The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 01, 1909, Image 2

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r. 0. WATTER3, Business. Manager
Condensed Into a Few Lines for the
Peruial of the Busy Man
Latest Personal Infor
MunilnTH of the house of rrprt'seiitii
lives aliPudy are bt-Klnnltw to npecti
luto upon llulr Individual rliiinrrs ot
securing rholru commltfpo attain".
ments. which (tie exported to be made
lust before the present upeelnl session
of conRresn ends.
Kepresnntatlves Fordney of Mlchl
an and Hyrd of MIsslHslppl. nearly
came to blows on the floor of tho
houso In an argument over the tariff
Charees wero niado In the house
that tho retention of tho countervail
Ing duty on oil was left In tho Payno
tariff bill In the Interest of tho Btand
ard Oil Company.
Tbo Republican Insurgents In tho
house have .prepared to fight any rule
thnt will limit n mend men Is to the
tariff bill.
King Peter of Servta, according to
a London report, Intends to give up
his throne and go to Switzerland to
Theodore Koosevelt, Jr.. denied the
report that be is to wed MIhs Mini" f
Frank A. Vandorllp. on a special
train, broke the speed record from
New York to Chlcngo, but failed by
'.'8 mlnutea to reach tho home of his
mother before she died.
Frederick Weyerhaeuser, tho St.
Paul lumber king, answering I'hnmp
Clark's speech In tho bouse, snld
there Is no lumber trust and never
has been.
In the presence of representatives
of the entire department, Ormsby Mc
Harg of North Dakota was Inducted
formally into the office of assistant
secretary of commerce and labor.
Charles D. Norton of Chlcngo, re
cently appointed assistant secretary
of the treasury to succeed Loula A.
Coolldgo, resigned, Is to enter upon
his new duties April 5.
Mte. Carrie Nation called at the
White House but was told that Presi
dent Taft was "not In." She said she
wouldn't cry If the Hons ate RoosevelL
At a banquet In New York South
Carolinians listened to brilliant
tributes by speakers on tho life of
Wade Hampton.
Joe Cans, former world's champion
lightweight pugilist, has developed tu
berculosis of the lungs and may never
again be. aeen in the ring. Heferee
Charles Whlto Is quoted as being re
spotiHllilo for the statement.
William J. hemp, Jr., will not have
to pay any fees to Mrs. William Hand
lan Letup's lawyers for prosecuting
the appeul or her divorce suit at St.
Three men were instantly killed and
two seriously Injured In Los Angeles,
Cal when a brick wall of the old jail
building collapsed.
Many men employed at the several
plants of the Heading Iron Company
have failed to' go to work because of a
reduction In wages.
Mrs. Mary Farmer, who was electro
cuted at Auburn, X. Y made a sworn
Btatement that her husband, who Is
also under death sentence, had noth
ing to do with the murder of Sarah
Mrs. Mary Farmer was electrocuted
In the prison at Auburn, N. Y., for the
murder of Mrs. Mary llrennan.
A rate war among the transcontlnen
tal railroads probably will be averted
by the executive otllcers of the trunk
lines operating from the ports of Hos
ton, New York, Philadelphia and Haiti
more. Persistent rumors have It that the
pope is seriously ill, and the continued
suspension of audiences at tho Vatican
seeing to confirm the report.
While riding a spirited horse In Al
tatleim. Cnl., Miss Kdlth Ogden Har
rison, daughter of former Mayor Car
ter Harrison of Chicago, was thrown
violently to the ground and severely
The Vlncennes (Ind.) police are
baffled by the mysterloua death of
Mrs. Russell Culbertson who claimed
a mnn and woman forced carbolic acid
down her throat.
President Taft told Chief Engineer
GoethalM, before hia departure for
Panama to make every effort to com
plete the canal before the close of
Mrs. Amos Miller drowned lerself
and two children at Sumsbury, Conn.,
while mentally deranged.
While hundreds of persong looked
on, powerless to render aid, Christ An
derson, Henry Hothman and Frank
Hentx were swept over the falls at
Waterloo, Ia and drowned.
Twenty persons lost their lives when
the sloop Kearsarge was wrecked and
unk near Hlucflclds, Nicaragua
I ' 1 I
ftiT r hit Mir; the v.ilv f :'. in
1li militia irappi'd Cuiv Snake
bis band mar I'iwce. oUlu., and was
prepared to begin battle unless they
surrendered. .
Five American miners are known to
have been wounded in a battle with
Hungarians at the Hogle mine north
of Jasonville, Ind. The casualties on
the foreign hide were not known.
A big celebration of the completion
of the $1.0IM).H00 Laguna dam was held
at Yuma, Ariz.
President Tall in a talk with con
gressmen and friends is reported to
have said that he favored a cut In the
tariff on the necessities of lite.
Former President Roosevelt, soon
after the steamship Hamburg left New
York, was attacked by a crazed Ital
ian, but not injured.
A report from Mercer, Pa., declares
Mrs. James II. Iloyle, who is said to
have admitted planning the kidnaping
of Willie Whit la, will not be prose
cuted. It Is understood that Mrs. Whit
la does not want the woman punished.
(Jeorge Hoopfer. arrested for slaying
his wife and child near Manceloua,
Mich., confessed, saying he entered
Into a pact with bis wife to kill her
and the baby and then commit suicide,
but lost courage when It came to tak
ing his own life.
An attempt to shoot Commissioner
Hlngham of the New York police Is at
tributed to the Black Hand society.
(Sovernors and other prominent per
sons of the south met in New Orleans
to formulate plans for uniform child
labor laws and the uplift of the south
cm children and mothers.
William Vanderhorf, an elevator boy
In New York, saved tho lives of many
occupants of a New York apartment
house which was destroyed by Are.
Dana Estes, publisher, who has Just
returned from Africa, says the big
game Is so tame that Theodore Roose
velt'a hunt will be like "shooting cows
In a back yard." .
It Is reported from Vancouver that
the Japanese, under the guise of en
forcing the country's pure food law,
have started u boycott on American
Thousands of women ami children
marched through the streets of
Springfield, ()., in a demonstration
against the saloons of the city.
William Grant Eyester of McKees
Rocks, a Pittsburg suburb, says he be
lieves he is Charlie Ross, who was kid
naped from Gcrmantown, Pa., In 1874,
and never found.
James Vango, a young negro, who
after his arrest, in Chicago, confessed
that he had murdered Isadore de Val
iant, night clerk in the Eastern hotel,
New York city, for the purpose of rob
bery, strangled himself to death In the
Tombs prison.
James Iioyle and the woman he calls
bis wife, kidnapers of Willie Whltla,
were placed in jail at Pittsburg for
safe keeping, the authorities fearlu
for their safety at Sharon.
The woman who planned the Whltla
kidnaping and .is known as Mrs
Jumes Iloyle, was Anna Overton,
daughter of a former fireman of Chi
Mrs. Jessie Overton Culbertson of
Vlncennes, Ind., committed suicide
and was not slain, according to latest
developments in the strange case
President and Mm. Taft entertained
at dinner at the White House warring
factors In the house of representa
tives. '
The orlglnnl "affinity" wife, Mrs
Ferdinand Plnney Earle, has sued for
an annulment of her marriage, de
daring her husband Is a lunatic.
The new military post to bo con
structed at W'nlano, 1'ka, Inland of
Oahu. Hawaii, has been designated
Schofleld barracks. In honor of the
late Lieut. Gen. John M. Schofleld
Mrs. Pierre Lorlllard, Jr., wife of
tho tobacco magnate, committed sui
cide in Washington. illness Is be
lleved to hnve caused her act.
Unopened notes, buried with Mrs.
Pierre Lorlllard, Jr., the Washington
society leader, carried to the grave
the secret of her suicide.
The First National bank of Gibson,
Okla., has closed its doors. It is capi
tallzed at $3,000. All the deposits
have been transferred to the Citizens'
State bank. Depositors will be paid In
Frederick D. Prentice and Miss
Hope Y eager were returned to Toledo,
().. from Oklahoma to answer to
charges growing out of the Investlgu
tion of the German Fire Insurance
Company, of which Prentice was sec
retary and treasurer, and Miss Yea
ger a department manager.
Representative Cox of Ohio called
on President Tnft to discuss plans for
the delivery of the gold medals
awarded by the Aero Club of America
to tho Wright Hrothers of Dayton, O
Mrs. Lloyd C. Griscom, wife of the
American ambassador to Italy, who
has been III, underwent n slight opera
tion which, although successful, will
prevent her leaving Rome until May
More than 20.000 persons demanded
seats In tho Milwaukee hlppodrotm
where the liquor debate between
Mayor Rose and Samuel Dickie was
held. The building holds 4,000.
The French chamber of deputies
unanimously adopted M. Delcasse
motion to appoint a parliamentary
commission to Inquire Into the state
of the navy before fresh credits were
King Edward has appointed th
earl of Granard a knight of the Order
of SL Patrick In place of the earl of
Howth, deceased. The earl of Granard
married Miss Beatrice Mills of New
York In January of this year.
Adjt. U. T. Webb, head of the Sal
vatlon Army of Youngstown, O., com
nutted suicide by swallowing mor
phine. Me knelt in earnest prayer
with his wife after taking tho drug.
ireaericK uicnardson, wanted on
charges of fraud amounting to $.100
000, committed suicide lu Harrlshurg
Pa., just as tbo police were about to
arrest him.
Declares That Roosevelt's Policy Was
Wrong, a Fact That the People
Now Acknowledge.
Denver, Colo. If E. H. Horrlman
could have his way he would bring
all the railroads of America into one
giant combine, under one head, and
begin immediately spending $250,000,
000 or $.,no,000,000 in Improvements
of the weaker roads, both physically
and financially. In this way, he says,
he believes he could do the best good
for the government, the people gen
erally, to the shippers Individually
and financially to the owners of rail
road stock.
Mr. Harrlman. who passed two
hours In Denver on his way east, said
In an Informal talk at the Chamber
uti Commerce:
"If we could, we would throw our
cloak over the weaker lines through
out the country and begin Immediate
ly the expenditure of between $250.
000,000 and $;)00,000,000 to improve
"It ought to be done Immediately,
and I think I can qualify as an expert
on these matters. This should be
done openly and under some sort of
government supervision. But we
would all be put In prison If we tried
Mr. Harrlman declared that his
roads have spent about $350,000,000
since 1902 building and rebuilding in
the west and through the mountains.
He repeated his assertion that he had
found a great change in public sen
timent toward railroads and railroad
building throughout tho land.
Five years ago," he said, "I told
President Roosevelt that he was
wrong and that he would have many
Imitators In various states and cities
who would do the country Incalcula
ble barm, and what 1 told bim has
proved correct. Roosevelt was wrong
In his light on me and the railroads.
and the truth of this Is getting dear
er every day."
The Government Asserting Itself in
the West.
Washington According to a state
mcnt issued by the department of
justice, the United States will receive
as a result of tho reconveyance to the
government by the Utah Fuel company
of 1,440 acres of land, the payment
of 'a fine of $8,000 and of $l!)2,0n0 In
settlement of claims made by the gov
eminent In the five bills filed against
the company, about. $."" an acre for
the land, a higher price than tho geo
logical survey placed upon the proji
erty after the recent reclassification
and repricing of the public c'oul lands.
The lands had been mortgaged to se
euro a $2,000,000 Issue of bonds, u
largo majority of which had been sold
to Innocent purchasers. It w as claimed
that a part of these lands contained
valuable coal deposits and should not
have been granted as agricultural
Interior Department Follows Sugges
tion of President.
Washington, I). C All the bureau
chiefs of the department of the In
terior were directed by Secretary
Halllnger to submit to him not later
than May 20 estimates to cover the
expenses of their offices for the fiscal
year '191 1, and to Include no Item
that Is not deemed strictly necessary
for the public service. The secre
tary's action Is In accordance with
the decision reached by President
President Will Hasten Decision on
Relations of National Banks.
Washington. Governor Slubbs of
Kansas, accompanied by Attorney
General Jackson and Hank Comrnis
slo.ier Dolly of that state, who are
having a beating before Attorney Gen
era! Wlckersbam In connection with
an opinion as to whether or not the
national banks of Kansas can partici
pate in the new bank guaranty law
under which the state banks are oper
ating, bad a conference with President
Tuft. The president promised to tlu
all be could to expedlate the mutter.
The Duty on Coffee.
Washington. Recognizing that Bra
zil Is powerless to suspend her export
tax on coffee because for the next
several years this tax Is IndlMolubly
linked with her foreign debt, the sen
ate committee on finance derided to
strike out of the Payne bill tho count
ervailing duly proposed.
Leader of Outlaws Killed.
Prletas, State of Sonora, Mexico
Hurales and ranchmen, pursuing a
band of Mexicans and Indians, encoun
tered them In the hills northcust of
Pasquetia, on the Chlluiabuu Sonora
boundary line, and a fight ensued.
According to reports Jose Vasquer.,
leader of the outlaws, was mortally
wounded and five of his followers
killed. Three of the attacking ranch
ers and one rurale also met death.
The gang had been robbing lone trav
elers and many ranchmen and miners
have been victims.
Three men were instantly killed and
two seriously Injured in Los Angeles,
Cal.. when a brick wall of the old Jail
building collapsed.
Many men employed at the several
plants of the Reading Iron Company
have failed to go to work because of a
reduction in wages.
Persistent rumors have it that the
pope is seriously III, and the continued
suspension of audiences at the Vatican
seems to confirm the report.
Myra D. McCruni. aged 7!l years, a
civil war novelist and story writer,
known under the pen name of Daisy
Howard, died In Fort Scott, Kan.
William J. Letup, Jr.. will not have
to pay any fees to Mrs. William Hand-
Ian Letup's lawyers for prosecuting
the appeal of her divorce suit at St.
While tiding a spirited horse In Al-
tadenn, Cal., Miss Edith Ogden Har
rison, daughter of former Mayor Car
ter Hartisou of Chicago, was thrown
violently to the ground and severely
A rate war among the transcontinen
tal railroads probably will be averted
by tbo executive officers of the trunk
lines operating from the ports of Hos
ton, New York, Philadelphia and Haiti
more. Mrs. Mary Farmer, who was electro
cuted at Auburn, N. Y made a sworn
statement that her husband, who Is
also under death sentence, had noth
Ing to do with the murder of Sarah
Joe Gans, former world's champion
lightweight pugilist, has developed tu
berculosls of the lungs and may never
again be seen In the ring. Referee
Charles White is quoted as being re
sponsible for the statement.
James ango, a young negro, wno
after his arrest In Chlcngo, confessed
that he had murdered Isadore do Val
lant, night clerk In the Eastern hotel,
New York city, for the purpose of rob
bery, strangled himself to death In the
Tombs prison.
Members of the house of representa
tives already are beginning to specu
late upon their individual chances of
securing choice committee assign
inents, which are expected to bo made
just before the present special session
of congress ends. fj,
Dr. James II. Cunfield, librarian of
Columbia university and distinguished
as an educator, died In St. Luke's hos
pital, New York of apoplexy His ill
ness was brought on by nervous shock
following a street car accident. He
practiced law six years in Michigan,
was also interested In railroad con
struction in Iowa and Minnesota.
Thomas Fitzgerald, general manager
and one of the receivers of the Norfolk
Ac Southern railroad, died in Baltimore
of carcinoma of the stomach, lie was
in bis fifty-sixth year. Prior to bis con
nection with the Norfolk & Southern
Mr. Fitzgerald for 42 years was in the
employ of the llallimore & Ohio rail
road, of which he became general man
ager, rising to that position from the
humble place of water boy.
After Slaying Wife and Child Husband
Loses His Courage.
Grand Rapids. Mich.. Mar. 30. An
atrocious double murder was commit
ted In Antrim county, eight miles
southwest of Mancelonn Sunday night,
when the wife and infant child of
George Hoopfer, u farmer, were
hacked to death with an ax. The hus
band was placed tinder arrest and con
fessed that he killed his wife and child.
He said that he and his wife talked
all night about how nice it would bo
for the three of them to die together.
Finally, according to lloopfer's story,
It. was agreed between them that ho
should kill them nil. When he saw
them dead he says he lost his courage
and instead of killing himself lied into
the woods. The Manceloua authorities
think Hoopfer Is insane.
Garfield's Nurse Is Dead.
Washington. Mar. 2! William T.
Crump, who nursed President Gartleld
after being mortally wounded, Is dead.
He served with the Ohio volunteers in
th civil war. becoming the aid of
General, later President, Hayes.
New York
Mar. :;.
1.1 VK STOCK - Steers
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HYK Nil - Westi'fn
tWTTI.K - I'mn y Ht.'i-rs ....
Medium to ' i Steer..
Ciiwk. I'luln to Fancy....
Choice Feeders
(NSS - Heavy 1'ackers
IteaW r.Utellel'H
I Miry
1'oTATt'KS er tin.)
Fl.orii-Sprlnn Wheat, Spi
Corn, May
s; l'.'i ui 7 i-i
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GU UN-Wheat. No. I Nor'n $1 j 19
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Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Tho "wets" and '"drys" are lining
up all along the Nebraska line.
The city of Lincoln has won its dol
lar gua suit.
High water in Sheridan county de
stroyed a number of bridges.
Work on the new opera house at
Beatrice will be started April 1.
Fire at McCook destroyed Gannis'
general merchandise Btore.
A new bank is scheduled for Red
Cloud with a capital stock of , $25,000
paid up.
Wm. Nightengale, Omaha, aged 2.".
lult by the carbolic route. He had
pf late been much addicted to drink.
' John Roby of Hall county shot at a
cat, killing the same, but the bullet
vped on and likewise took the life of a
Mrs. M. M. Falk, a resident of West
Beatrice, gave birth to triplets, all
oys. They weigh 8, 7 and C pounds,
Stella, the G-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Richie of Mitchell,
as run over and instantly killed by
i car in the switch yards.
Miss Rachel Fairchlld has been re
flected superintendent of the schools
it Spencer, with substantial increase
n salary.
Mr. KIngsburry, the well-known
lorsemnn of Auburn, has moved to
'ebraska City with his large string
f fast horses and will train them on
.he new track at the city park.
Work has been begun on the laying
jf the brick of the first story of tho
postofllee building at Grand Island,
.he foundation and basement being
The man held in Valentine for mur
ler, named Storey, appeared before
.he county judge and waived prellml
iary nnd was bound over to district
ourt without ball.
Herbert, tbo 12-year-old son of Geo.
Helmick. living two miles south of
Stella, shot himself in ti-i foot with
i 22-callber rifle with which he was
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. VanLeer arrived
in Trcumseh from Sheridan, Vyo
with the remains of their 4-year-old
son, where lie was tirownea in ai
tempting to secure bis hat when it
was blown into the stream.
The Grand Island Banking company.
one of the oldest as also one of tho
strongest state banks in Nebraska,
has decided to nationalize. It has a
capital of $100,000, a surplus of $.')0,-
000, and deposits of nearly $700.00(1
All things are ready for the county
convention of Sunday school workers
of Custer county, to begin on April
2t and to run until the evening of the
22d. The session will be held in tho
Presbyterian church in Broken Bow.
Alva A. Randall, son of A. P. Ran
dall of Clay Center, died at their
farm home six miles southeast of Clay
Center, as a result of an Injury re
reived by being thrown from a horse
In December. Deceased was 29 years
of age.
An EI Reno (Okla.) paper Is author
ity for the statement that a number
of well-known Nehrasknns have lo
cated in that city and expect to do
business on a large scale. They have
organized the Conservative Loan com
Hen Grandstaff. hauling hay for S.
P. Alderman, near llassett. with ti
four-horse pony team, has the record
;f hauling the largest load of hay in
that vicinity. He had a loud weigh
ing ILFiTO pounds. The net hay
weighed !).0"0 pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. David Btion of Kwing
celebrated their sixtieth wedding an
niversary. all of their children being
present to help celebrate tho day.
They were married in Pennsylvania
and came to Nebraska thirty years
Mrs. Peter Sanders of Grand Island,
the wife of a painter, old-time real
dents of the city, committed suicide
by shooting herself In the mouth
Mrs. Sanders has been In poor health
for several years and despondency
was the cause of the act.
Peru claims the oldest notary pub
lic in point of service of any Nebras
ka city or town. Mr. 1). C. Cole of
that placo received his first commis
sion four years before Nebraska was
made a state and be has kept it in
force continuously since that time.
A Jury In district court of Washing
ton county rendered a verdict in favor
of Flossie Plotorff. a girl of 11 years.
against William Wilson, a merchant
of Arlington, for $10,000 and costs.
The girl was driving a horse on her
way to school, when Wilson attempt
ed to pass her with bis automobile on
a high nnd narrow grade. Tho horse
scared nnd threw her out, Injuring
her. Victor Lang, a well known Beatrice
mnn, who recently disposed of his
business, and was preparing to take
a trip to bis old home in Austria
when he discovered that he was not
nn American citizen. He was prepar
ing to make out an application for
I'nfalr discrimination against tho
country elevators In favor of the ter
minal elevator companies Is alleged
In the ense of K. Gund & Co. of Blue
Hill against the Burlington. This Is
tho complaint heard by Special Exam
iner Brown of the Interstate com
merce commission.
LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Cured Her.
Willimantic. Conn. "For five years
I suffered untold acony from female
troubles, causing backache, irregulari
ties, dizziness and nervous prostra
tion. It was impossible for rne to
walk upstairs
without Biopplntj
on the way. 1
tried three differ
ent doctors and
each told me some
thing different. I
received no benefit
from any of them,
but seemed to suf
fer more. The last
doctor said noth
ing would restore
rav health, lberan
taking Lydia E. llnkham's Vegetable
Compound to see what it would do,
and I am restored to my natural
health." Mrs. Etta Donovan, Box
200, Willimantic, Conn.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkbain's
Veeetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used wltn perfect connaence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration, nDroia tumors, ir
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
For thirty vears Lvdia E. llnkham's
Vegetable Compound has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
suffering women owe it to tnemseives
to at least give this medicine a triaL
Proof is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, and why should it
not cure you.
If yon suffer from Fits, Fallinir Slckneiw,
HpH-m8 or liuvft children or f riemlH that to ho.
my New Diseiirrry will relieve tliem.nnil all. oil
are uxkeil to do 1m nrnd for a FREE bottle of
Dr. Muy'i Eplleptlrlde Curr.
It has eu red UimiMiiutM w here every tli I nir I'lse-
faileil. Sent 'free with direction. Express
Prepaid, (iiiitriinteeil liy May ildlU-ul l.itli-
oniiiii-.v, under the Niitlonnl Food mid Drily
i-t. June .'tilth, ltKKt. limtrnnty No. IMC I.
rienne (ivc AUK nnd full uldre,.
l)R. W. 11. MAY.
518 Pearl Street. ew York City.
Fit any ttidmr NoS ,
machine. Does all
kinds of Embroidering
better than by band. Saves
half the ci!k, timo and labor.
So simple that a child can oper
ate it Sells at 60 cents. Sample
attachment sont prepaid for 21c,
stamps or silver.
Agents Wanted Everywhere
State and County rights for sale.
Cll Citizens National Bank Building '
Los Angeles, California
45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre
have been grown on (arm lands in
Much less would be
satisiuctoty. 1 he gen
eral average is above
twenty bushels.
"Allnreloud In their
pruises of the grtut
crops and that won
dertulccuntiv.' hi
trjet fr,in comsronjnce fativiut LJitorul
Association of August, f()S.
It is now poudite to secure a homestead of 160
acres free and inolher 160 acres al $3.00 per acre.
Hundreds have paid the cost of their farm (if
purchased) and then had a balance o( from $10.00
to $ 1 2.00 per acre from one crop. Wheat, barley,
oats, flax all do well. Mixed (aiming is a great
success and dairying is highly profitable. Excel,
lent climate, splendid schools and churches, rail
ways bring most every district wilhin easy reach
of market. Railway and land companies hove
lands for sale al low prices and on easy terms.
Last Best West" pamphlets and maps sent
tree. For these and information as to how
to secure lowest rnilwny rate, apply to
Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa,
Cunadu, or the authorised Canadian Govern
ment Agent:
801 New Tork tits Buildiai. Oraths. Ntbriste,
Salts and Castor
bad stuffnever curer
vll only makes bowels move be
cause it irritates and sweats them,
like poking finger in your eye. The best
Bowel Medicine is Cascarets.
Every Salts and Castor Oil user should
get a box of CASCARETS and try
them just once. You'll see.
Csscarets 10c box week's treatment.
All druggists, lliggest seller In Uia
world-million boaus a mootb.
I I'er Salxer's catalog pate i:g. ESSE
Lamest growers of seed oats, wheal, barli r.
It pelts, cm ii, potatoes, irrasnrs and clovers and
farm seeds In ths world. Dig catalog free: or.
tend IOc in stamps snd lecrive sample ot
Million Dollar Wmss, yielding lOtona of hay
ppr arre, niils, spells, barley, etc., rssily wm ill
$10.00 of any man's money to get salartwith.
Jiid raulog fiee. Dr. send 140 and wa add a
Iuiutua (ui in si-ed novelty never seen before
by you. SALJERSEEnCO liW lita... wi.
irafrtlrt e1 with i
; Thompson's Eye Water