The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 29, 1909, Image 6

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R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager
The Busy Reader Can Absorb
Few Moments a Good Deal
King Victor Kiuniunuel reopened
the Italian parliament with the cus
tomary ceremonies. The kins and
queen, accompanied by the royal
princes, drove from the qulilnul to
the senate building, where they were
enthusiastically greeted by- l" depu
ties and 300 senators.
There Is nu likelihood of Kinperor
AYilllam and Theodoro Koosevelt.
meeting In the Mediterranean in
April, as Mr. Roosevelt, on board the.
uteanior Admiral, will lie In the. neigh
borhood of Aden, at the southern end
of the Red sea, when K-mporor Wil
liam goes on board the Imperial yacht
Hohenzollern at Venice.
In view of the assertloiiri made in
the ltrlt Isli house of commons that
Ciornmny in the spring of 1!H2 would
have seventeen warships, all of them
t)f the big gun type, the navy depart-'
mont authorizes the statement that
in the autumn of 1912 Germany will
liave thirteen such vessels.
The government of Greece Is still
probing Into the situation growing out
of the recent riot upon Its subjects at
South Omaha. Minister Cora Melas
at Washington has sent n personal
representative of the kingdom to
It is understood in diplomatic cir
cles that the Servian government Is
reildy to nccopt the advice of the pow
ers regarding the peaceful tenor of its
reply to the last Austrian note which
Is to be made shortly.
The naval scare in Kngl.ind has
lieen revived by rumors that the llrlt
lsh government is considering the
purchase of three warships of the
Dreadnought type now being built in
England for The government
1ms the option of taking over these
E. II. llanlman has gone to Pubo
Kobles to take the- baths at the hot
uprings. He is bothered with rhouni
utism. There is a movement on foot to
consolidate the c ities of St. Paul am
Minneapolis as one metropolis.
The Illinois legislature Is still vot
ing without result In the senatorial
Portland, Ore., has n scheme for
placing all saloons under ono owner
ship. The death Is announced at Berlin
of Prof. Alfred Messell, the well
known German architect, aged 56
Mrs. Pierre I.orillaid, Jr., wife of
the tobacco magnate, tired of the so
ciety swirl, suicided In Washington
by asphyxiation.
Major Francis P. Fremont, Fifth
Vnited States infantry, son of the
"Pathfinder," is to be dismissed from
the unny as a result pf his conviction
by court -martial in Cuba on the
charge of insubordination.
Much is now doing In a political
way In Nebraska, in view of the near
approach of city and town elections.
Col. William Lamb, aged "it, soldier,
lawyer, editor, merchant and politi
cian, died nt Norfolk, Va. lie was
best known as the "Hero -of Fort
The safety of passengers on rail
roads under the Jurisdiction of the
Interstate commerce commission ts
Bought to be promoted by a bill Intro
duced recently by Representative
Esch (Wis.) Under the bill it would
lie compulsory to construct passenger
roaches with frames of steel or other
Annuities for ex-presidents and the
widows of ex-presidents are provided
Jn bill Introduced In the senate by Mr.
McCumber. I'nder its terms any es
president would receive $10,000 a year
as retired commander-in-chief of the
army and navy, and upon his death
his widow would receive j:,nmi a
Roosevelt gave notice before leav
ing for South Africa that it would be
absolutely useless for anyone to write
to him during his absence.
Vnitccl States Senator Dixon of
Montana declares positively that the
Flathead reservation will be opened
tor settlement the latter part of July
or the first of August this year.
The Spanish government has nr
rmiL-ed with a British syndicate to
build a new Spanish navy and an ar
Mine. Heleno Modjeska Is reported
bs gradually growing weaker.
Chairman Pavno talked four hours
In explanation of his tariff hill.
The total Immigration Into Canada
for the eleven months Tor the present
Asia' year up to the end of February
was 1:50,44 1 as compared with 247.0.M5
(nr Hie K.-inie IK rind in '07 8, a clc
ci ease of 47 per cent.
Reed Knox, son of Secretary of
State Knox, has been appointed con
fidential clerk to the secretary, vice
11. F. Neighbors, resigned.
A balloon Journey from the Pacific
to Atlantic oceans, across the I'tiltcc!
States, bus been practically assured
for the near luture.
Rates from PufTrJo to New York on
grain for export have been cut from
3V to 4 cents per bushels. This re
duct Ion follows a protest made by tho
New York Produce exchange.
The growing tendency toward big
ger and more formidable navies
shown by the leading nations of Eu
rope, and now by the l'nlted States,
was denounced by Andrew Carnegie
at the international peace festival.
Street car holdup men have again
commenced operations In Omaha.
Territorial olllcers of New Mexico
have been ordered to stay away from
Washington unless they have busi
ness there.
If congress desires the decennial
census taken next year, Director
North of the census bureau wants $14,
OuO.oOO to (letiay expenses.
The Coopers, father and son. on
trial In Nashville, Tenn., for killing
Senator Cat-muck, were found guilty
and sentenced to twenty years In the
Col. Fred L. Jeltz, the Kansas negro
editor, was declared insane by the
probate judge of Shawneo county.
Former Representative James E.
Watson of Indiana, who lost his fight,
for the governorship, has been offered
and has declined the governorship of
Porto Rico and the ministership to
Five people were Killed and a score
more were injured and many were
overcome by an explosion of gas In
the Sunnyside mines at Kvansville,
Chief Engineer llerschell Main of
the navy, retired, died in Washington,
aged t;:! years.
Memorial exercises for G rover
Cleveland were held at Carnegie hall,
at which President. Taft spoke.
An 8-yenr-old school boy was kid
naped and held for unison at Sharon,
Lieut. Semnies Reed, V. S. N., na
val aide to President Taft, was prob
ably fatally Injured while tiding with
several other naval olllcers in Rock
Creek park. His horse stumbled and
fell upon him.
The new bank guaranty
Kansas was the subject of
law o,'
ence at the While house today when
Senators Curtis and lirlstow of that
state called upon President Taft.
The attorney general has asked
Wade 11. Ellis of Ohio to continue in
his present position or assistant to
the attorney general, and It was of
ficially announced that he hnd agreed
to do so.
Cuba will produce about l.luo.ouo
tons of sugar this season weather, ac
cording to Consul Genera! Rogers at
Havana. He Is inclined to discredit
the low estimates of probable yield In
the crop, despite the fact that, rains
in the eastern halt of tbo island have
given the belief that the sugar pro
duction would be curtailed.
Former Governor Hill of Maine, act
ing chairman of the Jtcptihlicnn na
tional committee, announced at the
White House that the headquarters
of the committee In Washington
would be abandoned alter this month
and continued In Chicago with Secre
tary 1 1 ay ward.
Secretary of the Treasury Mac
Veagh expressed his satisfaction with
the general features of the new tariff
bill. He said: "Reserving the expres
sion of an opinion as to the particular
rates adopted by the ways nnd means
committee, it is a pleasure to noto the
manner in which the committee has
responded to the general expectations
of tho people as to .1 genuine revision
of the tariff and the way In which they
have undertaken to fulfill the pledge?
and promises of the republican party."
The department of agriculture has
sent out notice of judgment for mis
branding rnnned corn under the pure
food law. The corn In question was
shipped from the Audubon CnnniiiR
company, Audubon, la., and was sent
to a company at Ogden, I'tali. It was
found by the department that the cans
were short of weight, the cans being
branded as holding two pounds, where
as they contained less than two
In the distribution of committee
assignments among the senators the
west gets a measure of recognition
which nobody dreamed would go to
it, nnd a good deal of tho credit, is
given to Senator UiFollette and Bur
kett. The Iowa delegation promises to be
In the thick of the light against free
hides, as every member of the delega
tion is expected to oppose free hides
as provided for In the tariff bill. Chief
fl;hts over the hill promise to center
around free hides, maximum and min
imum features of measure, lumber,
con! and steel.
Ex-President Castro of Venezuela
is on his way to Bordeaux to sail
for South America.
John Newton Drummond. million
aire tobacco manufacturer, died nt
his home In Alton. III., of a series of
apoplexy strokes.
H Is likely that President Taft will
be asked to arbitrate In the coal min
ers' difficulties.
The Nebraska delegation
gress is In a stew over the
In con
demand for free lumber from their
Congressman Klnkaid will urge the
retention of duty on bides.
Western senators are elated over
cemmitu e assi mnionts.
Willie Whllta. the kidnaped Sharon.
Pa., boy was restored unharmed
his lather at Cleveland.
Director North wants
to take the next census.
Roosevelt expects to be gone about
fifteen months.
Chairman Payne spoke four hours
In explanation of his tariff b
W. J. Bryan was I'l years eld March
1!). Lincoln democrats tendered him
a banquet.
THE I Willi i
Proposition Is to Restore Three-Cent
Rate, Effective on All Lines
April 10.
St. Louis-The .Trent local ticket
rale and the L'.uoo-mib? interchange.
able lank will be put in effect April
lo, according to an olilcial statement
issued by ihe eighteen railroad: la
Missouri. The ntai niont was issued
after the return of the railroad repre
sentatives from Jefferson City, where
conferences 011 the passenger rale
question were held with Governor
lladley, Attorney General Major and
members of the. railroad committee of
the legislature.
The blntcmcul also announces thai,
actions to lest the validity of ihe L'
cent laws in adjoliiging slates will be
brought at. once. After slating that
the most cordial good feeling existed
during the conference at. Jefferson
City, the statement reads:
"As the matter now r.iainls as be
tween tho railroad proposition and
that of the executive and legislative
departments there is a difference
which mght bo classified ns detail.
"In other words, the establishment
of the 3-cent basis for through and in
terstate rates will not be objected u.
and a 2,000-mile lmei-chaiiKnbl-mileage
book upon a basis of 1! cents
net Is acceptable to both sides. The'
slate favors a r.oo niile book, good up
on an individual railroad and for
bearer, at. V. cents per mile.
"The railroads offer in lieu of thi.i
a .'lOo-niile book, pood over all of the
railroads in the stale and for bearer,:
at 2!i cents per mile; and upon an,
Individual railroad a r.oo-milo book,
good for owner only, for 2U cents per
mile, all in Ilea le books in both cases
to be good for one year.
"The objection by Hie railroads to
1i-cent. individual railroad bear
er mileage book- 's the fact thnt. where
more than U-ceut difference Is made'
between the ordinary local ticket, rate
and the bearer inueage rate it will bo
used by scalpers and also to reduce
Interstate rates.
"The mileage book, which the rail
roads offer, would be flat,2!'j cents;
the difference would not represent a
profit to both fiealper and purchaser,
therefore, this ticket would not be
In reference to the traveler of small
means and for short distances the
statement reads:
"The opinion of every passenger
truffle, official is that, the practical
effect of the L'V.-cent statewide mile
age book would be to extend the ben
efit of that rate to every traveler.
They would be perfectly negotiable
and it would be the simplest mailer
for individuals to secure the use of
a portion of a book held by another.
"At the present time -no further
conference is contemplated.
"In the meant line the Il-ccnt local
ticket rale and the 2,oimi -mile? inter
changeable bc.ol; will be put in effect.
April in.
Utah Judge Will Preside at Hearing
of Oklahoma Lot Cases.
Muskogee. Okl. Judge John A.
Marshall. United Slates judge for the.,
district court of L'lah, has been
named by Judge Sanborn of I lie
Pulled States circuit court, of uppcals.
to preside at tin? trial of the cases of
Governor Charles X. Haskell audi
other prominent Oklahoinans indief-d,
for the Muskogee (own lot frauds.
President of Consolidated Gns.
New York. George 11. Vortcljou,
ex secretary of tlu treasury, wast
elected president of the Consolidated
Gas company of this city.
Kansans Will Not Make Effort to Par
ticipate in Guaranty. ,
Topeka, Kas. One hundred national
bankers of Kansas met here to dis
cuss the new Kansas bank guaranty
law. The sentiment is decidedly hos
tile to the law, and the disposition is
to make no effort to have the order of
the r.ovcrnnierit refusing nalion-ib
banks permission to participate in the
guaranty plan revoked.
Will Discuss Question in Messrs t
Regular Session of Congress.
Washington.--President Tail has
siven authiirltv 10 have his name used,
ns favoring the ship subsidy. The
president will discuss the ship subsidy.
In his message to the liexl leul'li;
session of congress, lie lias not pre
pared any special, plans, hut after
eight months consideration, he said,
he would have definite Ideas to pre
Republic Iron and Steel Company An
nounces Reduced Wap.cs.
Youngstown. (). The Republic- Iron
and Steel company announced a cut
of 10 pel' cent in wages. The cut af
fects about 12.000 men. Notices were
posted 111 nil the wo-ks here of the
reduction effective April 1.
About 1,010 mill HI'!! infected loc"'i
ly, including all employes from mli
rlcd men to laborers, except men ti'i 1 -tilled
wi'h the Amii1;atuntcd Ass 11
tkm of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers.
Items cf Interest Tnken From Here
and There Over the State,
Tl e Midwest Life.
The Midwest Life Insurance
nany is an old line insinaim
con i-
pany oiganl.ed under
1 he laws of
1 he state of
Nebraska whose home
oliiee Is located at Lincoln.
Its premium rales are as low as
those of eastern companies anil the
provisions of its policies are fair and j
reasonable. All the Investments o!
The Midwest Life are made in Ne
braska securities and the money paid
to it for premiums Is thereby kept, in
the slat-. Practical and experienced
life Insurance men arc back of The
Midwest Life. It will be three years
old in .May next and has over $l,"0u,
not) of insurance in force.
The Midwest Life has plenty of ter
ritory in Nebraska for good, active
and capable agents who wish to take
up the work of solicit inn; life insur
mice cither on full or pari time. Lib
eral commissions are paid, For ad
ditional information write to N. Z.
Snell, President, Lincoln.
A noteworthy occasion to the Ger
man Lutheran church at Tobias was
the dedication cm Sunday of their
new pipe organ.
Preliminary steps lor the opening
of an interurbnn railway line between
Sioux City and Hartington,' Neb.,
have been taken by Sioux City and
Nebraska business men.
George Warren, a leading citizen
and a democratic leader of Johnson
county, was found dead in his room,
evidently having passed away ton or
twelve hours before of heart trouble.
The city of Lincoln has won its suit
for dollar gas.
William and Charles Deekcn, broth
ers, between the ages of 2.1 and "0
years, were arrested in Sioux City on
the charge of robbery nnd brought
back to Pender to be given a trial.
They are accused of robbing Sydney
Graves of $100. When arrested they
had $1(55 on their person.
Noal Pryan of Otoe county pur
chased sev.-n head of mules from
Charles O'Brien on the east side of
the river, and was showing a team of
them on the streets in Nebraska City
when an automobile frightened one
of the mules so that it reared up and
fell over dead.
John, the 13-year-old son of Chris
Coffey, ticket agent, for the Hurling
ton railway, Nebraska City, accident
ally shot himself while out duck
hunting in a boat. He was getting
out of the boat and pulled tho gun
toward him. He died almost in
William L. Gettle, son of W. G
Gottle, arrived in Humboldt from
Washington, 1). C, having been honor
ably discharged on the 12th as first
lass electrician on the cruiser May
ilower, after a service of four years
in tho navy. Mr. Gettle at once rc
enlisted, nnd Is home on a thirty
days' furlough to visit his parents.
Louis Larson, living one mile east,
of Kcnnard. met with a very serious
accident while hoisting bay into the
barn with a team and hay fork. He
was walking behind the doubletree
when a tug broke and the end of the
singletree struck hi 111 a terrific blow-
in the stomach. He is still alive, but
110 hopes are entertained for his rc
"We. the jury, find for the plaintiff
and assess her damages at ?l,US:!"i,
This was the verdict of the jury i
the suit of Lena Margaret Lillie
against the Modern Woodmen of
America to recover a ?:i.0iio policy on
the life of her husband, Harvey M.
Lillie. Tiie suit had been fought, be
cause of the allegation that Mrs. Lil
lie was the cause of her husband's
Kev. George J. Glauber, rector of
the Catholic church at 1 lartington.
died of paralysis at the age of ."1.
Porn in Buffalo, be was educated at
St. Joseph's college there and St. Je
rome's at Herlin, Canada, and gradu
ated in theology at Niagara univer
sity. In 1S77 he was ordained by
Bishop Uyan. The next year he wa-i
appointed to Lincoln and had charge
also of missions in the southwest of
the Ftate, building churches at Hast
ings. Orleans. Wheatley nnd Fairfield.
Daniel Ducello, an old resident
ranchman living in the. North Platte
valley, was arrested charg"d with ma
liciously poisoning the live stock of
Charles Henry, his neighbor. The
wholesale killing of Henry's property
was reported two weeks ago, and
Sheriff Peal has been keeping guards
on wntcli for further acts. Ducello
was c aught in the act of placing salt
mixed with Paris green and a Back
of alfalfa .hay dampened and sprin
kled thoroughly wkli parls green In
Henry's pasture.
P.eatrico bloodhounds did effective
work In trailing down the murderers
of William Dillon, near Oxford. The
dogs took up the trail, which . was
several dtys old, and as a result two
boys, George Crilzer and lien lied
dondorff. were arrested and have con
fessed to the crime. According to
their story, lleikleiulorff did tho
shooting, and in the division of the
plunder secured only $20 and
a watch for his share of the results
of the crime. The man killed lived
alone on his farm.
Word was received in Tecumseh
that Pen, the 4 ye.-ir-old sou of Mr.
and Mrs. J.' C. Vanleer of Sheridan,
Wyo.. had been drowned. The par
ents I'onm-rly I'-lded in Nebraski.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. I-'alk of Beat
rice are the parents of triplets, three
boys, born last week. The babies
are healthy and well formed and
vxlr.h 8. 7 tititl (5 pounds, respectively.
The talent, for the ifioo I-'airbury
Chauiauiiia has i.ll been booked, and
Includes some o,' the stroli'-'esi mint-b-rs
the local program has ever em
bvneed. The dates of tho assembly
tbl". year are Aiig.ict 1?. to 2".
-.J? Air,
V pivi M-Tv'iri1 'V rV'.'i .
Know These
Picture a bakery costing $1,000,000.
Think of white tile ovens on the top floor
flooded by sunshine.
Then, the triple-scalcd protection packages
These are the 20th Century Soda Crackers.
Vou can clvvay3 be sure they will be fresh
end crisp flaky and whole
Yet they cost no more than the old kind
Takoma Biscuit are at your grocer's in 5c
and 10c packages. Try them.
KfVT '4 n i r- i; -ci- ' . .i:r
f ,i, .
W.n trn TTHAtfo wf rt
;v- r.u .1 i.ioc.L tln'ir tmulA
li.r.cTl'O iifiinutTM wu niacin.
r ail it. ti lit. tare n-nnvi-.l. n-ii
r.ra u't'Mi-k Kinvr'a l.'!!lin
r."M mntn h .t CCo W fco 'RTacrcaiid Uu
ri.OnT. ll.mnl i l V. l -cu-: !:i frnvi : OaTfd
t i' 'i.ii tijl .i niter n ' ..i 000.00 wor'.li of r.acnl.fpnt tnr or at the rate
r 'vur $J0.C0 fT ro. o-r'-.h Ontury Htralns f Altulu, Ludiuui, Lammutb lt4 and
Alteao ciuM-r aii'i trifcsrt 4uro '.lio ,-!.".. t vtu Ln.ievyon earth.
Pnfh r Parley, I . -n. lu, .nd v V.oat tfiH i illy rc'inir.u'lwl nu 1 by th Arl
ci.iural Col let eg ut Wlkcuutiu, lor. a, hurth 1'ukoU, Hiuiioia,tuutU Uakola.eio.
it vr r f- iTrffvt fnwii rf v-MtaMo ,-vr.
Cata.oj f!l v.Y ws hawo the tirgAtt 0sd PotJia trr H th world
ono or cur coiiara hotdinj ovar 60,000 buahala a lona.
Try ourMiiacliosrscmrllu t vi'ireUbio RMxliiptAtpald for I1.C0,
Fir 10- womnM t:v; of all futt ia:iiph
Bj STai .nnl In-:, j.ih: 64 on. p.Tar: lilLion
r a t wi.ii t;-i.; . lover, t'ru.n-fH, ctf., t-;,
fiLtiti ulll hiif i i :n tft r,f kut mii'i' inr.ncT to
Or, ioad I4aaad add wkiiipio lanustHxi novelty never teouUjIuro by yoo.
Furo rnrn and jwnM ve
oiputHfl." I.i-p'id. u'lveii
rn mmi-hij erirtM fr-ui tlie
mi t try. IJitveM Milling li
nnd i a rtntt K iifuv retinal
Do You Love Your
Then protect it frcm the dan
gers of croup to which every
child i3 subject. Keep
in your home n!l the time, then you're
ready or the S'liiilen attacks of ctoup
and coMs. Nci'K'ct mny cost you the
life of your child. It's safest to be
on your guard.
Dr. D. Jaynr's Expectorant is the
best remedy known lor croup; it (jives
quickest relief.
Sold cveQwIirre in ihrct ii:e bollUt
SI. 00. 50c, 25c
'.-.l Uncus .
Omaha Directory
-ky,.r.vr...r LEWIS SUPPLY CO., OMAHA
M. Spicsbcrscr U Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
IheBoitlndieVV'st OMAHA, NEB.
! (; finll r t rut prlcw. Srnd ftr frr ratiHomi,
Huit C'uu. Ii MTUI. 1-'' " C.hi.1.
r-J X - In imir. tir.rq'"'. J.,i
r -ft-'tjs-i
MIT ..V. m
nfTMfI to the wnrH Palwr'n Blttlon Dollar 1
lifi-f : (IolIiUmI. fanners wondrM 1
C t' 12 tons (my rr aro. could be reftUwxi.1
vny ibo first farnirni of America eTerr-
I'nltaf irv.H to IV'f fnllt ttattsfactlon.
jiuJU twiduai under G to 12 tonaot xuaciuO
n'wn tfiMal- cr's lj;U Ucrstnrr A'flf (low tar-
o In'lit-i e In Amrrlcn. onmtlnc OTr Hoot arm,
- s PIivit Klnc lrlcy. yleWlnf 173 bu. pr arraj
Ii;ar(jra - H: K m-IU. ttintvvril and hay f.nwl wonder.
any one r wni' ii. n ii bcuouioa accumoiuao&your
Bet a nt'irt tTieri'wIth.
Tlnk Eye, Fplzootio
Shipping Fever
tx Catarrhal Fever
pre von t It, no matter how horwn at any im are inflated of
on the tongue; n the MUhmI anil tilandR-, exrlii tho
ImmIv. Cure Mi-tf iiiix-r In ihtt and Hhtp and I tmlrra In
tiork nuioilv. i un-a Iji i.rliio aaimc human be Intra
v. US' atid l a ImtflA. lAand fiua dofmi, Cut thlnouL Keep
Famous Sure Hatch Incubators
Will I'C Willi IIKA P tllP tIPXt fl'W WOeltH. Hlht
liiarliliie In tho wcrhl. Hull! (nr real IiiihIiiokh, nml
ill maka you monry. i-t Into tile lniHinchs imw nml
l-iiiii t'liiiki-iiH vnllp riiiiltrv unci V-nu an Int'h
priiTil. Si-mi fur hl(r fii-e book ulxiut our Iucubiitur
uikI lite Tuultry IIiihIiichh. '
Sure Hatch Incubator Co., Box 173, Fremont, Neb.
Lots Easier.
Pobhy i ushc-d out to nieot his father
tho other night bs he was returning
from work said, breathlessly:
"Oh, papa, I won't have to study
nearly m hnrd nt seliool any more."
Now, Hobby had been doing far
from well, and his father was pleased
to hear of the new interest, hoping
for better things.
"How's that, my son?" ald he.
"Oh, I pot put back a class." The
Laundry work at Homo wou'.d be
much more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. Ia order to get the
desired Etlffness, It Is usually necei
snry to .use bo much starch that the
beauty nnd fineness of the fabric le
hidden behind a panto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys the
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing (;ual!iy of tho goods. This trou
ble can be entirely ovorcome by using
Uetlanco SI arch, as It can be applied
much more thinly because of its great
er Bti-eugtU thuu other makes.
Other Men's Wives.
"What a pretty party this Is," she
Bald, as blio looked around the beauti
ful room nt the pretty women sitting
on the lout? divans against the wall.
"And these nre your wives? Aren't
they sweet? Isn't It lovely?"
' Yes," he admitted, "but you ounht
to have been ut our parly last month
when we had k lot of other fellows'
wives. It was a wholo lot lovelier."
Asthmatics, Read This.
If vim me nlilii-tml with Ant!ima write
rie at mice mid learn of comet lunR for
whiih on will be (irate-fid the ret of
v..m- life. .1. (i. Mellride. Stella, Ncbr,
Adw-slty u a searching test of
friendship, dividing tho sheep from thb
goats with unerring accuracy; undthls
13 u tood Bfrvic. Jcjuu Watson. D. D.