The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 25, 1909, Image 8

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We have made extraordinary preparations this spring in selecting our line of millinery, in order that we might be able
to place before the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity goods equal in merit and style to those to b? found in any of the great
market centers, and we are pleased to say that we have succeeded beyond our most sanguine expectations.
Friday and Saturday, March 26 and 27
has been selected as the time for our opening, when we shall throw open our doors and place on exhibition the finest line of
strictly high grade millinery that was ever brought to Plattsmouth. Every lady in Cass county is invited to be present on
these opening dates whether she wishes to purchase or not.
New Spring Suits
Wooltex and Sunshine garments will be popular sellers
this season and you will find a complete assortment at thi3
stor,?. The new spring line of suits and skirts are now ar
riving daily, and we are safe in saying that we never saw a
handsomer lot of goods. The ideas embodied in the style of
these goods are direct from the manufacturers' style bureau
in Paris, where all that is newest and best from London,
Berlin and the East is assembled and conned over for the
best ere work was commenced in the manufacture. And
now in the Department Store we have gathered together the
newest, best and latest things in the fashion world, and at
prices that are extremely low. And may we not suggest
that now, before the linesHire broken, is the time to call
and make your selections.
Announcement Extraordinary
While Mr. Fanger was in Omaha recently he met a
family of Russian Jews, recently arrived in this country,
and he was very much impressed with the musical ability of
a little daughter, aged five years. She handles the piano
like a finished musician, playing superbly a -repertoire of
several hundred selections, and what is more astonishing,
after hearing a piece will sit at the piano and reproduce it
exactly. Her family being Russian peasants she has not had
the advantages obtaining in this country.and Mr. Fanger se
cured the consent of her parents to bring her to this city for
his millinery opening next Saturday where she will exhibit
her talents throughout the day, thinking that perhaps a way
might hi suggested whereby she could be taken in hand and
given a musical education and be enabled thereby to asssist
her parents and the rest of t'i3 family in their uphill fight.
fcfc i!4 a4 A A A AA AAii AA aa 44444 AaA 444444444 444-444444444444 44 444444 44. 44 44,
M. Fanger's Department Store
Bank Building.
Murdock, Neb.
Phone No. 99.
crate; Miss Martha Brauchle is sub
Btitute during her enforced absence.
Thursday of this week there is to :
occur a wedding between Jacob Witt ; in Lincoln.
and Miss Ida Baurs, at the home of the m- ..n.i at., t
several days in thii city visiting with a plug in the boiler which was filled j
his daughter, Mrs. J. Rummerfield. with hot water. j
Miss Lena Fricke is visiting friends Nicholas Halmes, Jr., of Weeping j
Water, was a business visitor in the
Wendell are visit- county seat this morning looking after.
Modem Wood
men Celebrate
What You Like
When You Like
But deposit your money
It is possible that you
have never felt the abso
lute necessity of having a
bank account. It is roh
able you could drift along
for years without one but
in this life iia financial
way it is essential that
you have a Bank I Account.
We give you a personal
invitation to make this bank
your depository whether
you have u small sum or a
large one to. lay aside for
safe keeping.
Bank ol Murdock
H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier.
individual Responsibility Over
eighty acre farm west of his present ; who was getti.ig along too well, has
residence from Eugene Colbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langhorst spent
several days of this week with their
daughter Mrs. A. J. Muth in Omaha.
All the local Nimrods are trying their
liride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ; n friends in Lincoln. 80mu matters relative to the Moiling ', Last evening at their hall the Wood-
Baurs, residing something like o mfles , . , , , 'company, and incide.itly remarked that ; men had a large and very enthusiastic
west of Murdock. I t'-,Fr,e parted VV ednest ay for Wt.q)ing WhUt was R gmA t0WI1( am, ; crowd of rnemU.r, ((f tha am
We understand that Wm. VeddelV" from out of the city, twelve being in
" " while the republicans were rtaymg. a.tcnclLncc from Lnion. There were
The Missouri Pacific agent and fam- Mr. Halmes said the last week had to be seven candidates from Union, but
ily have returned home after a pleasant witnessed the last of three democrats, only three came who received the de
month's visit in the east and he resumed and that all the republicans can Ptill be grec in fine shape. They expect to
his duties today. accounted for. Pretty good for Weep-' organize a Woodman band at Union as
I, .. .
taken a relapse and is quite sick agajn,
Mrs. Weddell has fully recovered from
her illness so that the professional
nurse left for Omaha Monday.
Cnarles Schneider received a telegram
" 1 - I I . 1
luck shooting ducks these days, as the : iue8(iay evemnK ""vising mm 01 me
birds are on their annual pilgrimage ; (,eath of his 8ister' Mm- John Iasoner,
mrth j formerly of Plattsmouth but of late in
Albert Stan e has been visitin the ' out'1 l,a'iota nu nas ecn 8'c'4 for
, i 4ii l .l about a year and was in Omaha when
fanu y of Albert Streich the past few j . . . ,, . . , .
. ' . . .... . she iiassed away. Mr. Schneider went
days, returning to his home near Eagle . ' , ... , . . ., , ,
. to Omaha V endsday when the funeral
Julius Ueinke was a Flattsmouth vis
itor last Monday, his business being in
connection with a settlement of the
Krampean estate.
Mrs. A. Brauchle who has been quite
sick the past several weeks is iniprov
Evangelist Birch chose for his theme ing Water.
lasteveningf "Anr1 they stood every
man in his place round the camp, and
all the host ran, and cried, and fled."
Miss Alma Speck left yesterday
morning for Hopkins, Mo., in response
! to a telegram announcing the serious
Iness of her sister, Mrs. John Ewing. ' Elot)inir CoudIc Annrchendcd and y cmtains an aount of a wedding
Father Takes
Daughter Home
Evangelist Birch Here.
Cornetist Chester Birch, the noted
evangelist from Winona Lake, Ind.,
commenced a series of meetings in the
First Presbyterian church in this city
ing very nicely, and we trust will soon ! last evening and was greeted v i'.h a
be quite well again. large congregation. The evangelist is
John J. (Justin shipped !W head 0f a fluent and easy speaker and won the
line fat cattle to the South Omaha I Hiimiration of the large audience from
the beginning, lie also leii the tine
well as they have at this place, in or
der that when they have any celebra
tion going on in the logde, they can
furnish the musics as well.
Married at Nebraska City.
The Nebraska City News of yester-
Miss Beitha C. doehry is at present
employed with an Omaha firm.
Miss Laura Brauchle from Plymouth,
Sundayed with her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Morris from
Greenwood were over last Tuesday.
Markets -Wheat $1, corn fSc, oats
45e, hoga $(5.15, butter 15c, hens Sc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bornemeier
were Omaha passengers last Wednesday.
iyun: of our local merchants are help
market last Tuesday. They certainly
made a fine showing.
The citizens of Murdo:k are called
for a primary election Thursday even
ing, the 2.1th instant. To nominate two
candidates for village Dads.
Conrad Whermann has purchased the
Ostertag eighty just south of his place,
consideration $100 per acre. This eighty
with his own makes him a very choice
The condition of Rev. J. E. Baum
gartner is not greatly changed from
what it has been the past week or ten
days, but if anything he is somewhat
We are pleased to announce that W.
Bourke has been appointed Assessor of
Elmwood precinct the coming season
I at that city in which both the contract-
j ing parties are from this county. The
i groom was Mr. Roy Wiles from Cedar
i.. f.rn,. n Creck. wili'e e bride was Miss Edra
11., Cailie lO ... e t i ...
.. . . Kiser of Mvnard. The vnnn nonnlo
on the late ,. , ' ' . . '
very lavorable known
son of Mr.
r .1 :l .
cident ami left Tuesdav morni.ur for i who had eloped, with a cousin a little runner mues
CKient.ami iLit luisday morning lor; , . ... southwest of this citv and an excel ent
E. A. Wurl U having a glass section
placed in the sidewalk on the north side
of his store at the corner of Sixth and
Main streets, the object being to get
more light in the basement.
Taken Home.
C. M. Hiber of Neola,
this city Tuesday evening
are well and
Jesse Blunt has concluded to quit the Burlington train, and instituted inquir- hcre ' '
railroad business, since his recent ac- ies for h'" daughter fourteen-year-old, , aml f
i choir of sixty voices with his cornet.
The speaker is quite different from
the noted "Billy" Sunday, the cx-ball
player, in the use of language.
The evangelistic meetings will con
tinue for two weeks and every one is
cordially invited to attend.
George Sayles made a business trip
to Glenwood yesterday.
Thos. Mahoney, the painter, has
moved to Barneston, Neb.
Mrs. R. L. Propst of Mynard went to
Omaha Tuesday for a short visit, f
Miss Olive Gass spent Sunday and
the first of the week in Glenwood.
C dorado with the intention of going
in'.o the farming business.
G. W. Dalton, from the Iowa side of
the big muddy was in the city yester
day. Mr. Dalton is of the opinion that
the fruit crop as not been very much
damaged By the recent frosts.
older, Fred Howard. The Howard boy 1
young man. While the bride, Miss Edra
of Arthur Troon, working ih.-n, (h.ri.ur Kiser' f,,erly a correspondent of this
a portion of last week. Lust Saturday
he and Mr. Troop came to this city and
Mr. Howard asked to be allowed to go
paper lived with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Kiser some twelve miles
southwest of here. The News-Hkiuld
w h,,,.,- ut M....I,. 1 1 u Join with the many friends in wishing
saying that he knew of a'young woman niuch joy, and may every happi-
The ferry across the Missouri river
I Mr, Bourke is very capable and we be-, commenced operations Monday morning
Miss Louise Gregg of Dunlap, Iowa, a good worker, whom he could secure;
left for her home Tuesday after spend- for Troop, as they were in need of ,
ing several days in this city, the guest domestic help, and asking if he should i j
of her father, C. W. Gregg. Mr. 'bring her along. Being told that ifj-
shc was a good girl to do so, he re-'
turned Monday evening and went to ;
, . i the Troop farm where they were until
..(, I LK V Ltk and expenses to men ,aat cvcninBi mi thc Shep.ff am,
niui iik m uiiruouee pxiunry ano i
stock remedies. Experience unneces-1
"Booster" envelopes are the latest -rwins.
Gregg accompanied her as far as Om
sary. Reliable company and exclu
sive territory given. The Grant Co.,
Dept. m, Springfield, III. 7H-12
Theodore Amick and family and A.
C. Brissey and family, from near Mur
ray were visitors in thc city this morn-
lieve will give satisfaction all around, j Make vour8clf a prC((cnt of 1k(X of ing, guests at the home of the parents 1
jonn v. aiocKennaupi, iormeriy i those ' booster envelopes. They arc'"1 nir8, micn ann mrs. r.rissey, .vir,
Chief Rainey appeared, with an invita
tion to accompany the officers to town.
They did so only to meet the young
lady's father and the sherifT from thc
Iowa town, and departed last evening
on the late Burlington train for their
Notice to Creditors.
Huti'iif Nitlimnkii, I ,
Will come tack to yeu if you tpend It t
horn. It is cam (orever II you ind it to
lh Msil-Oriier Houss. A (ltnc through
eur idcrtiiins oolumni will gift you in
idea wher It will buy th mott.
ing out the needs of South Bend in
potato line.
the ' Murdock. is at present with one of the optimism makers. At Irwin's or this! aml Mrs' Jol Hall.
( jua Oiunly.
u. In County Cuurt
larger Lincoln restaurants,
He visited ) oiricc,
Mra. .1 V. .Tnhn'tnn nnd lit t to inn.
over .sunilay. j Edgar, of Lincoln, are visiting in the
Miss Meta Neitzel returned from her city thc guests of J. W. Johnson and
visit to Crab Orchard and reports Mrs. j family.
Alwin Neitzel is being somewhat im-! Mr9 j, fc, jUcobson has returned to
proved and that they now have hopes ; hcr home in Lincoln after visiting sev-
nf hor iiltinuite recoverv. ..-..i :.. iw: ni., ,,.;tU Mr. I U'
Mn. Henry Westlake entertained her ' """
Mr. Wnner ami son from Wal- Miss Cora Smith, principal of the Johnson.
Legal Notice.
In thf County Court of Cam county. Nflinml.
In thv matter of the estate of John W. Clark.
To I honiaa K. Clnrk and all pvnwnit fntcrciited in
the eatate of John W. Clark, deceased:
You are hereby not i Hod that on the Hth day of
March A. I). VMKt. Anna K. Clark ITlil a neiitinn
... u . " , i" above entitleil cauxe in the County Court of
MiiaH. bhupherd. Caw county. Ni'braBka. asking fur an order and
, i i nihil 4iiw 4iiiii. v. viiti.iv. ... w I v iiiii.ui'.
WB rf4ll.l -.--i j -
of the Millinery establishments at l-.lm-wootl
this season.
31. t?. Briggs representing the News
Ilia; a ld was us Tuesday skirmishing
ground for business,
Via, Nebraska last iuesiiay.
John Luetchcns has purchased the
local school, has been taken sick and! A. J. Clark of Tarkio, Mo., returned
left for her home in Palmyra to recup-1 to his home Tuesday after spending
! In the matter of t lie eatalv of
t drcead.
James Rivett Himi'rintenili'nt of NotH'e hen lo given llmt the credllormif wid
Janus iviyii. supinnitntu ni oi wlM ., , A,1Illn,rillJ,r llt Hlll)1
building for the P.uilington, was in the eit. Mom m, Cnumy Ju.Ik- of Chhh iminiv.
i l ..lit i . ,i Nebik. al the ('unity Court runin in l'lnttx-
city yesterday, ltKking into the matter mouth, uaui c.iuiny. ..nth mil. ,i.v f April
of commencing soon the construction of XMtVXZl V
a freight depot to take the place of the wiilinic their i-lamu I'lrenHininatian. adiutim'iil
. , i , it.. ami alluWHiiit .
one recently destroyed by fire. ( sm im.nth. are aii.,e,i r.-r the cniitoiN of .i.i to ireieiit their rlniinn, and une yeai for
David Walleilgreen of thc Burling- l'"' Adininilrator In wltle haul enuite. from thc
. V ... , , lUth day uf April. I'.ar.i.
ton round house is olf with a hand verv i w;ii,m, .. i,Un.i ,) ..t ..r c......
severely burned, which was the result ' M-r'lT "i"iii?.,ulh' Nl',,r"'k"' """ mh ,1hv f j " "M E. !irk ;pMnt.?nh"uwi?m
of getting it badly scalded yesterday j iuWy i iiM,r.v. Allkn J. um. JlW J&a' ium n"iCC- l"Ud th'"
while working on an engine taking out hki
divree of the County Court removing and dia
charKinK Thomna K. Clark an executor of the
entateof John W. Chirk. dcceaM-d, and for the
appointment of Anna K. Clark to act as executrix
with will annexed of naid entate to complete the
adimniatration thereof. You are further notified
that there will be a henrinit unpaid petition and
the nlleRation therein contained, which alliire
the remnval of raid executor from tho ulateof
Nebraska, and failure to make any leportofhiK
ni'ta an ui'h executur to the Conntv f'mirt null,.
Mh day of March A. I), l'.mil. nl Hlo'rloak A. M.
i f aanl ilny, nml if no objertiana to aaid petition
t are liluil within that time, the prnver. of naid
iit-iMiiin win oe Rritnteu, raid exei-utor removed
County Judve.
CI t)
Al.t.tN J. lUit'siiM.
County Judico.