The News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH, NIBRASKA. KosT for Plattsmouth. Don't knock. The Journal is doing the knocking. DENOUNCES OWN PARTY. Representative Taylor, of Custer , . .,, u court y, a democratic member of the: Tup. two greatest blessings ofhuman i life are good health and pood sense. Entered at the otof?;- at riatt'mnuth. Cam County. Nebraska. aa inond-cla.- mail ninlii r. House, most bitterly denounced the democrats in the senate, as corporation i . l :n l u .: .'- I cnariei", iney win nuvc men way 111 all things and the democratic party ( will stand discredited in the eyes of j the state. OFFICIAL PAl'KR OF CASS (WNTY A- L. TIDlJ Editor. K. O. WATTERS Manner IBATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Daa Taw la Advaoea tl.M taMeaUu 75 TELCPttONCA rkttsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 CITIZENS' AND REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Mayor DR. E. D. CUMMINS. For Treasurer- C. G. FRICKE. For Clerk E. J. RICHEY. For Police Judge- M. ARCHER. For School Iloard- DR. C. A. MARSHALL. H. N. DOVEY. Foil OOL'NC'ILMEN. First Ward- GEO. E. DOVEY. J. I'. FALTER. Second Ward FRED RAMGE. Third Ward- L. G. LARSON. Foufth Ward- C. M. PARKER. Fifth Ward- AUGUST GORDER. HoMKisthe father's kingdon, the tools. He said: vhildrens paradise, and the mother's "We have seen insurance legislation world. blocked by large and persistedt insur-1 Six good democrats were nominated ance lobbies working on corporation on the Citizens' ticket. Why should the tendencies of this reform democratic Journal fight them? legislature. We have seen corporation -- . influence on every hand. I want this IT mattkks little how many other ; t0 g0 out in the state gml want the pe0. uccess qualities a man may have, if ple to read it that TayIor 8aya that ' he lacks courage he will never get any-j the rairoatl3 have been iegisiaterf where. against but little this session and the The men who stand at the top, and , people have been but little benefitted. 4 the men who are climbing there, stand above their fellows because they have the courage of their convictions. IT makes all the dilFerence in the world whether you begin at the'bottom and act from the lowest motives up, or whether you begin at the top and act i from the highest motives down. We have secured no relief from insur ance mismanagement and corruption. We have tried to live up to the pledges of the party and be a reform legisla ture. And what is the result, gentle men? We sent a guaranty bill to the senate which was a depositor's guar anty bill. The rebublican state con vention was seduced by the bankers of JOURNALISM. "Every owner, editor, or re porter of a eonscieneiously and ably conducted newspaper or periodical is an asset of real value to the whole community. It would be difficult to overestimate the amount of good which can be done by the men responsible for such a publication-responsible for its editorial columns, respon sible for its news columns, re sponsible for its general policy. We have miny newspapers and periodicals big and little, of this kind. Rut we also have many that are not of this kind." Theodore Roosevelt. It is not always a disgrace to fail, ; the state and now we behold the demo but it is a disgrace to fail to do one's j cratic state senate under the same in best, or to fail becau-e one's cause is j fluences. I have yielded, gentlemen, I not worthy of success. It is also a dis- have said nothing, but I declare to you grace to succeed in unworthy things. ; that I have yielded to that senate all I Not failure, but low aim is crime. j am going to. Run over me with your - steam roler if you want to but I will Boost for the interurban, boost for ! not get out of the way. Tanner thinks the citizens' ticket, boost for the small . more of his corporation than he does j factory and join hands with the busi- of his own party. I have tried to keep ness men and good citizens and make ' the hands of the corporations from the this the greatest year in the history of throats of the people of Nebraska, j this city. Start right by electing the They will have their way, gentlemen, I citizens' ticket. That should be the promise you that the senate will get ! first step to a wiser and better admin- j what it wants. They will have their istration.and the progress and enter- j way with the bank bill, they will have prise of this city. Vote for the citi- their way with the physical valuaticn zens' ticket. bill, they will have their way with the This campaign in this city is one purely for a better and more business like city administration. It is for the purpose of building up the enterprises in this city and procuring of new enter prises for this city if such can bo done. ! It is from within and not from without i j that a city builds. Then if you want to j boost for the city of Plattsmouth, give ! your support to the citizens' ticket. It is non-partisan and composed of good i business men and if elected they will I give this city a splendid business ad j ministration. Boost for the citizens' j ticket, and thus boost for Plattsmouth. There are knockers, we know. Our contemporary, the Journal, in days ! gone by, under the management of C. I W, Sherman and under the present rV'The only Baking Powder ? i Vm m-dz trom al Gra?e t ! ft Cream cf Tartar management has done much to injure the business and business enterprises and business industries of this city. Pay no attention to the Journal's knocking. It is easy to knock, it is silly to knock, it is ignorant to knock, and the Journal is knocking. It is wise to boost, it is helpful to boost, it is sensible to boost, it is benevolent to boost so let every good and fair-minded citizen join hands and boost for the citizens' ticket and ! thus boost for Plattsmouth. ; What is the bais of the character istics of a people? What is the btd- rock upon which the foundations of in j telligence and morality rest as they support the towering superstructure of a civilized society? To answer that question we must go back to the be ginnings of society and look at the first nota'jle ditFerenoe between the savage and the civilizing man. We tied that it consisted in steady daily labor and t secure possession of the fruits of that J labor. Then any pursuit that does not involve steady daily labor, any political or sociological pursuit that does: r.ot in volve security in the possession of one's property, is inevitably subversive of civilization. There is much in current ' matters that has its true and repulsive character revealed when it is brought to this touchstone. SIX REPUBLICANS IT Emm SIX DEMOCRATS The grief of the Plattsmouth Jour- j best to secure the election of the c ti-, Journal has been knocking on this city the republican city of Des Mones, la., nal over the matter of the republicans zens' ticket. It will help to boost your ; for years and years and years aid it is has also adopted this non-partisan endorsing the Citizens' ticket, is per fectly silly. Six as good republicans as there are to be found were nominated on the Citizens' ticket. Why should not the republican convention endorse them? Do You want your home city to te alive and full of life and enterprise? If xo, then rustle for the citizens' ticket. You and you and you can do much for your heme city. It does not call for your money or your property. Do your home city. It will give us a better j Bti11 continuing to knock. city government; it will help to secure uut boost. Hon t knock method, and why should not Platts-1 mouth adopt it? Who can be harmed factories and business enterprises for, WE are now in the beginning of that b' ivin ""tsmouth a better and the city; it will help to secure a city I geasoll of the . which -t ., more businesslike administration? A park; it will help to secure the iter- posed tQ bc pro?)er a!U, natural to feel , on Partisa" administration would be j urban railway; it will help to reduce ; lan?uid: only the powerful and the lucky ju:,rter no ligations to pay political your taxes; it will help to furnish more ' are su,)poseii to be able to get olT with-i debts t0 publicans or democrats at work for the working man; it will help ! out a gpell of fever Why? The an. the expense of the tax-payers and the to furnish more business for the busi-1 gwer ajways js ..q Ppring feVer al- 1ublic lreasurv- Whv is jt tnat evcry ness man; it will help to macadamize j wayg affects .ple that way." Some ! is askinS the question "What is the avenues; it will help in the better-1 (layg we shall realy beiievei instea(i 0f ha matter w'th Plattsmouth," and in ment of the entire city. Will you boost , ',: the same breath answering their own .,, .. . , i ipl i merely repeating parrot fashion, that Or Will you continue tO knock.' The ' nnpstinn "Thorp U er.mpthintr U'rlmlr,, J 1 everything has a cause. When that question 1 he re is something wrong. 1 day comes we shall not be languid and ; You aml yu and "oa have time a 'u. ...iw.ii.. ni ; ,u., m... ., again asked this same question and For Hoi Fires Gel Egenber-gcr'sCoal! Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and lipht giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. ECENBERCER giving this same answer. Let us elect half or wholly ill in the mfdst of a world in which life. vigorous, pure, exuberant, -is bubbling over, after the a non-partisan ticket and see if that winter's rest. The only kind of sick : wi" not furnish thc remedy- that are out of harmony in the spring are the sin-sick. Furniture That Pleases -Aifi!t4i!4A a. aa. aa. A A ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X y t x 1 t AAA Old Winter with his reign of ice and snow will soon be gone. Those chilly blasts will be a thing of the past Spring with its new demands will soon be here, and you will need some new furniture. Our line is re plete with up-to-date, designs and patterns, which sure to please, and at prices, which are sure to appeal to the prudent buyer. See our display, we are glad to show the goods and quote you prices. STREICHT & STREICHT Why does the-Journal wail so much about the great republican party in the Have you read the Plattsmouth Jour- Iust? The JoUr:,al has a!1 ux to Prin) nal's silly twad lie about the republican The J,,urm'1 wants 'ou t0 vote for ,its party? Every year for ten years the,"' The law requires an ordinance Journal has at every spring election de- to be PuNed one week. One issue in voted itself to denouncing the repub- a cek,y P"l,er U euiient. For five lican party and abusing the candidates : yT lhL Journal has bwn Uet',inB the nominated by it. Why this silly slush city treasury by publishing the ordi of sorrow, woe, and wail for the re. nances in the daily and chargi.ig for publican party now? The only reason ! six issut?s whl're one issue in thu Hmi" under the sun for this silly and ignor- i weck,y wou,d have betn !fl''d,'nt ' ant slush is that the Journal is afraid . This is the Journa1'8 raft wn the city i that six good republicans will be elect-! treasury- The ,ax Payers the bills 1 in this city, if the citizens' tor 8ix issue9 il,8tead of one or two' ticket should be successful. That i8 1 le. tue Journal has an ax to gnna. the sum total of its sorrow and grief, TIS is the time whcn everyone ha9 for the great republican party and I the opportunity to do something for great leaders in years pone by in thia ; the enterprisje an(, busine88 develop. Cltjr' ment of this city. It is not asking for There have been many lies circulated yur money- Kvt'r ood cilizen who in tvgard to the citizens' ticket. Irre- has the wellfare of thi" Bt heart sponsible and unworthy persons are 8h'Jld vote for the citizens' ticket. Vou busy trying to make it appear that the 8hould 8olicit n11 yur ttiemU t0 vote itizens' ticket is a prohibition ticket. . for the citizens' ticket Look the ticket over from top to hot-1 yE won.n suggest to our neighbors torn and if you find a r jhibitiopist on 1 (own the river to be on the lookout for the ticet come to us and we will give ; the great Hood of crocodile tears the V J ,u a rt'w,;rtl "H".. Every man on the; Journal,, j,lst now bedding for the i ... ., Y -i wmy. nommauHi lor me future welfare of the rep-.iblicun phrty Y purpose of civingthis city a better and i this city. It is really a sickening more busii esslike ndministrnt A. U- . . A t .1 lor u.e purpose oi caKing tne ttdniii:- elf-respecting republican. Can't some istration of city affairs out of politics. ne give the silly thing a cathartic of ? I Muslin Underwear! X We are showing a fine line of med inm priced Underwear. CORSET COVERS , Made of fine muslin, double stitched, taped seams, trimmed with Val Lace and wide In sertions, each 25c Same as above trimmed with G rows of Insertion tun ning up and down 35c I'etler grades at each.... 40c, 50c, 65c and 75c. DRAWERS Made of fine grade of mus lin, double filled ieims, hem stitched rullle or rows of tucking 25c Same trimmed with I.ace and Insertion or Kmbroidery at 40c and 50c GOWNS Made of fine muslin, felled seams, trimmed with rows of tucking and insertion on yoke, hemstitched sleeve and neck 50c Same trimmed with very fine grade of lace and inser tion or embroidery and inser tion at 75c and $1.00. SKIRTS Made of fine mus lin, trimmed with ! in. flounce, 3 in. lace, 5 rows of tuck ing on rutllo, ! inch dust rullle under flounce 50c Some trimmed with very line lace and embroidery at 75c, 1.00,1.23,1.50. ft flf s The lk'mocratic city (,f Galveston, the extract, of decency? It needs it, ;H;;Mg; j Texas, has adopted this method, and Rd mods it badly. E. A. WUR.L. t ? T T Y t V t ? t ? ? ? Y t ? t t t V f t Y ? ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? t t t Y T T r r Y