The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 25, 1909, Image 8

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in ai rtn, ip-Tiyii or c
Thousands of millions
an3 of Royal Baking
have been used
in making bread, biscuit
and cake in this country,
and it has rested m perfect confi
dence that her food would be light,
sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe
guard against the cheap alum powders which are
the greatest mcnacers to health of the present day.
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wil
keit, she brought hr little daughter
along for a short stay.
II. It. Neitzel oilers forsale a quarter
section of land, nicely improved, one
mile south-west of South B'nd, Neb.
It will make an ideal stock farm and tt
, the price held it is a hara?ain.
Carl Rohtdanz left for Kansas Tues
day evening with a carload of house
hold j.roods and implements, the family
will follo.v in a week or ten days. They
w.ll be at homy at Greene, Kansas.
George Thomas of South Omaha wa3 i
an over Sunday visitor in this city.
Report of Secretary Royse shows ; norare Ruffner of Omaha spcr.t Sun
Gratifyin? State of day wilh his parents. P. E. P.uiTner
Bank Building.
Murdock:, Neb.
'Phone No. 99.
were in
oats I Ic.hogs $0.01), butter 20c, eggs 22c,
cream 25;', hens !lc.
The German Evangelical church held
their regular quarterly meeting last
Saturday and Sunday.
M. S. liriggs representing the Nkws
Hkuai.k was making the rounds in
these parts last week.
Presiding Elder Rev. Dillow preached
at the United Evangelical church on
the 17th and 18th inst.
Paul Schewe went to Plaltsmouth
Tuesday to look after matters connect
ed with his father's estate.
E. Leet of Lincoln came up Saturday
to handle incoming grain, as Win. T.
Weddell is on the sick list.
Mrs. II. Von Lackum of Omaha came
in Tuesday evening for a Bhort stay
; with her mother, Mrs. I'. Wolf.
The doctor reports business as very
i brisk these days, for which we believe
; the weather is partly responsible.
' The dance that was to have been
given last Monday night was postponed
! on account of the inclement weather.
Will Schewe is moving into his fine
new residence, and Frank Rosenow is
moving into the premises vacated by
John M. Leis has been quite sick the
past week but at last accounts is doing
The high prices of grain are bringing nKT,y imi wc trU8t that he wi!1 soon be
in some those days. ; out again.
Will nnnrk hi,.,.,? .. rul.i,v.,i f i The revival meetings at the M. E.
What You Like
When You Like
Rut deposit your money
It is possible that you
have never felt the abso
lute necessity of having a
bank account. It is prob
able you could drift along
for years without one but
in this life in a financial
way it is essential that
you have a Hunk f Account.
We give you a personal
invitation to make this bank
your depository whether
you have a small sum or a
large one to. lay aside for
safe keeping.
Bank of Murdock
H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier.
Individual Responsibility Over
stock last Monday.
Mr. W. G. Gillespie was an Omaha
passenger Tuesday.
Warren Richards is sporting a new
automobile this spring.
II. R. Neitzel returned Sunday even
ing from a western trip.
. A. J. Tool is entertaining his cousin
from South Omaha. Mr. Elliott.
Will Nielson went to Omaha Wednes
day on a little matter of business.
Miss Cora Smith the local principal
was on the sick list a few days early
this week.
. Rev. J. E. P.aumgartncr who lias
bven sick so long is reported as slowly
getting better.
.Markets, uh:at i'Sc, corn d," and Wc,
church are still, in progress and the in
terest shown is very gratifying to the
pastor in charge.
A. J. Tool Attended the Nebraska
Hardware dealers convention at Omaha
last week. He reports a larg attend
ance and a line meeting.
Miss Everett is in Omaha laying in a
stock of millinery for the Martin &
j Tool store, his will be in the nature of
a side line for tlmt establishment.
The Rogers Brothers, Will and Emery
are moving onto a farm two miles
north-west of Ashland. John Borene
meier will occupy his own when they
are gone.
Mrs. Wm. Heinomiinn of IPtchcoek,
O .1. Ia.i . i ....
oouiii uaKnia, is down visiting her
Sw'cial Correspondence
Thomas Sullivan Sundayed in Omaha.
W. F. biers was in Omaha Monday.
Chas.and Emons Kichey left Tuesday
for Chicago.
E. II. Palmer was a Lincoln passen
ger Friday.
Father Hennessy of Manley was in
town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood
Omaha Tuesday.
Earl Clark of Plattsmonth was
Louisville Tuesday.
R. J. Embury and family are quaran
tined with diphtheria.
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Wood were Om
aha passengers Saturday.
Mrs. Cain of Omaha was a guest of
Mrs. Stevenson Thursday.
Mis Ida Schoeman sundayed with
Wm. Hoover and family.
Chas Hennings is confined to his
room with pneumonia fever.
Mrs. Geo. Reihart and Mae Depew
were Omaha passengers Friday.
Geo. Heil brought his son home Mon
day from the hospital at Omaha.
Matt Schoeman from Waukomis,
Oklahoma, is visiting relatives in Louis
ville. Fred Gonkr of Weeping Water was
looking after interests in town
Henry Schoeman ciimo Tuesday even
ing from Stanlehurst, Neb., to visit
Miss Mildred I'ringman of Atehi.'on
kansa-i, is a guest of J. M. Robertson
and family this week.
miss uernice Miles entertained a
few friends Saturday afternoon in honor
of her birthday anniversary.
Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Worthman enter
tained Misses Mae Hathaway and Kath
crine Folnier of Lincoln la3t week.
Fred Twiss of Cokeville, Wyoming,
is v siting his brothers E. C. and J. J.
Twiss after an absence of twenty-one
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackman returned
from Woithington, Indiana, Tuesday to
take charge of the Platte River wagon
Mr. W. A. Baldwin, State Secretary
of the Christian Church of Nebraska
preached in Louisville Sunday. Revival
services will begin today conducted by
Rev. Spine.
Willie Dugan was given a pleasant
birthday anniversary surprise Monday
evening by his school mates. Patriotic
decorations furnished the color scheme
a dainty luncheon was served. All left
wishing their host many happy returns
of the day.
Will Build Cement Blocks.
W. W. Hamilton and D. J. Pitman
have purchased a cement block mach
ine at Murray and it is their purpose
to get into the business this season on
a big scale. Mr. Hamilton is now en
gaged in the business of contracting
and building and is therefore in a posi
tion to combine the two industries in a
most satisfactory manner.
General Congregational Social.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian church
are planning a big social affair at the
church for Friday night of this week.
A sort of get together affair. They
wi 1 serve light refreshments and a
short program is to be given, at the
close of this one of the treats of the
year will be enjoyed in the address of
.Miss hilith Hughes, one of the travel
ing secretaries of the Presbyterian
Home Mission Board. Miss Hughes
! was a former schoolmate of the pastor's
and worked some years among the
Mormons. She is considered one of the
best posted women on this subject in
the country. Do not miss hearing her.
Everybody is invited. An offering will
be taken at the close.
The incorporated private ar.d savings
banks of the Btate of Nebraska have
made increases as shown below, during
the year beginning November So, Vm",
and November 27,
Total resources Nov. 27,
Nov. :;o,
...$ 1.4H7.572.S1
and wife.
Goorge Weidman of Havclock srer.t
Sunday with hi? mother and sister, re
turning Monday.
Parties from Cass and Adjoin
ing Counties Will Look at
Canadian Land.
The writer will leave Tuesday, March
2nd for Calgary, Alberta, Canada to
Total resources
Mo. of banks
Nov. 27, 1903
No. of banks reporting
Nov. 30, 1907
No. of depositors Nov. 27,
No. of depositors Nov. li ),
Deposits Nov. 27, l'J08. . .
Deposits Nov. 39, 1907 ..
Mrs. Mae Morgan ai d little daughter I inspect the cheap Canadian Pacific Rail
visited Mrs. M.'sjfather, W. L. Street ! wa' land3 I1L'r that cit'- at Omaha. i lntse laml3 Hre ,ine. Pen' Sss-
covered prairie lands on the main line
of the Canadian Pacific Railway and
clo.e to the thriving city of Calgary
Mi.s Ruth Johnson visited in Lincoln
Monday, and attended the ergir.eer
ball in the evening.
(population 25,000.)
tit:..,, ai ? , .1- j '
. .. ..,,. v.HJ ca,.ea 10 , Those3 lands sell at $15 an acre for
. un.on f,un,iavhy thc serious .llr.ess of j non.irr5gated and $2r, an acre for irri.
r.oi her sister, Mm. roster. 1 . , .
-5 , gated areas on ten-year crop-payment
August Doering and wife visited j pla jf desired.
621; Julius Doering and family Monday, re- R0Und trip fare from Omaha $42.
7 turning to Omaha on the mail. j Special Canadian Pacific sleeping car
Miss Ethel Bauancc spent Sunday ! used as a hotel from St. Paul.
He haa been troubled !
with rheumatism a gord deal lately.
jo, i.5,.ii.). j nrii uarrv Northcut and son of Om
18.932, 193. 13
"1,4 10,1? 15.82
55,721,027.01 j
f.5, 745,251.15
has been the guest of Mrs. Bajcck for
a few days, returned to her home Mon
day afternoon.
John Isbell departed Monday morn
ing for the west. At Alliance he will
begin work on a farm a:id f-per.d the
summer there.
61, 43(5,1 49.75
Increase ' 9fi2.603.4S . day in this city.
Due from banks and cash,
Nov. 27, 1908....
Due from banks and cash,
Nov. 30, 1907
Capital, Nov. 27, 1906 ...
Capital, Nov. 30, 1907....
Loans Nov. 27, 190S
Loans Nov. 30, 1907
In his annual report Secretary Royse
Violations of the law and the rules L- Kui tz visited his parents, A.
of this department made for the rog- Kurtz and wife for a few hours Mon-
ulation of banks become less frequent d:l-v' I'tturmng to his home at Omaha in
as thejyears go by and as experience lne afternoon.
demonstrates to the bank officers of the ' Mrs. W. R. Skinner, of Lincoln, at
state that a strict adherence to the re-1 tended the funeral of her father, Hei
quirements of both lead. to banking man Herold. returning to Lincoln Mon-
along safe lines. j (sy afternoon.
"There have been no failures under ....
your jurisdiction during the past year, ; UiSS U'"r"'1 Lrad' --ceivci! niss'
and but one failure during the ,jai,t Bu Sunday callinR her to the bedside
four years. This was the Citizens bank of her :ilstcr at Wat30"-. Miss
of Firth, which was closed in March, ! Brady 'T'arted on the first train.
1907, and I believe that I am safe in ' Miss Mabel Burch of Omaha was a
saying that all claims shown by its Piattsmouth visitor Sunday. Next
books will be paid in full. An attempt i week she expects to take a lucrative
is being made to hold the assets of the position in a millinery establishment at
bank liable for certain claims not shown" Hawarden, la.
by its books. If these 'claims are r.ot'
allowed by the courU, then these de-1 Bible Class Entertained.
This excursion will be in charge of
the Shcdd Investment Co., of Ashland,
Nebr., general state agents for the
21t5,35 with her parents William Ballance and
wife, departing for Peru Tue-daj.
Mrs. P. A. Simoson ot Omaha, who
has been the guest of her mother for a j Canadian Pacific Railway Colonization
few daya has returned to her home. Department, and the undersigned.
I ScPtnP lit nnro tir aprnmmiljt irinci
OfTice in Coates Block. Telephone 127.
j N. B. Among the large member of
aha. returned to their home Monday, , are c E WesC()U and w g g f f
alter a visit with relatives m tms city. , P1;ittsmoiltu fi TfwM nf '
Mary Rys of Havclock, who ; Chris and John Gauer of Cedar Creek'.
M. L. Williams, Geo. Frater, A. Diet
rich and John Schoemann of Louisville,
E. Sturzeruegger of South Bend, Dr.
I. C. M unger of Elm wood and others.
i To Vir.r.y Mayboo, defendant, lake noliro that
on the l'Jth da uf January, Martha Maytx-e.
plainlilT heroin, tiled her p. tition in the Listru-t
j Court of Cass county. Nebraska, HKOinst xaid de
fendant, the object and iaycr of which is a
divorce from the hondHot' matrimony, for the rea
son that t ho defendant has ileserud the plaintitf
for mm e than two years last past, and fails and
i refusfd to support plaintilf. and is an habitual
! drunkard, and has treated plaintdl' with extreme
You are therefore reiuirrd to answer said peti
tion on or before March ' ", llHJU.
Dated January L'ti. 1'joO.
By M. Arciu:r, Martha Mamikk.
I hci attorney. plainliiT.
! Lfgal Notice.
1 State of Nebraska. . , , .
; County of Ca.,s. t as- In CouTt
I In the mutter of the estate of VAizn S. Shepherd,
j deceased.
j To all persons interested:
' You arc hereby notified that there lias boon filed
in thm couit a petition. allcKinu among other
; thintts. that taid Kliza S. Shepherd, departed this
1 life, inte.-tate, in the City of Denver, and State
of Culura lo. leaving real estate ailuat in Cans
County. Nebraska. The prayer of said petition is
that said estate be administered and that Jacob
I II. Shepherd be appointed administrator of taid
j estate.
I You are further notilied that a hearinit will be
nan upon sam pennon before this court at the
positors will be paid in full. This prac- The Young Men's Bible Class of the c"unlv t'0l,rt room at l'lattsmouth. in said county.
tically covers a period of four years ; M. E. church was entertained Saturday , and that ail objection?, if any. must be tiled on or
............ . f ' -A A II I :
without loss to the depositors in banks evening at the residence of Dr. Ran-1
under your supervision. This is a rec-! dall and wife. Refreshments were ,
ord that I doubt is equalled by any served during the evening and all pies-
other state in the union.
cnt spent a most delightful hour.
before said day and hour of heat ins.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this liith day of
February. MM.
Attorneys. County Judiro.
Seai.I 7t-6
The Spring Time Will Surely Come.
The gladdest time of all the year. With the return of the birds,
the coming again of the breezes and blossoms, comes also more milk
thus adding to the duties of the housewife, We have anticipated this
continppnrv ami
I " r-M'"1"' me iveusiun. e nnveine xsesiream
Separator Made. The United States, in a number of sizes at prices
which are in the teach of all. Come in and we will demonstrate their
utility and ease of operation.
A Birthday Party.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P,
Hutcheson near Rock Bluffs last Fri
day evening a number of young folks
gathered to help Miss Winnie celebrate
her twentieth birthday. Music and
games were indulged in until a late
hour.when a dainty two-course luncheon
was served by Pearl Carey and Ora
Hutcheson. The guests departed at a
late hour, wishing Miss Winnie many
happy returns of the day. Those pres
ent were: Misses Pearl Carey.Eva Por
ter, Beulah Sans, Elizabeth Wheeler,
Edna Propst, Lydia Hunger, Mayola
Propst, Ora, Winnie and Florence
Hutcheson; Messrs. Percy Wheeler,
Will Propst, Will Carey, Wayne Propst,
I Will Smith, Albert Hunger, Frank
Marler, Boyde Porter, Sigel Carey,
Will Hunger, Ernest and Roy Hutche
son, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutcheson and
Mrs. Joseph Sans.
r i i
The new 1909 Majestic Ranga
is a beauty. It is made better
and smoother than ever. Over
300 satisfied users in this im
mediate vicinity can testify to
its merits. If you need a range
let us show it to you.
"8 VUd'-JJ