3i X f f T Y t t t t T " t Milliner)' Spring Opening Louisville Gleanings 4 Have on display a beautiful lin of Pattern Hats the most popular shapes and designs. Please call and see. sperm! ( orrepotil:i:e I Village election Tuesday. , ' I'rofcsjor Watson was in Omaha Fri 1 day. Miss Latta Scholrr.an is home iVru. Nate Hazt-n was in Omaha Sat- was a visitor in Omaha i wan in Plaits-mouth r-T-.T,.';, V' "Ci. ly ivers1 i J?S SWS. 2H 2 SWfc J? -r" fw. Nk v -tfvvaa, WW-JV. ""JY'V- ; J .'-vVi-.',.. '-..X A "sL h-J:X 'J ; The Late WM. G. ERHART Of Louisville. Mr urdav. Dr. Dailcy Sunday. c. ii. Wood Thursday. j J. H. Meisir.yer was in Plattsmouth Thuririay. J. II. Noyt-d a3 in I'lattsmouth Thursday. Miss Kuth An idso:'i.-uted in Omaha this wetk. 0. Palmer of Lincoln was in town over Sunday. Frank Nichols was an Omaha passen ger Thursday. T. E. Parmele left for Chicago Wed nesday evening. Mr. ar.d Mrs. M. L. Williams was in Omaha Saturday. P. A. Jacobson was a county seat visitor Thursday. Mrs. E. F. Palmer wa3 in I'latts mouth Thursday. La Vern Hoyt of Omaha visited the D. G. Metzger home. Miss Alice Stander Sundayed with her mother in Louisville. V. Hardy was in the capital city over Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Worthman and son, Herlert, were in Omaha Wednesday. Mr. and Mr3. Chas. Serlock of Man by were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Alma Vanskoyoc of Lincoln vibited the Brokiners' Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Seybert and Mrs. Geo. Sales were in Omaha Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Hazen were in Weeping Water Friday evening. Mrs. Depew is sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Reihart. Miss Mildred Brir.gman left for her home at Atchison, Kansas Friday even ing. Mr. Jack Stater wa3 taken to the hospital Saturday morning for an oper. aton. Otis Peterson left Friday for Pierce, Neb , to accept a position in the drug j store. i Emmons Richey of Plattsmouth looked after some business in town Saturday. Miss Sadie Rivitt visited her brother at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Frida and, Saturday. j Miss Marrie Kaufman was called to attend Mr. Benedict of South Bend, ! who is ill. I Mrs. Glover of Gordon. Nth., visited fr m j her daughter, Mri. Chas. E. Noyes over Sundav. was in Cedar Ltr daughter, Mrs. Janic- s Dun Creek Thursday to vi.i: Mrs. J. Wolff. Mrs. C. M. Seybert and two daugh ters ae visiting in Phttsmnuth Thurs day and Friday. Mr. Fred Holtz and Mrs. John Right of Springfield were guests of A. Ma-ters' over Sunday. Miss Anna Bell Moore of Murray was in town Saturday, soliciting votes for the Daily News contest. Mrs. Minnie Ossenko; under went an operation at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha Tuesday for gall stones Mrs. Frank Ra HUtHMHWMMM t )IIM' 4 Kunsman 8 Ramge MEAT MARKET j carry the finest stock in their i i line in Cass county. Choice 5 Steaks, Chops, Roasts, etc., J I always on hand and an ex- i cellent line "of delicatessen, t J fancy sausages, etc. !doth i Phones. X Mrs. J. M. Leek received the sad in telligence the latter part of the week of the death of her mice, Mrs. Letita Weels, at Averd, Oklahoma. No par- Legal Notice. Trunk C. Lindner, defendant, will take notice that on the 27th day of March, l'jttt. Anna D. Lindner, plaintiff herein, died her petition in the District Court of ( ass County. Nebraska, against .1.. I . .L. . .......... ...hik iu ,1 ,.V,;ilr,.r. f 1 tlCUUirS were given as tO the Cause Of u, obtain a decree of divorce, from the defendant. m tniuiren oi . . . .k. jik.uk. k.. c,i. am South Omaha visited over Sunday! Ca refused for more than hix months trior to the . -.i r f c i i j e i i tiling of the petition, to support and maintain the With L. M. .Seybert and family. plaintitf. ulthoush amply able o to do. and to se- wmwAW-v-n-m-i-nri-v : curc tne custody of the three minor children, the E.G. DOVEY a SON Y f t f Gloves Nearly every lady Ituyint? a pair of fine Cotton or Silk Gloves knows that they usually give way at the fin per tips first. We have put in a larpc line of the Kayser Gloves, which are jruaranteed to wear. The claim is that the finger tips will outwear the gloves.- . Madras We have lately received a small lot of verv pretty patterns, coming in 10 and 20 yard lengths. You should see these goods. A 20c value, our price . FINE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Our line of Muslin Underwear is from one of the largest and most reliable makers in the country. All up-to-dare in quality and trim mings at prices which will surprise you. Gowns, embroidery and lace trimmee 58c, Toe, S9c, $1.00 and up. Skirts, embroidery and lace trimmed, a beautiful line, from $1.00 to $5.00. Drawers and Corset Covers ut from 2 to $1.00. Sunburst Silks! Again we have added a well assorted line of colors in the well known Sunburst Silk. This is most beautiful, both in nj- color and texture. Price ui)C f Y t V x z I x X X X Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X x X X X X X x X Miss Gertrude Cole of Weeping Water was a guest at Frank Lugra mer's home latter part of the week. Mr. tnd Mm. Err.ery SteeU cnte; tained a few friends at their home Saturday in honor of Mr. Steele's anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Todd ar.d Mr. and Edd TodJ were in Louisville Wet - nisday to attend the fumral ofj. R. Noyes' baby. Members ar.d friends of the Metho dist Episcopal church tendered llev. Jones and family a greatful surprise in form of a pound social Friday evening at the pamnage. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wood entertained the Whist club Friday evenine at G. H. Wood home. Prizes were given to Mrs. Stevenson ar.d Miss Latta Koor. Thursday evening a party of younp people gave Miss Catherine I'eteMon an April greeting as a surprise at the Shtllhorn home south of town. Dainty refreshments were served and a pleas ant evening was enjoyed by all. A. Vtry sad accident accurred Thuas day afternoon near Fouth Bend Mrs. Jacob Carnicle was scrubbing the! porch with a pan of hot water. The l two year old daughter playing about ! fell into the water, and was badly so scalded that it died soon after. The funeral services were held Saturday morning from the Methodist church conducted by llev. Reiser of Murdock. The German Lutheran church three miles south of the ci:y held special ser vices yesterday. Thj church was beautifully decorated with cut (lowers, and the pastor. Kev. Theodore llarttnan ! gave a special sermon. Special music ; was also prepared for the occasion, i which waj a confirmation service. A j class of eleven were confiimed, as fol-j Ios:Lyd t Puutsch. M dlie Ki rft. Martha Stholman, Mabel Wii.dt, Julia Slhol- m.tr, Edna Mann, George Stholman, ; John Sass, Herman Koeber, Rudjlph ' 1 1 oil ar.d Otto Hartmun. i SCOTCH COLLIES Queen Mills HennelS. V Champion blood of the world. Direct descendants from J. P. Y Morgan's famous $10,000 dog. 1 We nosv have a litter on hand on y which we are making especially attractive prices in I'lattmouth X and vicinity for the purpose of t T l smm (if Hiiid marriuiro t i Youaro roiiuircl to answer said petition on or ut'iore Aionmty. me luiu uuy oi may, ijw. Dated march 21, IM. Anna D. Lindner. 87-8 Plaintiff. Legal State, of Nebraska. County of Cum. Notice. In County Court. intrnrl..i.,.r mif Ktr.,-W ..n thio f I ln.'ne mailer oi mc csta'.e ot Jamea ii, eatney, of tho river. For further infor mation and prices, call on or ad- CARL LINCOLN, I I lid. 'I'hor.e. 7.6 I'acifle Junction. la. 'j n. MILLINERY I am now ready to show up-to-date styles of Spring and Summer MILLINERY. Also Ladies' Neckwear and Notion?. Call and see them before going elsewhere. Opposite postoffice. deccate I. To all persons interested: You aro hereby notified that there has been filed in thin court a petition, alli-Ring amonR other thinrrn that .said Jamoa It. Cathuy. departed this life, intetato, in eaid county on the 9th day of March. ISA seized of both real and personal property. Th prayer of said petition is that said estate he administered and that W. II. Puis be ap pointed administrator of haid estate. You are further notified that a hearinpr will be had upon said petition before this court at I'latts mouth, in said county on the 17th day of April, at ten o'clock A. M. and that, all objections, if any. must be tiled on or beforo eaid day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of paiil county court of said county this 27th duy of March. 130'J. M-6 Al.l.EN J. Bkcson. Seal County Judge. Not ce to Creditors. State of Nebraska , 83. In County Court. Shepherd. Mrs. Julia C. Dwyer Cass County. I In the matter of the estate of Eliza S. dicoasid. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the- Administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platta mouth. in said County, on the 10th day of April, 1909. and on trie 12th day of October, I'JOJ. at 10 o'clock A. M.. ench day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said declared to present their claims, and one year for the Administrator to sctllo faid estate, from the 10th day of April, law. Witness my hand a id seal of said Cuinty Court, at FUttsmouth. Nebraska, this 9tn day of Murch, , Kamsky & Kam.-ey. Alli:n J. Beesom. 1 Attorneys. County Judife. Seai.1 g:.8 TO SEND BACK SH'P'S SOUNDS. Skirts We are showing exceptional values in our New Spring Petticoats. Fine Gingham Skirts at 55c to $1.25. A beautiful line of Heatherblocm Skirts, handsomely made; some of them em broidered rufles and silk ruffles. You should see them to appreciate them. - T -V -W -V -W -W -W - ' " " " v t t -w -w I E. G.D)VEYaSON I Experiments with New Safety Device for Fcggy Weatl.cr. Tlio United Klaien kov.-i mi -rt la ex. rrlnientinK In San Ffar.clsco bay J with a safety device for fo(?K.v v.-i-alhcr ! which is n-markalilo in the nniti-ioncua j of Its Idea. It Is nothing lesa hiin a fog buoy which will n:ake ro r )ian of Us own, hut which will bo rxpfctod to catch tho sound waves of a vpsscI's whistle and echo theni back across tha water. The buoy, or structure, is construct ed of corrugated Iron sheeting, placed on piles, and built In three- wings placed at different angles. Each wing Id 32 feel square. The Idea was given birth accidental ly. There has always been much trouble in the upper part of San Fran cisco bay because tho shore lights cannot be seen when the weather Is bad. Pilots and skippers began to no tice, however, how rlcarly the corru gated steel warehouses around llenlcla' returned tho sound of their whistles, and for some tlnio have been guiding their way along by tho echoes. Tho government Is confident that the new buoys will act In the Bame manner. f ? ? f ? ? f ? f f ? f Y ? ? ? ? ? lisliii Underwear! We are showing a fine line of med ium priced Underwear. CORSET COVERS Made of fine muslin, double stitched, taped seams, trimmed with al Lace and wide In- iws$s$ sertions, each 25c Same as above trimmed with 6 rows of Insertion run ning up and down 3Sc Better grades at each.... 40c, 50c, 65c and 75c. DRAWERS Made of fine grade of mus lin, double filled jeams, hem stitched rutllo or rows of tucking 25c Same trimmed with Lace and Insertion or Embroidery at 40c and 50c I mi The Japanese Football. One of the odd things which strikes ono in Japan Is the footfall, bo differ ent from the sound niado by ehoe leather, filling the enrs In say a crowded station In Tokyo with Its European looking trains, platforms, ticket offices, bookstalls and other familiar objects! The musical clicking nolso of the wooden sandals or clogs, which are worn out of doors by all classes of Japanese and which aro raised above the ground at varying heights, accord ing to the state of the roads, Is one of the most characteristic bits of detail of the country, nnd any picture after ward recalled to tho mind has this cllakety clink, cllnkety clink, as a running accompaniment. i AM, Ending the Trouble. "I thought you were engaged? "Well. I was for a while." "Did she throw you over?" "Oh, no, I found out she had an arUIltlal arm -to ! broke It oil." COWNS Made of fine muslin, felled seams, trimmed with rows of tucking and insertion on yoke, hemstitched sleeve and neck 50c Same trimmed with very fine grade of lace and inser tion or embroidery and inser tion at 75c and $1.00. ? Y ? ? t f t ? ? :4 . .,tr SKIRTS Made of fine mus lin, trimmed with 9 in. flounce, 3 in. lace, 5 rows of tuck ing on ruffle, 9 inch dust ruffle under flounce 50c Some trimmed with very fine lace and embroidery at 75c, 1 00,1.25,1.50. E. A. WUR.L. t ? ? f t f ? ? ? t t ? ? T ? ? ? ? ?' Y ? ? Y ? t Y ? ? ? ? t ? ? Y ? Y t ? ? ? ? Y ? ? t Y