KmSGCMH Y f f V Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y v f Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y t Y T Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V f Y v t Y Y Y v t Y Y Y v Plaftsmouth Telephone lfttlll f ilU,ll m n m m r M U UN nn 8 8 HI T IIKUK is :i yeneral rush l'r yoo( I r li 1 iiiini investments made. :ire tawi larin lands tliat may lie umii' men and older one; advantage of t lie oppi H'ttlllit ies offered to yet purchased at a liyure that will yield a I a rye . of moderate means who do not own a lioine. farms he fore prices are not too hiyh. Farm d. lands yenerallv that are desiraUe are advauciny at the rate of from to '. an acre each year on ae eoiintoflhe t hoiisands ami t hoiisands of hoineseeker-, now on the move. ( 'oniinou sense dictates that the price of these lands Will soon he lieyolld the reach of the men who have hut a few hundred dollars to as luisiness men. professional men. w aye-earners and fanners who have surplus cash are htiyiuy them for t he purpose of speculation. At present there is a SI if to .) an acre. There is much, also, in the more to s"iil an acre. ( )V is t he 1 inie toycthiisy. Ifyoiihavi of t he sui'e and rapid advance. ot of excellent farm laud that can he purchased at from liekly set tied disi riets which can he secured at from i'J.'t Hid let others reap the helielit he price don t wait IN ALBERT, CANADA. A kiryc Alherta" where hundreds have paid I'oi her of Cass county men have purchased farms in Sunny Southern heir s,") hind in one sinyle season. This land may he secured hy pay- in y only ( IvTFA'TI I down, the ha lance in nine equal annual payments. Or it may lie purchased on t he CU( ) payment plan. Seeiny t his e. u it r is all that is necessary to like it. We need kit refer you to those who hav. I u on the land auk know whoreof thev sneak. These lands are THE DAKOTAS. We have some splendid proi osit ions in hot h Nort li and South Dakota. selliuy. for the most part at from irL'K to s:;d ;m acre and are a splendid investment. IN NEBRASKA. If you wish to invest in cheaper land, there is much of it in our own stale that may he se cured at from to .spj an acre. And then there is a lot more at from ,slMo s" which will advance in price very rapidly, makiny the investor a neat sum on his money. There is a line tract of irriyated laud in the newly oryani.eil county of Morrill, t he county seat of which is I Jridyeport . t hat is very dcsirahle ;md which is selliny at a rapid rate. This is well worth lookiny into he fore it is too late. IN TEXAS. Tais yreat state, t which tin- settlers are yoiny in vast numhers. has a future of which few of us dream. We are sellmy lit acre Irakis, and as much laryer as desired, in Anderson county at Sli an acre, one tent h down a ud t he ha la nee on easy terms. This is a yreat sect ion for nearly all kinds of fruits and veye taUes. Several crops may he raised on the same yreiind each year, iiiakiny the owner yreat protits on his in vestment. The climate is I'avoraUe. Call at our office for further particulars ahoiit this and other propositions. It pa vs to take a I it t le t ime t o iu est iyate and t hus lind out what t here is to he hail in t he w ay of real estate in vest nn 'lit s. Monev in ested iii yoi mI laud is not only safe hut it will yield a handsome profit . Scores of people in Cass county can recall the time when they could have puivhas"d whole quarter sections for ili) to s'liin that are now worth from sli;.uoi to ; I'li.non. Dear in mind that the I'lKST and TIIIIM) Tuesdays of eacli month are KXCL'ltSloX days, when special rates niav lie secured to most anv section von imyht care to visit. UMMmrnnniMrroaM MWftMMMAVI h A oates jLsAq I Block. Olliro 127 Hcsi'li i i .' C2 mm Y Y Y Y t X Plaftsmouth, Nebraska. T v