The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 01, 1909, Image 5

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    Spend a Pleasant Hour at I 1
TIic Cosy Corner fi
1 1
Want Column
t TUr Dl ATTClUinilTM X
F. GOOS. Prop.
When in Plattsmouth get your
dinner at
i The Perkins House I
Guthmann & Cory, Props.
HtlltMtll MH'
S Offices in First National bank b'.dg X
WANTED To trade, a fine piano for
a good tingle driving horse-Platts-mouth
Music Company. CS-tf
$3G PER WEEK and expenses to men
with rig to introduce poultry and
stock remedies. t Experience unneces
sary. Reliable company and exclu
sive territory given. The Grant Co., j
Dpnt. 9.1. SnrinofiolH III 7S.V
1 , - r-
Chicago Mail Order House to distri
bute catalogues, advertise, etc. $25 1
a week. $60 expense allowance first
month. No experience required.
Manager, 500 Wabash Bldg., Chi
cago. 79-6
See us for sale bills.
The Mnjestic, 5 a"d 10 centi.
John Whiteman of Nehawka is doing
jury service again this week.
Judge W. E. Hand, of Greenwood
'was a Plattsmouth visitor louay.
Something new in post cards every
week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O.
S. L. Furlong of Rock Blurt's was in
the city the latter part of the week.
N illiain Lauridge, the popular blac k- T
smith cf Murruy. was a Saturday visit
or in the city, looking after business
and renewing acquaintances.
(. G. Halt-, the painter who has been
down with lung fever during thegreater
portion of the winter, is so far recover-
ed as to be able to be around again.
I Peter Campbell and family of near
j Kenosha were business visitors in the
city last Saturday, looking after
rvm if Jf j
It ntti 1 Iiib ImprovtJ Firm
Uti, it rttuniMt rati of Intcmt. Writt
1. Delay. 1. SIBBERNSEN,
208 btitti SUn Bide Omaha.
Wes Magney came in this morning to , friends and renewing acquaintances,
resume his duties on the Ossenkop jury, j j j Ix)hnt8 of oW Mj,e (Jrove
Byron Reed of near Murray was a ! wa3 in the city Saturday. His wife
business visitor the latter part of the underwent an operation in and Omaha
week. hospital recently and he reports that
I. S. White and wife of Murray were she is getting along nicely.
lateit ipMi Rl.k-Gr OfntUtT lusoi
aoltfrlcf. HtM-rquippfilOrillll Of
fice li th NiMIc Mnt.
M floor Miinn Ink .1611. rrnm, OMAHA, NEB.
A. L. TIDD 1
References: "S.
Bank of Eagle, Eagle. 3,
Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. j-
Bank of Murdock, Murdock. (
J. rirsirsai lOHim.urtciiwuuu. .:.
4 State bank of Murray. Murray. ,
T First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth. V
? . . . j
SERVICE-Exam. May 15. Incend
ing applicants should begin prepara
tion at once. Sample questions and
"How Government Positions are Se
cured," sent free. Inttr State
Schools,248 College PI., Cedar Rapids,
Iowa. 78-6
LEGE? If so we cen help you. We
have already put hundreds through
college by means of our plan. Write
today for ful information regarding
our offer of a free scholorship in any
school or college. Address, Robert
J. Sherlock, 29-31 East 22nd Street,
New York City. 79-2
$1200.00 FOR YOU-Stoneman made
$1200.00 monthly; Korstad $2200.00.
New, exciting business. Hundreds
averaging $60 weekly. Experience
unnecessary. Credit Strange inven
tion. Gives every home bathroom
for $5. Cleanse almost automati
cally. Startling inducements Free.
Allen Mfg. Co., 1018 Adams, Toledo,
Ohio. 79-6
visiting in the c:ty the latter pan 01
the week.
Charles Chriswisserof near Nehawka
was transacting business in the city
last Saturday.
James Speck of west of Mynard was
looiiing after business matters in the
city Saturday.
Henry Speck, Earl Dunn and Jesse
York went up to Omaha Saturday
evening to attend the "Round Up" at
the Bovd, the boys report the show
one of the best of the season.
John Kraegcr of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, wan a visitor the latter part of
the week and made the News-Hkrai.d
..Graduate Dentist..
C. M. Whitehead and wife from near ; a I'11 call We are always glad
Sunday with
Nehawka visited over
Robert Troop and wife.
O. A. Davis of Murray came in this
morning to take up his duties us a
juror in the Ossenkop trial
Thayer Propst of Mynard was look
ing after business in me county tcui
the latter part of the week.
W. W. Coates last Saturday purchas
ed a very fine horse of J. F. Clugey for
which he paid the sum of $175.
W. G. Meisinger of Eight Mile Grove
was in me cny nuer uumvss , jjne
Robert L. Propst left the latter
to have our friends drop in. Call again
Charles Maitland and wife of Louis;
ville are in the city for a few days,
being called here by the illness of Mrs.
Maitland's father, Thomas Vroman,
who has been confined to his bed for
some time
L. F. Kohrell of near Kenosha, ac
companied by his son Carl, were busi
ness visitors in the city Saturday. They
will in a short time move to south of
Union where they will occupy the farm
of A. A. Reynolds, near the Otoe county
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
Othce in Mtzgeraiu tsiocK a
WANTED Success Magazine requires
the services of a man in Plattsmouth
to look after expiring subscriptions
and to secure new business by means
of 6pecial methods unusually effec
tive; position permanent; prefer one
with experience, but would consider
any applicant with good natural
qualifications; salary $1.50 per day,
with commission option. Addiess,
with references, R. C. Peacock,
Room 1I2, Success Magazine Bldg.,
New York. 7'.i-2
J. H. Adams and W. F. Gillespie of
the grain firm of that name at Mynard
the office boy
Some one sent the boss a bunch of books en
titled, "Business Nuggets," "The Road to Suc
cess," "The Man in Front" and such like, I think
he's been looking them over, for w hen I came to
work this morning he handed me this: Every-
I thing comes to those that wait, and the lazy boy
waits to greet it; but success comes on with a
T rapid gait, to the man that goes to meet it." 1
had to laugh, because he's the boss; but to tell
T you the honest truth, a boy on this job doesn't
T get any chance to apply thess wise hunches. Actually if 'b no credit for
a lellow to uciiulustrioua here, because he cam tie anyining else. 11 ne
lets up for an hour he wouldn't get his orders out and then there would'
T be people coming in and saying lots of fierce things, but nothing about
"business success or the "lazy boy waits to greet 11.
Have you tried Curtis Brothers Janis. Retains all the fine natural
flavor. Gieat. Picnic size, 25c. Don't forget, to order a sack o
Goods Best Flour with your next order.
Geo. E. Dovey, President.
F. E. Sciilatek, Vice Pres.
II. N. Dovey, Cashier
C. G. Frickk, Ass't Cash.
were looking after business in this city
Saturday. They report the price of
corn as being sixty-five cents very fine
and one which makes farming very re
munerative. William Gilmour was a visitor in the
city Saturday from south of the city.
In collision with another team while
coming into the city recently he very
Otuee in ritzger
Human Hair
24 Inches, 2 Oz.
X or 22 Inch
4 -1 ui. straignt
Greatest bargain
in Hair Good
ever known. Send sample with
money order, and we will match
your hair perfectly. If not sat
isfied your money refunded.
w 1 TV
Get Into BusinessforYcurself
will mai;e you money. The SUCK is the only
FOR SALE-13 acres close in burgain
in Cottages. Wimlham Investment
Company. Til-2
part of the week for South Dakota to
look at some lands recently purchased.
G. L. Farley the real estate dealer de
parts tomorrow for Alberta Canada
with a party of prospective land buyers.
Photo post cards of Taft at Platts
mouth. Now on sale-Ten different
views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next
to P. O.
Now is the time to have your piano ' severely injured one of his hand, but
tuned. Mr. Becker of the Plattsmouth lie ri'I'orts that the bruise is getting
Music Co. is an experienced man in alonK n'dy-
this line of work. Mra: J" F- C" accompanied by
.... . , 'her niece, little Hazel Stattler, who
00b of all (ftl0n9. "in.k,,!,, with Mr. Clugey and
promptly executed at the News-Her- fw Uni(W lm
ai.u office. Let us figure with you on . ' . .... . .
b ' 1 morning where they will visit relatives
your requirements. . f , - . .
4 Mr. Duncan, a druggist of Omaha, ) of Mrs i)aviI Tillman.
spent with Charles Hartford and wife, , Wo nre pe.ise(1 to nole thc jmj.ovt..
and while here enjoyed u hur.t over the ' ITlt,nt f Siltn f; stonti who un,erwcnt
Platte river blutl's. ; im operation at Omaha a few weeks
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Repectfully Solicits a Share
of Your Patronage.
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
When buying candie.i, why not
FOR RENT OR SALK-38 acres ad
joining Plattsmouth. Windham In
vestment Co. T'J-4
buy 1
j the best? We always have a tine
of the superior grades on hand.
j metz & Co. next to V. O.
I C. Bengen who recently had a sale
with the intention of moving to the
h:icc for the removal of an abscess.
He has been cenfined to the house the
most of the winter but was able to be
on the streets Saturday.
J. P. Falter, manager of the Coates
block, has had a railing placed on thc
FOR KENT-Eight room house 2i
acres, alo a five loom cottagf?, and
acreage. Windham Investment Co.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 78-3 1
thousand for five years. Wade W.
Windham. 78-4
FOR RENT-A near cottage, close in
with A acre of fruit, also two four
room cottages. Windham Invest
ment Co. 79-2
two-piece, self binding, self lock
ing, water-proot, Irostprool, sani
tary, drv-air block made. Takes
less mflterial and is mannuicker
than any otber Mock. Write to
Tirana ' 1ft us till you all aliout it,
Bnd how vou can make finm
(imrevtfi davlliat ynu kmV. I xrlu
ivriittil in f ucli ruunty. Get in first.
Inttrlock Block
Machine Co.
' ' MMi and Ptul Stt.
lit 1
If I
to see such handsome turnouts as
goes from Manspeaker's livery
stable. Our rigs are up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horses are always well
groomed, well dressed and well
fed. When you want a drive
come to Manspeakor'B for your
Jones' Old Livery Barn
Srventh & Main Sti. HuUxmouth, Neb.
Confess Fraud.
"King Solomon." self-declared son
of an Fast Indian prince and known all
over the continent as "a student of the
mystic, seer and palmist," at the prac
tice of which he has amassed a fortune,
confessed at a revival meeting in Cal
vary Baptist church in Spokane that he
is a fraud and imposter. He admitted
being a negro, saying that by posing as
a scion of the nobility he had taken
thoasands of dollars from the unsophis
ticated in his career as a fortune teller,
and that he has been in 27 jails in the
United States and Canada for various
offenses. Following the confession,
which was given in a dramatic manner,
Solomon reached the climax in his pro
fession of Christianity by saying in
broken tones with tears streaming
down his cheeks: "I just can't resist
God any longer and I want to lead a
bette:-life." Afterward he told Rev.
Dr. McPherson that while he gained
wide notoriety by claiming to have
forecasted the Galveston flood he had
never been in Texas, adding that his
forecast was bogus. He admitted also
that he served a term in prison for
crooked work in California.
city and making his home here wa3 a east side of the stairway in that build
business visitor Saturday. ; ing which will be a boon to those aged
Miss Birch departed yesterday after- persons who are compelled to climb the
noon on the M. P. for Hawarden, la., stairs. J. M. Johns did the work and
where she will act as trimmer in a the addition makes the stairway much
fashionable millinery house. more attractive.
In Line for Easter.
Ella Wallick of Omaha,
.'5. Each man must learn the real ap-for-
preciation of values. Both the capital-
By jdieer good fortune, we heard of a brother drug
gist who was a little overstocked on Black Draught
Stock medicine andjnade us a great edurt ion from the
regular wholesale price. We want to diare our
profits with our customers and are offering the $1.00
size at only 80c. There are only one doxi-n at this
price, so come early.
merly trimmer in the millinery parlors
oftheBo.'tm Store, has accepted a
position with M. Fanger, and in the
future will be found at that popular
place of business. Miss Wallick has
the reputation of being the finest trim-
istandthe laborer must recognize that
characters more valuable than money.
Ideas, feelings, knowledge, the sense
of the beautifull represent forces ot in
finitely greater worth thari money.
4. Each man must recognize the fact
created equal in
nature, but that all men are created
mer in Omaha, and in securing her ser
v... 1 that all men are not
a position to please me most lasumous
in the line of millinery goods.
equal before the lawof God and man.
One is created with great oratorical
ability, another is not. One is created
F. G. FR1CKE & CO.
Pianos at Bottom Prices
will prompt to act, and his
to love. Each man must be fully de-
Mr. Partridge Coeson Farm.
j Mr. W. J. Partridge, who has been
Amtlnvffl in tVu It M utinriia will
try his luck farming this year, in the j vloPwI in a11 thtse esential W
vicinity of Nehawka. Farming is the 1 tions.
best occupation we know of, and we I 2. Each man must learn the highest
' wish him success in his new occupa- rt,RHrii for the principle of liberty.
t''on 11 This priciplo rightly applied en-
forces uimn each individual, whether he
Mile 11P n lutiorer or ranitalist. thc flnldi n
Rule, "Do unto others as you would
have others do unto you." It is the
The two great forces in the contest with physical powers, another is not
now going on between labor and cap- Each must do his best. A union of
ital are gradually growing into a closer capital and labor on these great funda
and closer relationship. The coming , mental principles will be a vital union,
together and uniting of these forces ! -will
not result from any formal tules, ! It is one of the fads of the day to
but by the correct application of the i attribute nervous prostration and early
great human principles. No system of ! death to ihe, mad race wealth
formulas or by-laws will ever prove ' turally, any pursuit which breaks
sufficient for bo vital a union. Among . the rule8 of miration ri.acts strongly
the great principles which both the ; uPon the nerve8 and physical powers,
capitalist and the laborer must recog-1 An excessive race for anything natur
nize in their true relationship are: ! U8es UP an extraordinary amount
1. Each man is to make the most of of tissue- The successful pursuit of
himself, and give full recognition to the j money-getting or in fact any successful
rights of others. He must develop a ! h P"uit calls for moderateness
strong and healthy body, his mind must of livinK and evenness of temperament X
be able to think clearly, his conscience I rather than madness of any degree. I
to decide moral questions rightly, his When we keep this distinction in mind. A
heart able 1 an(1 n"out us, wc observe that f
Never before has there been such
Tianos of high quality been offered
riht here at home for you to inspect.
There is a jireat difference in Tianos,
as well as in the method of selling
them, now is your opportunity, come
to our store and let us show them,
and talk it over with us, we assure
you a square deal. References: Any
of our many customers who are us
ing them. We do expert tuninjr
and repairing.
Plallsmoulh Music Company
A Box Social.
Thc Sunday school at Eight
Grove will give a box social and lunch
next Saturday night at the residence j
of Verner Berry. All are cordially in-1
vited to attend and a good time is 1 principle of put yourself in
! B'sured. 79-2 other man'B place.
those who are succesful in business and '
money-getting are with a very few ex- j
ceptions, men who are well preserved'
physically and mentally, and live from !
three to four score years. Nearly !
every community has its rich man, and
as a rule he is numbered among its old- j
est inhabitants. This has been the
Will Rebuild Home.
of Mynard,
Visits Old Home.
W. Price of Alliance, is spending
I C. II. Vallerv, of west
j who recently sufiered the loss of his his vacation visiting with the old home
j home by fire, was 11 visitor in the city folks in and around Plattsmouth. Mr.
I this morning to look after the matter ' Price is connected w ith the carnentrr
rule from the beginning of history, of immediately commencing the con- department of the Burlington at Alli-Money-getting
requires care, and this struction of another residence. The ancc and has been awnv frnm thu pitu
house which he has under contempla- some two or three years. His mother
tion is to be 3Sx.'U, two stories, and is Mrs. M. J. Price residing three miles
will be modem throughout. , south of town.
care extends to eating and other daily
habits, which tend to longevity,as well
as prompt collections.