The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 25, 1909, Image 3
f I PREVENTING PAINT TROUELES. It's easy enough to recognize tho symptoms of poor paint, after it ha been on awhile after iti inb.i'icnt tendency to crack .and jut I and s-al iiid blister. etc., has developed iir trouble. YeJ know tl-se paint "dis eases" usually indicate adulteration or substitution In the paint materials. And you know the only remedy is re painting. A littlo knowledge of paint and painting requirements, and Low to made sure of the purity and quality of materials, would prevent all trou ble, and save the big extra expense of re-painting; just as a proper knowl edge of simple health-laws, and ob servance of them, prevents sickness. A complete palming guide, includ ing a book of color schemes, specifi cations for all kinds of painting work, and an instrument for detecting adul teration in paint materials, with di rections for using It, can be had Ireo by writing National Lead Co., lf02 Trinity Iildg., New York, and asking for llouseownor's Painting Outfit No. 49. A very simple guide in the. pur chase of white lead (the only sure and safe paint material) Is the fa mous 'Dutch Hoy Painter" trademark; that trademark Is an absolute guaran tee of purity and quality. INADEQUATE. i : ; ' : hot 'v.rr- Doctor Monk Did those mustard plasters that I left seem to relieve the pains in your enest to any consider able degree? Osl rich Well, no; I can't say that they Lave; but (apologetically) I'vo eaten only five of them! Piecing Out the Prayer. Of curious prayers a writer says: "I have heard a layman utter this petition during the prayer: 'O. I-ord, be thou with us in our upsit tings an our down- rlitiL'' n variant of the text in the psalms. 'Thou knowest my downsit tlnis and mine uprisings.' A minister occasionally introduced a I .at in sen tence into his prayer, ami forthwith proceeded to translate it. Another min ister in his early days experienced con siderable difficulty with the long prayer before tho sermon. In noneonfomiist churches this usually occupies a quar ter of an hour, but long before this pe rlod had been reached he was wound up. On one occasion, while in this di lemma, he startled his hearers with the words: 'And now. O Lord. I will re late unto thee a little anecdote'."' Why She Shut Down. "A charming gentleman, about four years old, used to pass my house every day on his way to kindergarten," said a lady, "and in course of time I made his acquaintance and gave a penny to lilm each morning when we patted. "Eventually his mother requested me not to eive any more money tc him. The next morning I did not pre sent the usual penny. He did not seen) to notice the omission. The succeed Ing day, when the penny was not given to him he said nothing. Hut on the morning of the third day, when the penny was not forthcoming, he sidled tip to nie and whispered: 'What's thu matter. Ain't your husband working?' Some Resemblance. A little girl in a California public school complained to her teacher that a Mexican boy Lad struck her. The teacher took Joe, the only Mexican boy in the school, hharply to task for the offense, but the boy denied It "Mary, said the teacher, Joe says he didn't strike you."' "Oh, no," said Mary, " 'twan't Joe; twuz that tother boy over there," and she pointed to tho blackest of negro boys in the school. "Hut, Mary, that boy isn't a Mexl can," said the teacher. - "Well, anyhow," said Mary, "he's very much tanned." LESS MEAT Advice of Family Physician. Formerly people1 thought meat nee essary for strength nnd muscuhu vigor. The man who worked hard was sup posed to require meat two or three time3 a day. Science Las found out differently. It Is now a common thing for a fam ily physician to order less meat, as In the following letter from a X. Y. man "I had suffered for years with dys pepsia and nervousness. My physician advised me to eat less meat and greasy foods generally. I tiled several things to lake the iice cd my usual breakfast of chops, fried potatoes, etc., but got no relief until 1 tried Grape Nuts food. "After using Crape-Nuts for the cereal part of my meals for two years, I am now a well man. Grape-Nuts benefited my health far more than tho $:.00.00 worth of medicine I had taken before. "My wife and children aro'liealthler than they had been for years, and wo are a very happy family, largely due to Grape-Nuts. "We have been so much benefited by Grape-Nuts that it would be un grateful not to acknowledge It." Name given by I'ostum Co., Haitlo Creek, Midi. Read "Tho Itoad to Well Ville," In pkgs. "Thero'a a Iteason." 10rr rrml hi nhnve lelirf A n one nppcnrn from llmo lo Inn-. Tliey re iii'iiulur, true, nml full ( liuniiiu Interest. With the World's Great Humorists Selections from The Months t By W. J. There are 12 months in evety year. It you do tiot believe It you may count I 'hem without Its costing vou a cent, Kverv almanac contains a complete set. Almanacs may be had at all drug tores free. There Is nothing else fweo it drug stores except the atmosphere, hough that ought to he worth at least quarter for it never has less than i scents in it. ph. w! January, the tirst mouth, has ;il lys. It has so many because being lirst on the ground it has opportunities to grab all it can, and it docs. .1 ann ul' y is a very human month. There ia no telling what sort of a record some f the other months would have if they had the chance January does. Anyway, none of them gets any more than January. February, the second month, is the smallest and inodostest month in the ntire collection. While all the others .ike from ;',o to ;:i days as their share, little February takes but lis. except nice in four yars when an extra day Is forced upon it. March is the third month of the ear and the first month of spring. March Is the blouiest mouth of all. April, the fouiih mouth, contains 30 ays and is the lirst month of that size In the year. April showers are lie chief ingredient of this mouth, and they are usually unite wet. Thev have (i be wet in order to suipplv the ineini- tit vegetation with growing water. In let-crt regions wln-re th're is no in- ipient vegetation the April showers ire not wet. 1 liey are not anything except absent. lane, tin' lirst month of summer, contains the longest dav iu the rear. l'hoiigh it has more long days than iny otiier montli It Is not the longest months, several having 31 days to its 3D. July, the seventh month, has 21 The Tailor's Dilemma By H. M. A little boy came in and deposited suit of clothes on the tailor's table. "Father says, please will you press this suit and bring it to him at the Hotel Willoughby by nine o'clock to morrow morning," said the boy. ''Fa ther says, see you don't make no nils take, because he's staying in New York for the week and it's the only suit he's got." "Don't jou call that tempting fate?" nsked one of the loungers who made the tailor's shop his place of diversion. "Nab:" said the tailor, lighting the fire under his irons. "That can't go wrong, unless my place Is broken into during the night and all the goods stolen. You got to take some risks everywhere," "That, reminds me of something that happened to a friend of mine," said "The Baby Recognized the Key Gave It to His Aunt " and another man. "He wns the metropoli tan bishop of Pittsburg, in the Greek church, so when the consul's son got married to a gitkof the, Greek Catholic persuasion of course tin y bad to send for the bishop to perform the cere mony." "The bishop was a simple old man. and be came from Pittsburg In Ids full ecclesiastical outfit, which was .'.ill of creases when be arrived, so lie arranged to do what your friend did here; be would go to bed at bis hotel and have the tailor rail for his clothes and bring them back neatjy pressed Hist thing in the morning. "Yes?" said the tailor, folding the trousers and taking up the second iron to press thein on the other side. "All would have gone well, but for one thing. The tailor wan an Old ne- liever, one of a sect which the Uus vIbii church has always persecuted, lie ico;;nii'.ed the garments at a glance, and saw his chance to net back at the bishop. So he sent back the coat all neatly pressed, but. Instead of sending back the lower poitlon of the voluminous robes lie sent a skirt, as If accidentally." "Yes?" said the taljor, ironing vig orously. "The bishop had to put It on, be uiu.'t It waa all he had. He hired a gfiM the Writings of the MaKcrs of Mirth. of the Year Lampto.i. days, but notwithstanding this plain statement of undeniable figures.-it Is well known that one day Is the fourth of July. This could never be proved by almanac, arithmetic or analogy, but history proves It. or has proved It since 177ti. Meteorologically, physio logically and historically, July la hot stiiiT. August, the last summer month, has "Almanacs May Be Had Drug Stores Free.' 31 days, most of them dog. It has been proposed tentatively to change the name of the month to D'August, because it Is the doggest of tho year, but it will be a long time getting here because the almanac is proverbially slow and conservative and the moon is about the only thing In it that changes much. September, the first month of au tumn, has 30 days, one of which is of Egbert. cab and drove round to the tailor's shop. The tailor hud expected hlni and had put up bis shutters and gone away for a day's jnunt In the country. The bishop telephoned to the consul ate, and the consul telephoned for the police. Hut they couldn't break open the shop, so they went after the tailor." "Yes?" said the tailor, pressing down hard on the ceases. "They found the tailor, but he was drunk and had mislaid his key. At last they learned that ho had given It to his wife, who had gone to visit her sister in Hoboken. They got the wife, but she had giveti the key to her sis ter's baby to play with, ami the child was supposed to have swallowed It. The doctor X-rayed the child and found that It wasn't there, lie had thrown It down a grating into a sewer." "Ha! ha!" said the tailor, pausing in bis ironing to look round and smllo nppt eclat Ively. "They took the sewer up and found the key. The baby recognized the key The Sermons By Roy L. Text The Wisdom of less. Being Worth- Since time began, Dearly Heloved, the men who have lived by telling others how lo work, and therefore have tolled not themselves, have cried aloud (he sure rewards that awaited au honest endeavor. "He has hard work who has noth ing to do" has ever been the burden of their plaint. We doubt this. Dearly Heloved. The lilies of the Held toll not. neither do they spin, and yet they are well dressed and popular. The prodigal son always gets the best of it. It Is the family loafer who Is always niatntna's pet; and where is there a family that hasn't Its or namental loafer, its Illy of the Held, as well as its humble, hnrd-woiklng. Ill clad potato that the family subsists on? How well do we know tho drunken genius who could do such wonderful things if he only stopped drinking, ex cept the wonderful thing of stoppint drinking. Sonu times papa is the potato, a mealy, full flavored, honest old potato, that does Ids best for everybody else and ids worst for himself. Sometimes It is a son potato; some Units it is a daughter potato. It Is the good daughter of the family who. while the jest are abroad pleasuring, stays home to care for the slcl; lie tause she does it so well. Tho other daughters are the lilies, and In the little vegetable kingdom of home t!.e potato girl vegetates while the HIUs who are clothed well and look so sweet are the llowets of the family. The bard work is never thrust upon the worthless. It it added lo the bur dens that the worthy havr alrsady endured. at All 1 "Best Kjiotttn the Mime length us the nlxht that goes With it. March Is the only othr month that makes a similar showing. In March this Is because the constant winds blow the lone end off of the nlRhts, but iu September It Is because the melancholy days have become des perate and are ready and willing to net even with anything, even the nights. October contains 31 days nnd more settled weather than any month of the year. One might suppose that th weather would naturally settle toward the end of the year, but why It settles in October, rather than In December. Is not stated by weather sharps. May be there's a reason, but who stops to know why when the went her is tine and dandy? November, the last month of au tunin, has but 30 days and most of us fish it didn't have that many, they tie so drear and dismal. Just where November found such a punk lot of days nobody knows and wouldn't tell if he did. it would be Inq. We are commanded by law to give thanks in this niou'.h. Otherwise wo would pick some other month. In dian summer comes In this month; Angel summer coiildn t. He, ember Is the last month of the year and the first of winter. December 21st is the shortest day of the year. December has to have 31 days to bal ance the year out because It bus more short days than any other month. It fl'-eius like It ought to be the shortest month, but it Isn't. Christmas is one of December's, and more money hi spent on its celebration than on any other day, or all of thorn in the year. Nobody knows just how much It amounts to, but everybody feel like lie had given up every cent he had on earth. Christmas really ought to full on the 20th of February, mid we think some time it will. The old year goes out. In December, but nobody knows where it goes. (Vi I'.vriRht, WO, by W. U. Chapman.) and gave it to Ids aunt, and the aunt took it to the tailor, who was still drunk. Then they fdiind that it was the wrong key. The tailor had the light key In bis bund and was trying to wind his watch with It. They got tho right key at last and opened the store and got the bishop's garment." "And they were happily married?" asked a listener. "No," said the man. "Hy that time the bride had got tired of waiting and thought she preferred the single state. So she Jilted the bridegroom." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the tailor, resting his iron upon the cloth and doubling himself up In Inextinguishable laughter. "Ho, ho, ho!" roared his compan ions, rocking themselves in their chairs. It was several moments before the tailor recovered his self possession. Then he look up his Iron and raised the cloth. Ho uttered a scream and began tearing his hair "Look, look!" he shrieked, pointing to the Ironing board. He had let the iron stand nnd It had burned an enormous smouldering hole In the trousers. (Copyright, 1009, by W. U. C'liupniun.) of a Sinner McCardell. The worthless, husband, father, son or daughter, are handled gently and treated kindly, but the faintly potato is never considered. How kind wives and' mothers of drinking men are to them If they do "The Prodlflal Son Always Gets the Best of It." drink, frarlnn lest a scnldin drWu theni to worm estceRFes! How i;ld wife iind nio'her a'e to see them come home sober onee or to come at all! Yet let tiie family potato titte'id even tt codtbh ball, anil so invler' covetliiR the lire, pnltlnr nut the eat and Heclni! doors and windows are itn fastened' Ah, Dearly Heloved. being n pointo if bard lines! We are ul upprrci ntd even after are cultl! (Copyright. IS'.i'.i. by . (J. U. annuo.) llpi 1 A TRAIN LCAD OF TOOACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Pi.r;h,T-.c-l t: Lowia' Ginqlo Girtdor Cejir Factory. it rmbaU. I';.- 1 i. r.ll lance p. Let ry 'm th !. t. ' ' United l by l'r. ! 1 lien pUKIla: P. Lewi".. .( ru, tr the. in, unit. h tun el l ewi.; Smi-le Hind.- Ci;;..t". Tho lot w;!l tn. ike twenty -four carloads, ;!iid i.; ic icle. 1 fr .tit v!;.:t i '. c 'ti i'lercd 1v ex perts t lo tlie fi!i-:t i-r.'i rai iu in. my years. 1 lie j v.r. !:..'-e ct tiO'iou is Miiaiittit t 1 a: t. tae;rv in. ire than two years. Au e.vlr.i puce iui I for tl-.c r. 'ec t i u. x'wis' Siup!e Hinder Cirja Singer; ct irs will iiK-re- ciate this t; .l.a.-i i. She Earned Mabel liked candy. It. However, File us much a? ay her father was not allowed neati; s.ho would like. Our i! tobl Inr that s!i could have three kiss a isiior w ho pieces if slie would k was couilii;; to diiinei- A ; soon its (lie she l in he I up front door was opened and Implanted the ki: i wiih much gusto, mid th. n t m "Now. papa, give klusing nor." lied to her father. me tho candy for Starch, like every thing else, Is ho tug constantly improved, the patent Starches put on the miiiiu t i!.'i years ngo are very different and Inferior to tho-io of the present day. In the lat est discovery -I ii liiini'ii Standi --all In jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another In.-redient, in- , vented by us, gives to the Starch ;i : streiu'.th ami smoothness never ap proached by other brands, Drcr.kinq the Ncas Gently. j A good examp!.' of the extremely ; courteous In public cm resiiiimlenen j wan the notice 'i-iil do Char!, s .lames ! Fox that he was no oir;er a ic mPer of the government of Geerc.i' the Third, j It read thus: "His grni imis maj. sly j has I" en to It. sue a new coin- j mi-, ion. Iu which your name does not appear." i What 1 1 ii 1 1- i a Woman Will Not Do. iiullaiu: a v.n'ii I.. - l.-l I., I 111 ' . , ' I ll HIS 111 pic- ill Wtlilnt 'I'.! S tie nil, 'l! 1.. I III;: lie r t: led I. V I J I" i. fully llll it-1 I'll. l.- ' li.-i: i ly Ah . In n III i.'llt .II I i.lnl Ulil d Mi ic llie dl'llgi.iM-.' I tie as; isfactory. need It. or I. ill.' i I i I Ii i n Ic.l I- t lu in, i- I llll h l-c to . At 1,1 P" ll, i II, lll'iie 1 1 v t liai;; :( I II, vie .-. i . I : dr., Id-', (Sl.llH'i '11 10 we get Is ! best way cliloni sat is not. to A pc-itnNl lice 1,1 X.ll IVl' Yt lli' ll I'. i-.iii-l ip.'it ii nnd guild flints. I. ( l.ii (ii 1.1 ;'ltl.ll.S t lie Iuiiii;h geu ',a. the Herb ivi-r. cm n et i I In illh nml ! A good sermon Is often spoiled by a bad dinner. Lewis' Single Hinder Cigur ha" n rich tristc. Your thaler or li'i' Factory, Peoria, 111. Tho professional tramp never punc tures bis tire. Alteti'4 Fiint-Finte Cnri'iillri'il. '1,'huiL'. sw- aaic I, , i. :... Triul ..u'Iiujio free, A. H. (Mlii't. 'l. I.i. Ui ), N . V . It Is what It Iu It la Ice. "cracked up to be," if from wonun'rt ailmonls are invited to write to tho names nnd addresses lu ro pvcti, for jKisiiivi! juniif that Lydin E. l'iuldiam'd egi-liililii ( iiiiiiuii!id lt'H euro Tumor l!-iiiiivi'il Chlrn'i, 111. M . . Alvoim by.iliui;, 11 l.iin;- il.iu Mir. t. I.iii.ll.-y, Pi t... Mr.. 'Mr.y Fry. liln-l.'V. K11111. .Mrs. M-ll.'i (llffiinl p..'.mi.wi. K-iill, S.V.- Mr-. S. .1. Iliiili. r. i ..r eiiillnl!'., N.V.- Mi. Win. H"ii:a.l..n. rini'iiiiitiii.K wiiii, tv . i; . ii'iu-ii.7 i-:.-istvii.r. Mlln ii'iki-,', 'm...Mi.i. I:iiiui.4 Jin-,.', t- i 1st St., OlTHI ill. t'luinrro of T.if. ti'Ultli Il.'inl, I -1. 1 - l r.'i. I-'oiJ C'orti.i, P'lt S. o.'O" S r.' -t. Nmili. Ii no I-' ky.- Urn. tt,,ll-iii.l. Itr-'kii' M ..'---.Mi l. IS.umIi Lwuiunuiit, 2t7 h. M-iiU-l St. I'nt ri'.ii, N.,l.5Iri, V111. Suiuurv.lle, l'.ij II i;li At .'inn. MP 1. 1. Vlii'i, l'u. Mi. K. E. Garrott, 2lu7 N,.illi(i en.'t M'-.-i't. li,'Wii-kiiiii, Win. Mn. Carl Hi.lilkfl. PT iliTiillv TriniMi . Vori-otir, M ALis. Ji.ylv.i Cotrf, 1!7 S.mili ;:ite Mtro. l.. Indi 111 Pi, I. "..Mr. A. P. Ainlereim, I-U7 i-:. ia m so.--1. Ui Itiin. l'a.-Mrn W. K. I' Aim- i',ir See i' -n, Mi ". . 1 1 1 -1 Mnrllnn't. Cm -1 no ili, 1 'lii'i...Mi. K, II. .M.i'lU'K'k-., 'Ji.o lilll ,M'l Al.'llll". Mr..- 1. 1 r,'. 'l.i .'In, M ei.r"", )'. 1 l.:I. l, -,i, li.lli', N..-Mi-H. . A.i.-I'- . ,,,li .1 V.-Jlii. Ilemur .S. N'.nii.-iii, tlS P. M mi i". t. lliirl .mic, l.l.Mri. I'.'iiir I. I'livnli iliii. A Tol'l Oprrnt i.iiii. t im,loi,l, .M.I. - U. ,. .!'.!. II I'a'iiW. A.lri "i, 1, 11. "I.' ' V. II v, I, 111.. N'i. 3. In. ii. .:.. I' 1 -!:.. -to V. Pl r, vj h..u'.li A-i 11 .r- t. I. ...I. , l,..,v.- 'r, S en !...., :r 'T K.mriti M. . ..." 11 WV-t 'II .; .r, M m ". .'!:'. I .(,!. '. III. K-.Tl. l'Mi SI in ". I I. '. Vi Ii. M. :. 1 . ll I.-" .i.i'l, Ml -1 1 I, i.'ii A v, ic,,', (! f'ti 111. Or--:' r. !'.-. -, -, l.i.l. . .. .. I''. II. S 1 in. u "1. M l ,1 t M I Tilr, Ptil rriiirnti4, : M " I. . I. . Ik. I 1 ..l W.. ''1,1! P." V t. .. l... .M:... CI..1.1 . i.l.-l ui.oili, .. I 1 .M-i. .I..v.",i It , !. i.m. Ii- .ay 1 i'.u'. '-r, C'J P " I.. M.i S'.i y. i CI,' ,r ha (i. m ,11. in, .1, U.F.I.. N... 1; I ", Iveuto No. J, . N l II 1 " , , ii, a i.: e 1 .. I - 'I . II.. X I'l. t"-. A-V ,-Mm I" I . I'. . ! . W, I. 1 1 ,1 . - ii, 1. t v M 1- . ,,.;i. ' m IV 1.1 I m t: t;.u 1 1. 'I'lie-e 'i, IT II ;M ii'l!', (!i Jur.-.-i-r i.f I V'li.l V. i'l ill -1' N'i'l 1, ( T 'Ic fir; .1 I' r tho r. ; i f t!c i iti' wo vluui-'l r 1' 1 I wul 1 1 nn's (In O'.lllT S'.'i.l'M'iie V.MIIletl Ve;.;- ;::l'li' t'iimiHUi:!il is ;i v St,.lti"',l"!it s liia'li. in in 1 il- 1 I Is truih mill ui.i-.h:!i r L'U'. t'.ii: '.luih. Uu.urt Oath Tr.kcn In Court. ii I pi .intent l by ihn m ie i'1,1 i t' at t..l :: in t'ie I wl.i.-h pre ::s and the c in . I ; . !i in ii1 e of Man, i folinws: enis there works that t'.e ! I !' . 1. 1' ":v !,'.. Imm.U of, ami by I In ! Weill!' ! fill (io hat'i in;; aculiiu. heaven alm e ;,u, 1 1: six days ami six n ly wrou'dit iu the earth beneath In ;;l,i. 1 do swear that I will f.l. n .1 bin or atiiiM'y, laws of 1 1 and pai tv wa h int i-ei-pei-t of favor or Jo. s or (''in, coicanriiinity envv ov malice, execute the s i. !" pit i ly In l ween party as iii'i,ife;i ntlv as the her- rim tho liai I'.hnre ilnth lie in i!h nihlst of Ii: h. So b. !;i !;. tind, and the contents of tliiii In Pcwara of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m ITlTrim Hii.l e. .11 : H' .-hi. rlll4 It lirl .i.-i flu' imII ir.-iv r.'iv .i.-mi.'i1 tiir in.'li Oi ill ii. i. r I.. I . -1 . . . - o, II,.' UN. Hl'li'iilH i... .1 . i. n-r-p of i(mill i hm.Ii'ih Mtirn MirllHH. Sll.ll .t nil irc-.rli- fluitl l.i.ill ''' I'M M' , i . II, . iliiiuni'.' Ilicy I inn iMialilv ll. Ml I ui e. ln.'itiuf .rtilTi'.l ,, o . . .' li'i lll.T . iiiliiii: ilir.rtlv lll)ll V ,.1 il'i Ii I "I I . III.' I' III.' in. !1 lll.'lll. II II H I'll l.v f. J I" " v A. ' : r i.r . ii "I H l.ii.' n r i''!'- th.' u.'.'.l ninl iitin'"i ' 1,11. I'll II ill i lit in Ii mi: 1. 1,. , i ..( tilt- ml.'m. Ill I I,.' pnro veil M' I ttl II 11 In .,11 Inti-rli'iilv ill ,1 T,i:i,l(. Ill luk'111 ii.-y .v i ... i.-ait',,,.inii Ir.'t. n. I'n, .'. 1 1 f li.'lll.'. illy l'Ul-1 I T l i.llf ! Il'-lllull. Ul'l". 0 V I-. J. I II S.,M l.v I 'en ' i 1.1k i ii, i 1 .ii And It Was Overruled. Judge Hoar and Cem Puller were opponents In a case of a new dial. Geu. Cutler ipioted: "l-'ye rm- eye. skin for , J in, tooili for tooth, ye.i, all that a nam hath, "i'l be i',ive Ur his life." To which .liiil.'i' 1! i. ir n p:i d. "Y s, the de ! quoted that once before III a mo tion for a new tiu.l." SiOK HEADACHE Positively cured hy these Little fills. Tlipy alno rolliive pis- tri'HM from lvhieiNlu,Iri- .111:." i ioiiunilTiK, lli'.-iriy latliii;. A pvi f.'i l rem 1'ily fur Llinlni'sH, Nine -.I'll, l)i-ivsiiii'i;.4, Hud Tiihti; in llie M.nilli, Cunt el Tniiiriii', l'u In In the Sl.lo, TOIUMIJ I.IVKU. Tliry n Kiilali: tlifi Iknu l. Purely W'gulublo, SMALL PiLl. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ntssiTiKi'ii n ir jrn MINIMS ,ii ivll S'tl l,,r t-:isli. nnUi lit u Mi l 111 Hi. a .mi i- VI I M S I M I NI lli. I lll.N I II,, an.) lliiii riiui IHil., n.iu t rancUcu, Cut. leiiialo HW. I'nliifnl IVriixl. Cudipn, Alu."- VI m.Vv'. T. I iiilion, Itnnt No. S. I liii'iu; ,. III. Mm. W111. Till I y, 4..1 tindeu A v. I'.av Pair, ,Mli'h.iMi'H, Kiniiiit liiipi.r. l'liiliiiip, M lull." .Mm. Pint M.jJ, 11. F. 1). N,i..'l; cnr.iof l. A. H.oiIioiii. r,,!7 -"-villi', Min.Mrii. S. ' .leewMfc t'iin'liiimtl01iiu.o.MM. I lura Ahr, I.KSErnbt Street. Clcv liiiul. Will -Miss Kloluor, 6T10 I'l.-t At. 'lino, S.i;. Wi'dli-vvilli'. 1M.-.MM. Mm-cloE'tor.K.r.n.l. I'viTsfniri; I'.-iin .Mii. I....1 IliUi ir.l, U.K. 1. ll.ijll.-lil, x.Mm. .M.'iymu WiuJlo. lrrci-ulnrll v. lt.-rrln, 111 -Mr. ( li.i'. I . ll.el. iin-li.-"i.-r, lii..-M:-i. Mnv Ih'iil. liy.-r, In.. Mri. Win. 1 'In r 1 . . 1 1 . K P. T. ?',. 1. lialiiin.iro. M'l.-Mrn. W. S. fold, IlkaJ lJns- lI'.WIl.. Sl'.'.-t. UmxIi'iiv, ,M:iNi.Mr!i.Fr;c.icl!iM'rkIo,l3nlil SO I. rt.-nl.fil .,li. M'-i.-M' A mi Wiithrn. iii!nii:i',!,i.rrMi. 1 ii.-i Mi.-iiiH'i, it.r.n.j. ia)i.,n, lii-'. M". Pin ILilo, Hex 'ii, .- .M . lit i' linn,". I.o!.;uieii, P,i.--.MM.Iluny I.. ;itt!., 2.13 lli.tll Si reel . S-l,i-Vr''iin.M!Mi:i H ill. i, 0"it,Mn;li..Mr-i. I.eiien.PinrJCi-Clii'Stliut h1, (tvnrinn Tion'ile. Vuic'iin, Ii,.l.:.Mii. S I. 11. .k'raiild, C'U N. 'I .'lilli Stn-. t. C.ii.lin.'r, V.iiiin..-l-i. S. A. WiPliimii, Ii. F. K.N.i. 11; i. ' I' i'!,-l,l:i:i. I'.i.-.Mrs. C?.;w. llmjll, 2107 N. ', . inn I Stic-t. Mattliuri;,.Mt.-.v!i.'V.'riiaWltUi)$,U F.D.I. I'i'iii.-ili? Wi'iiUnr. ' Vi'illim in'.i'-, c'jnu.iMi a. I..1.1 Jinnovan, Bin IT. 1 IV"' 'l-i,t,', 11 ilio.M'-.. l:.i-li"1 ,'i.tinn.n. K.i. U.i. -I, :i.i ...'.-...Mi.. V. i.l Y.iuntJ, 0 Col- en,: .1 A .'.in.'. c,",ti. u!.-. ; h. M'-,t ..T,,!i!'.mi.U.F.T) .1. 1 ' n , ii, 1 ..- Mr-.. 1'. Ii. Mil i tli, IjI KI'ii Si. I';..., 1 .1 Mi. I'. Ii, K. 1'. 1. N... 7. i;,.:..r r-,i... r.i. I.-., w. r. j;.i).l, iuw S vent !i . iei,'. r-ii., ii ii., ". p i.-..'n. i, A.ii.i'iimin. itox r,:. 1 t ll.,ni.-', l'.i...-Mi l ..irv.1iiiii' Sli ilt.i I t t; ,i ). I'.i.,- ,'.l''i. Aiii'-:tt.'il.v..ti, U.F.I . 2. iviiii.i, W, ii.ic .Mr.i. l.uiiuii V, lit-uloa. crv.nti Proiil rntl.iu. Ii-1, M ., VP l ! 1" .i,'lMii-iit. i.l, 1, V.I.- .Mm. Talij Wiilum, 451 Liber ia m- ir. t. I I'. ' "' rim. All''t Huffman. Or" . ,11: .1 , I'lia 1 l- l l,i 1. I'l.u .Mr;. J.iliu Jolnmtoo, 210 S.i -.- I M r, t. Clui.'.,: a, Tciiii.-sMr.-i. Mary Woi.l, B.P.O. N... a. P.,,-,,-.. T. i-n.-. At - A Pi Y'imii- V '.:lct. .n. .r 111. 1. .. ,', Vl.-M. ..( li,L ...ii'iiiy, U.K.I). (if tllidlSillpls ( f lh'lii'. tlK'twatpi-s ( t iiviii' ui'iiii'sses ot Vi'.'t.ihlii t 'iM'in.unil KH'tifo fennvlo kmmm CARTER'S I hi-51 ITT! r Vi PILLS. '; CARTERS I eTJlTTlE : J PILLS. I L . v.. ilia ni'.i'i' i'i'i i i ; i iniiiii'ns:iliiMi in any ii,t;ie s i'l Ciis ailvi-iti-i'iiii'iil hut arc wili r ti) l!n :n liee;i!i-a. of tin' ivl they limy t' 1-f.iV ' ih it Ia'iIm h. I itikliaiu.s'l.' ami hnii:'.-t nieiiieiiif, ami that, tho . nts lvji.ii'duis ha UK'iit aro tho