7 ' J v r A t M M M M M M M x Spend ;i Pleasant Hour at I The Cosy Corner j; TOM TROOP, pitopuiF.roi: American Flag Must Win I Below we give the lar.ks from the j Republican National Platforms for the tions lie made for ocean mail service in American steamships bet ween our porta and those of Central anil South Ameri ca, China, Japan, and the important islands in both of the great oceans as will be liberally remunerative for the service rendered, and as will encourage the establishment, and in some fair do- r THE PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL ! P. F. COOS. Prop. When in Plattsmouth get your dinner at The Perkins House I 4 (iuthmnnn & Cory, Props. 4 vntira 1000 I'dll nivl lililS nn tln .sn'i- . , . , gree enuali.e the chances of American ject of the American Merchant Marine, b ... ... ... , ... . , , , steamship lines 111 the competition which 1 and the ship-subsidy. Also extracts , ' t , - .. , . ., . they must meet. That the American 1 from the. annual messages of Presidents ... , ... .. 1 ,,. . .... . it . states king south of us will cordially Chester A. Arthur, Beniamin Harrison, ja ...... , . . . ... . . n,, , co-operate in establishing and mamtnm- William Mckinley and Theodore Koose- . ' ... - . ,. . . .. -ung such lines of steamships to their Ivelt, recommending the passage of ... , , , , , . , principal ports 1 do not doubt, isuch measures as would again place. ., ' ,, ... .... , ., . . a ., . . 1 President Mckinley in his annual ! the American flag on the high seas in ' . I .. , . . 1. 1 1 message, December ;, said: the merchant marine service. Kead , . , ., , . ., . . , 1111: vaiuciu an n mui n. 1111 1111:1 1 mini. mem inrougn ami men see wncuier or 1 not Congressman E. M. Pollard was not justified in voting for a mail sub- X5W--XrkM"XXX"!,5,X"!H"M" I C. A. RAWLS I ATTORNEY X !- Oilices 111 r irst National bank bldg A v!Wt';X"!"X--!!-X"!'-X',X--X" WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT sidy to establish lines of steamships be tween the United States and the South American republics. Are such sore heads as Frank Harrison and H. M. Bushnell right or was Congressman Pollard right? Are such soreheads wiser or more patriotic than these four presidents of the United States. The following is an extract from the Republican National Platform of l!XiO: "Our present dependence upon for- marine to the extension of our commer cial trade and the strengthening of our power UH)ii the sea invites the imme diate action of congress. Our national development will be one-sided and un satisfactory so long as the remarkable growth of our island industries remain unaccompanied by progress on the sea. There is no lack of constitutional au thority for legislation which shall give to the country maritime strength com mensurate with its industrial achieve ments and with its rank among the na tions of the earth. , . " . . . ., "Last year American vessels trans- industry of this country. It is also a ported a smaller share of our exports J and imports than during any former 'year in all our history, and themeasuie BAILEY & MACII THE DENTISTS Latest Applldncft Itlih-Ofjd Drntl.try. ftusoo tie Mm. DrM-rqulpotd Itrntal Of fice little Middle West. MCIAI DISCOUNT TO CITY Vlt'TOM. Id floor fmiiin Ink . Iti. raiimm, OMAHA, NEB. x'X"X"X"X";X"X"Xx:"i A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Hank. Nehawka. P.anW of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat 1 bunk, Greenwood. State bank of Murray. Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. serious danger to our trade, for its sud- I den withdrawal in the event of European var wou 1 seriously cripple our expand-1 . , -e . 1 ( , , J '', !. , ping was painfully manifested to our ing foreign commerce. The National,' , , . , . , n . . . ,. I people. Without any choice of our , . own. the departments of the govern- country. moreover, supply a compelling ' . . ... .... . . , , 1 V- u 11 11 nient charged with military and naval reason for legislation which will enable ... ... .... ., . H , . operations in the hast and West Indes us to recover our former place among ; ' . . e . . n . , . , ., . had to obtain from foreign flags vessels the trade carrying fleets of the world. .. . ,; ... , ,,,.. . ir essential for those operations. The following is an extract from the ,,,. .. , . . ... .. 7. . , , "The other great nations have not Kcpub ican National Platform of l!)i)4: ! , . ., . , ,. 1 , u 1 hesitated to adopt the required means "While every other industry has . ' . . , . , ., , , . ., , to develop their shipping as a factor in prospered under the fostering aid of! , ' , . . ' ... , , . national defense, and as one of the the Republican legislation, American ; ' t 1 . ... 1 . . , . . , . surest and siieediest means of obtam- shipping engaged 111 foreign trade in 1 ..... 1 , . . , .... ... , , . " - i mg for their producers a t-hare in for- competition with the low cost of con- r ' .. ... . . ' . . , , ; eign markets. Like vigilance and ef- struction, ow wages, and heavy sub- b . .. . ... . fort on our part can not fail to improve sidies of foreign governments, has not ; .. .. 1 .... . , , H . . . , our situation, which is regarded with fur mnnv vnnrs received from the 1T0V- . . . . . . . ; humiliation at home and surprise abroad. Even the seeming sacrifices, Pc. A . MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Office in Fitzgerald Block FACTS I The news items of the home com munity. CJ The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. TbeM ar lb kind of fact (hit paper you in 017 Uiua. Thr aro corUinl wortk tbo tutcriplioD prico. v.x-,X":-'X"!--X,!"!"XX"!'"X"'-'X! y ' ' J Get Acquainted With - 'I Diner's Digesters I For your stomach's ?ake. Relief of Heartburn, Indiges tion, etc. Sold by I F. G. Frickc & Co. I t X vs. 5 IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see pueh handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker's- livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeaker's for your turnout. M.E. MAN SPEAKER Jonc-i' Old Livery Barn ppvnth & Main St. I'lattumouth, Neb. crnment of the United States adequate encouragement of any kind. We there fore favor legislation which will en courage and build up the American merchant marine, and we cordially ap prove the legislation of the last con gresi which created the merc hant ma rine commission to investigate and re port upon this subject. A navy powerful enough to defend the United States against any attack, to uphold the Monroe doctrine, and watch over our commerce, is essential for the safety and the welfare of the American people. To maintain such a navy is the fixed policy of the Republi can party which at the beginning may be involved, will be ou"set later by more than equivalent gains. "The expense is as nothing compared to the advantage to be achieved. The re-establishment of our merchant ma rine involves, in a large measure, our continued industrial progress and the extension of our commercial triumphs. I am satisfied the judgement of the country favors the policy of aid to our merchant marine, which will broaden our commerce and markets and upbuild our sea-carrying capacity for the pro- ducts of t agriculture and manufacture, ! which, with the increase of our Navy, mean more work ana wages 10 our The following is an extract from the Kepuo.ican xsauonai 1 .auo, , ... - ; count wcll as a safCgUard to "We adhere to the republican doc- j ,n ,mrt of the trine of encouragement to American 1 ,, shipping and urge such legislation as PieJent Ro08eveIt , hii) annual will revive the merchant marine pres-1 me I)pcemberi 3 jyoi. said: tige of the country, so essential to na- j The .. f)f the Amerjcan mer. tional defense; the enlargement of for- f,hant marjne a3 tQ ca fop im. en?,, trade and the industrial prosper,tylme(.ate . action by the con. of our own people. j It is discmlitable to us as a President Arthur in hw annual mes- nat. m that ouf mm.hnnt marine8hould sage December 4, 12, said: ! be utterly insignificant in comparison "The Secretary of the Navy forcibly , to that of othcr nKtion9 wWch we oyer. depicts the intimate connection and in-, n formg of wj terdependence of the Navy and the 1 mt gubmit to conditions our great commerce is carried in our own ships. To remedy this state of things would not merely serve to build up our shipping interests, but it would also result in benefit to all who are in- tion to the continued decadence of the latter, and the corresponding transfer ! of our growing, commerce to foreign bottoms. The subject is one of the ut- i most importance to the national wel- j ia e. uewmus ,,-v.v.,, , c. , th(? perma,,ent establish shipbu.lding and restoring the United 1.. . . nuiriran States flag in the ocean-carry ing trade ! am, woukl ,)rovillean auxiliary i force for the Navy. Ships work for their own countries just as railroads work for their terminal points. Ship- should receive the immediate attention of congress. We have mechanical skill and abundant material for the manu facture of modern iron steamship in ping lines, if established to the princi- iair compeiu.o,. .u. uu. kmuiucu... , .,,.;, ,s wi ,h whirh . have deal rivals. Our disadvantage in building inRS( woui, i,e 0f ,)(,ijtjcal as well ns ships is the greater cost ot labor, and commt.rciai benefit. From every stand in sailing them higher taxes and greater point it 3 unv ise for the United States interest on capital, while the ocean : to continue to rely upon the ships of highways are already monopolized by i competing nations for the distribution our formidable competitors. These 0f our g,, it should be made ad obstacles should, in some way, be over- vantageous to carry American goods in come, and for our rapid communication , American-built ships, with foreign lands we should not con- ..t present American shipping is tinue to depend wholly upon vessels j umer certain great disadvantages when built in the yr.rds of o'.her countries put in competition with the shipping of and sailing under foreign flags." ! foreign countries. Many of the fast President Harrison in his annual mes-1 foreien steamships nt a speed of 14 sage, December 3, 1889, said: ! knots or above are subsidized, and all "There is nothing more justly humi- our ships-sailing vessels and steamers liating to the national pride and noth- j aiiko, cargo-carriers of slow speed and ing more hurtful to the national pros-: maj carriers of high speed-have to perity than the inferiority of our mer-1 meet the fact that the original cost of chant marine compared with that of ; building American ships is greater than other nations, whose general resources, : j tc t.&9C at,road; that the wages paid wealth, and seacoast lines do not sug- j American officers and seamen are very gest any reason for their supremacy on ; mucn higher than those paid the ofli the sea. It is not always so, and our ; cerg an(j st.amen of competing coun people are agreed, I think, that it shall tr;e3, and that the standard of living not continue to be so. That great on our shipa is far superior to the steannhip lines sailing under the flags I standard of living on the ships of our of England, France, Germany, Spain commercial rivals, and Italy, and engaged in foreign com-; ,)ur government should take such merce, were promotod and have since action as will remedy these inequalities, been, and now are liberally aided by , The American merchant murine should grants of public money in one form or oe restored t the ocean." another, is generally known. That the ; President Roosevelt in his annual American lines of steamship have been message, !cember Ti, l'.Hi.l, said: abandoned by us to an unequal contest "To the spread of our trade in pence with the aided lines of other nations and the defense of our flag in war 11 until they have been withdrawn, or in great and prosperous merchant marine the few cases where they are still is indispensable. We should have maintained, are subject to cerious dis-' chips of our own and seamen of our advantages, is a matter of common own to convey our goods to neutral knowledge. j markets, and in case of need to rein- "I recommend that such appropria-; force out battle line. It cannot but be a source of regret and uneasiness to us that the lines of communication with our s-ister republics of South America should be chiefly under foreign control. It is not a good thing that American merchants mid manufacturers should have to send their goods and letters to South America via Kurope if they wish security and dispatch. Kven on the Pacific, where our ships have held their own better than on the Atlantic, our merchant Hag is now threatened through the liberal aid bestowed by other gov ernments 011 their own steam lines. 1 ask your earnest consideration of the report with which the merchant marine commission has followed its lomr and careful inquiry." President Koosevelt in his annual message, December S, P.IOK, said: "I again recommend the extension of the ocean mail act of 1891 so that the satisfactory American ocean mail lines to South America, Asia, the Philippines, and Australasia may be established. The creation of such steamship lines should be the natural corollary of the voyage of the battle fleet. It should precede the opening of the Panama Canal. Kven under favorable condi tions several years must elapse before such lines can be put into operation. Accordingly I urge that the congress act promptly where foresight already shows that' action sooner or later will he inevitable." A Hale, Hearly Old Age comes with a good stomach anil n good nppetite.and the wherewith al to tempt and satisfy your lorg ing for good food. ou can nl ways get it at Parties'. Dishes for the epb ure cooked by an ar tist, and foods of the choicest grades and flavors at Barnes'. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. See the "Booster" envelopes at Irwins. Read our advertisements. agazine Ever had trouble of your own with a hired man ? Read "The Late John Wipgins" in thi, month's EVERYBODY'S, and laugh over the other fellow's trouble. Did you know thar more tunny short stories arc swapped from The Chestnut Tree" than from any othcr similar collection anywhere? Every month you can find one that you'll laugh over till you get the next. Get EVERYBODY'S and see. FOR SALE I1Y HeroW's Book Store. FREE TRIP to the PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE of the many thous and's -who want to explore this Won derland 1111 SUNSET MAGAZINE has instituted a new department, whose special work it is to nut witliin tk ot every one an ODnortunitv to see the FAR WEST. Write for Sample Copy. :: :: :: :: For full particular! tddrcis Sunset Travel Club 16 Flood Building, San Francisco, Cal. (WASHINGTON I ORtOON I i t h reac Want Column WANTED. WANTED-Manager for Branch ofli -e we wish to locate here in I'latts mouth. Address, The Morris Whole sale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. K5-S WANTED Agents to handle good close in addition property to Musko gee, 0 ;. For particulars address Schantz & Crabtree, Muskogee, Ok. 8-:i $:! PER WEEK and expenses to men with rig to introduce poultry and stock remedies. Experience unneces sary. Reliable company and exclu sive territory given. The (Irant Co., Dept. m, Springfield, III. 7-12 WANTED Young men and women to fill positionc paying $!M)) to $2tHl per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Cmvernment service, a well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend mice at any business college in the country. We guarantee fucces;'. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a positiun. Trial lesson frei'. Central Business Institute, Central Building, Washington, D. C. f Wise talks by the office boy Some one sent the boss a bunch of books en titled, "Business Nuggets," "The Road to Sue cess," "The Man in Front" and such like.l think he's been looking them over, for when I came to work this morning he handed me this: Every thing conies to those that wait, and the lazy boy waits to greet it; but success conies on with a rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." I had to laugh, because he's the boss; but to tell you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't. get any chance to apply thess wise hunches. Actually it's no credit fore a fellow to beindustrioua here, because he cant be anything else. If vo lets up for an hour he wouldn't get his orders out nmlihen there ;wuld be people coming in and saying lots of tierce things, but nothing about "business success" or the "lazy boy waits to greet it." Have you tried Curtis Brothers Janis. Retains nll'thel fne,'nat ura flavor. Great. Picnic size, 2rc. Don't forget to order a sack of Goods Best Flour with your next order. iH. M. SOENNICHSEN I hwmhhhmummmmmhmmhiummmmhI fit w The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds, the coming again of the breezes and blossems, comrs also more milk thus adding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Best Cream Separator Made. The United States, in a number of sizes nt prircn which are in the leach of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. H. L. ASEMISSEN & SONS Herold Book & Stationary Store Leading local dealer in Static rnry, School Sap- plies, Office Sur i'lks, Tost Cards, Sheet Mumc, Sporting (loods. Candy, Tobaccos and Cigars. Local agent for the Orr aha World-Herald, Lincoln Journal, Chicago Examiner, Inter Ocean, Tribune, Record Herald, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Republic, Post Dispatch and1 aD current periodicals constantly on our counters or yearly subscriptions taken at publishers prices. ' Distributor for this section of the cele brated Red Rand Rrand candies warranted pure cocoanut bon bons, cream covered dates, fig candies, crystallized cream candies, dipped! candies, fudge cream, butter and soft cream candies. All the above at 12 cents a pound, the the kind that usually sells at 20 to 25 cents else. where. Also agents for Bald u IT Fine Choco lates, Horubeys Fruit Tablets, Hornbeys Butter Scotch, Hor'nbeys Toffey Candy. SPORTING GOODS. Local agents for Spalding's line of athletic Goods, base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. Fishing tackle, ter.r.is geeds, etc. Full line of tops, marbles, etc. Dealers in all local brands of cigars, also full line of Tobaccos in stock. ? ? ? ? t t y f y y y y y y y V t y f y y V ! X HeroiuisooK&biationarybtorc x vnu i;uui tti-Mui rangers. V V X t t X f Y T T X T t t T T X X y V t y y