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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1909)
4 4 OWES HER LIFE T Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna. Y. V:i. I iwi t t r nv.n the last ti-u ( urs of n:y :!' ti) Lyt'i; 1.. 1 iiikhum s i-L'e. tulilo Compound. Eli-ven years a?o I was a walking sluulow. I had been under the doctor's (artbiitjrwtnort'licf. My husband per suaded mo to try I.ydia L.d'inkhaui's Vwtuble Cum pound and it worked like a charm. It re lieved all mv rains misery. 1 advise all suflenni; women to take Lydta E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Miss. Ejima Wiikatoy, A'ienna, W. Va. Lydia E. linkhum's Vegetable Com pound, mado from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drills, and to-day holds the record for the largest niimVr of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on lile in the 1'inkham laboratory at Eynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from nlmo::l every form of femalo complaints, i anamination, ul ceration, displacemeiHs.iibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic painn, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself t give Lydia E. I'iukhnm's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special ad vice about your case writo a confiden tial letter to Mrs. l'Jnkhuiii, nt Lynn, 31 ass. Her advice is free, aud always helpful. Western Canada '.he Pennant Winner "The Last Best West" The government of Canada now givea to every actuul set tier lb() ocrr of wlicut.grovt ln land free and an additional 160 acres at $3.00 an acre. The 300,000 contented American settlers making their homtg in Western llnnmla is the best evidence of the superiority of that country. They are becoming rich, growing from 25 to 50 bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 bush els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, be sides having splendid hrrds of cattle raised on the prairie grass. Dairying is an im portant industry. The erop of 1908 still kerns Western Canada In the lend. The world will aoon look to it aa iti food-producer. "The ttilntr which must Impressed in wns the mnirnitiidi! nf tin- n.uiiiry Unit. Ii avalluble for aiirinilhinil tuiriuisdi." AiOonul J-'ilifiruiJ Low railway rnte. pood school nnd churchea, Innrkrts convenient, prices the hiuhest, climata perfect. Tjinits am for sale hf It;illwnT ami Land Com- P nnii-s. Itr-MTiiitlre p,'iiuplncts:im mups M'nlfrce. or ruilwiiy ruii-a iiml niuer Infuriimtiun uppIt to Hiiperinirailnnt nf Imininnillun, Ottawa. 'nnii(U,oI Uie uuiu.-ruud CanaUiau OoYermuiM 4jp;iit: V. V. BENNETT, 881 New fork Lite BuiHin. Omaha. Ntlraila. The Brmson I Wn'ce and Sell Horn Men' $3.00 4b $3.50 Shoes Than Aay Other Manufacturer ) twain I eln iu K'trrr tha brflt of On mint comptfltfl oriranlratioo nr lrlaed e xprti and lalil.d .hwmiLliri In th cuintrv. Tin k-w lion nt tic hathwa f.r eath part of th. iihoo, ana ntry d.uu of t'i. nu':ln In nr rv d"pr.rtra.nt, la louked aft-r by tha b-t fWnnkfr. In tl.o hc irirtuitry. If I con'J show too h'ir r.r,:nlly W L. tlootial llion armJ.. too wouU tli.n und.r.uod why thy hu;d that ahAp, at better, and waar IvDgbr taui any otW oiaka, Uy Method of TamlnqthaHolea makes tucm Mora Flexiblaand Lunger lA'cai lng than any others. Shoca for 1itv M.'iiiIk t f rhi Family, Mr ii, ll.iy.,,M itmct ana (liildrea, Knr s:ilf ly Nm M;iU'ni pvrywhrie. rflllTlflN I N":" '" 'H"t W. I. IV.iiKlai UnUIIUil t iiiiui ' nnd pilre BUinipril on hntiuiu. fatt Dolor Eyalrta Cd Eic'.nilTtly. Catalog mailed fna. W. L Dul'ULAS, It? Spirk St., Bracktoa, Mas. ONE D0LLA! A MONTH will prole.-t j-.m nuaiust luaa of Income, rtoi-tur'a bllU. rtc. In rune, yon nr hl. lt or injured find are prewntod from inlluning your ri'iruinr m . i.nalluu. llrnwii. oV. pum prompiiv the Ix-t policy ever oiTiTed. National Fidelity & Casualty Company Omaha. Ni h I NATIONAL B LRntUTYt TliB Hlroticest Aernicnt iiml A-.CAS'aAtiTf&y liinllU liiMir- H'l' ( n. nt Nebraska. WANTED GabbageSsed GOcis. peracri Ter Salvor's cataloB nasi 1:1. 1 1 hi hiL'pet luriiry makiiiL' crottiti vi'L'i'iahie'i it CdUh.itfi. 1 lujji romtH onions. rriilihf ri'a. cnriimhi rs. liic cnlalou free : or. send lOcin sui'ips and receive r.ilaloir anil ion kfinel9 t'.o'h rt onions, cairt'., relety, r;nl islieH, I'm each Irinnc, rutHh.n'.r-, turnip",, inn parslrr, im tnniatoes, lm melons. i li.iniHini fl-nver ! . i-i all in.r.xi li'iml-,. i-4mI' worth SI. 00 of nil v inan' t inonev. i..r. end 200 "d wn nd.l one rkij. of Lailiobt Pep f l'l lv Swrr Corn SALZER SEED CO.. Bn W, La Crosse. Wis. r-Ar?KER'3 " tea-A tlrwi and ln-mitif1.'. t h.l. friun. trl a I ff-nwlh. N iT-r I'alla to Ileeturo Oray ililf t-i ltM Youthful rvi Cui .i a.n o i . . a hmr ft.atuu If afflicted with) K'lucjej, an) i Thompson's Eye Wafer ... . . n laf and mm t i iairaaii jfaii I'VE BEEN THINKING About Spending: Wives 3 Charles Battell Loorais (Copyripiit 1'jr W. li. t'Lapuiau.) Thf way wives fiioik! nmnfy Is somettiitif; thorkini;. Thi'ro Isn't :t Riimlo littrary visitor lo our slum's, bo In- from Knylaiiil or France or (.lor man' who docs not notice It. l'rof. Siiarrowltins wan so oouvincPd of It nfu-r mailing an article on thi1 surjjoct that when liis wife Fli;niflod lirr Intonlion of Roint; to I lie rity to buy sonio n(iisaiy lionscliultl ar ticles, ho, having a day off, dcciilod lo go along with- her, in order to act as a balance; wheel. They have a deiioslt account in the department store at which they deal, and before, btarting out Mrs. Sparrow kln.s told her husband that there va3 $10 on deposit. "And how much do you intend to Rpcml?" "Well, there's the rut; that v.e tnmU have unless you want visitors to con UntiH to stub thelp toes in the old rag that we have uow In Hip parlor" "Yes, yes, that's all right. (Jet a new rus. Twcnty-llvo dollars?" "I nav a very decent one for lifteen domestic," said Mrs. Sparrowkins. "Ah; that's what I like. I'm clad to pee that you are trying to economize. A $15 one will do perfectly well he cause our friends know we're not mil lionaires. Xo on. expects a college "Yes, Please professor tl he a millionaire. Fifteen dollars. And what else?" "Well, our tablecloths are all holes." "Why can't we do without table cloths altogether?" "Titus Sparrowkins, what would your mother have said to such a thing as that? Tablecloths are what rou pay for your position in the world. We could eat on bare boards, but you'd bo the last one tn do It if it really came o the scratch. Now wo can get passable ones for live dollars .uplece, and I need three." Sparrowkins was allocked at that and nt first, seemod to think that, a couple of dollars apiece would be a fair price, but he finally remembered that the one the faculty had given to tho president's wife had coat $110. "What else are you getting?" , "I absolutely need a walking skirt. May I have it?" "May you? Of course, (let two." "No. dear, one will be sufficient. For ten dollars I ran get ne that will last." "Well, that is certainly cheap," said .Sparrowkins. "How much is a shirt waist, by the way?" "Five dollars will g"t a very pret',7 one." Sparrowkins whistled. "Fifteen dol lars for a whole suit, and I pay twen ty live or thirty! Perhaps I was wrong lu thltikinaj you extravagant, but I think I'll k along. You might be tempted to g' oilier things, and there's no tr-llir.aa v.Iumi 1 can make another deposit. vYe'ie likely to havo a ten per cent. n in our salaries be cause old KU'-err tlb'ti't leave us any thing, after 'll. hr-U It all to die iiaptliit oajllcgo." Ther- were noon In 1011, and on their way to the eievat.:is that lie Just bevond tho book department. "I'm," said Prof. Sparrowkins; "wouldn't tills be n good time to get few books for 'hr!.-,tn;:m prer-"tiis for next jcar? They come (heapir now." Mis. Sparrowkins thought that this Wiis looking n loii way ahead. "Ah, my iloar, there is iioilii:,glj lining forehanded. Tut, tut, tip! Look at that! CiibboaV, Pecllno and Fall of the lloma:: llnipire' far $K! .Mi. that is a burgiih! I've alwajs wanted that." Mrs. Sparrowklt.s su vei.'ed -om-what irivl. v,i:i'!y that ibe iu:'.i Wi 'o uisl.'ilrs. "Yes, dear, 1 km'W," yjld I'r.if. Spar I i iwiiniia laViy till tell limri iiiiiiiiiaiiiiii 1 1 ii i ii m lil i mm inn tvm nwiiiwiMfiiiriifilVii rowklii, absent mtmJedljr, turnln over the loaves of one of tho volumes. "Look at the print. And illustrated, too. I believe, my dear, as Ions as rugs are so much cheaper than I thought that I will treat mysidf to this set. (ireat help In my lecturo work, you know. . . . Yes, please, charge ii to Prof. Titus Andronicus Sparrow kins. No. -124- is the deposit num ber." Hero the professor rubbed hU hands In great delimit and walked a few steps further, where lie saw a "hurt" s't of Shakespi lire for $10. "My dear, you have always wanted a handy volume Shakespeare for nso lu your club papers, lion't you think we'd better take this ono?" "Hut wo have Shakespeare." "Yts. I know, but. it's so cumber pome In one volume. We can send the old one to brother Marcus Au relius and " "Dear, I sen that the table linen Is on this tloor. Suppose we go thero now and get the rug afterward." Prof. Sparrowkins deprecated his wife's Impatience at this point. "Wo have all the afternoon, my dear, and I don't, often conio out with you. Which would you rather have Shakespeare, or live of the latest novels?" "Oh, Shakespeare, of course," aid Mrs. Sparrowkins, keenly aware that fdie was president of the niooinlngton Society for Mental Improvement for Married Women, and so the Shake Epeare set was added to the list of thini;s to be charged to deposit ao count 42 12. They now started for the naperyi department, but on tho way they passed through the cutlery depart ment and that reminded Prof. Spar rowkins that he needed a new razor. "A cheap one will do," said ho to the clerk; "one about a dollar, with a rounded edge." "The rounded edges don't como In cheap styles," said the wideawake clerk. "Now here is a 'triple-brand' Sheffield steel one, warranted for five year?, a sirop with each razor, that was four dollars, but they huve been. Charge It." marked down to three just to adver tise them, and we have just two loft. A cheap razor wears out. A good razor never shows any wear whatever. If you don't like this you can return it, but a cheap razor Is not guaran teed and you may ho out your dollur If you got one." Prof. Sparrowkins was ho much Im pressed ly these, words that he Imme diately brought the razor and was only prevented from picking up tho other one for "Urothi r Marcus AurelluB" be cause, his wife had hastily gone after the tablecloths. Hut on his way afler her he passed the sectional book case counter nnd the need of three sections immediately became so crying that ho hurried aRer bis wife to get the transfer card, and became the proud ownr of three sec tions for less than ten dollors, Mrs. Sparrowkins looking on difbtously. When these had been chargd up, "Let's go home," said she. "1 am bq glad you've had a real small boy-in a-knife-store afternoon." "Yes, but the tablecloths!" For answer Mrs. Sparrowkins added up Hi" cost of the books, the razor and the hook cases n,-,d it eamo to $l!7. "I think, dear, that. I can patch up the rug and darn the tablecloths, and perhaps a walking skirt won't be nec essary now that the walking is p0 slop py. I'll use the trolleys more." And Prof. Spanowkins went hnino quite certain, that his wife was not as extravagant as some women. When WandjrluBt Awakei. "You know the sensation that Is calb'd hi Herman wanderlust, I sup pose?" he iisikrd. "At least If you don't know It you must have heard th phrase. It's too common. Well, It Is queer what things will stir up in a man's n.ind that dcsir- to tramp. For iiisiynci'. a IransatlatiHc steamer with fill flays up anil emolte pouring out of I be I iiiiikIs doesn't inak me wish for a U io abroad, but ,.f , s,, ,tUi tramp imlondiiig M a snmewhoro, end the noise of the wit ;; and ho cries if I In; woikmen awaken Hint .rest less feeling "Then, again. 1 know another man Who gets to hobo ferlltuT . w i,,.n i,,. i-mell.t sort coal f n. ck-. f' he's on a f' lT.Vho.ll Closslng Hie rjt,.r ,. j ;l Main t-i i,g io Mime p!:;: hke Yon!--- i i or 1'eel.r kill If.-, al! on . t0 him. .b ;ely the siiieil nf the iiiuo!;e makes bliu want tu waller." CROP yiELDJOR ISC3. ; AMERICANS PROFITED LARGELY j AND SEND DACK SATISFAC- j TORY REPORTS. The census branch of the Pepart ment of Agrieullure, Ottawa, Canada, has completed It.-, returns of the show ing of Western Canada's grain yield f ir IMS, nnd the re'iiuts make very Interesting reading. In the three prov inces of Manitoba, Sasknlchew an and Alberta, which comprise what may he known as Central Canada, there was a tula! wheat yield of about 107,000,000 lii.diels. worth to tho farmer about $S3.000,000; in iiddiiion to this the out, barley and flax cropH wero worth an other $;!f.,l)00,()00. Letters havo been received from many of the settlers from tlm United States. From these, that of lb v. Oscar U King has been selected. Ho lives In the vicinity of Kiliuontoii, Alberta, and what he says will he of Interest to those who con templulo moving to Central Canada. Fvery lino of tho letter Is Interesting. Those who wish for tho particulars in to how to secure homesteads and pre emptions should writo any Canadian (iovernment agent. Mr. King Fays: "Mr. M. V. Mi Iniinos, Detroit, Mich H'.ni: 1 am well satisfied wlih Al beria. This country offers excellent opportunities for nnyono to make a food home for himself and family if he Is willing to put up with a few bard knocks for tho first two or threo years. Hut it. Is worth a few hard knocks to get a HiO aero farm of rich, productive land with no mortgage on it. Tli!s province Is well fitted for giains, stock raising nnd dairying. Wo liave found tho climate generally healthful, more healthful than Mich igan, and iillhough the thermometer I'oinet lines drops to 40 degrees below zero In winter, yet wo do not snun to feel that tenipcratiiro any nioro than wo did fj or 10 degrees below zero in Michigan. Wo Ilk tho winters. "The (Iovernment takes grent Inter est lu t Im education of tho people nnd quickly nlds tho settlers in establish ing schools where they aro called for. Tho schools, though graded differently than those In the States, nro clllclent and advancing. Our great drawback has boon the limited and Inadequate railway facilities, but new roads nro being rapidly built and many more are projected through various parts of the province. Tho new policy of tho Alberta government to construct a great many branch lines throughout the province will greatly help nil parts of the country. If tlioso new settlers who have to go back a considerable distance from existing railroads and towns to find freo homesteads will but locate along the line of a project ed railroad they will In two or threo years bo near both town ami railroad. When I first camo to this country threo and a half years ago tho home stead I took was Tii miles from a rail road town; now there fs a railroad 23 miles north, another 2,r miles south, and a third Is being built through my neighborhood. "I think the prairie country or coun try that Is partly prairie offers much better opportunities than tho hilly portions." LIVE AND LEARN. Farmer Meddergrass Waal, by clover! I knew tbeni Chinese lived on t'other side o th' nirth hut. hang mo If I knew they had a through route! If It's Your EyeUte Pettit's Eye Salve, for iiilhiimiiitmn, ftyw, ibliing lids, eye nrhcH. ii. 'frets (,f vision and w-nsit ivity to ptronjj lights. All dnigjjiislii or Howard Pros., lliilialo, N. Y. It never did yet hurt to lay down likelihoods and forms of hope. Shake speare. OM V (INK "IIUOMO Ol 1XIXK." Thut In X All K llltuM'i olf'lMNK. Nrnk fm ll.o MKiniMim i,r v.. I.KiiVU. I'M-d tlm WunJ uvir loUir a Col.l In oni! Hut. Silence Isn't always golden. Some times It is an admission of guilt. RrlatiTiol V. b, i'at, (iillct The genuine sold everywhere 1 ,arm.-CTO.E'31"Trpa1wf Mite "M An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. This liniment takes the placeof massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates without rubbing through the skin and muscii lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion, and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Sloan's T iniment has no equal as a remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. rrlce 2oV, TiOc., and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mas., U S. A. fclimn'a Ixioli on linraea, cattle, sheep and poultry lent free. nWiif -"-" BARLEY I BEARDLESS I EmpororWilliani Vfl MVlkM ?i"'n.lnl.fmrrt..tlial-.itr DilDI tTV na-r aV3f' I SILVER KING BARLEY Wtaron.ln lafamnl aatlialimt bar li-f aiAlx In Ilia Utium. iVrlain U n Oiikt It iirMui'wi tlm lieavluat jrlvlillui lrlnraoairih. OP SO VABISTILB tntM liy llm ,,-i.npiii arrlml tunilStnllnti.aalMr'aailvar Rln( Barley buMla h(. Il.t a Hit blKar.1 ylMiTl Ihni'l a niml v mrr iniiil ofl Hut U'a aimi telaer'a acuta do everj whim. IB SALZER'S BILLION DOLLAR GRASS AND TEOSINTE lMIIi,n Hllar(lraMPnTaraitllMirwllh rlor, lnlli1. If. hay cn.p to tha Unlli4llblAliNaliinalaii'tlmatil at IIU.ihki Oiio on. It will k .i,i, .... flf iv.rl. tviTyll la talking aim m It. 1 uTrbnljr will ,m It fur iw. a. aa i-..iiiiiit.Kiti.oi.M.rair. larrailrwlthlianntnniiiwiililnaliwnpliaartxr ty. atwl'iic ami anliloinylalila Iraa lliautto 11 tuna . ,..mni i... pi mm '1.UIS1NTK lh..iAl.. ,uii. ' , ... ... vw yutt arveu iuuu Lraaa. PURE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED Palrar'a aith enturr alralna of rlurar and tlini'thraiwl atanil all aloaa In tnotr nliiliilniiirlly. Of i-i.iirno tin., iv,l mora than anroUiar aaaUamaaa. but ttiav aIii frini from miIa Tl.. i . .... . . - .1 w 1 . Wa hava by all add a tha lartaat wit al aur eallara holda BO.OOO mm ITBIG CATALOG FREETT ,0'7'10'"".Umi,,w",n,,'n,"ofl,ia aampiaanf Hiirarirtnf Dar !rT,',,l""!' Whaat. ,lal.lln( 4 Im. nar arai liilllnn lillnrnti finl!, thainraalani lmr nod Iir.lliVt 'aatlir with ti::HtliT, diner, raaai. ato.. aaalll worth aMO.OO r, " 1! ota mart miTi-wiih. aim ir you axon ia a add to illjr DOTrr aoen ht mn FOR TMTTir TITtrwn DISTEMPER PINK EYE r - 1 waaw V1SCONSIN SEEDS I'hnv novar fall. ua M'lld i ll our rulalrMP It la In-c mill t.-lls imi ml iuhmh Mnetaliln. iiirm nnii lid I M uda, Hint iiorr ai.ii i,.iinl yuu wlii-n hum-at limn i-miii'i. Wliconnln Sued Crowart' An'n, Lt Crotie, Wli. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10, 1909. A sk for the aker's bearing this trade mark. Don't be misled by imitations For Lame Back BEARDLESS BARLEY Th liarlar of rnnrdraamiij do iManla; caar lo liarrmt. ylnlillni InNaw Ynrkatatr 121 buataala per arra. 0irnowKaiTorWI. data oak la tlia treat, aatnatuf thacantiirj. AlmoataefNiataath Km paror li I nuelf. Yon vlll want ta, U'a inarvnl. Dig trial paekaia, M ..,. i- . ' - . ,uv ,llu H Saea Patata trada In tha Warial luahalal abOTa a saOaia of Farm Rai N.H. CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES - uwwj .J Cnra thf alck and aota nn a prrrrntlve for other. Liquid Rlreu on thAtiininiF. SafefurliriHKl inari'Hiind all utliors. llcat kidney remedy; 50 rpiitHnndlfl (Mn Ix'tllr; (j.lJO iiml 110.00 the iloii-n. Hnld by till driinnlsta mid liorae Kixwla huuaca, or aut opreaa paid, b.T tke niauufai-turera. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chemi.u, GOSHEN, INDIANA UK. McIHTOSU rlebrtd NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER (rlrralmmodlajf n-llff. Sild brail iiri(lial loalni. nirm di'nU'm ninl li-.tillnidmiiKininln I nltvl Mia'ai A (.unailii. t aiulug a prlnr lli M-nt on annllralloa 'I M HI HAS I1M.S & MI'I.NTUMI THI'hH CO, vii Walniii Mt., I'lnlailrlplila, I'a., iiianiifuctnrara oj IrnaHca ami miIh makers of tin guuunie alaDlDaa "MCINTiKtll" Hlllioi.rli r. :ilaJ.TrJglLJftl'.K'yilJ'a. Cocoa J J