The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 01, 1909, Image 8

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    Millinery Spring Opening
19 Jf , W
Have on display
a beautiful line of
Pattern Hats
Death of
Mr. Erhart
Frominent Louisville Citizen
Passes to the Great Beyund.
the most popular
shapes and designs.
Please call and see.
Mr. Wm. G. Erhart a well
citizen of Cass county died Thursday,
March 2"), at his farm home near
Louisville after a short illness of three
days of pneumonia. Mr. Erhart was
born in Hattsmouth, December 5, lWjl;
was married to Catherine Stander Nov.
27, xw. ;
lie leaves a wife and tight children,
two sisters and ;i brother to -mourn
their loss. Mrs. I'. Abbie of Lined
Mrs. J. Arras of Alvo and Mr. C
Mockenhaupt of Wabash. !
Funeral service were held Saturt&y
passed through Louisville Monday cn
I route to Plattsmouth. Mr. Pollock
l purchased an automobile in Omaha for
j the convenience of his work.
Miss Mabel Ross teacher of the Ne-
hawka kindergarten bchoo! Sundayed
i with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Nichols.
I No school in session Thursday and
Friday to enable the Louisville school
known teachers to attend the State Teachers
meeting in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Hazen enter
tained the Country Dancing Club Wed
nesday evening at their home. Re
freshments served as an April shower.
Died, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Noyes, March 150, I'M), after an
illness of one week with pneumonia.
i i i:e lunerai services wnerc new Wed
nesday afternoon at two o'clock from
the Christian church, conducted by
Brother A. L. Ogden of Bethany, Neb.,
after which the remains were laid to
coin, j
Kunsman & Ramge
carry the finest stock in their
line in Cass county. Choice
Steaks, Chops, Roasts, etc.,
always on hand and an ex
cellent line of delicatessen,
fancy sausages, etc. Both
Bank Building.
Murdock, Neb.
'Phone No. 99.
What You Like
When You Like
Kut deposit your money
It is possible that you
have never felt the abso
lute necessity of having a
bank account. It is prob
able you could drift along
for years without one but
in this life in a financial
way it is essential that
you have a Bank (Account.
We give you a personal
invitation to make this bank
your depository whether
you have a small sum or a
large one to lay aside for
safe keeping.
Bank oi Murdock
H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier.
dock and by summer he will also start
the building of a beautiful home for
himself and wife here. We welcome
such good citizens to our midst.
We are pleased to be able to state
, inai miss nine tcneei who so success
fully went through an operation for
appendicitis several weeks ago was
( brought safely home last Saturday and
is apparently no worse lor the exper
Eugene Leet, one of the owners of
the Wright-Leet elevator here came up
from Lincoln last Saturday to look
after their business affiairs, as Mr,
Weddell is still under the weather, but
i we are pleased to learn that he is slow
ly improving.
Wm. G. Erhart who died unexpected
: ly last Thursday and was buried Satur
, day forenoon was 47 years of age and
left a wife and eight children to mourn
1 a - I 1 i I rr-i .
nis unumeiy ueam. mere will be an
extended write up of the funeral in an-
o.her part of this paper.
Next Tuesday occurs the regular an
nual election in Murdock. John Goehry
and Henry Tool are again the candidates
; on the Citizens' ticket and they no
I doubt will be re-elected for anothe
term, having proven themselves eflici
ent officer who had the interest of the
village at heart.
morning at ten o'clock from the Catho
lic church in Manley, conducted by
Rev. Father Hennessey, after which
the remains were laid to rest in the
College Hill cemetery.
Mr. Erhart was highly respected and
and honored bv all who knew him and
his many friends join in sympathy with
the bereaved family.
The out of town relatives and friends '
present were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ' rormer Weeping Water
to rest in the River View cemetery.
The sorrowing parents have the sym
pathy of the entire community.
Returns from
the Army
when, he said that they were "just as
good as new."
The district conference of the Nebras
ka City district M. E. church will be
held in Weeping Water, May 18 and l'J.
Bishop Nuelson of Omaha, will be present.
Mockenhaupt, Mrs. Joe Kelley, Mr.
Herman of Plattsmouth. Mrs. L. E.
Skinner, Mrs. P. F. Mockenhaupt,
Mrs. C. A.Biekfelit, Mrs. J. D. Freg
son and Miss Fern Fergson of Lincoln.
Here -Other Notes
Card ol Thanks.
We wish to express our gratitude to
the many kind friends and neighbors
who so nobly assisted and offered kind
words and loving deeds during our
breavement. Also for the beautiful
floral offering.
Mrs. Wm. G. Erhart
and Family,
Mrs. F. Abbie,
Mrs. J. Arras,
Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt.
Dr. T. E. Dailey Sundayed in Om
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Noyes returned
to Lincoln Monday evening.
Mrs. M. N. Drake and son, Chas.,
visited Mrs. Belle of Ashland Thurs
Ralph Duff manager of the Nebraska
City Telephone Company was in town
Monday. .,
T. II. Pollock general manager of
the Plattsmouth Telephone Company
Special Correspondence.
The Grippe secm3 to be abating
the balmy air of spring.
Miss Mabel Fowler is at home from
the Wesley an for a week's vacation.
Spring ha3 come and the thump of
the carpet beater is heard in the land.
A goodly many are taking Horace
Greely's advice and going west this
It seems that the craze of hazing has
struck our city but be careful boy3 and
not carry it too far.
Mr3. Giberson who was so seriously
ill a few weeks, has since recovered
strength and is able to attend church.
We wonder why we can hear of the
good roads from here to Avoca but not
a word about how they are from Avoca
to Weeping Water.
To judge from the loads of farming
implements our dealers are sending out
every day indicate the farmers are very
prosperous in this vicinity.
The auction sale of Frank Fowle's
household goods was well attended and
t) judge from the prices realized a
good many must have believed Dunn
It is vacation in the public schools
this week snd we suppose a good many
Man is gardens will be dug over and we will
hear many talcs of the big fish that got
Andrew Anderson while unloading
hog3 at A. I. Ralston's yards had the
misfortune to dislocate his knee which
will lay him up for some time besides
being very painful.
Legal Notice.
Frank C. Lindner, defendant, will take notice
that on the 27th day of March. Jt0L. Anna I).
Lindner. plaintilF herein, filed her petition in the
District Couit of Caxi County, Nebraska, avainst
raid defendant, the object and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of divorce from the defendant,
on the ground that the defendant has failed ami
refused for more than nix months prior to the
Mine of the petition, to aupport and maintain the
plaintiff, although amply able so to do. and to se
cure the custody of the throe minor children, the
issue of said marriage
You are require) to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the Kith day of May. 190J.
Dated march 27. 1!H)9.
Anna D. Lindner.
87-8 Plaintiff.
Frank Fowle after disposing of his
house hold goods he and estimable wife
departed on Monday for California
where they expect to make their home.
Sorry to lose them from our midst.
Sergeant Jay DeWolf of the regular
army, one of our Weeping Water
young men, has lately returned from
Cuba with his regiment. After having
spent a week here with his mother and
friends, he returned to his regiment
now at Fort Russel, Wyo. He greatly
enjoyed his long stay in Cuba. The
regiment returned in time to take part
in the inaugural parade.
Will corns back to you if you spend It at
home. It is ears forever if you send It to
the Mail-Order House. A glance through
our advertising columns will give you an
Idea where it will buy the most.
Legal Notice.
7o?C9.k1-!- County Court
In the matter of the estate of James It. Cathey,
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that there has been
filed in this court a petition, alleging among other
things that aaid James K. Cathey, departed this
life, intestate, in said county on the 9th day of
March. 19J9. seized of both real and personal
The prayer of said petition is that said estate
he administered and that W. H. Puis be ap
pointed administrator of said estate.
You are further notified that a hearing will be
had upon said petition before this court at Platts
mouth, in said county on the 17th day of April.
19011, at ten o'clock A. M. and that all objections,
if any. must be filed on or before caid day and
hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of Paid county
court of said county this 27th day of March, lllOtt.
87-6 Al.l.KN J. Bkkson.
Seal County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, '
Cass County. I
In the matter of the estate of Eliza S.
d ceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of aaid
deceased will meet the Administrator of said
estate, before mc. County Judge of Cass County,
; Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plaits
i mouth, in said County, on the 10th day of April,
i 10!. and on the 12th day of October. 1909, at 19
; o'clock A. M., each day. for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of said
1 deceased to present their claims, and one year for
the Administrator to settle said estate from the
10th day of April. 19C'.l.
Witness my hand and seal of said County Court,
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 'Jib day of
March. 1119.
Kamkcy & Kam"ev. Ai.lkn J. Rkkmon,
Attorneys. County Judge,
i Seai.1 8-8
In County Court
32. and Mrs. Emit Kuehn were Om
uh i passengers last Monday.
MtUj McDonald had some pressing
tiuskpcsa which call him to Lincoln over
Wr. A. Brauchle who has been on
th trick list for several weeks is much
Markets, butter Kic, eggs 15c, hens
He, cream 2.r)C, wheat $1, corn 57 and
SHcai! hogs $f.
AL Wallinger came over from Elm
wwd last Saturday and shook hands
.itii his friends here.
It, K. Neitzel came down from
AVt&erloo Sunday evening to spend a
I5' with his uncles, returning home
Afojiniay noon.
lliw Dora Smith who has been at her
hane in Palmyra on accountof sickness
vu blo to resume her duties in the
Katd Monday.
V have been informed that the M.
& church people here intend building
a parsonage for the local preacher this,
aittxnir some time.
Miss Minerva Tool is spending the
Sijirirsj vacation at home with her jar-eat-.
She is at present engaged teach
iii -school in Omaha.
Mr. C. J. Leis and family returned
frjm their trip to Garden, Neb., aA
xvijcX.. They think that great country
liut were glad to get back home.
JkrT Ferguson moved with his family
ta Kmm county, Nebraska, starting out
latt Tuesday. He went overland and so
t"r fs had fine weather for his trip.
Tlw local base ball club club was rc
irjcijmel last week with about the
-urn c Rue-tap of players that they had
5a season, which will insure good
itiae2 the coming summer.
Ucs. A. Brauchle attended the con
ference held at Sutton this year, re-f-itxniofi;
home Monduy noon. He ha
tfuutr resumed to the local charge which
Yiff ptkising news to all concerned.
X c$arty of barn-stormers came te
M-x ttleck for a try-out of a show that
t expect to start on the road with.
Thty liad a fair sized audience, ani
vjue j middling sort of entertainment.
12rr:ry liorencmeier shipped a carloat
nX Bi etock and machinery to Soutl
I) iu U Tuesday. He accompanied tin
ftitSas well as Herman Heinke win
tl remain up there and farm some o'
Uorenemeier's land.
VJcaramlhas been broken by I'etei
fcit!wrt for n barn on his lots in Mur-
We must congratulate John Oehler
king, formerly of Murdock, upon his
appointment as a minister to Norfolk,
Nebraska. We know Mr. Oehlerking
to be a studious and conscientious young
man who ought to prove a valuable
addition to the Nebraska conference.
Arthur Uikli and son Leo returned
from their trip to Texas and Oklahoma
last week. They visited Arnold Rikli
who is no located near Abiline, Texas.
We must congratulate them in getting
home in time to escape losintr their
scalps to the Indians who are on the
war path in Oklahoma.
a louge or uoyal JNeiglibors was in
stalled here last Friday night, with a
membership of 32. They will hold their
meetings in the Woodman hall, of
which they are really a first cousin any
way. The following is a roster of of
ficers: Mrs. A. J. Tool. Oracle; Mrs.
John Austin, Vice Oracle; Mrs. Henry
Tool, Recorder; Mrs. Emil Kuehn, Re
ceiver; Mrs. Emma Davis, Chancellor;
Mrs. O. F. Carr, Marshall; Lyda Sor-
rick, Assistant Marshall; Etta Sorrick,
Inner Sentinel and Mrs. Robert Stack,
Ott r Sentinel, This lodge starts out
out in a very auspicious manner and
bids fair to be a 1 isting benefit to its
membership and the community.
Scld in
10 Years A
A Fine Array of Talent.
Musicians to be heard at A. 0. U. W.
Hall on April Rlth in solos and chorus
work :
Misses Tuey, Thompson, Class, Seiver.
Mesdames. Wescott, Donelly, Austin
and Moore.
Messrs. York, Mullis, Seiver, Cecil,
Hopping, Austin and Moore.
In the dramatic department of the
"Entertainment Antique" April loth
will be heard Mrs. C. S. Johnson and a
bevy of girls, Ren Windham, John Fal
ter, and Mrs. J. S. Vandercook.
Quern Mills Mnnnel.S.
Champion blood of the world.
Direct descendants from J. 1
Morgan's famous $10,()(M) dog.
W e now have a litter on hand on
nt iiuiv uatv a nicer uu iiituo on f
which we are making especially T
attractive prices in lMattsmouth I
and vicinity for the purpose of
introducing our stock on this side T
further infor- X
of the river. For
mation and prices,
call on or ad-
Ind. 'Phone. Pacific Junction, la.
so 3
'( Thousands bought V
Uneeda Biscuit v
f because they wondered jf fMr Ws.
what they were. f
11.11 NW Millions use
H 1PRS' know them
I The World's Best
them because
to be
Soda Cracker