The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 25, 1909, Image 5
Sanitary Plumbing See first window east of our store for the finest display of plumbing fixtures and bathroom supplies ever shown in this city. We carry a complete line of everything necessary for a first class job and will guarrantee satisfaction and sanitary installation at greatly re duced prices over last year. V t Ni'TK the type of decern y preached and practice! by the Journal. Mayor Jim of Omaha is a versatile cus anyhow. Hi latent stunt was an address at a revival meeting i:i the metropolis. Tiu: editor f this paper will an nounce hero and no.v that he for decency and letter government, and that so long as he is editor of any paper he will fearlessly ar.d to t he lu st of his ability adocate such. Any newspaper, which lacks the couragp, self-respect, ami moral character to stand for civic decency, is a canker on society, and is us loathsome as leprosy and as danger ous as anarchy. 5- t John Bauer, Plaflsmouth, Neb. AN ENGLISH VIEW OF ROOSEVELT. ' I'ollard is more far sighted ar.d j.: trio tic than several prominent republicans When you fun! the Journal shedding crocodile tears for republicans or the republican party, you should beware. It is like the serpent trying to charm its prey. Til. Journal's (listeria is the amuse- TllK Journal has its ax to grind. It ' ment of everybody. It is s;i absolutely likes the political leak in the city treas-! silly, as to make " a dog laugh." We ury at the ratio of to 1, ( r ti to 2. It wonder if the Jojmal would like to wants Jo.OO of your money, where make a little investigation, and give .would be sufficient. The Journal's ; the reading public the reason why Joe crocodile tears cost you taxpayers ! Fitzgerald and lien Kainey did not ; about $4.(10 per. arrest the inmates of a certain house 1 i across the track a short time ago. The T..K editor of this paper is not seek-1 on,y (.riti(,ism that (.()u(, ing any appointive ollice or any other , flainst o.'iice for that matter. We do ask ; ()t am, ,t tht, wh,e wm some degree of decency for this com-. Journill ,ittk, lnvt,tfKatjP(, fwr tho munity. ir.e cnaracicr o. uiai bmvfll ()f (i(,ml(,v? is a different kind from that practiced! by the Journal or advocated by it. f t V f y f V f f y V f y y f y y y Grand Huto-ptano Subscription Kally Of the News-Herald and Nebraska Fanner. Standing of the Contestants: .). K. Noyes, Iwisville 54,800 K. 11. Miller. Murdoek 48.7(H) Harriet te Adams, Plattsmouth 42.000 Stewart B. Hough, Nehawka D.UOO lone Kiser, Mynard 4,4(X) Pearl Woodard, Elmwood 2,100 L. E. Hiekey, Gretna 1,000 C. 11. Sheldon, Plattsmouth 1,200 TliK is silly about the future welfare of the republican party. If Theodore Roosevelt, as viewed by and institutions in Nebraka. He rei.l the English press, is the greatest izes that the American navy is cn;- Atr.erican. The Daily Graphic says: posed of battleships almost solely -that you were a candidate for otVice on the With the retirement today of Presi- there are not enough merchant shifs ' re;uhlican ticket, what would the dent Roosevelt from the chief niagis- flying the stars and stripes on the high Jourm.l do for you, but abuse you? The tracy of United States a great and s-asto transport troops or t; plies m : Journal's crocodile tears are equal to I stirring chapter of American history is 'time of war and that the only oppor-; those Dr. W.P.. Elster is now shedding. bought to an end American politics will ; tunity that the people of other lands jjjj the Journal ever do anything for i be dull indeed without the explosive ; have of seeing the flag of the republic : republicans? I force of his many-sided activities. Dur- j is when it flies from the mast heads of j ing the last eight years he has been; our men-of-war. This gives to the v the most fascinating personality in the ! world the erroneous impression thi.t we j public life of two hemispheres. The are a fighting rather than an industrial ' X German Emperor has been his only or commercial people, Some of the; A rival, but both in daring and achieve- other republican congressmen of Ne- ment, as well as in the encyclopedic braska knew this and they stultified ; : range of his tastes and interests, the themselves in yielding to the demand American has been an easy first. His of popular ignorance and demagogutry .i ELECT THE CITIZENS' TICKET. Do you want to make I'latts mouth a city of enterprise? THEN VOTE THE CITIZENS' TICKET. ARK you a law abiding citizen? Are you in favor of law abiding citizenship? ; Are you in favor of decency in city 1 government? Are you in favor of lower taxes? Are you in favor of better j business methods in city government? How strong do you believe in these things. If you believe in those things then are you going to be influenced by the silly twaddle of those who are vio lators of the law, opposed to decency, opposed to business . methods and are seeking after graft or desire to loot the city treasury? I Geo. E. Dovky, President. F. E. Sen later, Vice Pres. II. N. Dovky, Cashier C. G. Fkickk, Ass't Cash. Do vou want to see a number admirers are already disposed to claim in voting against a bill that is states-1 : . ... . . , . ,. ji email i (iv. b 'i n.n n v " - n n--i for him the highest rank in the long 1 manlike in its provisions f.::d the ex line of American presidents. The ex- treme of good policy in its so .-ial, po-. aggeraion is pardonab.e, but it is none li'.ical or economic application. Tiie in- : ih, 1. s :m p vaifferat Inn. Greatness in rlict rrfMt- iirr.iiimt Mr. r',i!l.r."t i-;'r t r:- .:. politics is contingent quality. It de- r.varily from Ju 1 Wcliiver, the special ; pend3 upon its opportunities. Rresi- correspondent of the Nebraska State ! dent Roosevelt wiil be accounted great ! Journal at Washington. J : 1 i i demo- I . 'f' because he was tijual to the tremendous erat and wnAe a democrat! 1 editorial ! ! tasks which the external relations una o i the Sioux City Tribune at Sioux '. v peculiar internal problems of tho Ui.- City before going to Washington, lie , ; ited States presented t j him. He in- was also ruled from the floor of the al tered the white house at the moment Iowa senate chamber when he served ! when the United States was embarking , as special correspondent at Des Moines ! y on its career as an worid-povver, and during legislative sessions because "of ' when the socii.1 and economic life of ! the unfair charges he brought against ' the American people was urgently in 1 its members. Mr. Pollard has been a 1 ' need of a bold corrective. To this valuable representative of this district ! situation he brought a ambitious and in congress. His passing from the hall 1 4 .... . t .. . . 1 .1 , l patriotic temperament, ana a courage is regreuea oy sincere ana goon men , j cpial to the most drastic statesmanship, j in the congressional body. He was a ; j Under his auspices the new America pioneer in legislation that affected the j has consolidated its position as a world- faimer. In the past the farmers of power and as a leading factor in inter-: this district have deplored the fact that j 4 national life. His recognization of the they have sent to congress a lot of half 4 over-sea possessions; his pacific inter- baked lawyers and no representative j ver.tion in the Russo-Japanese war; his farmer. They had Pollar.i ar.d then imitative in regard to the second Hague went back to tie briefless bani ter! conference, his purchase of the Panama again, simply because Pollard would :anal ar.d finally his expansion of the ' not stultify his manhood and conscience It is with some degree of regret that 1 V, X I we note the withdrawal of R. W.Clem- ' .. ! ' Y .!. i ent, the candidate nominated for rity ? I "!" A. treasurer on the citizens' and renubli-1 T i i ,. can tickets. After his nomination was i V .j. I made he was hounded by such fellows V THEN VOTE THE CITI- X i as Ed Rutfner, Dr. J. S. I.ivinnston. f FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business and Repectfully Solicits a Share of Your Patronage. 4 , KvUy and C. I). Morgan until they Y. e the inter- Y ! procured his withdrawal from the tick- X Interest Paid On Time Deposits. cityj ZENS' TICKET. Do vou want to sei uruan railway ;mr, mom uus t-ts. In this connection it is with a city through the county? THEN Y i K0(X It;iI of pleasure that wo note the VOTE THE CITIZENS' TICK- T ! nomination of Carl G. Fricke to be his k -j J succesfor on both the citizens' and the Do you want to see the best X i republican tickets. A 1 city government this city ever . , ' had? THEN VOTE THE CITI- x zens' ticket. :: ; y"KK"KKKK"i"KK r- i i. i . ri.. V . Lm yuu want iu uuum lur i iulis- , ' t L' TIIPVT XT't T II 1 ' TaT ... 4 i:uv CITIZENS' TICKET. Do you want a clean business administration for this city? THEN VOTE THE CITIZENS' TICKET. Pin H..I iiTinf L.ti.M 4n I.,.- 4 ter business, more work, and a better opportunity for all? THEN VOTE THE CITIZENS' TICKET. navy and the strkind illustration of; by voting for measures that were not American sea power he gave the na- at the time popular. We have said it !;y !, " It More than $.'100 of registered war- rants are now registered against the ; road fund in the city for which there is J no money to pay. You remember ns , yo'i observed the work on our streets tions in the recent voyage of the bat-1 before ar.d we say it again that he will how little was accomplished and how tleship fleet around the world, have be vindicated by time and that the pec- j the city funds were being wasted. Are settled once for all the imperial destin pie will realize that when he was in you in favor of looting the city trcas- j ies of the great republic. His domestic odice they were represented by a broad : ury in this manner? The Citizens' policy has been Ecarely less decisive 1 gauged man. Pollard is unfortunate ; ticket was nominated for the purpose j and not a whit less bold. He has ltd in the fact that he is not a hale, well of correcting these methods of reck- f y It If Y V .1. the way in purification of American ! met fellow, a "good mixer." He is . less expenditure of your taxes. The ; J public life, in restraining the tyranny ! tio intensely earnest and sincere to be Citizens' ticket was nominated as a non of excessive wealth, and securing for ! po'itic enough to give the gla i hand partisan ticket-6 democrats and (i re- :: the country at large a great measure of prosperity and happiness. These are for its political effect. He has the publicans-so that if elected it would honesty of a farmer sr.d has been op- have no partisan party debts to pay, at great achievements of their kind, but posed by those who are either too the expense of the tax payers. Are they will not place their author higher in the catalogue of American presidents than Washington and Lincoln who on smaller stages perhaps dealt with equal courage and patriotism with problems even more vital to the national inter ests. President Roosevelt will none the less be ranked as a great president and not only for his statesmanship but also for his character which in itsstrenuous r.ess, its simplicity its downright hones ty and its high-thinking recalls the best tradations of the heirs of the Pilgrim fathers. POLLARD'S BACKBONE. One of the pleasantest anil most hu morous of the farcical stunts that have been pulled off by. the present legisli.- ture, this session, was the vote of cel.- kure directed at ex-Congressman Pol lard by a democratic legislature. Mr. Pollard hud the temerity to stand by the platform utterances of the republi can party and in the course of his con ignorant or too partisan to give him 1 you in favor of this kind of city gov credit for the good he had do:ie.-Au-1 ernment? If so, then vote fo 1 y the ', burn Republican. I Citizens' ticket. The Citizens' You are acquainted with Dr. E. D. Cummins, the candidate for mayor on the citizens' and the republican tickets. Dr. Cummins is no crank on any sub ject. He is a broad-guaged man. He is a law-abiding citizen. He has been successful in his own business. He is a law-abiding citizen. He has served this city efficiently as a member of the city council and also as a member of the school board. crunk and neither is he a drunkard. He is a plain, conservative business man and will give this city a splendid busi ness administration. ticket is backed by the great majority of the t businessmen of this city. It is the purpose of the Citizens' ticket indepen dent of politics to procure a business city government. It is not a temper ance fight. It is not a personal fight. It is not a political fight. It is a move ment backed by the business men for better and more businesslike city gov ernment. It should have the support 1 y y y y y y y of every Rood citizens, independent of He is not a prohibition 1 ' vlc ''" f y f f y y y y God, Rive us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who can stand before a demagogue; And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty, and in private thinking; For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds, Their large professions and their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife, lo; Freedom weeps. Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps! -J. G. Holland. f y y y y r A A A M A A AAA. A A A A A X Ark you in favor of building up this VVWWV city ami mainiaining us enterprises and industries? Are you in favor of lower taxes? Are you in favor of a better 1HK Journal is exceedingly liberal c;ty govenimi'tit? If so, then boost the when it is putting its hands down into citizens' ticket the city treasury and taking the tax- composed of the best men for city ofli payers money and transferring it into Cls 1 The citizens' ticket is Y Ea h one has achieved success in gresstonal career c insistently voted fori its pockets at the ratio jf C to 1, ! is own business and would make ex the 1 tt' of a si.ip subsidy bill. Mr. , r 10 - ndlent public officers for this city. y y y y y y y y f y y f y y f f f y y 1 I t I I X f y y y y y y f f f y y y f y y f V f y y y y y y y f f t T t T T it- X y y y y y f