x V I V 'MMHIMMIHHMHMUt a X Spend a Pleasant Hour at I I The Cosy Corner i iTiim Tnnnn niiniitiirmiil!' MM Want Column i i i J THE PLATTSMOUTH f HOTEL 1 F. GOOS, Prop. When in Plattsmouth get your X dinner at X i The Perkins House ! Guthmann & Cory, Props. A MM MMMMMMMM C. A. RAWLS , ATTORNEY Oliiees in First National bank bldg i WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT America Without a Merchant Marine FOR SALE. There was u time when Yankee pack ets carried American wares around the world, but we have abandoned our ships, and they have all but vanished from the seas. The federal band has been busy building break waters, scooping out harbors, and deepening inland water ways. Now we are cutting a channel J through the hemisphere. We have built WANTEL)-To trade, a tine piano for and maintained (and should continue to Full SALE A good team, harness and wagon. Apply to J. Jordan, oppo site Jirousek's store. 2-3 WANTED. a good single driving horse Platts mouth Music Company. '3-tf WANTED Manager for Branch office we wish to locate here in Platts mouth. Address, The Morri9 Whole sale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 83-8 CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED-In your locality to represent us. Ex $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo. $3ti l'EIl WEEK and expenses to men with rig to introduce poultry and stock remedies. Experience unneces sary. Reliable company and exclu sive territory given. The Grant Co., Dept. 93, Springfield, 111. 7.S-12 do so) a protecting coast and continen tal wall completely around our indus tries;so that the domestic commerce of America today exceeds by more than one hundred per cent the total exports from all nations combined. Conscious of our strength, and in the presence of bewildering achievements at home, we find it difficult to realize that our dominion pauses at the shores of our seas. The decline of our mer chant marine from the days of great achievement is not the result of any decrease in our national vigor. The energy und genius of the American people have simply been withdrawn from the sea. Wo have expended our ingenuity and strength and riches in Hit, 000 tons; while more than a thou sand foreign steamships bore away 1,981, (KM) tons. Fiom Pensacola IK! foreign vessels cleared, and not one American. Must America, jmssessing a monopoly of the raw material with out which Europe could not retain its place as an industrial continent, be be sieged by foreign craft forever? The nations of the world must come to us for the cotton as surely as Israel in the days of acient famine went to Egypt for corn. The South is also becoming a manu facturing country, but from all of the Gulf powers last year only 32t! Ameri can steamships cleared, carrying but 405,000 tons, and this went principally to near-by Caribbean and Mexico ports. The great export trade of the South its shipments of unmanufactured cotton-went in 1(S0 foreign steamships bearing -I.Stil.OiHl tons. In the traffic in cotton goods foreign nations have but one advantage over I America-they have subsidized ships. I Rut that is a handicap that America ! can overcome, if the American mer- A Hale, Hearty Old Age comes with a good stomach and a good appetite.and the wherewith al to tempt and satisfy your long ing for good food. ou can al ways get it at Harnes'. Dishes for the epicure cooked by an ar tist, ami foods of the choicest grades and llavors at Harnes. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. BAILEY & filAGH THE DENTISTS litest Apclldncfs Wjh-GHd Drntl t y Buson It It Men. Brst-rqulpprd UrnUI Of fice la the Middle West. ttCll OiaCOUNTt TO CITY viaiTOM. id floor tion hik .ieti.it Karnain, OMAHA, NEB. A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: Rank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Rank, Nehawka. Rank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. C. . MMSHllL, D. D. S, ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience Office in Fitzgerald Rlock E FACTS J The news items of the home com munity. J The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. J The social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. TbeM ar Ik kind of fact Ikit pipar you in etrr iwu. Thty era certainly worth Ika tutxeriptioa erica. r t ! k4 Cet Acquainted With Diner's Digesters MAN WANTED QUICKLY by Chicago Mail Order House to distri bute catalogues, advertise, etc. $25 a week. $i!0 expense allowance first month. No experience required. Manager, 500 Wabash Rldg., Chi cago. T'J-6 j short of being a maritime power. We i have even been crowded out of our own YOUNG MEN FOR RAILROAD MAIL SERVICE-Exam. May 15. Intend ing applicants should begin prepara tion at once. Sample questions and "How Government Positions are Se cured," sent free. Inter State Schools.2-18 College PI., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 78-6 $1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made $1200.00 monthly; Korstad $2200.00. New, exciting business. Hundreds averaging S"0 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Credit Strange inven tion. Gives every home bathroom for $5. Cleanse almost automati cally. Startling inducements Free. Allen Mfg. Co., 1018 Adams, Toledo, Ohio. 79-G exploiting the continent, or at least the chants determine to do so. big j northern and western part of it, with I Yet many facts bear home the graph- the result that we have developed be- ic fact that America today falls t .veen the two great oceans the most suecesslul industrial nation tne worm i has known. i colonial harbors. At the beginning of We have not yet really ventured he- J the current decade Admiral Dewey in yond. If we analyze the foreign trade Manilla Ray destroyed the last of the of our Atlantic ports we shall find that j Spanish Armadas. All America was Earope and other countries sell them vibrant with the promise of that victory, more than they can export. That fav-1 We had swung open the doors of the o.'able balance which has been the theme ' East. We should not only dominate the of so much patriotic speech all came ' commerce of our new-found arehipel from the exports of raw cotton from j ago, but the trade of Cathay should the cities of the south. And it cannot be ours. be too clearly kept in mind that this is The outcome has failed thus far to not a record of American success. It j justify our hopes. The fleets of our is not. a trade in which American ships j competitors are carrying cotton goods can boast, for it is not carried on by them. Last year, not a single American ship sailed oversea from Savannah, but 19G foreign steamships carrying raw cotton cleared from that port. From Mobile 547 foreign steamships cleared, bearing more than half a mil Inn cargo tone. It was cotton. From fiat Gulf city the federal records re port the forlorn fact that only one American steamcraft cleared for a for eign port during the entire twelve months, and that was a little vessel whose cargo weighed seven tons. Such Use of Liquor at Stone Quarries j 13 the ',i,S(' of our foreiK" tra(le- rromiNew wneans sixiy American Cuts Out the Booze MMMMnMHHM HIMI MMMM Wise talks by the office boy - M : Some one sent the boss a bunch of books en titled, "Rusiness Nuggets," "The Road to Suc cess," "The Man in Front" and such like.l think he's been looking them over, for when I came to work this morning he handed me this: Every thing comes to those that wait, and the lazy boy waits to greet it; but success comes on with a rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." I had to laugh, because he's the boss; but to tell you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't get any chance to apply thess wise hunches. Actually it's no credit for a fellow to beindustrioua here, because he cant be anything else. If he lets up for an hour he wouldn't get his orders out and then there would be people coming in and saying lots of fierce things, but nothing about "business success" or the "lazy boy waits to greet it." Have you tried Curtis Rrothers Janis. Retains all the fine natu ra flavor. Gieat. Picnic size, 25c. Don't forget to order a sack of Goods Rest Flour with your next order. H. M. SOENNICHSEN i HeMMMHMMMHHmIMMMMmmMmMU Prohibited. steamships carried the paltry total of to the Phippines. We have a prefer ential tariff in our favor, hut not even this advantage of fifteen per cent un der the customs charges which our rivals must pay gives us Ihe trade. Last year the exports of cotton goods to the Philippines were valued at $8, 011,141, of which the United States supplied but ."? ) 1 , 7-1 2 worth. Great Rritian has been able to secure the great part of this trade. Altogether our competitors sold to our Asiatic is lands nearly twice the value of cotton goods that the United States exported to the United Knight and continental Europe combined. And the continued paradox and irony of such defeats is that America supplies the raw material. A few days ago there were posted in conspicuous places in the above quar ries a number of red placards which read a9 follows "Take Notice; Any person employed in this quarry who brings any intoxicating liquors any where on these works will be immedi ately discharged. This will be en forced." So it will be seen that even in public works there is getting to be no place for the boozer. And when you stop to think that in a big plant like a quarry, one can put a dozen on the "hummer," it is not strange that as a business prop osition, booze cannot be tolerated. At any rate this is the estimate Mr. VanCourtand Mr. Lundberg put on it. - Nehawka Register. Recalls Some Cold Weather Winter of 185G Was Exception ally Severe. A Discount of One-Third Durirg the one week of March 23 to 28, The Lincoln Daily News will ac cept $i irom mail subscribers lor a whole year to April 1, 1910, the regu Durintr the week J. R. Vallery from lar price being $3. There is a constant southwest of Mynard was in the city discussion of how articles can he placed and while in conversation with a repre- the hands of the consumer without sentative of the News-Herald re- any middleman s protit, and Ihe Lin- marked that "some people thin't we ! coin News has done this by cutting ' have some severe weather in the winters traveling solicitors and their railroad which have passed during the last few years. While I will agree that there has been some veiv cold and stormy weather, I cannot think of them as of the winter of 1856 and 1857. At that i ares ana. oiner expenses, the saving resulting in this $1, which is cut from the regular price of $3. We do all the business direct with you, which is the cheapest way; require everybody to A Splendid Example. E. M. Pollard, now just a plain cit-i time I was stopping at a small frame Py i" advance and stop every paper izen, arrived home from the Capital ! hotel then occupying the site of the when the time is out, thus avoiding the first of the week, and instead of ' nresent Citv Hotel. The Perkins House 'all losses and costs of collection. If For .your stomach's pake. Relief of Heartburn, Indiges tion, etc. Sold by I F. G. Fricke & Co. loafing around and visiting with the "boys" has donned his working clothes and is in the harness looking after the fruit farm interests. While we do not agree with him in everything politically we admire him for the splendid exam ple he sets before our young men in showing them how to work with their was not built, and where it stands were tarmers could sell their grain and live vacant lots, but fenced in with cotton-; 8totk (iircct to the user, saving a lot t f wood lumber, to the height of about j middle charges, he would get more for six feet. About the middle of Novem-: his stuff. So when you can buy a news her. a heavv snow storm came, fallitur paper that cuts out all middle ex to a depth of some six feet on the level. ; penses, you can save the paving. Ovc This lot drifted full and a large bank ! ten thousand state families think The formed over the whole lot. Jacob Val-1 Lincoln News is the best paper in the hands and that work is honorable - and lery, Jr., then owned the lot, and had elevating. Nehawka Register. H-l-M-H-l-H-i to M IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeakcr's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeakcr's for your turnout. M.E.MANSPEAKER Jones' Old Livery Ram Fovcnth & Miln St. lMattsmouth, Neb. JohnCrauth tunnel in from the south ' side and make an excavation large ! enough for a cow stable. The front ; where the snow was removed was Good South Dakota Farm. 100 acres, located 1G miles from Hu ron and only 2 1-2 miles from Rroadland, Hi.nrl In puinttr Sivtw nrroa nrnk-Pn nrrl um . UI,., Qo . t- .. i used for housincr the ci until almost worker lor the mrmeu c years, cveijr iuui vi inc ; - n,..rt.r ran i.o ,i,vf.,i nml in fart lie I spring. Snow drifts remained until ' ii i exceptionally well. county men own farms near this one, state. It's a big, clearly printed and carefully edited newspaper, handlirg every subject that directly interests the people, is against corporation domi nation and the rule of all selfish inter j bDarded up with Cottonwood lumber, the I ests. Refuses all liquor and unclca legal tender of those times, and was ! medical advertising and is a consistent great temperance re iorms wni-n are now beiore the peo- A number of Cass alonK in May of the Allowing spring. P'e. In fact, it s a fit paper for any ! Those who had land broken, raised a nome, ano every ienrasKan interested The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds, the coming again of the breezes and blossoms, couu s a'so more milk thus a iding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Rest Cream Separator Mad?. The United States, in n number of sizes at prices which are in the i each of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. H. L. ASEMISSEN & SONS Land is rapidly increasing in value in I Bood crop the following summer." n self-government and the future pro- this section. Can sell this quarter for , Mr. Vallery says as he remembers tectum or himseir and family will a tremendous value for find $28 an acre, if taken soon. For further j inere were on,y BD0Ul Iour Iarms Wlin j " -nnwilr. mil n,,n nr ,l,lrpSfi i any plowing done on them. One was I member, it s a regular $3 paper and it Gkokge L. Farley e krry Walker farm, and was owned Odicc in Coates Block. Telephone 127. ' by Broa(1 Co,e- The J- R- rrter P,ace' ! and the two Wiles farms, one owned by A Cash OHer. I Captain Isaac Wiles, and the other by The News-Herald has made a spec-, Stephen Wiles, long since deceased.and ial clubbing rate with the Memphis ; now owned by Mrs. Stephen Wiles. Weekly Commercial Appeal by which j Few people remain now who lived at we will furnish both papers for one that time, Mr. Vallery recalling only year for $l.r0, the regular subscription four, C. Heisel, Isaac Wiles, J. N. price of this paper. The Commercial ! Wise and himself. Appeal is one of the largest and best is only during mis one week you can buy it for this low cut price of $2. Don't pay money to straneers. Send your order direct to The Lincoln Daily j News or to your local agent. j papers in the south and wc hope to re reive many new subscriptions on this oiler; $1.50 cash for both papers. We pay ?;( a month salary and fur nish a rig und all expenses to introduce poultry and stock powders. New plan, steady work. Address Iiiglcr Company, X 8!l, Springfield, Ills. SI-2 Send her a post card of your favorite fl iat. At Nemctz & Co.s Receives Fin Maps. Congressman Pollard presented our high school with a map of the United States including territories and insular possessions, also a map of the Post The Chicken PI Supper. , The ladies of the Presbyterian church ! are to be congratulated upon the sue-; cess which they achieved at tin ir j chicken pie supper on last Thursday evening. One who was present and partook of the tempting repast which the good women had prepared said that it was the best chicken pie he had ever , eaten. A large crowd was present and 1 Routes of Knnsns nnd N.'rlrnvL-u Tim map of the United States is about eight the all'air was a financial success. feet in width and the Post Route mup i ; is about four and one-half feet in width. ' , , , . ., .', Prof. DeRolt has written Mr. Pollard a ! Mn ,l,ul Mr- Jamt' '-""K"! f i p.T.-'onal letter expressing his annrecia-' Murray were visitors with friends in! the city during me week. f ? Y Y ? f t ? ? ? ? Y Y ? ? ? ? ? t Y ? f Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y A A, W -W -W T Herold Book & Stationary Store Leading local dealer in Hooks, Stationary, School Sup plies, Office Supplies, Tost Care's, Sheet Music, Sporting Goods, Candy, Tobaccos and Cigars. Local agent for the Omaha Woild-Htrali), Lincoln Journal, Chicago Examiner, Inter Ocean, Tribune, Keeord Herald, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Republic, Post Dispatch and all current periodicals constantly on our counters or yearly subscriptions taken at publishers prices. Disrtibutor for this section of the cele brated Red Band Brand candies warranted pure cocoanut bon bons, cream covered dates, lig candies, crystallized cream candies, dirpel candies, fudge cream, butter and soft cream candies. All the above at 12 cents a pound, the the kind that usually sells at 20 to 25 cents else where. Also agents for Balduff Fine Choco lates, Horubeys Fruit Tab'ets.llornleys Butter Scotch, Ilornbeys TofTey Candy. . SPORTING GOODS. Local agents for Spalding's line cf athletic Goods, base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. Fishing tackle, tennis ccds, etc. Full line of tops, marbles, etc. Dialers in all local biands of cigars, also full line of Tobaccos in stock. of the maps. - Union Ledger. Herold Book & Stationary Store One Door West of Fanj 's. f y y y y y y y y t y y V X y y y y y t y f f t y y y y y