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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1909)
MATKMOWHHWS-flfRMD 1 R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager PLATTSMOUTH. NEBHASKA I1L.IIU Ul II llki.ll ' -1 IN If -JV ' : i I'r ) ! ; l 1 l l I,- Y 1 ITEMIZED F Epitome of the Most Important Events Gathered From All Points of the Globe. -v; CONGRESSIONAL. Th Dctnociats In a lam-ns In WnslilniMoii decided lliat hereafter members (if llif parly in tin' house iiiuhI abide liy tli"1 ai'linn of a two thirds majority or lie read out of tin party. Tin Democrats of the house ways and nieatiH coinmltiee in a minority report say the tariff Mil Is crude and If enucted Into law will Increase the out of living. Congress Htarted the debate on the Puyno tariff hill :md it. was predicted thai there Is rough sledding ahead lor the measure. It 1m prohahle that the five-minute rule which governed the dehate on the Dlngley tariff hilt will he applied In the house to the Payne measure. Shelby M. Ciillom, senior senator of IlllnolH, lias heeu assigned to the piano held by former Senator Hopkins on the senate's finance, committee. PERSONAL. President Tuft has nanied Lloyd Howers of Chicago, counsel for the Northwestern Hallway Company, so licitor general of the department of Justice to succeed Henry M. Hoyt. Former President Kooscvelt, his son Kermit and three naturalists sailed from New York on the steamship Hamburg for Africa where they are to hunt big game. Word has been received in Nebras ka City, Neb., that Judge William Hay ward has declined the post of first assistant postmaster general and will remain secretary of the Repub lican national committee. Miss Mary Onrden, the opera singer, will be married to Prince Mazcodalo of Itussla after April 13, when she will mil for Russia. President Taft attended a meeting of the Yule corporation and was given a rousing reception by students on the campus. George T. Oliver of Pittsburg was elected by the Pennsylvania legisla ture to fill Philander C. Knox's unex pired term E. 11. Harrlman, In nn Interview at Los Angeles, says ho is giving up business activity and will retire, on the advice of his physician. GENERAL NEWS. Gov. Hughes of New York has re fused to commute the sentence of Mrs. Mary Parmer, ciutvicled of mur der and she will he elect rociited. Ernest llleknell, national director of the American Red Cross society, has returned to Rome from a three weeks' sojourn In the earthquake district of southern Italy work. where ho studied relief Clprlauo Cast t o, ex-president of Ven ezuela, departed from Dresden, Ger many, on his way to linrdcuiix. France where he will embark March "i on the learner Guadeloupe, Aldu Hilton, a waitress, inav lose the sight of her right eye as the result of hastily opening a bottle of tabasco nance in a Hrooklyn restaurant. A drop of the burning fluid went into her eye. Arthellus Christian, a negro, who, in Hotetourt county, Virginia, on Pehru ary IS attacked and then stabbed to death a young white schoolgirl, was electrocuted In the Richmond peniten Gary. Christian was indicted, tried and convicted within twenty four hours after his capture While working In the Carnegie solar observatory In Pasadena, Cal., Dr Headley Gordon Gale, a University of Chicago scientist, came in contact with live wires ami was hurled to the floor and severely burned. Dr. Ma riot t Htitcltins. president of the board of education of Lake coun ty, Michigan, was robbed in London of $1,000 and a diamond ring by 'ism lldencv" men, who later were attested. The ring and $7." 0 were recovered. Reports from Africa say former President Roosevelt will llnd all the wild animals his heart may desire wheu he reaches the Jungles on his faunalnaturallst hunting trip. A man having In charge a, boy an swering the description of Willie Whit la, the kidnaped child, was arrested at Cuyahoga Falls. The Royal Northwest mounted po lice of Canada, under the command of Sergeant-Inspector I'ellciler, has re turned to Winnipeg, Man., after mak ing probably the longest and most northerly trip ever undertukon in Can ada. The party left F.diiionton, Alber tu. last July. In a Mateuicnl Issued in Huvunu, the government announces that the evolution In Santa Clura province amounts to but little und will be crushed out promptly. Director North has asked congress to appropriate $14,000,000 for taking the census of the country next year. IF WIS i a Wl-FK 01 iiit!:i. the Sharon (Pa I boy who vas kidnaped, was restored t his f.i'li. r in Cleveland, . after tin. JlHjieu i.'itiK'im was paid to a woman Six men were indicted in Pittsburg in connection with the aldermaiilc boodle investigations that have been going on for several weeks. Mint-is met in Scrnnion. Pa., to con sider the difference between the opeia lots and workmen in the anthracite Held and a sit il.e is feared. Scutching parties have failed to find a tl y trace ol the six men who went up in a balloon from Pasadena, Cal., ami it is (eared (hey have perished in the mountains. Shingle mills throughout the state of Washington have resumed opera tions alter a month and a half close down for the good of the trade. An appropriation of one-quarter of a million dollars Is provided for the. es tablishment of a national tubercular saliilai him in the state of Colorado In it bill introduced by Representative Sabath or Illinois. Monslg. Falconio, the papal delegate to the I'nited States, if present plans ;ue carried out. will leave (his country about the middle of May for Rome, where lie protiatily will make a pro i longed sojourn. With Ibtce bullet holes in his head ami dressed as if for a wedding, the body of A. Lcwandowski. a cabinet maker who left Chicago a year ago, was found in a secluded spot on the Fort Wright military reservation, near Scuttle, Wash. In a convention to be held in Scran- ton, Pa., the miners will decide wheth er a strike shall be called In the an tbracite fields of Pennsylvania. Six men were killed and several hurt by an explosion due to a windy shot In a mine at Kvansville, lud. Nearly "00 members of (he Illinois Ice Dealers' association met in nn dual convention in the Sherman house, Chicago. For (he business sessions of the American Hankers' association, which will In- held in Chicago during the week of September 1!!, the Auditorium theater has been secured. The head quarters of thi; association will be at the Auditorium hotel. The spring meeting of the association will hi held at Hiiardiu" Manor, N. Y the 11 est wee k in May. Preliminary hearings on inland wa (crways will be held next month in Washington by a commission created by congress. The l.osl-oHice employes of Paris, who have been on a strike, have dt elded to return to woik. The executive council of the Na tlonal Civic fern-nit lor. will call n con ference to discuss the subject of uni form laws for all states. Three persons were drowned, many Injured ami damages estimated at $-50,0110, caused bv the breaking of two reservoirs at Parkersburg. W. Vn While sevcal of the band kept citi zens at bay by shooting at all who came In sight, robbers made an tin successful attempt to get Into the uilt of a bank nt Raid Knob, Ark Joseph llrown, who wounded Chief of Police Scott While at Wbitmer, W. Va., wan hanged by a mob to a tele- g.-aph pole. John Moake, villain In an nmateur play near Mt. Vernon, 111., was shot and probably fntnllv wounded by Roy Slater, the hero. ()r. 1). II.; Kress of Washington In an address said the liquor habit could hi? cured by eschex.-lng meat ami eat ing plenty of vegetables. President. 1 owls of the I'nited Mine Workers of America has called a meet lug of the executive board to discuss the trouble In the anthracite Held of Pennsylvania. It was reported that the Tennessee coal ami iron plant of the I'nited States Steel corporation, nt Ensley, Ala., will be closed for an indefinite time, owing to stagnation in the iron and steel trade. lteiijniiiin L. Wlnchell, president of the Rock Island railroad, In a speech at Council ltlutTs, la., complained of the restrict inn laws against railroads Minium Whitla, eight year old son of James 11. Whit la, an attorney of S iaron, pa., and nephew of Frank H. lhihl, a millionaire, was kidnaped and n ransom of $10,000 demanded. Fire destroyed the 1'nion railway station in Louisville, Ky.. causing a loss of $100,000. More t linn 100 women stormed the Iowa sentite nnd denounced recent blows at prohibition by the legislature. That party lines will be erased by the light over the tariff was shown by- Mr. P.roussard's desertion of the Dem ocrats in the Interests of his home dls ttict. A bill has been Introduced In the house by Mr. I'ennett providing for postage of one cent an ounce on de mesne letters. William St. Clair, arrested at Fort Collins, Col., was identified by two mail clerks as one of the men that held up and robbed the Rio Grande passenger train February 13. Secret service men are collecting evidence at llcllcfontaltie, ()., to be used In the government's prosecution of Gov. Haskell of Oklahoma In the cases chaiging alleged land frauds. The linemen, repairers and mechan ics joined the telegraph operators and mail carriers In the Paris strike. Miss Isabel V. Lyon. Mark Twain's social and literary secretary, was mar tied to Ralph Ashcraft, who Is a close friend of Mr. Clemens and who Is also his business adviser Hubert Tanner, aged 45 years, his son iiged ten, and his little daughter ngtil eight, were asphyxiated by gus tit their home In Montreal, Out. The gas hail been turned on accidentally it Is thought. A Canadian Pacific passenger train, after the etiglnetueu had leaped from the locomotive (o escape scalding, crashed into (ho Montreal station, killed four persons and Injured CO. ROOSEVELT SAILS AWAY MANY GOOD WISHES. WITH BIG CROWD AT THE DOCK The Ex-Preiident Almost Cruthed in the Cheering Throng That Sees Him In the Last Hour. New York. Waving a parting fare well with his black slouch hat, his smiling face beaming in the morning sun. as he stood on the captain's bridge of the steamship Hamburg, ex- President Theodore Roosevelt, one of America's most distinguished private citizens, sailed away Tuesday for his long-planued African "safari." He left his native shores amid the cheers of thousands of persons that swarmed the Hamburg American line pier, the whistles of countless river craft and the thunderous reverberations of the ex-presldeut's saints of thirteen guns from Forts Hamilton and Wads- worth. Resides the happy llgure of the for mer chief magistrate as the big steamship slipped out of her dock, stood n young lad, seemingly dejected as he wistfully gazed at the cheering mulUtuile on the pier Pelow. it was Kermit Roosevejt, son of Mr. Roose velt, who .accompanied his father as official photographer on the expedi tion. Father and son, both dad in brilliant buffhued army coats which shone In the sun, remained on the bridge on the trip down the bay and acknowledged with sweeps of their hats the salutes of the vessels. The demonstration was unoflidal in character, but many high in the affairs of the nation were present. The crowd In its enthusiasm bowled over the lines of policemen on the pier, surrounded the former president while he was being preseuted a bronze tab let by the Italian American chamber of commerce, and before he was again safely back ou the sheltering gang plank knocked his hat from his head nnd caused him to drop a vacuum bot tle which had been presented by some admiring Pittsburg friends. Fortu nately Mr. Roosevelt was not hurt in the rush and he seemed to enjoy his experience with the crowd. True to his promise, Mr. Roosevelt made no statements regarding his coming hunt in the jungles of British East Africa, other than to say that he probably would be gone about a year and a quarter. Mr. Roosevelt and Kermit received a continuous ovation from the time they landed at the East river terminal of the Long Island railroad from Oys ter Day to the final departure of the steamer Hamburg for Gibraltar, its first port of call. From the forward gang plank of the steamer where he had escaped un scathed from the enveloping throng, Mr. Roosevelt, addressing the Pitts burg delegation and representatives of various organizations that had come to this city to see him off, made his last speech. He said: , 'I want to thank the representatives from Pittsburg who have come all this distance to see me off. I am in deed grateful and touched by their thoughtfulness and kindness in com Ing such a long way. I want to thank also all my fellow citizens who came to see mo off. To you nnd all Anier leans I say God bless you." One Minister Kills Another. Lebanon, Mo At Russ, remote town In La Clede county, Rev. Martin 1). Johnson, aged 40, shot and killed Rev. Solomon Odell, aged 40. John son Is the Ilaptlst minister of the neighborhood, while Odell was the Presbyterian divine of Russ. The men quarrelled over business matters. D. A M. Freight Man Dead. Pasadena, Cal. W. B. Hamlin, gen eral frcjght aent of the Chicago, Bur lington & Qulncy railroad and one of the best known traffic men In the country, Is dea here of Hrlght's dis ease. Appointed Solicitor General. Washington President Taft an nounced the appointment of Lloyd W. Bowers of Chicago to be solicitor gen eral of the United States, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Henry Hoyt, who has held this post In the Department of Justice for a number of years. Fairbanks Goes to California. Indianapolis, Ind. Former Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks. Mrs. Fairbanks and their daughter left for Pasadena, Cnl., to spend several months. Voted Against Football. Coffeyvllle, Kas. The south Kansas conference of the Methodist church now in session here has voted against the restoration of the game of foot uftii at me miser, ias., university, a church college. , Willie Whitla at Home. Sharon, Pa. A big demonstration was held here Tuesday over the home coming of 8-yoarold Willie Whitla, who was rescued from kidnapers last night after his father had paid $10 000 ransom. A big parade was held by the Buhl Independent Rifles, a Na tlonal Guard company, and the Buhl Rifles band, both named for Willie's uncle, nnd thousands of persons man hod behind them through the prim-leal streets to the Whitla home, where 5,000 persons assembled on tho lawn. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Shingle mills throughout the state of Washington have resumed opera tions after a month and a half close down for the good of the trade. Clpriano Castro, ex-president of Ven ezuela, departed from Dresden, Ger many, on his way to Mordeaux, France, where he will embark March on the steamer Guadeloupe. Joseph Swan, for uearly forty years connected with the Associated Press as marine reporter In New York, droppped dead in his chair in the ship news office at the Mattery. Alda Hilton, a waitress, may lose the sight of her light eye as the result of hastily opening a bottle of tabasco sauce in a Hrooklyn restaurant. A drop of the burning fluid went Into her eye. Ernest Micknell, national director of the American Red Cross society, has returned to Rome from a three weeks' sojourn in the earthquake district of southern Italy, where he studied relief work. Monsig. Falconio. the papal delegate to the United States, if present plans are carried out, will leave this country about the middle of May for Home, where he probably will make u pro longed sojourn. An appropriation of one-quarter of a million dollars is provided for the es tablishment of a national tubercular sanitarium in the state of Colorado in a bill introduced v by Representative Sabath or Illinois. Word has been received in Nebras ka. City, Neb., that Judge William Havward hits declined the post of first assistant, postmaster general and will remain secretary of the Hepub llcau national committee. While working in the Carnegie solar observatory in Pasadena, Cal., Dr Headley Gordon Gale, a University of Chicago scientist, came In 'contact with live wires and was hurled to the tloor and severely burned. Dr. Mariotl llutchins, president of the hoard of education of Lake conn tv. Michigan, was robbed in London of $1,000 and a diamond ring by "con tidence" men, who litter were arrested. The ring and $") were recovered. With three bullet holes in his head and dressed as if for a wedding, the body of A. lcwandowski, a cabinet maker who left Chicago a year ago, was found in a secluded spot ou the Fort Wright military reservation, near Seattle, Wash. Arthellus Christian, a negro, who. In Hotetourt county, Virginia, on Febru ary IS attacked and then slabbed to death a young while schoolgirl, was electrocuted In the Richmond penllen t lacy. Christian was indicted, tried and convicted wiiliiu twenty-four hours after his capture. Mrs. .May I'epper-Yaudei bill, tie spiritualist "bishop" of Hrooklyn, asks in effect thai the King county court determine whether there is 'communi cation with the spirit wot Id. The re quest appears In a motion for the dis missal of die Indictment against her charging grand laieeny. For the business sessions of the American Hankers' association, which will be held In Chicago timing the week of September 1", the Auditorium theater has been secured. The head quarters of the association will be at the Auditorium hotel. The spring meeting of the association will be held at Hriarcliff Manor, N. Y.. the first, week in May. COOPERS ARE FOUND GUILTY. Each Is Given 20 Years by the Car. mack Murder Jury. Nashville. Tenn., Mar. Tl - Guilty of nimdet- In the second deuree. with "II years' imprisonment as the penally, was the verdict of the jury Saturday in the ease against Col. Duncan H. Coop er and bis son, Robin Cooper, charged with the murder of foinier I'nited States Senator E. W. Carmack. The iurv Fridav acquitted John It. Sharp, a co-defendant. Judge Hart lixed the defendants' bonds at $,.,r.tHHi each, which amount was acceptable to both sides, anil both were released pending efforts for a new trial. THE MARKETS. New Steers .... York. Mitr. 23. l.IVK KTCM 'K ... ti; II 7 15 II'IK Kll'-! Kl.tH'II -Wlnti-r Hti'iilKlils.. W II K. XT -May .1 n I v roliN -July It V I-!- No. - XVt Hti l II HI TTKIt-CiiHtni-iy KHUS t'HKKSK ciiitx;. r.XTTI.K I'miiy Stairs Ali'illum tt ('mint Hti't-in.. t'nwu. I'lnln to Fancy..,, ('ImlrM Kcit'M Cn l I'd I It ii irt I Iciivy I'.ekfis Ihnvy lliilt'lii-i's I'll! p.t'TTKIl Creitinci T Iitirv l.IVK I'On.THY t-'.f.oa I-OTATOKS ilirr Im.) ... 7 1.". -tl 7 '. 4 30 'if li X'i 5 4n 'if 6 I ISVh 1 ISS 1 l'I'.U 1 1"S 7,t n 7:14'lt-SliiliiK iient WHKAT-.Mity July t'diii, Mtty Oittn, Mtty ltye. May MILXVAl'KEK. ORAIN-Wlipat, No. 1 Nor'n May Cunt. May Oats, Smmlurd Rye 1 onfr 1 -" 65'5 (4 7 7 $1 lti9 1 l-'i 1 07 a t la 66V tiS'i K DO 9V KANHA8 CITY. UllAlN-WlifHt, Nn. 2 llurd 1 ( No. i Itoil Corn. No. 'J Mixed .... Outs. No. I X'blti .... ST. LOC IS. CATTLH Native Bit-err, Tcxii tttwrs HOOK Packers Hutciii-r Mi V M L-n 'if :us is y a 1: n ti 2.". ) 7 .'5 : .vi i A 4 ii 75 3 .in $ s 6 tin t ti 7i HI 6 l tin n -a L-:i Hf 31 S h 17 17 20 Sfl ft J" gp l 6 SO t 40 I HVfl I UV4 9 ! 1 at U 1 JO (4 (J 6oi .. $3 60 a 700 ., S 50 6 40 .. 4A O (DO .. (It &iH .. 3l W 6 75 .. 14 Ml B t SO ., S tm I 30 .. '.' 75 4 M . . ti Ml M 6 75 .. IW 19 6 71 SllKKl'-Nutlvi-s OMAHA. t'ATTLIv-Natlve HtT. Him kt-m untl Fwileti ('own anil lli-lf.'rs HOOH Heavy MIKM'-Wuthors am IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious. Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. The Midwest Life. The Midwest Life Insurance com pany is an old line Insurance com pany organized under the laws of the stare of Nebraska whose home omce is located at Lincoln. Its premium rates are as low as those of eastern, companies and the provisions of its policies are fair and reasonable. AH the Investments of The Midwest Life nre made in Ne braska securities and the money paid to it for premiums Is thereby kept in the state. Practical and evneiiemed life insurance men are back of The Midwest Life, li will be three veurs old in May next and has over $l.r,oo, "i() of insurance in force. The Midwest Life has plenty of ter ritory in Nebraska for good, active and capable agents who wish to take up the work of soliciting life Insur ance either on full or part time. Lib eral commissions are paid. For ad ditional information write to N. Z. Snell, President, Lincoln. Prohibitionists of Fairbtiry have de cided to nominate a full ticket. Itcnkelman already has on a great building boom for 1!i!l. A "No Saloon party" has been or ganized at Syracuse. Congressman Pollard has returned to his farm in Cass cotintv. The wife of John Shriner, of Hast ings, has li ft his bed and board, tak ing :i man with her. Little Jimmy Payne at Ponca had his skull crushed by din kick of a coil. There is a possible chance of recoverv. Harry Hamlin, a South Omaha bov. who escaped from the Kearney Indus trial institute, gave himself no and oked to be returned. I pon (he recommendation of Con gressman Henshaw, nr. J. M. Wood aid has been appointed pension exam Inlng Kitr;eon at Aurora, vice Dr. I). S. Woodard, resigned. Michael hueckel, an u;ed resident of West Point, was instantly killed at the railroad crossing ou Grove street. He was 75 years old and nulte feeble.- A nilddleaged man, William Dillon who lived three miles south of Oxford, was found murdered in his cabin. Dil lon, who was supposed to havu con siderable money about him, lived alone. It is believed at Hastings that work will be started early in the summer on the building of the short line of railroad from Hastings to Kearney or to, some point on the Fnion Pacific short distance east of that place. C. A. Fowler of DeWitt has filed with the Slate Kailway commission a complaint against the Chicago, Hur lingt.on i- Quiney railroad because of Its work In diminishing the size of the outlets for the flood waters of Tur key creek til Lancaster county. In a nre at Omaha twenty fine horses, belonging to the Sunderland Coal compnuy, were burned to death. The conflagration was set by n man whom, the day before, had been dis charged from the company's- service. A memorandum book Indicates the name of the man found cut to pieces In Antelope county, was Tobias Jasek of Pierce county, Wisconsin. The coro ner's jury places blame on the rail road for his death. General L. V. Colby and wife nro making; plans to erect nn armory in Heat rice for the exclusive use of Com pany C, provided the present session of the state legislature falls to pnss an appropriation bill for (he building of headquarters In the larger cities of the stale. At. Holdrege L O. Heed and K. ,1. McF.voy were arrested by Sheriff Gus tus on a charge of dipsomania. Their hearings were held before the in sanity commission. Hoih were found guilty nnd sentenced to two years at the hospital for dipsomaniacs at Lin coln, or to remain there until such time ns they were cured to the extent of being responsible for their actions. The house, In the committee of (he whole, cut out of the deficiency claims bill nn Item for $."00 for the Slate Hoard of l-Mucatlon, which had been spent for printing required by law nnd for other purposes, Including $75 for traveling expenses of members of the board. Pensions will be given to disabled and retired members of fire depart ments In Iowa cities, and relief will be granted to the widows and depend net children of firemen who die In the service, If the lower house passes the Saunders bill, which received the ap proval of the senate. The bill pro vldes that cities may levy a tax to pro vide a pension fund. Mayor Colton of York has been re nominated by tho republicans for an other term. An epidemic of sickness has struck Hellevtie college and many of (he pupils are confined to their rooms. The Standard Hiidge company has the contract tor six new structures in Dodge county. The religious revival in Cook Is of such Intensity that business has large ly beta suspended nnd attendance upon (he meetings thereby promoted. R. K. Hoffman's farm house, two miles from Dickens, wus entirely des troyed by lire. BACKACHE IS KIDNEYACHE. Usually There Are Other Troubles to Prove It. Pain In the back Is pain In the kid neys. In most cases, and it points to the need or a spe cial remedy to re lieve and cure the congestion or In flammation of the kidneys that Is in terfering with their work and causing that pain that makes you say: -Oh, my back." Thompson Wat kins, professional nurse, 420 N. 23d St., Parsons, Kans., Bays: tor some time 1 was uu noyed with sharp twinges across the email of my back and Irregular pas-; sages of the kidney secretions. Since' using Doan's Kidney Tills I am free from these troubles." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. FIDO DULY WARNEO. Look here, ITdo, if you can't be a better horse than this I shall have to discharge you an' get an automobile!" COVERED WITH HIVES. Child a Mass of Dceadful Sore, Itch ing, Irritating Humor for 2 Months Little Sufferer in Terrible Plight. Disease Cured by Cuticura. "My six year old daughter had the droadful disease called hives for two months. She became affected by play ing with children who had it. Hy scratching sho caused large sores which xvere irritating. Her body was a complete sore but it was worse on her arms and back. We employed a physician who left medicine but it did not help her and I tried several reme dies but without avail. Seeing the Cuticura Remedies advertised, I thought I would try them. I gave her a hot bath daily with Cuticura Soap and anointed her body with Cuticura Ointment. The Drst treatment re lieved tho itching and In a short time the disease disappeared. Sirs. George L. Fridhoff, Warren, Mich., June SO and July 13, 1908." I'uttiT Dcuk & Cbi-ni. Curp., Sole I'rups., BustuO. Fiery Courtesy. In a Canadian town a few days ago a dry goods firm wa3 burned out in the morning. In the afternoon a com peting firm inserted the following ad vertisement in a local paper: "We desire to extend our sympathy to our respected competitors In their loss by Are and to express the hope that their affairs may soon be so ad justed as to enable them to continue business without undue loss of time." Sheer white goods, In fact, any flnc wash goods when new, owe much ot their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done In a manner to enhance their textile beat ty. Home laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory If proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufllclent strength to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the Improved appearand of your work. Footrest for Invalid, In making a gift for an eluerly per son or Invalid the comfort cf a foot, stool or footrest should not be over looked. A carpet remnant is excellent for thb purpose, or the sound parts of a wornuut rug or carp9: may be utilized. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA a Bafe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Hears the Signature of( In Use For Over .'JO Year3. The Kind You Hax-e Always Bought. Something at Least, Wife What would you men have had If God hail not made us? Husband (quietly) One more rib. Widow. Tlmiit-nnils ef oritinlry people know that in time nt sudden mixlinp or m-iidi-tit Hamlin Wizard (til h thu best substi tute fur tlio family doctor. That is why it in bo often fuunj upon the slit-lf. lie who Is false to duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when ho may have forgotten the cause. II. Ward Heecher. Hftl, XXt-itU, XXenrr. XVnlrry IJyrn Ri'licvril liy Murine Kyp Kcmcdv. C'om nniiihlcil liy KxtM-rli nci-il I'livslcliilis. t'uu (iirniH to l'uru I ' nn.l 1 iru Laws. Mu rlni' Km-sh'i Smart; Smithes. Kv,. l'uin. liy .Murine in Vour Lym. At iiruiriiists. Women would have no use for mir rors that would enable them to see themselves as others see them. rum mm in nm ti nw. 1 A11 Hl.N K NT I if imrittitri'it t,, ,,li moll ii I'l'niuu. III111.I. Ill Iitiu ,,r l-n.tniuiiiu flint 10 din Ktl.t) our utuiu-j n-fuiiilt-U. Mm. Nine meu out of a possible ten wear a sad look after they hae been mar ried a year. Lewis' Single Hinder straight 5c. You Py l'K- fur t-in irs not so good. Your deal er or Lewis' Factory, 1'iorin, 111. A man's Idea ot values depends on Luther be wants to buy or lull. 1