The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 01, 1909, Image 1

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' "1st o
M:VS. KMablisl.rd Nov. r. Iv'i I
HERALD. E,tabl.,hi Ap. i! W. , C,)nolu!aUd
Six Reuubiicons
Grand Milli
nery Opening
The Department Store Conducts
Most Successful Event.
,, .... . , I
The millinery opening of M. Fanger 1
at the department store the last three
days of the week was mofct successful j
from every standpoint. The weather ;
was favorable and many people availed
themselves of the opportunity to come
out and see the newest
things in wo-1
tTinn'j Vinurlu.tar '
What proved to be a big drawing
card Saturday and nearly swamped Mr.
Fnr,.r. akhouoh he had an addiliona
uri-jo liKiiM.nlu mua th U'urlf nn
the piano by little Annette Leof, the
child wonder of Omaha. Mr. Fanger
had widely advertised this event for
Saturday and all day long people throng
ed his store to see the little lady, and
finally in the afternoon the crowd in-
Funeral of
Mrs. Waterman
The funeral services of the late Mrs
Margaret A. Waterman, wife of John
Waterman, were held at the family
residence in this city. Mrs. Waterman
was beloved by all who knew her a
large number of sorrowing friends as
sembled to pay their last sad tribute to
har. The services were conducted by
Dr. J. T. Baird and Rev. J. II. Sals
bury. The funeral march was to Oak
Hill cemetery, where she was laid t
reft in the city of the dead.
l:iive You Bought
Let s get busy then. You want one, we
have them. We think we have tho nicest
ones that ever found a place in a Platts
mouth store. Handsome styles faultlessly
tailored. Sand Tans. Bronze effWrs
ish tones of gray and soft shadings in olives
Quality line $20 to $30. Other good ones $10
to $20.
, .....
Jan. 1. IK,
0' tu such proportions that Mr.
Farmer found it necessary to cease do
ing business, owing to the crush. Al
though only live years of age, this little
Kir! handles the piano in a manner
which wou'd do credit to a student sev
eral years older.
Mr. Fanner t.nk occasion also while
his millinery opening was on to place
on display his spring line of the cele-
brated VVooltex garments. This line is
8ajd tQ be the fine8t of read de tail.
oreJ suiu fw hdk.a jn the ct)Untrv
and Mr. Fanger has a complete line of
samples. When it is known that the
' "...
i large retail store of Charles A. Stevens
j & Bros, of Chicago, Illinois a store
which stands l.igh in the ranks with
Marshal Field & Co. and like institutions
? takes a full page of theChicago Tribune
' to advertise these goods, something can
i be guessed as to their valu.'. If the
i cmruU un. rrnrvl enniifrh fnr th natrons
; of Stevens & Co. they are enough for
; the bet, for Stevens & Co. only sell
' that class of trade. Mr. Fanner's lin-
is identical with the Stevens line and
the prices and just the same or possibly
a little lower. j
The honorary pall bearers were the
members of the Ladies Aid Society of,
which organization deceased was presi'
dent. The active pall bearers were
Mesr. Judge J. W. Johnson, J. N.
Wise, Byron Clark, W. J. White, W.H.
Newell and F" G. Fr'cke, all of whom
were old time friends and acquaint
ances of deceased.
This good woman was a loving wife,
a tender mother, and a kind friend.
Her bereaved loved ones have the sym
pathy of the entire community in this
hour of sorrow.
Hon. F. K. White, grand secretary
of the Masonic Order was in the city a
few hours Tuesday.
See us for sale bills.
Dr. Barnes, veterinary.
Head our advertisements.
See the "Rooster" envelopes
For fine job printing call at this
See Dr. Barnes for your veterinary
work. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Hon. It. D. Windham made a busi
ness trip to Glenwood yesterday.
R. L. I'ropst and son Thayer went to
Ralston yesterday on the fast mail.
Frank Marshall, the little son of Dr.
C. A. Marshall, is ill of pneumonia.
Fred W. Lehnhoff of Omaha spent a
few days visiting his mother and sister.
Mrs. J. W. Collins is spending a few
days in Omaha visiting with her sons.
Miss Anna Janda is visiting with
relatives andriends in Havelock for a
few days.
James Dorrough of Union, passed
through this city Wednesday, enroute
to Omaha.
Farm for Sale or Rent - Seven miles
west of Plattsmouth-the E. E. Good
win farm.
We are glad to note a more favorable
condition of J. G. Richey.who has been
seriously ill.
J. H. Waterman and wife were in
the city in attendance at ihe funeral of
Mrs. John Waterman.
Miss Luella Carter of the faculty of
j Rellerne College Is Spending the week
'i" this city with relatives.
Miss Gertrude Beesjn of the countv
' iiwW,i (Ti.niu f(T doltf this wepk
, nursing a ease of pink eye.
Grover Will, a son of A. S. Will was
! kii-kid in the face lv a. horse. The ac-
cident occurred near Mynard.
Mrs. Grace Thomas of Colorado has
been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Taylor south of this city.
Wm. M
Milles and little daughter of
Weeping Water passed through
i city, enroute to Lexington, Neb.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer and two children
; of San Jose, California, arc in the city
! visiting with friends and relatives. j
The old reliable Dr. Barnes is again I
j prepared to attend to your veterinary
wants. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs. O. E. McDonald of M unlock,
i Neb., was the guest of her parents in
this city the fore part of the week.
Mont Robb the new manager of the I
' Jones Grain elevator at Mynary was I
transacting business here yesterday. 1
Th(? m fric).lU ()f Mr3 Joe (.0()k ;
. ww wus n)UI,tU,d on at (hc hwpitali
i will be glad to hear that she is improv
Miss Jonie Davis of Watson, Mo.,
was the guest of her friend. Mrs. W.
M. Gravelt a few days the first of the
I!. I!. Daniher of Murray was a busi
ness caller in the city yesterday. Come
again Mr. Daniher you are always wel
come. The father of R. E. Coleman died
"'onday evening very suddenly at his
home a few miles north of Glenwood,
L. B. Brown, one of the prosperous
farmers from Kenosha, was in the city
yestcr lay and made this ollicc a plea
sant call.
Mrs. Zettio Lewis and son have re
turned to their home in Denver after
several days' visit in the city with Mrs.
Lewis' mother, Mrs. SchulotT.
H. M. Miller, familiarly known as
"Barney" has returned to this city and
has accepted his old position as bar
tender in J. E. McDaniels saloon.
James Fitzgerald who has been look
after the large ranch of Sehlater and
Fitzgerald at Bridgeport, Neb., during
the winter has returned to this city.
Foil Sai.k-One black driving horse,
weight about 11"0 pounds. One rubber
tired top buggy and single harness.
Call Plattsmouth Telephone 121. ST-;!
J. A. Smith of Murray was transact
ing business in this city yesterday. Mr.
TIIl'WSDAY, AP151L 1, 1!0'
Smith is a good farmer and has rented
a portion of the late Levi Rusterholtz
Remember the Nkws-IIkrai.d when
wanting anything in the printing line.
Ouf facilities for doing the finest work
are unexcelled and was guarantee satis
faction in every respect.
I desire to announce that my health
is nbw such as to allow me to do a little
worli in the veterinary line, and shall
be glad to answer all calls of this
nature. -Dr. A. P. Barnes.
Mrs. D. E. Wcllman of Denver re
turned to her home yesterday after
several days' visit in this city with her
brother, Mr. Burley. Mrs. Wellman is
a former resident of Plattsmouth.
J. W. Larkin of Stockham, Neb., has
been in the city for a clay or two. Mr.
Larkin contemplates going into busi
ness at this point, and we trust that in
a latter issue we shall be able to record
the fact that he has become a resident.
Ex-Congressman Pollard who has
been in the city for a few days, return
ed home yesterday. Mr. Pollard came
to Lincoln to meet his sister, Mrs. Let
tie Shotwell of Seattle, who returned
to Nchawka with her brother. Mr.
j pollard has been selected to deliver the
. commencement address on May 18, at
the Salem high school. -Stato Journal.
Carl Lincoln of Pacific Junction was
in the city the last of the week and
made this office a pleasant call. Mr.
i Lincoln is an extensive breeder of
i aacn wui oogs arm ha an announce
in this issue of the NEW3-IIi:itAl.r.
They do training as well as breeding,
an.Vorie 'n Heed of a dog of this
will do well to correspond
with Mr.
Prof. W. C. Brooks, principal of the
hiiih school in this city during the last
two years, has been elected as superin
tendent of the public schools of Fair
mont, Neb. Our loss is Fairmont's
gain. Prof. Brooks is a capable vounir
educator and we shall expect to hear
of his continued rise in the educational
world. The Nkws-IIerald wishes him !
the best of success in his new field. j
Long ago the Scotch learned this.
The sturdy old Scotchman must be
amused at the recent "discoveries" that
oatmeal is the best food in the world.
Our scientific men have been making
e-xperiments which prove that Ameri
cans cat too much fat and grease and
not enough cereals.
The Scotchmen say: "Look at our
nation as proof. The sturdiest nation
on earth." Still we have one good point
to make. Wc make better oatmeal than
the Scotch.
They buy Quaker Oats and consider
it the leader of all oatmeals to be had
anywhere. If you arc convenient to
the store you'll probably buy the
regular size package. For those who
live in the country the large size family
package is more satisfactory. Follow
the example of the Scotch; eat a Quaker
Oats breakfast every day.
Maple 6rove
Spcoiul Corrosponcli'nce
Farming ha begun in this section
full force.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frederic' wcie
the guests of Mr, and Mrs. I ojis Puis
William Puis and family sj cut Sun
day at the home of August Engelke
meir Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmond Beck hpent
Sunday at the home of A. L. Beck at
W. H. Puis, James Tilson and Cam
eron Cathcy made a business trip to
I'lattsniouth Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Engclkcmeir
spent Sunday at the home of John
Albert near Cedar Creek.
Juito a number of this community
attended the basket social at the New
Hope school Friday night.
(juitc a l umber of friends and rela
tives gathered at the home of Mrs.
Otto Puis Saturday night to celebrate
the former's birthday anniversary.
Second Church ol Christ, Scientist.
Sunday school, !):1" a. ni.
Divine service at 11 a. m. Subject
Mid-week meeting Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock.
Church is located on Sixth street,
two blocks south of Main street. The
public is cordially invited to all services.
The reading room in the Coates block
is open ever Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday afternoon from 2 untill 5
New Lands for
Flathead Indian Reservation
North Central Montana.
Flithead Indian reservation inXnorth
central Montana, comprising l,42.r,000
acres, about 200 miles east of Spokane,
will be thrown open to settlement some
time in July. Private advices from
Washington, D. C, are that President
Taft will sign the proclamation early in
April, 60 days after which the lands
will be open to homesteaders t It is be
lieved the lottery plan will be followed.
Under this method 30 days' time is
given to prospective settlers to register
with the land department, which will
be at Kalispell this year. The reserve
contains within its boundaries the south
half of the Flathead lake, the largest
body of fresh water west of Lake
Michigan. The elevation is 2,!HK feet.
Theland, expect 220,000 acres allotted to
Indians, is in five classes and is apprais
ed at from $1.25 to $5 an acre, while
the actual value of a homestead of 100
acres is from $1,000 to $IG,000, ar word
ing to soil and location. The govern
ment has laid out seven townsites,
where lots will be at auction for cash.
THE way we've sold Hart, Schaff
ner &Marx clothes the past few
days, certainly strengthens our
Cepwifbl by Hirt Sclmfncr Ic Mart
Manhattan Shirts.
Hart SchafTner
We Want You to See Our
Six Democrats
Dodging the
Real Issue
The march of improvements in
Plattsmouth city must continue. A
democratic administration has been
engaged for three years in remedy
ing the defects of previous adminis
trations and at the same time it
has reduced taxes enormously. Mr.
Taxpayer, kindly look up your tax
receipts and find the rate you paid
before the last democratic adminis
tration went into power and see
what you are paying now under the
democrats. You will find an enor
mous reduction in the rate and that
is sufficient cause to justify you in
voting for the democratic candi
dates. -Plattsmouth Journal.
The above editorial is intended to de
ceive the taxpayers of this city. It is
intended to cover up the leakages in
the city treasury. When this adminis
tration took charge of the city's affairs
there was $16,000 in the city treasury,
and the "Scavenger Suit" brought in
about $28,000 of back taxes, making
about $44,000 more cash furnished to
this administration than prior adminis
trations or will be to subsequent ones.
The question id what has become of the
$44,000. The treasury is overdrawn on
the road fund $5100 today.
first Church ol Christ, Scientist.
Sunday Services, 11 a. m. Subject
"Un eality."
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Testimorial Meeting, Wednesday 8
p. m.
Coates Block, Room No. 227.
Reading Room same address. Open
daily except Sunday and Monday, from
1 to ft p. m., where authorized literature
on Christian Science may be read or
The public is cordially welcomed.
claims for that
best make.
If you'll come in
and try on some of
the new swell
things, of which we
have an abundance, we
wont say a word toward
making you buy a suit.
We know that if you
once get a
II(irt.8chnJ'ner d: Marx
suit on, you'll wart one
without our tolling you.
They have that different
style that you're looking
for. Uememher too that if
you come here to buy a suit,
you're sure to be satisfied,
we won't try to sell you one,
unless we know you're go
ing to like it better than any
you ever had. Your satis
faction is necessary for our
business welfare.
Suits.... $7. 50 to $30.00
Mostly.. $15. 00 to $25.00
Stetson Hats.
& Marx Clothes.
Hang Up System. Come In.