The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 22, 1909, Image 6

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by Rabbi Krjuskopf, Who Be
liever In Divorce.
"Rabbi Joseph KiaiiNl.oiif, our Ho
(jiient preacher," Mild a I'hilailclphlan,
"spcr Rood rather than evil In the, fr
quenry of American divorce. He sees
In it a sign that American wives will
not endure the treatment that Eu
ropean wives put up with. He sees In
It a promise- that the married men of
the future, will live better.
"PIscushIiir the divorce question the
other day. he told me that they who
perceived only evil In It reminded him,
in their Illogical and confuted view
point, of u little boy with whom he
onre took a Ht roll.
"As they Ktrolled, they passed the
younn rIiIs of a neltihborlnj? boarding
Hchool out on their dully walk. Tho
puis moved In military formation, two
by two. In front were the youngest, In
fkirtu to t heir knccR. Next ciiuih the
older oneR, In the order of their apes,
their shirts lengthening with their
years. And In the rear came the old
est of nil, the youiiK ladies, whoso
skirts hid even their boots.
"The little boy looked nt the girls
Then he frowned nnd said:
'"Why i it Hint their lens grow
shorter as they prow blnper?"'
laundry work at homo would bl
much more satlKfactory It tho right
Btarch were used. In order to get the
desired RtiffncRa, it Is usually ncces
nry to URe so much Btarch that the
buauty and fineness of the fabric ii
hidden behind ft paste of varying
thickness, which not only dentroys tte
appearance, but also affects the wear
ing quality of tho goods. This t rou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch, as it ca.n be applied
much moro thinly because of Its great
er strength than other makes.
But It
Sometimes Is
Bad for the
R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager
When a property-owner knows noth
ing about paint it Is bad for tho
property-owner, und bad for tho paint
er. It would not bo bo If tho property-
owner would always hire a skilled
painter, and then really leave every
thing to hint. Hut the house-owner BO
often fools himself on one or the othet
of these things.
The Bkilled painter In every commu
nlty has some of the most Incompetent
competitors that ever vexed a consci
entious workman or contractor, and
the Incompetents get Jobs geuerally by
working cheap. In tho next place,
when tho skilled painter Is hired, they
do not leave everything to him, as so
many property-owners boast they do.
They interfere most lgnorantly and
most fatally. They Insist sometimes
on using paint materials without in
vestlgaUng whether they are good or
not. Or perhaps they Insist on the
painter's hurrying the work.
"I'm not going to have that painter's
mess uround my house a month," the
wife says, nnd what wife says goes
at tho cost of a lot of wasted painting
If the painter stays away a few
days lo allow tho paint to thoroughly
dry the owner says: "That painter's
neglecting this work guess he's side
tracking me for Jones' work. I won't
stand it."
What chance does a palnterhave todo
good work for a man who Is continually
nagging ut him and otherwiao handi
capping lil m (without meaning it, of
course)? A poor job Is the Inevitable
result of mirh interference.
four painting coats tho houseowner
money don't forget that. It might
pay you to get tho practical paint
book, painting specifications and In
strument for detecting paint ndul-
teiants, which National Iead Co. are
offering under the title of House
Owner's Painting Outfit No. 40. Ad
dress National Load Co., 1902 Trinity
Hldg., New York City. Tills company
do not make paint (they leave that to
the painter to do) but they mako
pure white lead ("Dutch Hoy Painter"
trademark kind), and they can tell
you how to save money by securing
durablo painting.
The Busy Reader Can Absorb
Few Moments a Good Deal
Artist Yes, my art Is my fortune. .
Model (cheerily) Never mind. Pov
erty is no crime.
' Sheer wnito goods, In fact, any flue
rash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done In a
manner to enhauce their textile beau
ty. Home laundering would bo equal
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to Btarchlng, tho first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
Strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at ihc
Improvod apnearance of your work.
No Luxuries.
"Why, you've fut the grip, old man.'
"I have not. I can't afford to quit
work and go to bed. This U merely s
darned bad cold."
Omaha Directory
M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
tho Best In th West OMAHA, NEB.
Revero Rubber Hose
Tho selection of Oscar Straim for the
Japanese mission causes surprise In
Passengers who have arrived at
Hordeaux on the Afrbjue from Sene
gal, a French colonial dependency in
West Africa, report that Colonel
Gonrand'8 column recently suffered a
defeat In Uiat district after several
Kharp engagements In which they lost
The strike movement in Paris Is
gaining strength and causln? no end
of trouble.
Special dispatches from Herlin state
that the Lokal Anzelger publishes tho
report that Count Forgach, the Austio
Huncarlan minister to Servla, ! has
been assassinated.
Tho powers will again impress on
Seryla the Importance of coming to
nu amicable nrrangeniout with
Austria Hungary and negotiations to
this end are now going on.
nance, (Jreat uiiiain ami miasm
have united in presenting a joint
note to Servla advising the He) -grade
government to find a basis of negotia
tions with Austria Hungary.
London importers of American meat
have decided to test tho legality of
the regulations of the local govern
ment board, which gives tho local
health officers absolute authority to
condemn meat which in their opinion
la unfit for food.
Andrew Carnegie was a caller at
the White 'House, coming, he said,
! pay hi respects to Presldet Taft,
President Taft said his would be an
optimistic administration to nu opti
mistic country full of hope, cheerful
ness and confidence.
The Nevada senate killed the de
posit guaranty clause of thA 'banking
bill. Every republican voted against
the bill, as did three democrats.
Tho workingmen of tho country
employed In the Iron and steel trades
view with alarm the Payne tariff bill
according to a statement Issued in
The Arizona legislature passed over
the governor's veto a bill to segre
gate colored children from public
The two houses of the Pennsylvania
legislature in joint session formally
declared (leorge Tener Oliver of Fitts
hurg elected to the United States sen
ate to fill the unexpired term of Phil
ander C. Knox.
At Council Muffs, la., Evril Hrooks
accidentally shot and killed his sister,
19 years old.
A telegraph company does not vio
late the law by charging an extra
10 cents for delivering a message in
the city more than a mile from Its
office. The supreme court has so de
Excuse for His Violent Assault
on Managing Editor.
I.lna Cavalierl, tho beautiful Roman
prima donna, said recently of her
"benuly parlor" in New York:
"Heauty I.a woman's most Important
attribute. She who increases beauty
is woman's greatest benefactor. Hus
bands, brothers, even fathers In their
inmost hearts beauty Is the thing they
desire most to see In their feminine
She laughed.
"Only the other day," she said, "a
gray, fat old gentleman entered a
newspaper ofllce and said:.
"'Are you the managing editor?'
" 'Yes,' was the reply.
"'I suppose that on you, then,' said
the visitor, 'rests the responsibility for
this morning's reference to my daugh
ter Patty ns Fatty. Take that!'"
Success at Last.
"Jack London finds Australia a good
deal like our own Wild West," said a
San Franciscan. "I met him In Mel
bourne, lie had already picked up a
bushel of local stories nnd sketches.
He told me a story of an actor who
bad just returned from a long tour
Inland. This actor said of his tour:
The firs', night, sir. In Uluwalla, I
was hissed, str, nisseu; mo secouu
nlcht I was egged, sir, egged; but the
third night, sir '
'Here the tragedian slapped his ex
panded chest.
' 'the third night, sir, 1 played be
bind a net.' "
lii' hi n i 1 nt ent tirlr,
IjirlrM. 8-nil for Im rntnlofniii.
1517 DOUglas St., OMAHA, NEB.
Reliable Deutliiry at Moderate Prices.
You cannot afford to experiment with
untried goods sold by commission
agents. Catalogues free.
The Brunswick-Balke-Collcndcr Company
07-9 So. 10th St.. Out. !. OMAHA, NEB.
' I hT trwaluirut fur ilif riir it Kuitura wliuu Is
( nt la ponrrnlrnt ! Ink, u no tune It ln. 1 t
Ui lnTpnttrf tlil tm and ilia only tiuyfliian
bold. Vniti-d Statu l atvut tmilr-nmrK lor a iiutura
turawklrh La. rmtxrrd thftiiwniti to liraltn In Ik
part jrr. All otlirr r Imitation.
1 hat notlilti for !. my irrlaltrl tti Curing
of Buutiiro. and It a rwrtnn liaa iinhta, Jimt put Uia
aunn In a liana and tT nhvn aallnflrd. No othrt
dootor lll do tlili. Winn latin my tratmn pa
Irntt niuat coir In u,y ufflre. U. S. hat'l
Bank. Omaha. Writ or call,
What He Lacked.
It is related of a. South American
Renernl. who was extremely well
pleased with himself, that once, when
about to sally forth to a grand dance,
he surveyed himself contentedly in tha
mirror, nnd then soliloquized thus:
"All! Thou hast all bravery,
wealth, position, good looks. Ah, what
dost thou lack?"
Whereupon his orderly, who, un
known to the general. wa9 close at
hand, remarked:
"Sense, general, sense!" v
The new American ambassador to
Austria will lie Richard C. Kerens of
St. Louis
The estate of the late Bishop Henry
C. Potter of New ori foots up
Jttsi.nfis. according lo the schedule
Samuel J. Tilden's massive and
handsomely carved bedstead brought
only $10.50 at a New tk auction.
Pennsylvania's new senator, Mr,
Oliver, was born In Ireland.
The senatorial deadlock In Illinois
Is still on
Roosevelt will have no more public
functions. He declines all Invitations,
Russia has decided to send a consul
to Harbin, Manchuria.
Speaker Cannon rewarded the men
who helped him out of a bad noie.
The president sent a brief message
to congress dealing with tbe tariff.
The war between Austria and Ser
vla amounts to a probability.
The telegraph strike at 1'itiis lias
assumed serious proportions.
The extraordinary session of the
Porto Ulc-.n legislature came to an
end without having accomplished the
passage of the budget.
To call a man a liar in the state of
Georgia is a breach of the peace and
means a fight, declares the state court
of hppeals in a decision handed down
A bill to provide subventions for
the mean mail service will be Intro
duced In the senate in the near future
bv Senator (lalllnger
The none has sufficiently recovered
from ht recent nd snosltlon to re
reive an American pilgrimage of thirty
persons on their way to the holy land. cimrs( rA Maguay.
What congress will do with Chair
man Payne's tariff bill presented yes
terday is topic of absorbing Interest
in the national capital.
According to official announcement
the six hundred foot tower which the
government proposes to erect for
wireless telegraph purposes hiay be
located at Annapolis, Md.
Chairman Payne of ways and
means committee submits tariff bill to
congress generally sweeping reuuc
Hons yet expected to produce l!00,-
00(1,00(1 revenue.
Taft's tariff message was conspicu
ous for Its brevity, me nuenuon or
congress being called to bis Inaugural
as to ills desires.
The treasury department sent out
an advertisement for bids to be opened
Anrll 1 for the construction of the
public building at Kearney, NYb.
The comptroller of the currency has
approved the application of the Grand
Island Hanking company nt Grand Isl
and, Neb., to transfer into the Grand
Island National bank, with a capital
of $l00,n0n.
There Is authority for the statement
that there will be no more changes In
the war department as a consequence
of the advent of the new adinlnlstra
Hon. General Oliver, as the ar.sisti.nt
secretary of war, who was appointed
to that position by President Uoose
veil in l!Hi::, will remain as chief civil assistant to Secretary Diekinson
and will continue to have charge of
i'ffairs relating to tne enlisted branch
of the army, as well as the affairs of
the organized militia.
The following postofllces will he
eonie domestic money order offices on
April 1: In Nebraska, Agate, iltirge,
(.'enter Point, t'uuire, Harlan, Hollln
gen, Hull, Kramer. Lake. Leshara,
Meadville, Newboro. Sanberii, Sedan,
Sunnyslde. In Iowa, Claywork, Crans
ton. Grldiey, llanford, Haiiley, Irving,
Jubilee, Ladega, lrah, Metz, Olof,
It Is unlawful for railroads to so
adjust their rate schedules as to force
commodities Into a particular city or
port, according to a decision of t he Inter-stale
commerce commission. The
case was that of the chamber of com
merce of Milwaukee against the Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific and the
Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul
railways. The committee held that
the joint, through rate on corn, rye
and oats from the west and north
west ought not to exceed such rate to
Owing to continued disturbed con
ditions In Nicaragua and President
Zelaya's failure to make serious
efforts looking to the settlement of
the Kmery claim, the State depart
ment has withdrawn the American
Could Feel It Constantly Caimna
Ground a3 Time Pasted. ,
Mrs. Frank Roseboom, 512 V. Wash- ,
gton St., Moscow, Idaho, say..: "Kid-,
ney trouble was be- i
reditary, end my i
parents c-i ent him- J
drcds of dollars try- i
ing lo cure me. I '
was nervous, -my :
eyesight had failed j
noticeably, my cir
ru'.ntiou was brd,
sleep fitful, heart !
action Irregular, and my back so w eak ;
and painful I could hardly stand it. j
Thero was nlso an irregularity of tlvo j
kidney secretions and a cold always j
made the whole trouble worse. Iccmld i
tell many oilier symptoms, too, but
ihall only add that Doan's Kidney i
Pills made me free of all of them." f
Sold by all dealers. .r0 cents a box. '.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. V.
What Al'ed Tommie. ,
Tommle was eating walnuts. His'
molher cautioned him about cat in:;
many, fearing they would make him
sick. Presently he came in: his and
on his stomach and a very distressed
look In his face. , i
"Those i uts have made you sick, 1
seo. I just knew they would," said
the mother. j
"They haven't, either," whined Tom
mie. "I am not sick; it's juft my i
pants are too tight." Delineator. ;
You Need a Tonic
if y:u, feel hnuM and depressed
all (I'.o time. The bcr.t thing to
help nature build" up the system is
Thi3 great tonic is not a false stim
ub.nt us many of the co-called "spring
topics." It is a natural strtngth
givcr. For ell run-down conditions
of llie Iteallh, it is an invaluable rem
edy; impar'3 new life and vijjor and
builds up tlio entire system.
Sold by All Lending Drucu in tun
lize lottlci, 50c ar.d 35c
Important to rflothers.
Examine carefully every bnttlo of
CASTOK1A a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that It
Hears the
In Use For Over .'50 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
To I
Worse and Worse.
"I tell you, mamma," cried Freddie, j
"I don't like that doctor's medicine." !
"Hut this is liniment, my dear,"
coaxed his mother. j
"Well," replied Freddie, very doubt- ;
fully, "Isn't that rubbing It in?" liar- j
pcr's Weekly. j
L'. and S. Did you ever see the
Venus do Milo?
Agile Naw, but I seen the Mer
chant, of Venus onct. Wisconsin
That I I.AVATIVH ItltoMO Vl.'IMNM. I....k fni
tin- siKiitLltirn i.t I. . li'tHVK. I M-a tho WurlJ
uvr to t'utc u told lii '.'nu Imj. Sic.
The dentist Is invited
many a swell gathering.
to nttcud
Crop figures for 1908
prove that Montana
is an excellent field for
profitable farming. Se
cure a farm of your
own there now.
Fertile land at reason
able prices. Homestead
lands are still plentiful
in Montana close to the
new towns on the
Milwaukee & Piiget Sound
Low settlers' fares to
Montana on March 23
and 30, and April 6, 13,
20 and 27.
19.25 from Orrnha
to Miles City, Forsyth,
Musselshell and Round
up; $19.50 to I.avina;
$19.95 o Harlowton;
$20.40 to Mcore; $20.60
to Lewistown. Low
fares from and to other
points on these dates.
Complete information,
with new Monta-na
folder free.
General Pcssenger Agent
Chicago, Milwaukee and SI. Paul Ry.
Thoao Tired, Ai liiilt; 1'ret iif Yonm
nwrt aiIhi' l'i ii-K:iM. '.ic ut yi, ur lHi..'ifiitl't,
Wnte A. C.OluiMrd, 1." Ilnjr , N. V ., ir simple.
The airship habit will take un auto
mobile income.
He itfereisee
raster this
it may save your life. Cathartics,
bird shot and cannon ball pills tea
spoon doses cf cathartic medicines
all depend on irritation of tbe bowels
until they sweat enough to move. Cus
cards strengthen the bowel muscles
fo they creep and crawl naturally,
'i'li is mentis a cure and only through
O'srarrfs can you fctt it quickly and
naturally. gsi
Cnscarcts 1(V box week's trent
lucnt. All tlruk'Si"!. I! icirest seller
lu tiio world million boxes a motitb.
of tVits paper d?-
iring t o buy
anvtliina adver
tised in its column! ntioulu insift upon
having what they a:k lor, refusing all
substitutes or imitations.
How Injurious Coffee Really Was.
Many persona go on drinking coffee
year after year without realizing that
It Is tho cause of many obscuro but
persistent ailments.
The dniR carTeincIn coffee nnd
tea, Is very like uric acid and Is often
the cause of rheumatic attacks which,
when coffee is used habitually, become
A Washington lady uaid. recently:
"I am sixty live and have find a Rood
deal of exnerlence with coffee. I con
Blder it very-rnjurious and the cause
of many diseases. 1 am Fine It causes
decay of teeth In children.
'When 1 drank co.Toe 1 had sick
spells and still did not reulle that
coffee could be fo harmful, till about
a year iiko 1 had rheumatism in my
arms and lingers, pot so nervous I
could not sleep, and was all run down.
"At last.ufter flndiiiR that medicines
did mo no Rood, 1 decided to miit cof
fee entirely und try Postuni. After
uslns it rIx months I fully recovered
my health beyond all expectations, can
6leep sound and my rheumatism Is all
gone." "There's a Keason."
Namo given by Postum Co., Rattle
Creek, Mich. Read the famous little
book, "The Road to Wellvllle." in pkgs.
Kver roml I lie nliorr letlerf A irn
our nfMM-nra frmii lime to lime, iher
Bre genuine, (me, nnd full of lumai
f'annon of Illinois was re-eieviea
sneaker of the Cist congress
Mr. Roosevelt In his nrltlsh East
Africa trip will follow very closely In
tho footstens of Sir William Winston
Churchill whose trip in that land was
ended by fever.
Anil.iissndor O'llrien at Toklo will
remain nt that post. Former Secre
tary of Commerce nnd labor Oscar
Straus will be appointed to some other
Cuban self government, for a month
at least, hns been successful.
One of the most important features
of the Tayne tariff bill Is the uumer
rhnnccs in nhraseologv of the
present law which it contains.
Charles II lturpee of Denver, a pro
mlnent banker and former acting
innvor of Denver, dropped dead at
the home of his sister In Roekford,
Thu countrv's safety retiuires the
vnst. naval extietiilitures, was the dee
laratlon in Urttlsh commons
Mrs. Karl (lore, wife of a station
nsent at C.lencoe, 111., was burned to
death in vainly trying lo save the life
of her baby
Railroads will resume the three
rent rate in Missouri in accordance
with court decisions
Vie.-. President Alfredo Zayes will
leave Havana for tbe lnlled Stntes.
An industrial strike is on in Paris
Trance, that Indicates a long contest.
Former President and Mrs. Roost
veil walked from Sajninure Mill to
chtirel. last Sunday, nnd afterwards
returned home on foot, covering In nil
six miles,
The postmaster general has estab
llshod on June 13, city free delivery
pervice at Waverly, Iowa, with three
Prediction Is made that KxPresI
d.uir Uixisevelt. will not survive the
malarial climate of Africa.
At the republican caucus Represen
tative Dwight of the thirtieth New
York district probably will be elected
republican whip of the Sixty-first con
gress. Representative Burke of Penn
sylvania, who has been assistant
whip" for his party during the Six
tieth congress probably will consent
to serve for another term in the capacity.
iThompsan's Eye Water
11 i-mjf
!or liilik
Lameness MSt
in Horses
Dr. A. 1. Foster, surgeon lu charge
of the American marine hospital tit
Amoy, China, reports sporadic cases
of bubonic plague In Amoy.
Captain Peter C. Haines, Jr., U. S.
A., will be put on trial April i at
tho court in Flushing. N". Y., on the
charge of murdering William K. An-
ills nt the Payslde Yacht club in Au
gust of last year.
Charles Morton, the. missing base-
ball manager, has been found at t hi-
Assistant Secretary Loolidge says
there is marked Improvement in the
condition of 1 lie treasury.
The Wisconsin iissembly passed a
bill to detach territory from Hie town
of Roosevelt. Taylor county, nud cre
ate the town of Taft.
Johnson, the colored pugilist," says
he will fhht Jeffries If challenged.
Kx President Roosevelt Is getting all
thiiiKs rendv for his start for South
F.dwnid I'ayson Weston has started
on his walk from New York to Sau
It has Just been discovered that Dr. De Forest, the Inventor of tho
radio wireless telephone, was born
In Waterloo, Iowa.
llueeu Victoria's prlvato Journal
fills ltut closely written books.
Kx Senator Foraker says he Is golntf
to retire from poll! leal life.
Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect.
See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's
Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness.
It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves
the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles
clastic and pliant.
Sloan's Liniment
will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and swol
len joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, swecney,
founder and thrush. Trice, 50c. and $1.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, - - Boston, Mass.
Ktnnn'i book on horsem, etM5, cheep and poultry sent Croo.
Vlnk Eye, Fplzootla
Shipping Fever
rt Cuturrbul l ever
Piir enrr DH'I pmltlTonrcvr-itlvc
t-M,,ii ."HI'I,,- on tl,o liMli.'tii.; RrtH ,.f dm lllno.t Kiiil HIlilhlH; Pxrwls tliA
, no nmttprhpwtinrr ttnnv nr lnff-tw1 of
11.1. .I'l. ,,h It,,, I'.l,...., t.,,.1 l.lHU.Ill. H.,,al. It.A
piiliu.iinuL.irt rni-f r.11.1 i!n'li,..v. ( ur Imu-iiii-.t In lu. nml mmi-p unit i ImirA. in
"11 l-V. I Jir'l-M Wllltl 111.. ,.r-lf r...a.l. I.. ...l...
nd l.tliitKl.lli. y rwmily. Ihii-kiiI II n l.'lti. tiun. (111 .Inn-n. Cut ll.lni.ut. Km
it. Hi. to jour ilriinrint. lio whi milt lui-jruii. Irm li.iokk't, "liiptaiuiwr.CBnM
aiiiKurM." inn Kiln,-, nta vaiitKi.
f:iimlM- ntirl
GOSHEN, l?iD U. S. A.
9 m
is ire adful to tuffot and despairing (3 1,caf. Why tlucatr n ihe VieallTt o!
yout lungi irnij th peace of your lutmly vhen you can oltain immrjicta
trlirl from IWi Cure? Hrniarliolle rentlis fol'ow l!ic first due. Tkt't
ics7iilnr!y it wotlifi and lieU tin l.ireratrj iii!rj, loo.icns t!ic clocking
f hl-gn and rlopj tlie couli. i'lcasaul to tl,e tiUe and (rro Iron
Ptiialcj. Children eniov takin.7 lL I-'ot ihrnnl nn.t
ma'.trr linw tt A.xnrrA. 6t
206 Be Building, OMAHA