I Y - - -a - - f ""Mi IM .. , MM- , , ,--f ) A V t Y v a. VEY&SON u pi Are You Preoared For Easter? i f 1 1 X Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y 'V Y Y Y Y t Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y There is only a few days left in which to prepare, so you had better hurry. Come and see our display ot Spring Millinery. Well dressed women are getting anxious to discard their winter hats. The. first bright days will tempt out hundreds of charming hats in lighter styles. The prism of fashion has scattered rays of in spiration into every nook and corner of our mil linery parlors. Come, let us show you our line. i iW Wooilex and Sunshine Garments Our 'ooi(e and Sunshine fiarnieiils :.iv i'f hand:-omo ap pearance, cul. ;!nd lit. The ipiaht v Ml these earnioi'ls nio nl' t!ie host, each piece is cut 1'V an expel t. Tht se .m nv nts are put ih. r l'.v ( p( r!.--, ami tliey show tiiat expert work lias luvn (1!;. upon t !iii;i ly their tasteful ami stylish appearance. Kwrv woman could improve her npiicaiv.ncc hy i ill t t lliv olio of I i. . 1 1 hose carircius. e nae a nui line of :..'. h kinds which we would he rlad to sliow you. 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V f Y Y Y v t Y Y Y f Y Gloves Nearly ecry lady linyiiv.v a pair of line ( 'nt ion or Silk (!!ot s knows that t liey iiMiallv ."i' way at the linvvr tips first. We have put in a larrt line of the Kaysej- (ilovcs. which are I'liarautced to wear. The claim is that the liinver tips will outwear the t'.loves. Madras We have lately received a small lo( of erv pretty patterns, oimin.T in 1 and IM yard leii",t hs. Von should see these -oods. A 'JHc value, our price 12k FINE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Our lino of Muslin I'lulerwoar is from one of Iho largost and most ivli;ilh linkers in tho country. All up-to-datv in quality and trim mings at prieos which will surprise you. downs, embroidery and i;uv trimmco fiSe, 7-V, Sik-, $1.(( and up. Skirts, omhrnidory and lace trimmed, a beautiful line, from $1.01) to S.()0. Drawers and Corset Covers i:t from LJ."c to $1.00. Sunburst Silks! A.uain we have .added ;i well assort ul line of colors in the well known Sutiburst Silk. This is most heauuiui, hotii in color and texture. IVic v 35c Skirls We are showing exceptional values inoiirNew Spring Petticoat.".. Pine (!in.".ham Skirts at ' Tmc to A heautiful line of lleatherhloomSkirts, handsomely made; some of (hem cm hroidercd miles and silk nillles. Von should see them to appreciate them. TKe D Kj Jf KX Jt ent Store Y f Y v t 1? P YEYa SON ; v xl Si Clljf IsClIOD, IS i I: twpiiu;7RTST!arre. . " n"- y i rL : . v,;,. ' 1 " " " c Whether you were pleased or not the thing to do now is to set your faco to tho future and make a lonp;. strong pull all together for a better Plattsmouth. The Nows-Herald de sires to take this opportunity of thanking the public for the very excellent business that has been our portion and to make the declaration that while the result of the election was not just exactly to our liking,-since the smoke of battle has cleared away, we find that our smile is still on straight, and we're looking to the future calm in the confidence that Nebraska is the best state in the union. Cass is tho best county in the state, and Platts mouth is the best city that the sun ever shown on and that her prosperity can in no wise be interrupted by so small a thing as a city election. In the meantime if you're in the mar ket for anything in the advertising or job printing line, the News-Herald is still doing busi ness at tin? same old stand both phones-and a call will bring a representative; to your place ot business. :1bc plattsmouth V ......... VV V News Herald v v v :' vv vv v .; v Y Y v f V f Y Y Y Y Y V t V f Y V f Y f Y Y f I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V f t Y Y v t Y v f f V t V Y V f Y Y Y Y v Z V