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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1909)
When you think of NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY you naturally think of Biscuit When you think of Biscuit you naturally think of The only Soda Cracker possessing National- v. .7 fl i m w -wv r -v 11 ii SSS 5SSS S535 ii --7tt Biscuit- Goodness Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages Weeping Water Fr"m the Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Hon Hcer of Tabic Rock, came in last Monday to visit. Mrs. Hcer is a sister of Mrs. George Hunt. D. M. Johnson spent a few days in Omaha Inst week attending the hard ware dealers' association and visiting with his son, Guy. T. G. Phillip retunie I from his trip south last Friday evening and left at midnight for South Dakota to look af ter his business interests. Mrs. D. A. Miller was in Elmwocd last week a few days visiting with her son, Ellis Miller. The latter's child had been very sieh with pneumonia. C. A. Robbins left last Friday for Phillips county, Kansas, the home of his father, to work a few weeks until spring work opens up here, when he will return. Mrs. Simeon Rector of Lincoln came down last week and has been taking care of her mother, Mrs. S. A. Giber son, who has been very ill with pneu monia. Charles Lord of Percival. Iowa, via- TJV "TT'a w r a M The Spring Time Will Surely Come. The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds, the coming again of the breezes and blossoms, comes also more milk thus adding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated this contingency and are prepared for the occasion. We have the Meat Cream Separator Made.- The United States, in a number of sizes at prices which are in the leuch of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their utility and ease of operation. H. L. ASEMISSEN & SONS ited a few days with his brother, Geo., returning home Saturday. Prof. A. G. Heyhoe, instructor in biblical literature and Christian evi dences at Doane college, filled the Con gregational pulpit last Sunday morn ing. He cume in the interests of the college. Frank J. Parnes ha3 accepted the management of the Voss Lumber Co., and for a year at least will be found at the old stand, which business he has learned so well. Frank is a splendid lumberman and understands every de tail. Customers have learned they can depend on him, and know th:it he will do the best he can for them. We are glad he has concluded to stay in Weep ing Water. Mr. L. D. Critehiield who expected to have charge, we learn will return to Bethany and conduct the some business there. among relatives and friends in and near this village. He remarked that Union looked just about the same as usual, but he changed his opinion after the fire. Miss Emma Chapman of Keytesvillc, Wo., has been visiting the past two weeks with her uncle, D. B. Ohapman, and her cousin, E. B. Chapman and wife, northeast of town and left Wed nesday evening for Berlin to visit sev eral days. Farms For Sale. I am offering a farm for sale two j miles south-west of Mynard at ninety i dollars per acre. Alto one 3 1-2 miles south east of Murray. Earl V. Colo. ! Mynard, Neb. 74-8 Legal U nion Prom the l.vlitir Sam Luce and family, of Alma, made a few days visit with Union relatives and friends, departing for home Tues day morning. Bert Clarence arrived last Friday from Panama, Neh., to visit a few days with his parents and other rela tives before moving to his new home in Dakota. Mrs. Ella Larsh went to Omaha Tuesday evering for the purpose of having her throat treated by a special ist. She was accompanied by Mrs. John Larsh. Robert Trook and Alva Stitcs got some splendid pictures of the Missouri Pacific wreck which occurred there on Feb. 14, and there has been a great demand for the cards. Mrs. Dan Farnham came down from Omaha last Sunday to spend the day with friends and to look after their household goods that were saved from the hotel tire here two week ago. Joscith Lynn of near Hartington came down last week to visit a few days Notice. In County Court. Stale i)f Ni liraska. ' County nf Comm. t In the mutter of the I'.ituto of Eliia S. Shepherd, d''l't'kMi, To nil ununit intert'Htol: You arc hereby notified thlit there hint Uon tiled in thia court a petition, alliKinir among other thinifK. that naiil Kliza S. Shepnenl, departed thin life, intestate, in the City uf Denver, unci State of Colorado, teavinit real rotate aituat i In Cam County, Nehraxka. Tho prayer of naiil petition ia mai Kaul eatata he admlmntereil anil that Jacob I II. Shepherd be appointed administrator of raid extate. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon aaid petition before thin court at the county court room at I'lattamnuth, in aaid county. on me utn day or March j'.WS. at o clock a. m. and that all objection, if any, muat be riled on or before aaid day and hour of hearing. Witnmtmy hand and the aeal of the County Court of Caaa County. Nebnuka, thia loth day of February, 1W9. Ramhry Ramsey, Allen J. Bkkson. Attorneys. County Judga. (Seal) 7-6 Notice of Final Hearing. In County Court. State of Nebraaka, t County of Caaa. t To all peraona interested in tha mtate of Elisabeth Davis, deceased: You will take notice that upon thia the SMth day of February, WW. there was filed herein the tins! report and petition for final settlement of K. L. Carson, the administrator c t a. of the estata of Kliiabeth Pavta, deceased, therein praying for approval of the administration of said estate as therein reported, and for the entry of proper onler and decree respecting descent and distribu tion of the proporty of said estate in Casa County, Nebraska. A hearing will be hal upon aaid petition and re port in this Court at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, upon the .".'ml day nf March. I'.kltt, at o'clock a. m at which time all persons interested may appear and show cause if any there be why the said report should nut be approved and the prayer of said petition granted. By tha Court. Allen J. Rkkdon. 7- SEAL County Judge. Bryan Say "No" To Temper anca People. W. J. Bryan refused this afternoon t) sign a petition asking the legislature to submit a prohibitory amendment. The petition was presented to him by Mrs. Heald of Osceola. "Will you sign this petition asking the legislature to submit an amend ment providing for prohibition?" she said to Mr. Bryan. "No," said the presidential candidate Spcci'l From Murdock. Something has evidently been "did ding" out Murdock way. We are in receipt this morning of a communica tion signed by that well known writer, "Anon," which hints at an attack, pur suit and escape which was certainly thrilling to the parties concerned. For the benefit of our readers we pass it along as 'twas given to us: It was dark the footman said, when from the thacie of the implement shed, "Wait until you get the initiative and , seeking his victim on the way to bed, referendum." i spoiling his clothes from foot to head. The request was made in the lobby of Thcn l,own ik6 street the victim fled as representative hall while Mr. Bryan was watching the vote on Jerry How ard's woman's suffrage bill. He had come to the state house to appear be fore the committee in opposition to the swift as a coaster on his sled. Calling on heaven and sometimes hell to save him from-chickens in the shell. When once within his own domain he muster ed brother, lantern, gun and cane, then Carnegie pension fund. He so timed 1 sallied forth upon the street, praying his that ho was also in the state I tne assailants they might meet. But house daring the discussion of H. P.. 1, the Oregon primary plan of electing a3 is usual in such cases they had been wise ar.d left no traces. Then rushed United States senators.-Omaha Bee. ! they to tho corner store arrayed in all Mr. Bryan's slogan last fall was i tne'r accoutrements of war. And there "Let the People Rule." Now he is'unto the crowd, dismayed at seeing unwilling to submit the temperance I KUCn a calvacade he explained how he question to a vote of the people. He j had been humiliated by being almost says "No." He seems to believe in j granulated. Now had he kept his head his slogan "Let the Peoole Rule," if it ! instead, cleaned his clothes and gone to means elect Bryan to otfico If it does j bed, much better 'twould have been, not mean elect Bryan, then, he says We cannot doubt it, for no one would "No." The dear temperance people j have heaid about it. will continue to take Bryan dope. Re member Bryan has said he cannot re- i fuse to be a candidate for president in 1912. WORK THAT TELLS Mayfield Retire. Lee J. Mayfield, who for many years j has been the proprietor and editor of the Louisville Weekly Courier, has re tired from the active operation of the same and will go on a farm. Mr. May field will be succeeded by his brother, George Mayfield of South Omaha. Sometime ago Lee Mayfield sold a pirt interest in his paper to his broth er, Eugene 0. Mayfield of St. Louis, who is known in Nebraska as "Rex M.," but since that time ho has con tinued as active editor of the paper. The Louisville Weekly Courier was founded over thirty years ago by Mr. Mayfield's father. G." W. Mayfield, sr., who afterward sold it to his son Lee. Lee Mayfield, who has just retired from the management of the Courier, will tdke up stock raising near Louisville. Plenty of It Has Been Done Right Here In Platts mouth. Cures that last are cures that tell. Tj thoroughly know the virtues of a medicine you must investigate the cures and see if they rrove permanent Doan's Kidney Pills stand this test, and plenty of proof exists right here in Plattsmouth. People who testified years ago to the relief from backache, kidney and urinary disorders, now de clare that relief Was permanent and the cure perfect. How can any Platts mouth sufferer longer doubt the evi dence? J. S. Hall, South Sixth Street, Platts mouth, Neb., says: "In 1896 I strained my back and soon after I began to suf fer from kidney trouble. I had severe pains across the small of my back and An Ik.'n ..A... . .' . . 1 ' IT 1 . mi mis uuiuuia it, was uiincuu ior mt to stoop or rise from a chair. I tried several remedies but to no avail and t II t Vll.S . nnanv wnen 1 naa tne trood fortune to Good South Dakota Farm. 160 acrts, located 16 miles from Hu ron and only 2 1-2 miles from Broadland, hear about Doan.g Kidncy Pi8( , de. .v o.. utlca uruKen anu i ci(Je(j to U8e thenu , procured at farmed 2 years. Every foot of the I r.nrinrr A rn' Hr, cr,.- ..,:,; quarter can be plowed and in fact, lies ! forty-eight hours after the first dose, I exceptionally well. A number of Cass county menyown farms near this one. Land is rapidly increasing in value in this section. Can sell this quarter for $28 an acre, if taken soon. For further particulars, call upon or address. George L. Farley, felt better. Since then, I have always kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house, finding that they bring the best of results whenever used." (Statement given Juno 6, 1906. On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall said: I cheerfully renew my former en- I Iffw'n I n rVi.jfna r1oL- Tl I iiyi ' ...v icu.-y.iunu ii.,. dorsemcnt 0f rj0an3 Kidney Pills. I Return From East. Prof. J. W. Gamble returned from Chicago Saturday afternoon, where he has spent a week at the session of the ' school men of the country. Prof. ! Gamble says this was by far the most I interesting and instructive meeting it has been his good fortune to attend for some time. know that this rempdv ia 9 rplinhlo nno for kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-ar.d take no other. 7i-5 C. A, Marshall, dentist FURNITURE Solid Oak Tables in large variety, and everything else in the furniture line can be found here. Come in any time, whether you intend making an immediate pur chase or not. It's well though to know what you're planning to get a week or month from now. Carpets Look carefully through our earefully selected stock of Car pets, Rugs, Tapestries, etc., be fore making any selection, for in so doing you will reap the bene fit of your wisdom in a wider range of choice than ordinary, in certainty of merit of the goods and figures, which will effect you a genuine saving in cash outlay. J X Agents for the Stearns & Foster Mattress. M. MLB, PROP. The big furniture and undertaking establishment on South Sixth Street. I i.icensea r.moaimers: 4 Michael Hild. do 4 John P. Sattler. 1 WHWI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ith'ti-WWti 1 1 I I I II III I I l