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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1909)
PlATISMOUllMWSIIflUlD n. O. WATTERS, Business Manager PLATTSMOUTH. ! ' NKHRASKA AS W I1! ft LIKE A BOILING DOWN OF THE NEWS OF THE DAY. MENTIONED INldlL SPACE The Busy Reader Can Absorb in a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Foreign. The Naples newspapers announce that the Duke of Aontn will give a dinner there In honor of Theodore Hoosevelt. The Servian minister Hi Vienna, M. Simltoh, handed to Foreign Minister Von Aehrentliul the note from his government that marks the conclusion of the difficulty between Austria Hun KHry and Sorvla. The Ixmdon Daily Mail, describing Dr. Eliot an "America's first citizen," says that the I nited States could have no finer representative, us he is all that is best In American national life. Prince Kasatkin Uosteofseff, a mem ber of one of the best known familicu in KiibhIu, was killed at Warsaw by a concert hall singer named Rosa Bauer. The woman made an unsuccessful at tempt to commit suicide. A sensation has been caused by the report of a case of sleeping sickness in the heart of Paris. The victim Is a missionary of the Order of the Holy (host, who dropped unconscious In the Luxomberg Burden nnd was con veyed to Pasteur Institute. The solution of the Palkan crisis lias been received in St. Petersburg with rage and shame, rather than with a feeling of relief, by the press nnd chauvinistic public which blame Foreign Minister lswolsky for the sur render of Slav interests without con sidering the circumstances which have dictated the Russian policy. Twenty-two death sentences passed upon political prisoners were con firmed at St. Petersburg by the su preme military court. Fifteen of these were convicted of an attempt to escape from the Irkutsk prison when a prison guard was killed. Prince von Huelow's conlltion of the conservative-liberal and radical par ties apparently reached n fatal crisis over tho scheme of financial reform. In the relehstag Ilerr von Nermann, the conservative leader of the floor, informed the leader of the national liberals, Heir Hassermann, that the conservatives were reform without considering where they would get a majority. King Victor lCnimaniiel reopened the Itallun parliament with the cus tomary ceremonies. The king nnd queen, accompanied by the royal princes, drove from the qulrlnul to the senate building, where they were enthusiastically greeted by 4'it) depu ties and .ion senators. There Is no likelihood of Kniperor William and Theodore Hoosevelt meeting in the Mediterranean In April, as Mr. Hoosevelt. on board the steamer Admiral, will he In the neigh borhood of Aden, at the southern end of the Red sea, when Kniperor Wll- Ham goes on bonrd the imperial yacht Hohenzollern at Venice. General. Kansas financiers spring question whether national banks have same rights in connection with guaranty fund as do state banks. Republican factions will make com promise, nnd an effort will be made to vote on new tariff bill on Saturday, April 10. Gen. Miles says he "never could quite see why a man wants to shoot elephants, zebra, antelopes and other animals wilfully." President Taft declares himself in favor of the creation of a tariff bureau Twenty-seven traction lines In fireater New York earned in three months $7,000,000. It is reported in financial circles In New York that all preliminary steps have been taken by the Standard Oil company of New Jersey for the in crease of Its capitalization from $100, 000,000 to $500,000,000. Dr. Canfleld, former chancellor of the Nebraska university, died sudden ly in New York from a stroke of apo plexy. Dr. Harvey V. Wiley, foe of green Ice cream and pink lemonade, will clntlnue to hold the jiosltlon he has made famous, that of chief of the bu reau of chemistry In the department of agriculture. The llliickwell Island bridge, cost ing $12,.r00,0u0, has been opened to the public. Chin Yen Qai, a wealthy Chinaman was arrested in Chicago as au alleged participant in a conspiracy to smug gle Chinamen into this country at El Paso, Tex. The United States consumes 80, 000,000 pounds of tea annually. Three men were carried over the falls at Waterloo, la., and drowned . Mother of fifteen children, all liv ing, and only 42 years old at that, is the remarkable record of Mrs. Mary rupenbrlnk of Chicago, now a widow Crazy Snake, whose Indian name is Chltto Harjo, and whose English name is Wilson Jones, is tho leader of the Snake baud of Creek Indians. Crazy Snake and several of his tribesmen of Creek Indians, who are on the war path, were in Washington during President Taft's Inauguration Congress expects to be able to vote on tho Payne measure by April 10. The woman suffrage bill passed the Wisconsin senate with n referendum attached to it. If the bill is ratified by a ofe of the people woman's suf frage will heroine operative. The international ballon nee for the James Cordon Hennctt cup will be held ui October instead of Oc tober 10. as previously announced. The senate has knocked out t lie proposed only oil collee. At this writing Crazy Snake has not been captured. He has fled to Tiger mountain. The I'tah Fuel company pleaded guilty in the I'nlted States court to day to the fraudulent acquisition of ,440 acres of coal land and paid a line of $8,000, also $102,000 for the oat extracted, hikI relinquished the land. Warden I teenier of the Nebraska penitentiary died suddenly on Sunday last. In u race against time to re.ich the bedside of his dying mother. Frank I.. Vanderlip, president of the National City bank of! New York, covered the distance from New York to Chicago fifteen hours and fif:y-edght minutes. This according to railroad officials, broke all railroad records for the trip. Courtesies preliminary to the de parture of the last American troops from Cuba were exchanged In Havana. The use of wireless telegraph for moving trains is predicted. (iov. Dlckerson of Nevada has signed the Tallman banking act, the mining inspector bill, the unU gam bling bill and the Juvenile court bill. There Is a movement on foot to consolidate the cities of St. Paul nnd Minneapolis as one metropolis. The body of Lester Elklns, a youth ful aeronaut, whose parachute carried him Into i he ocean and who was drowned March 8, was recovered from the outer harbor at San Pedro. Cal. Denial was made that the oil para graph in the tariff bill was Intended to aid the Standard. Near Henrietta, Okla., twenty dep uty sheriffs and a hundred negroes engaged In a pitched battle. Austria seems bent on having a brush with Servia. The senate will be ready to report a tariff bill as soon as the house arts on the Payne measure. Portland, Ore., has n scheme for placing all saloons under one owner ship. Washington. Commercial movements In the do mestic field during February on the whole Indicate n larger degree of in dustrial activity than for the preced ing month. In honor of Chales K. Magoon, the Nebraska State association, number ing over 200 members, temporary res idents of Washington, gave a largely attended reception nt the Norniandie hotel annex. Former Representative Joseph W. Ilahcock of Wisconsin Is seriously 111. Senator Gamble secured a favor able report from the committee on Judiciary on the nomination of K. E. Wagner to be I'nlted States distric t attorney for South Dakota. Representative I.atta, although he Is a brand new member, has decided that he will not try to suppress himself on the tariff question, and has applied for time to make a brief speech. He said thul he will tnlk in favor of free lumber, and that he is prepared, speaking for a great stock-raising dis trict, to say that he will favor free hides, if the district may only have the benefit of free lumber. Hear Admiral George A. Converse died at his home here of uraenilc poi soning. Although placed on the re tired list several years ago. ho was in active service at tho time of bis death, being president of the board of construction of the navy. Several important changes affectinR the personnel of tho interior depart ment were nnnounced by Secretary Ballinger. Joseph R. Webster of Ne braska was appointed an assistant at torney In the office of the secretary at a salary of $2,750. Fred H. Bar clay of Wyoming was promoted to be assistant attorney in the oflko of the assistant attorney general at $2,f00 per annum. Representative Moon of Tennessee attacked Champ Clark In the bouse, accusing him of being a mock czar. Personal. Denial is made of nny attempt to assault Mr. Roosevelt on bonrd the steamer Hamburg. Castro will be allowed to land In Venezuela If he wants to. At Washington Crazy Snake is not regarded as a very bad Indian. The Wisconsin delegation is for downward revision of the tariff. Nebraskans at Washington ten dered a reception to Charles E. Ma goon. Lucky Baldwin bequeathed only $20(i,ooo to his wife. President Elliott, late of Harvard college, may be anibnssodor to Great Britain. Jack Johnson was given an ovation by the colored men of Now York. President Taft will not bend an inch in his demand for lower duties. Dr. J. If. Cunlield, former chancel lor of the University of Nebraska, died after a short illness at New Y'ork. Klklns of West Virginia has Joined the senate Insurgents. Mrs. GunJIro Aakio, by her ninrrlage to the Japanese at Seattle, Wash., re nounced all rights as a native born American woman. If K. II. Harrlman could have lifs way lie would bring all the railroads of America Into one glunt combine, under one head. James Dahlman lias been renomi nated for mayor by the democrats of Omaha. SPENDS SHORT TIME AT GIBRAL TAR AND CONTINUES TRIP. Ml EXCHANGE OF GREETINGS Officers of the Hamburg Present the Ex-President With an Illuminated Address From Passengers. Gibraltar. The steamer Hamburg, with Theodore Hoosevelt and the members of his parly on board, came into Gibraltar a few minutes before 0 o'clock Friday morning. The vessel sailed at noon for Naples. Richard L. Sprague, the American consul, and an aide do ramp of Gen eral Sir Frederick Forest ier-Walker, governor of Gibraltar, went out to the Hamburg to welcome the former presi dent of the I'nited States. After an exchange of greetings, Mr. Koosevc-lt. wearing a frock coat and a silk hat, came down over the side and stepped into a launch sent out by the captain of the port and was brought ashore. The party proceeded at once to the residence of Mr. Spragm'. At 1 : :0 o'clock Mr. Roosevelt (ailed upon General Forest ior-Walker. The general invited .r. Roosevelt to luncheon, as had also Mr. Sprague, but Mr. Roosevelt was not able to ac cept either of these invitations on ac count of the short stay here of the Hamburg. Mr. Hoosevelt refused lo be photo graphed ami lie declined every recpu-M for an interview. The weather is bright and warm, and Mr. Roosevelt appeared to bo In the best of health and spirits. I'pon leaving the Ham burg he shook hands with a number of tho passengers, who cheered him enthusiastically. It. Is said that the Roosevelt parly does not Intend to go ashore at Naples; that the members wil1 merely transfer themselves and lhei belong ings from tho Hamburg to the- steamer Admiral. In this event Mr. iioosevolt will not he able to see the i-iieheSH of Aosta at the Italian port . The Invitations for liii.cheon a! Gibraltar were sent out tc the Ham burg by wireless telegraph, and ..Mr. Roosevelt's replies were c-Miniiuiiieat-ed by the same means. Mr. Hoosevelt visited '.lie second class and steerage epiarurs of the Hamburg and was given mi enthusias tic reception, lie was accompanied by the Italian immigration commis sioner on board the vessel. In the ab sence of Caiitaiu liurnu iriier, the chief officer of the Hamburg, called upon K. A. Powell to present to Mr. Roosevelt, an illuminated address prepared by the passengers. Mr. Powell made a hanpy speech, eulogizing Mr. Roose velt and wishing him a good voyfige, and his remarks were received with applause. Mr. Roosevelt answered in a brief and c haracteristic address. TARIFF PROGRAM OF SENATE. Minimum Rates Are to Apply to. All Countries for One Year. ' Washington. President Taft was informed of the senate program for the administration of the new tariff bill. It provides that a minimum tariff shall apply to all countries for one year. At the end of that time the maximum rates will go into ef fect against all count ides, which in the opinion of the president are not giving the United States their best tariff rates. . The president is understood to fa vor strongly this idea of application of the maximum and minimum jirin ciple and it is believed that it will be the plan finally agreed upon. The plan of ail ministering the minimum and maximum rates In the house bill as It now stands Is said to be more indefinite and less effective than the one proposed by the senate finance committee. KING HONORS WILBUR WRIGHT. Expresses Great Interest in Subject of Aerial Navigation. Rome. King Victor Kiumauiii 1 re ceived Wilbur Wright, the American aeroplanlst. in private audience. His majesty showed bis intense Interest in the subject of aerial navigation, und said he was glad Italy was among the first countries to greet the American inventor. Mr. Wright ex pressed the desire to charge a fee to witness tho lllghtu he Is to make near Rome, the proceeds to go to the ben efit of the earthquake sufferers. Dead at Age of 1,000 Years. New York. Methuselah died here at his homo In the Bronx Zoo. He was l.uoo years old. His death Is ascribed to Ills Incident to old age. Methuselah, also known as Rameses II., was a toad which was discovered In a rock pocket In n mine fioo feet below the surface nt Butte, Mont., two years ago. Its age was carefully com puted by zoologists and geologists. Harvard Man Declines. Washington. Official conllrmr.tion was given at the state department that Dr. Charles W. Kliot. the re tired president of Harvard univer sity, hail declined the ambassador ship to Great Britain. Daylight Saloon for Omaha. Lincoln. Closing hours of the log Islature were marked by passage of the bill making state-wide the day light saloon. Drinking places are to dose at 8 In the evening until 7 in the morning. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. ;tems of Interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. William Havel and wile were both adjudged iiis.ine by the insanity board of Pawnee county. The effort to oiganle a company of the Nebraska Natioml guard in Grand Island has been abandoned. Klmwod will vole at the spring elec tion on the proposition of issuing bonds for a JIC.oco school building. Gov. Shalleiiberger has pauloned Mildred Bowles, who was serving a term of one year in the penitentiary for shoplifting. The Methodist church at la kh y, a country place t-n miles northwest of Guide Rock, burned down Sunday night after service. Mrs. Caroline Da foe and sons have bought three business properties in Tecumsch. They will establish a bank in that city within the next :!0 days. A new county jail is being urged upon the Saunders county commis sioners. A special tax levy of 2:,:4 mills is being urged w hirii would bring in about $.),Uiii) for this purpose. The United Brethren congregation at Crab Orchard has decided to erect a commodious and modern church building. The old church building was destroyed by fire recently. After a two-year legal fight the Nor folk city council annexed considerable territory lying outside the city limits. This gives Norfolk .',:! 1 1 population, as against I. Si:!. The village board of trustees of Ta ble Rock propose submitting a propo sition to the legal voters at the com ing municipal election to vote bonds to build a city hall. Two prisoners confined in the coun ty jail at Geneva started a lire, suit posed ly by accident, and one was found dead from suffocation and the other in a serious condition. luis McNeil, aged '.)'.), was found dead at the home of his mother in I'tica by his sister, who tried to call him for breakfast. He had been' dead for several hours from heart disease. Davis Thomas of Platte county about a year ago bought I! 12 acres of land at referee's sale and paid $21 .IMS for it. He sold the land to Fred Luckey the other day for $2i.ri20. Adjt. Gen. Uartigan, who inspected Company B of the local National guard at Stanton, expressed himself as being much pleased with the show ing the company made. An agricultural club has been or ganized at the Peru normal with an enrollment of lo0 members. Mr. Weeks, who is the head of the agri cultural department, is the advisor of this club. The two horse thieves that tried to steal the big bunch of horses from near Merrimnn a couple of weeks ago had their preliminary in Valentine be fore Judge Quigley and were bound over to the district court. The coroner's jury which investigat ed the death of Mrs. Charles Stelie of Hall county, found her death to have been caused by excitement, caused by the running away of the team whey William R. Walters dashed by in an automobile. The preliminary hearing of George Crlser and Benjamin lleddendorf, who were charged with killing W. C. Dil lon near. Stamford, was held at Alma, and the boys were bound over to the district court without bail by County Judge Shclburn. One of the oldest persons in How ard county died at Farwell and was buried in the Catholic cemetery at St. Paul. It was Mrs. Mary Blaszczyk, wUo believed herself to he more than 100 years old, a belief that was shared by some of her friends. The women of Hastings have organ lzed a civic league to work for better government and a ( leaner city. Three, hundred women have pledged their active support to the movement and are holding mass meetings in prepara tion for greater efforts. Mrs. Dora Harstick of St. Charles township. Cuming county, reached her 100th year last Friday, being born in the province of Hanover, Germany, March 20, ISO!). She is without doubt the oldest living person in northern Nel-raska. She has been a resident of Cuming county nearly fifty years. Judge William Hayward, wife and son, returned to Nebraska City from Washington, where they have been for some time. Judge Hayward refused to accept any position that, would take III m away from Nebraska. He was tendered several positions while in Washington. About thirty minutes after young Miller of Te'.amah had paid his fine of $100 and costs for bootlegging. Deputy I'nited States Marshal Sides arrived and arrested him for selling liquor without a government license. Miller wll! bo held there until the return of I'nited States Commissioner Singhans, when he will be arraigned. Ferdinand Brandt of Beatrice re ceived word from Rushvi'.le stating that his brother, Gus Brandt, a former Beatrice resident, had been trampled to death by a team of horses whic h tie had started to harness In the barn. One of the horses kicked him and he fell under their feet In such a way that he was trampled to death before assistance arrived. Will Busboom, living near Pleasant Dale, Seward county, met with a tor ilde acc ident while riding on a stalk utter. The team ran away, throwing him in front of tho machine and drag ging lil nt s-omo distance. His injuries will probably prove fatal. II. M. Tripp, engineer in charge of the Valentine division, with bis sev eral assistants, arrived last week to upon oilices and direct work of build ing tho new railroad bridge and cut off east of Valentine. The bridge is to be a big one and will take over a year to build, and there will bo about 200 men employed in building it. SENATE IS LIB. ADDS $97,000 TO THE GENERAL MAINTENANCE BILL. NSTITUTIONS THUS HELPED Paesage of Pool's Bill for Treatment of Curable Consumptives Other Legislative Doings. Ninety-seven thousand dollars in appropriations was added to the gen eral maintenance bill by the senate committee of tho whole above the fig tires of the senate finance committee, which carried an increase of $::2l.0iiu over the bill as it came from the house. The house bill carried an ap propriation of $l,!ili."),12S. The sell: ate committee recommended changes, makiug the figures $2,2;, 4 IS. and tho senate committee of the whole added enough to make the total $2.:is:uis. The new items were as follows: Sue for hospital in connection with medical school in Omaha $20,0ui New building for nurses and attendants at Norfolk Traveling expenses for district judges Increase for employes at Mil ford Soldiers' home 12.00U (i.eiiO 1,000 2,-,,oo0 .".IIOU Wing for State Historical so ciety building Hog cholera investigations Overruling the cut to $:.0.0(i') of $7.".0M0 house appropria tion for normal training in high schools, making differ ence; in bill For attorney general prosecu tion expenses, increase i.OOil l.oun Total ?:iT.imio Treatment of Consumptives. The senate has passed Speaker Pool's bill, providing for the treat ment of curable consumptives at the public expense where the patients are unable to care for themselves. The measure is the result of the effort of u number of members live, it is said who have undergone the treatment provided in the bill at the hands of Nebraska physicians and have over come the effects of tho disease. The bill, II. R. 222, specifics that a patient, to receive treatment, at tho expense .if the county in which bo resides must have lived there at least a year, must be indigent, and iniut satisfy tin county judge this, is the case. Ad mission to a hospital treatment, which must bo by the ern vaccine therapy method in conjunction with open air and other sanitary methods, must also bo on a certificate of a re sponsible physician that' the patient in curable. The state board of health shall cer tify a list, of hospitals that will carry out the provisions of the act on their application and shall prescribe the system of treatment. Department of Citizenship. Tho joint resolution by Senator .Mil ler of Lancaster authorizing the re gents of the university to extend the scope1 of the teaching of civics by the establishment of a department of citi zenship was passed by the house.- by a vote of .')1 to to. Stock Yards Bill Sleeps. Taylor of Hitchcock is probably doomed to return home with no re sults from his efforts to fix rates for the union stock yards at. South Oma ha. The bouse passed his bill, but the senate committee changed it ma terially by cutting it down. The silt ing committee of the senate has thus far ignored tin measure and it still sleeps on the general tile. Building for School for Deaf. The senate finance committee de cided to recommend for favorable ac tion the bills appropriating $:i0,ooo for a new building at the institute for the deaf and dumb at Omaha, and $18,uoo for completion nnd furnishings of buildings at the; Norfolk asylum. Resolutions of Sorrow. A committee consisting of Senators Randall, Majors, Hatfield. Fuller and Thompson was appointed by the sen ate to draw up resolutions expressing the senate's sorrow over the death of Warden A. D. Boomer. Donohoe Bill Dead. . After a hearing in which I. J. Dunn of Omaha appeared against, and Frank Tyrrell, county attorney of Lancaster county, for the bill, S. F. ".VI. by Donohoe of Holt, was recom mended for indefinite postponement and later the house concurred in the report. The bill provides that thf state railway commission shall have power to issue indeterminate fran chises to and regulate electric light, gas and water companies doing busi ness in cities ami villages. For Occupation Tax. Whatever figure appropriations total this session, after the house and sen ate have settled their differences, the legislature will provide for meeting some of them by a new form of In creasing revenue of tho state. This Increase Is provided for In i bill fo" levying an occupation tax upon all corporations, foreign or domestic, which do business within the state. While the amount to be assessed against any Individual corporation Is comparatively small, the to till revenue will bo $150,000. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Canada may purchase an airship of the Silver Dart pattern for military experiments. Congressman Lowden of Illinois has introduced a bill asking congress for $10o,0o0, to be used by the department of agriculture In ei adieating hog chol era. The luterJjorough Rapid Transit Company of New York has signified Its willingness to try the experiment of cars for women on the; subway trains. Senator Agnew's bill, designed to prevent the publication of racing tips and betting odds in New York newspa pers was favorably reported by the senate codes committee. At the third day's session of the Na tional Dental association in Binning ' ham, Ala., a systematic campaign of education in hygiene in all states of the United States was urged. An eagle measuring eight feet from tip to tip of its wings was captured near St. Charles, HI., alter a desperate light. The bird was hovering over the head of a little child when first seen. C. W. Dirch, a Los Angeles inventor, says he devised a plan or destroying gas-filled airships at a distance of ten miles, lie has patented a dirigible, which will be filled with heated instead of gas. T. W. MoGovorn, secretary of the Riley Shoe Company of Columbus, O.. fears the body of a man found at Blooniington, Ind.. may ho that of W. II. Reichel, a traveling salesman em ployed by the firm. Count Gen. Ktiroki, commander of the first Japanese army in the (add against the Russians, has retired, owing to the expiration of his mili tary term, according to advices re-ee-ived from Yokohama. Harueyv Bovine. Leonard Stevens and Matthew Taylor, who weie in dicted eight years ago for the murder of Clarence' Warric k, 15 years old, at Sotuertoii, I'.cliiiont county, Ohio, have been arrested in Zancsvillc. Rather than pay $l,uou alimony to his wile as ordered by ifi. court, Ro land 1 1 i ii t on Perry, a New York sculp tor and painter, declared ! hat he would sinreiidei- himself to the sheriff and pass six months in Ludlow street jail. Cairo!! W. Gales, a millionaire land and cattle owner, was arrested in l.e.-i Angeles, fill., by fedora! officers upon an indietnieni returned some time ago in Oklahoma (barging him and e. til ers with being interested in the land frauds. Tin- .luiiia adopted the bill for the establishment ot a Russian agricultural agency at Washington with the object of Introducing methods end machinery into Russia. The Yeknloriiioslav Xemstvo maintains such an agenc y at Minneapolis. Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia will retire next fall from the position of commander in-chief of the navy, to become grain! and genera! In spector. He will bo succeeded either by Admiral von Fisohel or Vice-Ad-iniral von I lolizendorf. Because of a misunderstanding as to elates, the proposed confereiKje be tween Secretary Knox ami Senator Root and various Canadian officials touching tin- senate amendment to the waterways (rent. v. negotiated about a inonih ago, has he.n postponed. HUSBAND AND WIFE SLAIN. Toledo Police Baffled by Mysterious Murder of Aged Couple, Evi dently by Robbers. Toledo. (.. Apr. 2. In the finding of the bodies of l.udwig Krueger. aged i;ei, nd bis wife, aged (i;!, buried in the cellar of (ledr homo, which was destroyed by fire yesterday, the police are confronted by a puzzling murder mystery. M. Soboleski, a tailor, who last Sat urday gave Mr. Krueger $2,000 as part payment for the purchase of the farm. It is believed thai robbery was Ihe motive and that the slayer, afier hur ry ing the bodies and replacing the brick Mooring; in tho collar, set fire to the house to cover up the niurdov. THE MARKETS. Now Yen k, Apr. I.IVK STUCK St MeKl 'i 7 ii 7 lm I ::o "i i; ;:;. 0 !! ' ." 1 i 1 1.1 'il 1 IV', 7:l '.i .'I rn :;p.. !! ''I L'l U ''i 17 fii :r. '.i 7 :i.i .1 .' ii ei :i 4' rt .1 7'. 7.1 ('i i .".'i :; r,n i,i s :i i! :eee 'a 7 mi 7 in (h 7 II t .m 'a i; i-i i'j'..'if ;v I'e.Vn J".'., o "',( I." " 'a : 'n in r. 'n ; in I I!' ii I -J.", I e-i",'if 1 i s ;',' 1:7 -, 7'i ;.i 7'.i SI i ll.cM'li- Winter Slraihls. . Wll i: T -.bev . 1 1 1 1 v COKN-Julv UYK-Nn. UYslclli lit'TTKK- ( ri n ni.-r v Kite IS UIKKXK CIIICA(iC). , CATTI.K-I'mii v Steers i Mi-ilhmi In imul SUoits. . Ciivv.x, I'liilo lo l-'miey.... Cliuice l-'i'i'ili l s delves HoiiS-ll.avy I'm iters Ib-nvv llulcle-is I'Iks liCTTKR-lVvame-rv lnlrv '. I.IVK I'lifLTKY I'e IT ATI IKS! i per lm i I-'I.. H'l! -Spring Wheal, Sp'l WIIKAT-Mav .Inly Corn, Mm e mis, Muv By '. Miiy MILWAt'K i ;i:.1N - Wln at. Nei. 1 Nui n $1 lit i 1 l!" '. Max- I "7 Ci 1 in " Cnni. May in',"' 'i7'-'. (als, Simulant ;, ir Kyi' 7!i,'.i mi " K A NS AH CITY. eiUAIN-Wlie-Ml, N,i. J Hard ft 'J'J r,i I L-J' j Nil J Itcd 1 ::: in -i Corn, Nil J Mlvi-d r.;t (,i i;;-'4 OalH, No. J Wlule .'( i'i .".il ST. l.dt 'IS. CATTI.I-Native Ulcers $:i .1.1 f.i 7 M Ti-xiih Hti"-rs .1 7.1 ' i H Ml HlMiS-i'liekel-M i,;, - h- HulelnMX I 71 1,1 7 Ii 1111:1:1' Natives I .10 ii ii .111 OMAHA. I'ATTt.K-Nntlvo Steers tl 7.1 ft Ii 71 StiieKeiM iind Kc eiler. . . . :t m 1,1 ,1,1.1 I'elWH llllll llell'elM Ml ,(4m) III II iS- IIl ll V Ii 71 '.( Ii n". BlIKKI'- Wellir-IK -, ;-, y g