cah pay ment; balance to I e pai l when you secure a posit ion. Trial hum free. Cent i ul llusine,- Institute, Central liuil liniT, Wn-hinrC:i, D. C. f Y Y Y Y Furniture That Pleases Old Winter with his reign of soon begone. Those dully blast- past. Spring with its new demands w and vou will need, some new furniture. ice and tnow will .. .:i I l. . .. ,,t' , u, . S Will UL .1 llllllj; VJl lllir soon be here. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which art sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer, ine our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you prices. STREICHT & STREIGHT t V T t f Y T T Y t T Y t f t Y Y v A. t AAA A T f f t I f Y Y Y t x