The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 18, 1909, Image 5

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Spend a Pleasant Hour at X
he Cosy Corner i i
P. F. GOOS. Prop.
Whon in Plattsmouth get your
dinner at 2
I The Perkins House I
Guthmann & Cory, Propi.
.1 ft-' .'. -'fW.JS!S8?!!WWM"W
(Cfe. A. KAWLS 1
.1. '
Oflices in First National bank bldg
f References:
Hank of fcagie, tagie.
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka.
Bank of Murdock, Murdock.
First Nat'l bank, Greenwood.
State bank of Murray, Murray.
First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth.
C. A. KlISHUl, D. D. S.
..Graduate Dentist..
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
Office in Fitzgerald BlocK a
Diner's Digesters
For your stomach's
sake. Relief of
Heartburn, Indiges
tion, etc. . Sold by
&f. G. Fricke & Co. ;;
lf-w aS'S
to see such handsome turnouts as
goes from Manspeaker's livery
stable. Our rigs arc up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horses are always well
groomed, well dressed and well
fed. When you want a drive
come to Manspeaker's for your
j . Jones' Old Livery Barn
Seventh Main Sta. Plattamouth, Neb.
I Stewart No. 1, M Bearlaj, Hnrsc
' C'ippinj Machine iuOpcratku
all leading vetrinarians. Clipping im-
J proves the health of horses, makes them j
;lfe better, work better, and increases
.ifeir value.
Want Column
FOR SALE -A good team, harness and
wagon. Apply to J. Jordan, oppo
site Jirousek's store. 82-3
VANTEI)-To trade, a fine piano for
a. gottd.ur.gW diving horse Platts
mouth Mu3ic Cotv.mny. 63-tf
WANTED -Manager for Branch office
we wish to locjlto here in Platts
mouth. AddressJThe Morris Whole
sale House, Cincu nati, Ohio. 8.1-8
$;J PER WEEK arjil ex)enses to men
with rig to introduce poultry and
stock remedies. Jlxperienee unneces
sary. Reliable company anil exclu
sive territory gHfJ.ii. The Grant Co.,
Dept. 93, Spring ld, 111. 7S-12
Chicago Mail Order House to distri
bute catalogues,!; advertise, etc. $25
a week. $J0 expense allowance first
month. No experience required.
Manager, 500 Wnbash Bldg., Chi
cago. V ' 79-6
SERVICE-Exauu May 15. I mend
ing applicants should begin prepara
tion at once. Saicple questions and
"How Governme lj, Positions are Se
cured," sent Iree. Inter State
Schools,248 Collet ; PL, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. It 78-6
$1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made
$1200.00 monthly
New, exciting I
Korstad $2200.00.
"isiness. Hundreds
averaging $00
weekly. Experience
unnecessary. Crtdit Strange inven-
tion. Gives eve
y home
for $5. Cleaned almost
cally. Startling
inducements Free.
Allen Mfg. Co., WIS Adams, Toledo,
Ohio. V 7lt-0
Cood South Dakota Farrr.
1G0 acres, locatedjio miles from Hu
ron and only 2 1-2 mil's from Rroadland,
Beadle county. Sixfcy acres broken and
farmed 2 years. Every foot of the
quarter can be plowed and in fact, lies
exceptionally well. A number of Cass
county men own farms near this one.
Land is rapidly increasing in value in
this section. Can 8Jl this quarter for
$28 an acre, if takeipoon. For further
particulars, call upo or address.
Gko tCE L. Farley,
Office in Coates Bfck. Telephone 127.
ACasrJ 3Her
The News-HkraL! has made a spec
ial clubbing rate th the Memphis
Weekly CommercialjUppeal by which
we will furnish botr papers for one
year for $1.50, the rerular subscription
price of this paper.! The Commercial
Appeal is one of the J argest and best
naoers in the south Vd we hope to re
ceive many new sulfciriptions on
offer; $1.50 cash for pith papers,
1 of
Send her a iost ca
your favorite
At Nemetz &iVo.t'
Uttit ftMilMCfi. WiH-Ori)' Ofiillttnr Reisoo
tile rrWcv Brtl-rnijiprd lifntal Of
fice It the Mittettctt.
M Door l-Mion hm . leii, 4 C'nm, OMAHA, NEB.
Your HealthAientlemen
11 the most important j'onideration you
liave. The best crusade against the worst
menace to the health of all, is the recent
International Tubtrcuktit Exhibit held
in New York City. 3'his commendable
and noteworthy expositii reproduced by
profuse illustrations and 1 most comprehen
sive series o enlightenp: "d instructive
articles on the cause, pretention and cure of
Tuberlocusis, in the cunj nt number of the
i 15c a Copy All No-dls $1.50 &Yr:
Clip Your
Horses f lor
Early clipping
recommended by I
Possesses a
Royal Relic
Ernest R Rottman Owns Revol
ver Formerly Property of
Queen Victoria.
A representative of the News-Hi:k-alp,
chanced to be in the jewelery
store of E. E. Rottman of Murdock, a
few days since and was shown a vtry
pretty revolver, once the property of
Queen Victoria of England. It is an
article of exquisite workmanship, a 22
calibre short, six shot, with ivory han
dle. Mr. Rottman keeps it in a leather
covered plush lined case in which the
former Queen carried the same. The
cartridges were ejected, by hand with a
steel punch, and when a 1 iter design
was invented Queen Victoria discarded
this one and at a time when she called
upon a family by the name of Mclntire,
presented this little gun to them as a
token of her esteem and friendship. A
friend of Mr. Rottman, Mclntire by
name, cousin of the parties to whom
the Queen presented the weapon, vis
ited in England some ten yenrs since
and the gun was given him by his
English relatives. He in turn sold the
same to Mr. Rottman while they were
both living at Palmyra in Otoe county.
The revolver bears stamped in the steel
barrel the British crown and the initials
of Queen Victoria.
Ends Soon
Misery From Your Disordered
Stomach Goes in " Minutes.
You can eat anything your stomach
craves without fear of a case of Indi
gestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food
will ferment or sour on your stomach if
you will occasionally take a little Dia
pepsin after eating.
Your meals will taste good, and any
thing you eat will be digested; nothing
can ferment or turn into acid or poison
or stomach gas, which causes Belching,
Dizziness, a feeling of fullness after
eating, Nausea, Indigestion (like a
lump of lead in stomach.) Biliousness,
Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stom
ach and intestines or other symptoms.
Headaches from the stomach nre ab
solutely unknown where this effective
p inedy is used. Diapepsin really does
all the work of a healthy stomach. It
digests your meals when your stomach
can't. Each triangle will digest all
the food you can eat and leave nothing
to ferment or sour.
Get a large GO-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin from your druggist and start
taking today and by tomorrow you will
actually brag about your healthy.strong
Stomach, for you then can eat anything
and everything you want without the
slightest discomfort or misery, and
every particle of impurity and (las that
is in your Btomach and intestines is go
ing to be carried away without the use
of laxatives oi any other assistance.
From the Deacon.
Mr. Edwards of Peru, spent the week
with friends in this city.
M. D. Zinken of Ericson, wns in the
city last week visiting old friends.
Roy Finchem of McLean, Neb., is
visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. 0. Johnson.
Mrs. Doran, daughter Nelda, and sis
ter, Ella Peterson, spent Wednesday in
Max Spahnle, (leorge Swarts and R.
A. McClanahan transacted business in
Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. Walter Peterson and little son
of Lincoln, are visiting with relatives
here this week.
Mrs. A. Crawford came down from
Lincoln Tuesday to see her grandsons,
the editor's boys.
The many friends of Ed. Betts are
glad he has so far recovered as to be
able to come down town.
Mrs. H. E. Smith, who was opperated
on Saturday at the Ramethcian hospital
at Lincoln, is reported as being on the
high road to recovery.
Will Hudson and A. .1. Trimble last
week purchased a quarter section of
land, each, in Box Butte county,
through McDonald and Vitmer real es
tate agents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Richanhon, for
merly of this community, but who have
been in the western part of the state
for some time, have returned and rent
ed Mr. Hinshaw's farm.
Eagle is to have another blacksmith
shop. Ed. Wright has opened up a
shop in the old Btand of Ted Wachter
and is now ready to do r.ll kinds of
work in his line. We are glad to see
new places of business being opened
Mrs. Conrad Wetenkamp, Sr., bad
I the misfortune to fall Monday, striking
J on the back of her head with such
force as to make her quite sick. She
J is able to be around once more. Sev
eral others are reported as having hl
bad falls but none serious.
envelopes are the latest
Story of Accomplishment
What Has T.oen Done in The
All who desire to know what are the
actual conditions in thJ Philippines, and
what has been accomplished since the
United States took possession of the
islands will do well to read what is said
by W. Cameron Forbes, Vice-Governor
of the Philippines. The following is a
summary of what has been done up to
da!e as given by him in the Atlantic
Monthly. He said:
We have completed the separation of
Church and State, buying out from the
religious orders their large agricultural
properties, which are now administered
by the government for the benefit of
the tenants.
We have put the finances on a sound
and sensible basis.
We have established a complete new
system of auditing and accounting.
We have placed our civil administra
tion on a strictly self-supporting basis,
receiving no aid whatever from the
United Stntes Government, except in
so far as they have elected to help us
in charting the coasts , for naval pur
poses, lms charting, which is being
done at a rapid rate, is at the expense
of Insular and National governments.
We have established a uniform and
stable currency on a gold basis.
We have established schools through
out the Archipelago, teaching upwards
of half a million children, and we find
that the Filipinos are eager to learn
and are rapidly learning the Englisn
We have stinted a general and
thorough system of road construction
and maintenance, in which the Insular,
Provincial, and Municipal officials co
operate. We have established the policy of
constructing all public buildings, as
well as bridges and wharve3, of durable
material, preferably reinforced concrete
in order that our work may endure.
We have given the Filipinos almost
complete autonomy in their municipal
ities. The Filipino Assembly, it will be re
membered, consists of two chambers:
an Upper House appointed by the Pres
ident of the United States, four of its
members being Filipinos, and a Lower
House, elected by the people. The es
tablishment or the latter chamber was
a most important step in the gradual
process of giving self-government to
the Philippines; and Vice-Governor
Forbes thus describes its make-up:
The principal parties which developed
were the Nacionalista, favoring im
mediate independence, usually with
some vague qualification as to a pro
tectorate; and the Progressista, the re
organized Federal party, favoring ulti
mate independence, but continuance of
the present form of government.
The delegates elected are thus divid-
e 1 among the parties:
Nacionalista .32
Progressista It!
Independent 20
Immedialista 7
Imlcpcndista 4
Catholic ... 1
Total 80
Those classed as Independent were
affiliated with no party. The Immed-
iatistas wanted to emphasize the ur
gency of their desire for immediate in
dependence. workIhaTtells
Tlenty of It Has I'een Done
Uijrht Here In Platts
mouth. Cures that last are cures that tell.
To thoroughly know the virtues of a
medicine you must investigate the
cures and see if they prove permanent.
Doan's Kidney Pills stand this test,
and plenty of proof exists right here'in
Plattsmouth. People who testified
j years ago to the relief from backache,
kidney and urinary disorders, now de
clare that relief was permanent and
the cure perfect. How can any Platts
mouth sulTcrcr longer doubt the evi
dence? J. S. Hall. South Sixth Street, Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "In lWf I strained
my back and soon after I began to suf
fer from kidney trouble. I had severe
pains across ihe small of my back and
on this account it was difficult for me
to stoop or rise from u chair. I tried
several remedies but to no avail and
finally when I had the good fortune to
hear about Doan's Kidney Pills, I de
cided, to use them. I procured a box at
Goring & Go's, drug store and within
forty-eight hours after the first dose, I
felt better. Since then, 1 have always
kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in
the house, finding that they bring the
best of results whenever used."
(Statement uiven June (5, r.HHl.
On December lit), I'M IS, Mr. Hall said:
"I cheerfully renew my former en
dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I
know that this remedy is a reliable one
for kidney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember Ihe name-Doan's and
take no other. 5
Herold Book &
Leading local dealer in Hooks, Stationary, School Sup
plies, Otlice Supplies, Post Cards, Sheet Music,
Sporting Goods, Candy, Tobaccos
and Cigars.
Local agent for the Omaha World-Herald,
Lincoln Journal, Chicago Examiner, Inter
Ocean, Tribune, Record Herald. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Republic, Post Dispatch and all
current periodicalsjconstantly on our counters'or
yearly subscriptions taken at publishers prices.
Disrtibutor for this section of the cele
brated Red Hand Iirand candies warranted pure
cocoanutbon bona, cream covered dates, lig
candies, crystallized cream candies, dipped
candies, fudge cream, butter and soft cream
candies. All the above at 12 cents a pound, the
the kind that usually sells at 20 to 25 cents else
where. Also agents for Haldutr Fine Choco
lates, Horubeys Fruit Tablets, Hornbeys Hutter
Scotch, Hornbeys Tolfey Candy.
Local agents for Spalding's line of athletic
Goods, base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc.
Fishing tackle, tennis goods, etc. Full line of
tops, marbles, etc. Dealers in all local brands
of cigars, also full line of Tobaccos in stock.
One Door West
;! Wise talks
the office
Some one sent the boss a bunch
titled, "Business Nuggets," "The
cess," "The Man in Front" and such like, I think
he's been looking them over, for when I came to
T work this morning he handed me this: F.very
X thing comes to those that wait, and the lazy boy
waits to greet it; but success comes on with a
' ' rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." I
. . had to laugh, because he's the boss; but to tell
you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't
T get any chance to apply thess wise hunches. Actually it's no credit for
X a fellow to beindustrioua here, because he cant be anything else. If he
X lets up for an hour he wouldn't get
be people coming in and saying lots of fierce things, but nothing about
"business success" or the "lazy boy waits to greet it."
Have you tried Curtis Brothers Janis. Retains all the fine natura
flavor. Great. Picnic size, 2.rc. Don't forget to order a Back of
Goods Best Flour with your next order.
I IJfP'' '
The Spring Time Will Surely Come.
The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds,
tlie coming again of the breezes and blossoms, conies a'so more milk
thus adding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated thin
contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Best Cream
Separator Made. The United States, in a number of sizes at prices
which are in the teach of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their
utility and ease of operation.
Stationary Store
of danger's.
of hooks en-
Kad to Suc
his orders out and then there would
A Hale, Hearty Old
comes with a good stomach and a
good appetite, and the wherewith
al to tempt and satisfy your long
ing for gK)d food. You can al
ways get it at Barnes'. Dishes
for the eiiicure cooked by an ar
tist, and foods of the choicest
grades and flavors at Barnes.
V. S.