The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 29, 1909, Image 2

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On Account of the Large Volume of Business Being Done In Plattsmouth We
Have Decided to Remain at Burlington Depot Until Saturday, April 3
To the persons of small means or modest monthly income it often seems that all the chances for making profitable investments will have passed by forever before he will
be in position to take advantage of any of them. There are thousands of men would invest in lands if they knew of the right opportunity and if the lands could be had on
suitable terms.
It is a recognized fact that there is no safer investment on earth than lands. Do you know that farms in Southern California and also in the Rockyford district, Colorado
are selling for $1,000 to $2,000 per acre? When these lands were first placed on the market a few years ago you could have purchased them for $20 and $40 per acre. We are
offering you the opportunity of a lifetime for lands surrounding New Chicago, Anderson county, Texas, are just as productive as those of any on earth and the climate is ideal
the year round.
Join one of the clubs that are now being formed by Plattsmouth people and get in on the ground floor.
You arc Now Offered an Opportunity the Equal ol Which Has Never Before Been Presented to You-That o! Securing a Tract of
10 Acres of Land Together With a Town Lot in New Chicago for $190 Payable if You Wish at $10 per Month only $2.50 per Week.
The members of the club elect one of their number to go to New Chicago and investigate the proposition and if he reports favorably the club members purchase. If the
member finds that the men in charge of the exhibit car have misrepresented, the members of the club do not purchase On this representation you are invited to come'and join
one of the club. Remember you take no chance, and the Giant Construction Co. pays the transportation both ways of the representative elected by the purchasers to investigate
For further information call at the exhibit car now at the Burlington depot. Open evenings. ft
Texas Looks Good to Plattsmouth People
Manager Exhibit
Mr. J. D. Phillips, Manager Texas Exhibit Car,
Plattsmoutlv.Neb., March 27, l'JO'J.
Dear Sir:
From personal investigation from a trip to the country, and from interviews
with business men, bankers, planters, growers and professional men, Texas im
presses us a3 a state where consideaable money can be made with a small invest
ment. The soil is fertile, the climate is pleasant and the atmosphere healthy.
Almost anything that can be grown in any other state can be grown in Texas, and
Texas is becoming a great fruit country, and we believe in a few years it will be
far ahead of California as a fruit belt. While we have not been in the vicinity of
"New Chiceo" where the Giant Construction Company are promoting their
colonization plan, whatever benefits one part of the state benefits all the state.
We ere convinced hey have a good proposition. We have visited their exhibit
car now at the Turlington depot and wish to say that it is a good representation
of what can be accomplished in the fruit and truck growing industries in Texas.
While conditions are in embryo as yet, opportunities are not lacking, providing
thrift, energy, industry and enterprise are shown.
We would advise any young man to go at once and locate in the state of Texas.
General Agent
T we wouia aavine any young man 10 go at once ami locate in tne state ot lexas. i
A where by little effort he can soon win himself a home and in a few years become -j
independent. We do not bliev anyone cm mike a mistake y
T Signed, I). C. Morgan, W. E. Hosencrans, F. O. Egenberger, Philip Thicrolf.
Sanitary Plumbing
See first window east of our store for
the finest display of plumbing fixtures
and bathroom supplies ever shown in
this city. We carry a complete line of
everything necessary for a first class
job and will guarrantee satisfaction
and sanitary installation at greatly re
duced prices over last year.
, j
:f ALVO f
locking after business and winning sue-' Have Splendid Display of Product
cess as the pioners have won the west. Tne Giant Construction company, has
W. II. Ough the proprietor of the , their car at the Burlington Statio'n.and
meat marKet, nas a verv nice and neat i....... 1 . . ,
, . . . nan.- nan iur suine uavs nasi, ine car
p ace ana commands a goo, I business. ha8 been visite(1,)y a number of
..... wuK a .d ., . m-hs- people, who have examined the products
Where but a few short vears airo. the I and we were comnelled to trn without ' uronrietor of thp billiard hall hail m.! .1 'L' 77 VCI .n'Cf'. a.n( S'10W morc
, ,. . . ... - .. , , ., ' . 1 , " .. , , man volumes ot printed matter would
Indian hunter pursued the panting deer, a shave, and had to wait unti we cot crowd at his place and everv thn? u .. ....
, . , , , : A, . , , , ... , , . " I .. , o lk in wuii.ii.wie wn e 01 a 1 to go
iiv. v.... vijuh. iivj t uiiui.1 111.; ii'ii I li'mip 1111; lie A k Uiiy. Kill IIIU HlrCL't j n-i:un.u III 'Ullt'll UlUcr,
night sky, the prairie unboken, save ly
the few shrubs which grew along salt
I John Bauer, Plattsmouth, Neb.
.t. 1
The News -Herald is equipped to do all kinds
of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity
to figure with you when in the market for anything
in our line. No job is too large for our ability to
execute and no job is too small to receive our most
painstaking care, we cordially invite the attention
of our farmer friends to our sale bill department.
This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu
tion of work of this character, and our prices will
be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus
iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep
resentative will call and quote you prices an any-
? thijvj you may need. We earnestly solicit a share
1 of your patronage.'
so different . onn kA At,u:i.:t m
we met II. A. Bailey, the section from many places. At R. A. Stone's will not have th e proper conception
r..k f7i, :Lf z ,., v: 1 ; ' vl . 1 . ; " ; : c: :.: r:::1 : the vowm, of the largest state
..u... c v niv I iuui; ..TO jiuiiiui ui Uit I1UIH1IIIHII I1HII aim ' iiuiliuci Ul luniunilTS, WIlll'U hl'pi, t 111' 1 1 11 1 1 III nnl if ,;1, 1 ,L
intt nfiiinNnm.u nn, ii. . f i . .-.u u.- . . i Viim i,..t ., n ...,.n u:.. .. i 1 . u 111 " Jn" 11 m'Knt e tne
...... v.. ..v. .....I.., .no .me punm.. a ic inuiiicii ia wini i in iii uuj on mil as iu ciciha. hi i u. wm'c h has the ereatest future Come
the most fertile farming districtswhich j pleasant conversation. One who has D. C. Vince the affable postmistress, anj 80e t'nis ca an(J what th" .
the sun shines on, and in the midst of j ridden on the famous Rock-Island pas-1 was caring for that offices in a most slate 0f Texag ia raiHjn There h
that well developed farming district, 1 sengers trains knows how well this man ; acceptable manner, while the carrying been started three clubs in Plattsmouth
which produces an abundance of all the understands his business and how well ! of the mails was done very satisfactor-, w,0 are takinK ten ' f ' .. ,
good things which go far to make this he attends to it. ! ily by Chas Rosenall. Arthur Clyver goi,j j,y this company and to ea h '
life pleasant and enhance the sum total j At the store of Dreamer & Cashner and Harry V ickers were looking after b,,r of the c)ub 0e8 a ot jn the" '"1"
of the nation's wealth, snugly nestling I we met Mr. Dreamer and were greeted ! business at their livery stable which is town New" Chicago The lands onlv's Tl
among the trees which have grown j very cordially he telling us that his j well equipped and doing good business. ; at m for'ten re? makine it nine
within the past quarter of a century, i partner, Mr. S. W. Cashner, was in The financial institution of this lively teen 0ara per acro'
lies the pleasant and progressive little 1 charge of the store at University I'lace, ; city is the Farmers and Merchants The gentlemen in chanre Mr I'h ir
cityofAlvo. It was our good f( rtune the firm having two stores, and doing Hank, owned by C. S. Hoyles, C. R. and his assistant will -how everv vis"
a few days since, to lie carried into its a nice business at each place. At the Jordan, W. O. Doyles and C. P. Fore- itor everv C()Urt. ' ' iv1 . ' ",
midst on one of the overland llyers of AIvo I "rug Company, which is owned niun- They have a very neat building ,u'!
. . " VIIKULIU 111 LlIU (UlillLrV MIDI 1IU FlllH
'A nil tnlt rtliitkt (nnflMnt.n ..
servative lines and accomodating the
public as much as the laws which
govern such institutions allow. We
Long Times Subscription Payments.
Contestants and their friends should
remember the exlra votes allowed
mf pQ., i t c i . " ! rememDer ine exira votes allowed on
met Rev. J. I,. Snave ey pastor of the 1 .. 1 nr. i
':tA u u , . ! "vc ! U n' un(1 "'teen-year mbsmptiim
United Brethren church and found him
a well read and cultured gentleman.
We called upon our old friend Chas
Rucknell, who has charge of the eleva
tor, which ships a large quantity of
grain each year. Mr. Ducknell is ably
assisted by his son Georire. who is fullv
competent to take entire charge of the
payments, to both papers, and
payments of this kind will count
when it comes to winning one of
grand prizes in the contest.
Payments of the above denominations
count as follows;
New Old
Subscriptions. Subscript ions.
the Rock-Island Railway. The train, by CO. Shaffer, we met the latter ""d are all very clever gentlemen, con
was a little late, and we had our ap- who was very courteous and tried very 'ducting the banking business along con-
nltlfi. ...nit L-ltnMinnnJ tm 41. . .. t,n h.I . l.A. .11 .1 1! I 1 .1
Ilint ,tu mm (itncvi mi mi- runijiu-1 nai ii in luniiMi us an mo lniormatioii
ous supper which the AIvo Hotel spread regarding the city that he could, which
before us. ' fact was appreciated very highly.
After our hunger had been appeased Thence we passed to the store of Lynck
and we had made terms with Mine & Stone and found Mr. E. M. Stone in
Host Will Veager for our night's charge, and to our interrogation, said
lodging, we strolled out on the street that they were doing a nice business
and found our way into the postodice, ' and were well satislied.
where the familiar figure of the county j We were pained to learn of the sick
commissioner, Charlie Jordan, met our ness of John Arrens, the painter, who
gaze, and we were greeted with that has been confined to his be.i for some
old time cordiality which was on tap ' weeks. We found Albert Crock, and
when we were 'Tops" togcther,be- j George Oliver busily engaged hanging
fore the Spanish-American war. Char-'paper who said that their time was
lie said he was glad to see us in his , monopolized away into the future, such
town mm sum we wouia unci it one 01 , Deing me character of their work that
they were kept busy and had their ser
vices engaged for weeks in advance.
Will Yeager, the landlord at the Hotel
AIvo. had to fin Viiu
" ...... v lllg un , MQijri 1 1 Jl 1 1 IS 1 1 1 IX
ed to by trying to make it thrive, and or wait awav into th k i congratulation. Mr. R. n .lor.f,iun 1 v....... l. .
.. .... i. r " ; . . , , v ou nc uuniiii-nn litre me last 01
they are making a striking success. j jumped into it himself and was making : Pncipal, having charge of the more week.
At the postoffice we also met that ! good headway, that having been his I advanced grades, while the intermedi- .
CViUvl nOriir-Ofl until M n f ........ . .1 1 nn..nni: . ' .I. rH .1 .. . I . 1 ...
...v i.iuioii vuiji-u nun ' ui.luiiiiiii jeurs ago. o.o Kiuucs uic uimer me care or Jonn
Samuel Cashner, the latter conducting j S. M. Prouty, like the others was K- Wilso" and the primary department I i4-4-MM'-:.4H-
- -" ; uu.iiii.oii, nmic.u.iMuii nun wrK, omi we am not (ret (o vi tni7a ifiiriv aimpson. Ai j aUljTCH firiLI IPQ
Uncle Mnrfnn. with fh h..ln nf dlJlnmni him .t .11 1 i .. . llini nf ikmui 1 . V " WVfcLltg
o---- - ..x.if v. mo 1 Him al mi Uin nncw ne Wjj ..gjj. v. mhov ui.iuuiuiis, nave proved 1 f
nenhew. Clarence Curvca. were con- tinir thire RH" nil tv.Q n bv sroad nnd pnicinnt
t - -. - .... H1( inn iv iciiry v vi it ii rtui bii 1
sirueung a Darn lor tne rormer. ( 1 nomas was looking after the business
We then passed over the street to h tho line of groceries and gents' furn
the barber shop of Croton Gullion, ishings in a way which spoke well for
where we waited what seemed to us a I his enterprise, brnzimr him nrniinr;tv.
very long time for a shave. Rut as I At the harness shop of George Foster
that vounff and enternrisinir nmn lm.-t u there wero pv!ilnnr.. r
- r " , - ----- - - .-. ..x v iiu,vi iiy,
restaurant ami confectionery as well as brought about by the ur.tiring industry '
the best towns of its size in the state.
And of a truth we did, for it is a hum
mer and no mistake. All of its ideas
ant and good natured population seem'
, , , " i,.iwiin, uuifoii iniuiia
institution when any business calls his Riv cm in mm ......- u ni.
father away. Our old friend Paul John- Ten years $20 21,(XM) votes. 17 (XX) votes,
son greeted us very cordially, and we j Fifteen years $30 34,000 votes. 2$.('M)
passed a few moments very pleasantly votes.
chatting with him and his good wife.
The condition of the AIvo schools, of 1 M. II. Tyson a real estate man of
which there are three departments, re- Elmwood, and brother of former county
quiring three teachers, is a matter of e'erk, L. A. Tyson, was looking after
Old Papers For Sale at This OfficP
to the community. We were nil i n nil
j well pleased with the city and our stay 1 1
there. Would have liked to tarrv lonir. ! X
er but were compelled to hasten on our
journey as it requires hustling to keep
inmgs in their proper course.
,. .... , . 7 I ,7 :- uiuuairy 1 a. j . 1 rimy, me barber, a few days
doing the barber business he was very , of the proprietor who won success from , since purchased the property formerly
hlWl U milTllirufl 111 (ivini. It. li.i li.nlm. I 1...jn I ...'l . 1 .. - ' ' ..Miiniijr
-"n r j""" ! mmuc iiiiuiuaiiiiiieiinu wnicn miiKes ' owned by J, M. Johns, on south fifth
men for a dance which was t be pulled ; all honor and respect him. We found ! street, and will occupy it as a residence
off at the woodman hall that evening ChHie Strong the blacksmith busily in a short time.
Queen Mills Kennels.
Champion blood of the world
Direct descendants from J. I
Morgan's famous $10,000 dog
We now have a littor on hnml nr
Which U'il nr. irtuLM.lf natinniul)..
attractive prices in Plattsmouth
and vicinity for the purpose of
introducing our stock on this side
01 me river, f or further nfor
X l TrnTTTTiiTYr""! , , i 01 me river, f or tun her infor- A.
A. J. Tnlity, the barber, a few days f mation and prices, call on or ml- I
.1 dress
f I ml. Thnnv. I'aclflc Junrllnn. la.