t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Wf im Mm MSMM Mm y V f y y y y y y t Y t Y V y y y y y t V t y y V f y y y We have just unpacked and put on display four complete lines of genuine English dinner ware, and a new assortment of fancy China. We want you to come in and see these goods, as they are the best yet. And as an inducement we have filled both of our show windows with glassware, at . SATURDAY, MARCH 27 V (TTl X A. A A. ? ? ? ? t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V y y y V SATDEDAY, MAECH y y y y y y y y y y y T y 27 consisting of fruit bowls, water pitchers, cream, pitchers, celery bowls, cake stands, etc., and 144 pieces of assorted beautiful irrridescent glass. This line of glassware is now on display and you can see what bargains there will be for 10 cents. You will find articles here which are worth regularly up to 35c each but for advertising purposes they will go this day only at 10c. En T7 n 1111 MM lXixL (GMtpw vvv f y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y t X Rexal 93 Hair Tonic Grows hair on 93 heads out of every hundred. 50G and SI 93 Rexall Shampoo Paste is the ideal shampoo for the hair and scalp. Sold by F. G. Co, Fricke & The Rexall Ap;ent. t y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y What Causes damp because these conditions are most T-P V7rYip,ri favorable for its developement. In the : Xi UllltJIl Only Knew TTT r1 r ,-,- r tt c I coa' mi'les of Pennsylvania timber de Forestry Service Experiments and Reports Progress. Washington, March 2:5-Piles driven ! cays in two or three years because the ' temperature is warm and cons-tant and , the air is damp. And in the South, the ... c warm, humid atmos.,hcre often causes Vhat a IIeaP of Happiness the timber to rapidly decompose. Decay may be prevented by two general methods, by treating the wood i It Would brinj? Plattsmouth Homes. bythehutdweilersofthe lialtic cen- i ""tPtjcs. thus poisoning the turies aKo are as sound today as when j food ""I'!'' of , fhe "Kan.sms wh.eh Hard to do housework with an aching f.rst placed. The wooden Collins in which '" "y " acK. the Egyptians buried their dead are 1 wh,ch re'M,r U waterproof. A comb.- HrinKs you hours of misery at leisure -fill ,rPPrvpf1 in m.rf..nt rmvlltinn ftnr ': U" f tht'Se tWO methl IS most or at Work. i ,,..! i .. ,u !:... .... ., . ..... ..u:i.: i.. .mi' i .uiiiiMuiiij uat-u, us wni-ii wuini i.i ucai- ii women oniy Knew tne cause mat 1W "llJ vaihuii. ouuiung si anus com ed with creosote which fills up the pores Hackache pains come from sick kid- i pl-'te, Uncle Sam is putting the finish- thousands of years of service, The longevity of timber under these , the introduction of the Occident to the Orient through the medium of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition soon to open its gates to the world. Already representatives of Japan and i fu:., o,...wr i t i 'viiiiia uic in neuiue aim nave nii'L in friendly intercourse on the exposition j grounds. The natives from frozen Siberia are mingling with the half-clad I Filipinos and the Alaska Indian looks on with amazement at this gaihcring of races in Seattle. Should the sigrul to open Seattle's great exposition be sounded today everything would be found in readiness ' : :..-: bacteria, low !,K,C13 Ulc "'vi-nuKauuns "i mc I'li-sfi- , noys. vauve ireaimeni oi iimoer oi sucn im- i attsmouth neon e endorse th s: displays from Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippines and the exposition as a of com- two extremes of climate and moisture ! in the timber and keeps out water and ' neys. conditions has naturallv made' oeonle ! ,s lso.a Pwerfull ant.sept.c. ! Twould save much needless woo, ask: What causes wood decav? The I 1 he United States Rovernmcnt con-; Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid answer is, fungi and furms of t)l:nt li f r U'Jiirh livp in the wood and draw their nurishment from P"tame that the busmess of one. Mrs. James Hodgert. 1102 Main it. Th..littl.i.rcmnim. .ro ,:,., orancn oi a Dureou in me ueparimeni street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I that a microscope is required to see j of Agriculture, the j'Oilice of Wood suffered a great deal at times from ! transformed from a forest to a fairy theni, yet their work results in the de-! I'crvation" in the Forest Service at ; dull, heavy jiains across the small of land and on every side paved streets struction of billions of feet of timber j Washington, is given over entirely to j my hack, especially when I stooped or j and walks, shady paths, artistic exhibit each year and the railroad corporation j inc wo K Ul experiments co-opera- in-ougnt any strain on the muscles of p-mices, state ami county tmikiings. my loins. Ahout two years ago I amusement structures and a host ot features are ready. wnnie nas laKcn on me air pleteness. Within the past year 2"0 acres of the Univerity of Washington have been I JUST A WORD ! ENTRE NOUS t The News-Herald is equipped to do all kinds of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity to figure with you when in the market for anything with its cross tie bill running up into seven figures and the farmer wh spends a hundred or so a year for fence posts are alike drawing upon th knowledge of experts in all parts of the world in When the word "ready" is applied to tion with railroad ties, mine props bridge timbers, fence posts and trans- learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and they mission poles. Advice and practical brought me such prompt and positive assistance is furnished all who request relief that I have since used them 1 the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition U- this advice of the horester. lne whenever I have felt in need of a kid- means just that much, for the big ex- efforts to learn the most economical 1 ,onKtnin 01 "K 01 llmher lnean9 ine ney remedy. 1 procured Doan's Kid- niouion is now more than ninety per and most satisfactory method of pre-1 savinK of thousands of dollars annually ney Pills at Gering & (Vs. drug store . cent complete. Even the city streets inrougn doing away wnn ine neavy and I have found such great benefit approaenmg the mam entrance gates expense of labor and cost of material from their use that I feel justified in haw been paved and parked, car lines for renewals. endorsing them." leading to the exposition. The above statement was given in I And Seattle, as a city, is getting June 19(Kl, and on December :i, piOS, ready to receive her guests. On every Mru TTiultrort nail- "I ar af.'ll fill lift fTI1!! t f I I'll till ! f iinu n ha 1 1 ..I.. power ot the press, hut tne ua is ma (()rse K , mil(,(, SeaUu is going to be one of the in our ine. ino iod is loo artre ior our aunity 10 4,", VnCyC , . . Y ' decay of timber will not take place. execute ana no JOD IS tOO Small 10 receive OUV mobt l j Wood constantly submerged in water K. k . . ' . . - . 1 ' 1 . I. - 1 n nefoL- nrr roro Wo onn n V nvifp thP nttntinn I "ever ruts, simp.y oecause mere is an patuovoniiifj vu ,v.v..j ..... ----------- j. serving wood against the inroads of I decay. In studying the means prevent- ; ing decay, wood preserving experts Xr have learned many things about, the life of timber. i The small organisms can grow either f . in iiK'it or in una i uarKness; out an oi X them require requisite amounts of air, : food, moisture and heat. If one or , more of these essential requirments v ' : - l i .i . i i . I can not live, anu ine For the Public Good. One hears a good deal about the , no newspaper nas very niucn rem , , . . . i.,.n:t...i ... . . ... , am k"ui i" luiiiiriii n i nave previously s"'i inira in ine county and power over men or events m these days reme ,Bt riJst(.r , unless it i j known to be standing sanely, ... . ;,, ,, v, moi o( , nu l. L and steadfastly for the welfare of the 1 J by al 1 dealers. Price ttli;" The thorough- whole community and nation. Thedaylnts Foster-Milhurn Co., Huffalo, I the expos, , on grounds , s. c..,.,i! New York, sole agents for the United "live just been paved and the whole of our farmer friends to our sale bill department. This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu tion of work of this character, and our prices wi'.l be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep resentative will call and quote you prices an any-thi-vjyou may need. We earnestly solicit a share of your patronage. of party organs is past. Sensational papers appealing to popular passions States. scheme of improvements brings up Old Papers For Sale at This Office insufficient supply of air. This condi tion accounts for the soundness of the old Baltic piles. On the other hand, if wood can be kept air-dry it will not decay because there will then be too little moisture. The timber used by the Egyptians will last indefinitely so long as it is bone-dry. X , There are a great many cases, how- Y ever, where it is impossible to keep chifnB0 Kerord-Ilerald j- woou Fuumerged in water, or m an ao X Rolutely air-dry condition. In fact, a X large percentage of the timber which is f-' ueed is exposed to the weather, and is subjected to decay simply because it contains enough air and enough water for the decomposing organisms to get a foothold. Decay is must serious cannot move thoughful men-the men I nememoer tne name-uonn s-and ( ' " . ' R'"u,m3 Ul w,r " who make history The only kind of , take no other. tfl 3 , position a a fitting climax. newspaper that really has tremendous power in these days is the independent j JH Ot)GIl reliable, disinterested journal of wide On Time I where the atmosphere is warm and circulation, whose columns are known to stand always for the general good for public honesty and a square deal, ample of this sort of journalism is The , Preparations for the P.IK' Kxposi- It has the tion are Almost Complete. enormous circulation that deservedly ! . ih:s with the printing of all the news, ' but its power lies in its wise, conwrvn-1 SKATTI K. Wash.. March 2 J. - Seattle, tivn in,lPi.ndPnt P.litorinl nolicv ' lhu l'"y tho Vhv' ('ast where I I - n, 1 L ! .1.1 which is shaped with one sole end in nn m,v' wvn accomplished in viw-the public good. Its news and a short time ami where mountains have critical columns show the same spirit. I,''t'n r('"'ove'l almost in the twinkling m of an eye to make room forcity streets, See us for sale bills. is about to undertake a gigantic task in Long Timet Subscription Paymantt. Contestants and their friends should remember the exlra votes allowed on five-, ten-and fifteen-year nibscription payments, to both papers, and that payments of this kind will count fast when it comes to winning one of the grand prizes in the contest. Pn Vtkwmt a it tU.. ..I .1 . ui niv huijv v iit'iiuiiiinuuonp count as follows; V I VI 1 Subscriptions. Subscription!!. Five years $1(1 10,(X)0 votes. 8,000 votes. Ten years $20 21.000 votes. 17,000 votes. Fifteen years $30 34, 000 votes. 28, COO votes. Head our advertisements.